96 resultados para Teacher Performance Assessment

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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As part of a cross-cultural collaboration, a teacher performance assessment (TPA) was implemented during 2009 in three Malaysian institutes of teacher education. This paper reports on the TPA for graduating primary teachers in Malaysia. The investigation focused on the pre-service teachers’ perceptions about whether the TPA provided them with an opportunity to document successfully their professional learning and professional practice. Successful completion of the Malaysian TPA was closely aligned to successful relationships, support and collaboration between Malaysian lecturers and pre-service teachers, and between pre-service teachers and their classroom teachers. Overall, the TPA did provide pre-service teachers with an opportunity to focus on the connection between theory and professional learning during field-work, and to become reflective evidence-based practitioners. Recommendations for improving the assessment of pre-service teachers are discussed.


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Young children spend a significant portion of their lives at primary school. This research traces the development of school facilities in Victoria and examines the performance of six primary schools from the users' perspective. Performance assessments were carried out using participatory evaluation methods that included Touring Interviews with small groups of students aged from six to twelve years. The study found that participatory evaluation methods with both student and staff users generate significant information to improve school facilities. User comments were analysed with respect to 14 aspects of building quality and serviceability including character, thermal environment, privacy and flexibility. The study concludes that school buildings do not meet a number of key user requirements. Children expressed dissatisfaction with furniture and equipment in their classrooms and the playground, and to a lesser extent with student toilets, security of their school bags and personal privacy. Staff were dissatisfied with the provision of withdrawal areas and specialist spaces. Department of School Education facilities guidelines do not address the concerns of school users or meet user needs.


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This paper reports on a small trial with 6 pre-service teachers who videoed their own teaching practices. The pre-service teachers used the tool to reflect on practice and to enhance their own understandings of themselves as teachers. The initial footage was used to by the pre-service teachers to gauge quite specific elements of their teaching: for example, were they asking effective questions, or were they responding appropriately to questions children asked and as always, what management strategies seemed to be working? Critical feedback from other students was initially „less than critical‟, but again over time, this also appeared to sharpen as they had more opportunity to use the technology. Initial embarrassment of being on screen was replaced with a professional approach to seeing the video as a tool for providing the opportunity to systematically deconstruct practices and for providing concrete feedback for improvement. Used in conjunction with teaching preparation courses, the videoed segments of teaching practice could be used to highlight exemplars, to show what actually happens in classrooms and to explain certain practices. Cunningham and Benedetto (2002) state “Recent developments in digital video technologies permit teacher candidates to collect, review, and manipulate video to demonstrate their growth as a professional and as a reflective practitioner.” However, in the development of the trial, the issue was raised by the pre-service teachers that they would be interested in keeping the videos as evidence of their teaching competence to be used in applications for teaching positions. In the small trial, ethics permission had not been gained for that to happen, but it is certainly a valid and viable possibility for the future. Currently prospective employers have to rely on paper applications which respond to selection criteria, evidence from pre-service teachers‟ teaching rounds and the subjective impressions of an interview. If students were able to present a 5 minute segment of them teaching, it might count for much more than any other evidence. Video capture of teaching practice would provide potential employers with an indication of a pre-service teacher‟s management strategies, relationships with children and a snapshot of a pre-service teacher‟s instructional practice. The idea of video-capture as a tool for pre-service teachers to illustrate teaching capabilities will be more fully investigated in this paper.


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Energy consumption in heating and cooling around the world has been a major contributor to global warming. Hence, many studies have been aimed at finding new techniques to save and control energy through energy efficient measures. Most of this energy is used in residential, agricultural and commercial buildings. It is therefore important to adopt energy efficiency measures in these buildings through new technologies and novel building designs. These new building designs can be developed by employing various passive cooling systems. Earth pipe cooling is one of these which can assist to save energy without using any customary mechanical units. This paper investigates the earth pipe cooling performance in a hot humid subtropical climate of Rockhampton, Australia. A thermal model is developed using ANSYS Fluent for measuring its performance. Impacts of air velocity, air temperature, relative humidity and soil temperature on room cooling performance are also assessed. A temperature reduction of around 2 °C was found for the system. This temperature reduction contributed to an energy saving of a maximum of 866.54 kW (8.82%) per year for a 27.23 m3 room.


