139 resultados para Tariff on wool

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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In this paper wool and polyester fabrics were pretreated with atmospheric plasma glow discharge (APGD) to improve the ability of the substrate to bond with anthraquinone-2-sulfonic acid doped conducting polypyrrole coating. A range of APGD gas mixtures and treatment times were investigated. APGD treated fabrics were tested for surface contact angle, wettability and surface energy change. Effect of the plasma treatment on the binding strength was analyzed by studying abrasion resistance, surface resistivity and reflectance. Investigations showed that treated fabrics exhibited better hydrophilicity and increased surface energy. Surface treatment by an APGD gas mixture of 95% helium/5% nitrogen yielded the best results with respect to coating uniformity, abrasion resistance and conductivity.


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Methods of improving the thermal conductivity of wool fabrics have been investigated. Thermal conductivity measurement techniques, influence of synthesis parameters on the thermal conductivity of polypyrrole (PPy)-coated wool fabrics, and the relationship between electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity of PPy-coated wool fabrics are presented. An improvement in thermal conductivity was observed when fabrics were coated with the PPy. The thermal conductivity increased with the increase of pyrrole concentration and synthesis time. Anthraquinone-2-sulfonic acid and ferric chloride showed an optimal concentration for their influence on the thermal conductivity of the coated fabric. The improvement of thermal conductivity of wool fabrics is also investigated by Physical Vapor Deposition technique.


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An optimized synthetic method for the production of fluorescent conductive wool using pyrene, rhodamine B and fluorescein is reported. The application of fluorescent conductive polymers to wool was studied using solution and mist polymerization techniques. The effects of incorporating fluorescent dopants into the polymerization solution as well as the encapsulation of fluorescent dyes in a polypyrrole (PPy) micelle were also investigated. It was determined on the basis of both conductivity and fluorescence measurements that the encapsulation of dyes in PPy onto the surface of textiles gave the best results.


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This paper investigated the use of titanium dioxide sol-gel coatings to photo-catalyse red wine stains on wool fabrics. Coatings were produced by the hydrolysis and condensation of titanium butoxide (Ti(OC4H9)4) on the surface of wool fabrics after pad application. Coatings were partially converted to the anatase form of titanium dioxide by prolonged immersion in boiling water. The coating presence was confirmed using scanning electron microscopy, UVspectrophotometry and atomic force microscopy. Coated samples were measured for photo-catalytic activity by degrading red wine stains from the surface of the coated fabric. The level of photocatalysis was determined for each of the coating systems after 168 hours. Red wine stains were photo-catalysed and level of staining was reduced from the UV exposed surface of the coated wool fabric.


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Wool fabrics are often treated under conditions of varying pH in dyeing and finishing processes. It is known that in air the dimensions of wool fabrics change with the amount of fiber swelling at different regain. In this work, it has been shown that a similar relationship between fiber swelling and fabric dimensions existed in water at different pH values. The diameters of Merino and Corriedale wool fibers in water at different pH values were measured with an OFDA 2000 fiber diameter analyzer, fitted with a specially constructed accessory liquid cell. The results showed that the mean diameters of swollen wool fibers in water varied with pH. Minimum swelling was obtained in the range pH 5-7. It was found that the dimensions of wool fabric in water were dependent on the pH. The changes in fiber diameter in water could be attributed to changes in ionic interactions between charged acid and basic groups in wool protein with variations in pH.


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Plasma treatment is an emerging surface modification technique that alters dye uptake of wool without using chemicals or water for pre-treatment. Padding is an established continuous dyeing technique known for its efficient use of water, time and energy. This study combined these two techniques for colouration of wool fabric using two natural dyes derived from the Acacia plant family. The investigation focused on the effects of plasma treatment and obtaining unique patterning effects. Helium (100%) and a mixture of helium and nitrogen (95%/5%) were used as the plasma gases under atmospheric conditions. Plasma treated wool fabric was padded with the above natural dyes. Copper sulphate and ferrous sulphate were applied on the dyed fabric as mordant yielding neutral shades of beige and grey respectively. Up to a 30% enhancement of dye adsorption on plasma treated wool substrate was observed as compared to untreated sample for both gases used. This higher adsorption indicates the hydrophilic character of the natural dyes used. Key performance parameters such as fastness to washing, rubbing and light were tested and found to be satisfactory. A single process tone-on-tone pattern was achieved by controlling the plasma exposure of treated area. This study concluded that a merger of natural dyes with modern plasma treatment and padding techniques for wool colouration was feasible.


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The Wool ComfortMeter provides an objective measurement of the fabric-evoked prickle discomfort rating provided by wearers. This work aimed to quantify the sensitivity of the Wool ComfortMeter over a range of different temperature and humidity conditions to determine the recommended test conditions for its operation. The design was: three temperatures (notionally 20, 25 and 30°C) at three relative humidities (RHs, notionally 50, 65 and 80%) each with two replicates, using six different wool single jersey knits (mean fibre diameter 19.5–27.0 µm). As it was difficult to achieve exactly some of the extreme combinations of temperature and RH, some combinations were repeated, providing a total of 23 different assessment conditions. Data were analysed using restricted maximum likelihood mixed model analysis. The best fixed model included RH, RH2, temperature and the interaction of temperature and RH, accounting for 95% of the variation in Wool ComfortMeter readings. Wool ComfortMeter values were almost constant at 55–60% RH. Generally, the Wool ComfortMeter value reduced with increasing RH > 60% at temperatures of 25°C and 28.5°C as the regain of the fabric increased. However, at 20°C little change was detected as RH was increased from 50 to 80% as there were only small changes in fabric regain. The observed effects were in a good agreement with existing knowledge on the effect of regain on the mechanical properties of wool fibre. Wool ComfortMeter is best operated under standard conditions for textile testing of 65% RH and 20°C.


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The protein structures of wool, treated in fabric form with ultrasonics for different time durations, were analysed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), in comparison with the wool without ultrasonic treatment. Fabric water absorption and tensile properties were measured in addition to the fibre micro-structure analysis. It is shown that while the ultrasonic treatment had little effect on the fibre crystallinity, some chemical structures in the protein were altered to some extent during the process. Disruption of fibre internal waxy lipids upon ultrasonic treatment provided the fibres with increased water absorption. Protein chains in the macro fibrils were shown to be rearranged to a more regular and less flexible structure, as a result of the ultrasonic treatment. Fabric tensile tests showed an increased tenacity and a reduced extensibility to the ultrasonically treated fabric. Prolonged ultrasonic treatment, however, significantly reduced both fabric tenacity and extensibility.


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The consumption of titanium dioxide in today's world is on the increase. As the most popular nano substance, TiO 2 is used in various industries notably in the textile industry. More and more recently, through a synergistic combination of photocatalytic features of nanoparticles, fabrics with novel properties are produced. Self-cleaning and stability against UV rays as well as chemical media, to name but a few, are among new prominent properties, obtained on textiles. A common subject reported in most studies has been the diverse approaches to immobilize the nanoparticles on the surface of fabrics. Wool is among common textile materials that have undergone numerous processes to be modified. This review intends to bring to light different aspects of application of nano titanium dioxide in the textile industry especially on wool, and also presents a concise overview on the rigorous pieces of research conducted in this realm.


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Photo yellowing of wool is one of the most important