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Effective performance measurement drives performance and supports the development of construction. Only minimal literature measuring construction performance, efficiency and effectiveness simultaneously can be identified. A global relational two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) method is here proposed in order to produce effective and informative performance results. A relational two-stage DEA method systematically measures overall efficiency for a whole construction system and also yields scores for the individual stages of construction. The DEA results can be directly compared through global benchmark technology. The Australian construction industry is employed in order to implement the new method, in which profitability performance as a vital indicator of business survival, and its two dimensions of efficiency and effectiveness, are measured. The construction profitability performance and efficiency measures obtained provide evidence of underperformance and a slight imbalance in Australia between 1991 and 2012, while the measures obtained for the effectiveness factor indicate better achievement. The approach here developed promotes progress in modelling two-stage performance measurement and it can be replicated worldwide by construction projects, organizations or industries in order to quantify their performance, identify internal inefficiency components and recognize competitive advantages for promoting sustainable development.


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Developing country performance with respect to economic policies and institutional behavior is a common criterion for the allocation of aid among recipient countries. This paper examines how performance is used, arguing that performance is too narrowly defined. A more appropriate definition is one that controls for the economic vulnerability and human capital of developing countries. Econometric analysis of cross-section and panel data is presented that supports this contention. The paper also contends that performance and exogenous economic shocks are likely to be pro-cyclical. This implies a double punishment when aid is allocated according to performance. Evidence of such punishment is also provided. The paper concludes by arguing that economic vulnerability and human capital variables should augment performance measures in aid allocation decision-making.


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Increasingly, politicians, bureaucrats, the business community, members of our communities and even members of the teaching profession, are asking questions about professional preparation for teachers, questions like: What is the value of teacher education? What should beginning teachers know and be able to do? How can we make judgements about what they know and are able to do? How can teacher preparation contribute to the retention of high quality beginning teachers who continue to grow and learn?

In this paper, I examine these issues and examine how effective teacher preparation has attempted to respond to these issues, particularly in graduate teacher education programs. I argue that we need to be cognisant of the following aspects when developing and implementing high quality professional education of teachers:

• Connect teacher education to the first year of teaching;
• Prepare teachers who investigate their professional practice within communities of learners
• Prepare teachers with a strong professional knowledge base that helps them make informed professional judgments
• A cohort model that builds strong relationships and professional networks
• Early, regular and sustained school experiences that systematically build professional knowledge and skill. Closely monitored by suitably qualified university personnel and supervising teachers
• Professional standards for beginning teaching and a capstone teacher performance assessment


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In this paper, we challenge the current focus on ‘best practice’, graduate teacher tests, and student test scores as the panacea for ensuring teaching quality and argue for ways of thinking about evidence of quality beginning teaching outside and beyond the current neoliberal accountability discourses circulating in Australia and other countries. We suggest that teacher educators need to reinsert themselves as key players in the debates around quality beginning teaching, rather than being viewed as a source of the problem. To enable teacher educators to assume accountability for quality beginning teachers, we propose the framework of a capstone teacher performance assessment—a structured portfolio called the Authentic Teacher Assessment (ATA)— and examine examples of these assessments through the lens of critical discourse analysis. As a measure of ‘readiness to teach’, the ATA is compared with supervising teachers’ assessments of preservice teachers. We argue that structured portfolios that include artefacts derived from preservice teachers’ practice in classrooms along with graduate teacher self assessments provide a stronger accountability measure of effec- tive beginning teaching and demonstrably address the current anxiety regarding ‘evi- dence’. We suggest that such an approach should be reliable enough to be ‘read’ by external assessors (and moderated across other teacher education institutions). Rigor- ous research on a national basis is called for in order to develop and implement a structured portfolio as rich evidence of graduates’ quality and readiness to teach.


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In the debate over English language teaching approaches and methods, the influence of examinations on classroom pedagogy and the nature of these examinations are critical considerations for teachers. In the Inner Mongolian context, as for all China, examinations reflect traditional conceptions of teaching and learning, classroom teaching conditions such as class sizes, and the English-as-a-foreign language setting. In this situation, decisions about classroom pedagogy and objectives and whether teaching focuses on test-taking rather than on the learning of language go to the core of teacher agency. In this paper we foreground the struggles and dilemmas experienced by English language teachers in Inner Mongolia in attempts to exercise agency amidst the instructional demands of an exam-oriented community, and a misalignment created by an exam remaining centered on discrete skills rather than students' proficiency in applying ranging uses of the language they are learning. These conditions are now located within New English Syllabus expectations are that teachers will implement their knowledge of educational theories and of current English teaching methodology to create opportunities for more broadly based learning and proficiency. © 2014 © 2014 Taylor & Francis.


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The era of legislation and creditable methods towards producing sustainable buildings is upon us. Yet, a major barrier to achieving environmental responsive design is in the lack of available information at the programming or pre-design phases of a project. The review and evaluation of climate as well as energy-efficient strategies could be difficult to consider at these preliminary stages. Until recently, introducing energy simulation tools at the design stage has been difficult and perhaps next to impossible at a pre-design or programming stage. However, analysis of this sort is essential to ‘green building rating’ or performance assessment schemes such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environment Assessment Method). This paper discusses the implementation of a particular tool, ENERGY-10, where ‘basecase’ building defaults are compared to a low-energy case which has applied multiple energy-efficient strategies automatically. An annual hour-by-hour simulation provides a daylighting calculation with a subsequent thermal evaluation. Calculation results provide energy consumption, peak load equipment sizing, a RANK feature of the energy-efficient strategies, reporting of CO2, SO2 and NOx reduction, optimum glazing type as well as excellent graphic output. Consideration is given as to the approach of how such information can be introduced into the building project brief enforcing a low-energy
performance target.


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This paper presents an assessment approach which demonstrates the characteristics of excellent assessment. In a third year Science Education unit in an undergraduate degree in teacher education, assessment is seen as an integral part of the learning process. Learning outcomes are improved for the students and they appreciate the validity of the assessment. Assessment is an important aspect of any unit in higher education but should be seen, not as an end in itself, but rather as a means for educational improvement. Using the assessment task as an illustration, this paper will discuss the theoretical framework of assessment. It will describe how the unit, delivered in a school-based mode, provides opportunity for students to link their theoretical understandings with practical applications, drawing together the academic debates with the first-hand experiences. It will illustrate how the assessment task itself embeds the principles of constructivism and conceptual change models in science education. Finally, the paper will highlight the benefits of this assessment approach with particular reference to the student learning.


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This submission draws attention to the challenges of modelling and measuring teacher performance and the risks associated with the measurement of student and teacher performance. The first premise of this submission is that all such performances are strongly contextual, and that therefore valid modelling and measurement must take the effective dimensions of this context into account. The second premise of this submission is that this performance-context nexus operates as a system and that one of the properties of such systems is continuous feedback looping. The submission draws attention as well to an important entailment of this argument, which is that invalid modelling and measurement may lead to a distortion of the productive functioning of learning systems. This submission accordingly urges the Commission to commit to developing an econometric model which reckons with the contextual determinants of student and teacher performance, and the pursuit of system-wide productivity increases on the basis of the school learning system as the basic unit of analysis. The Commission is also urged to investigate the suggestion that performance measurement regimes which take the basic units of measurement as individual student and teacher performance rather than the school pose a risk to the productivity of schools as learning systems and innovation in the Australian economy as a whole in the longer term.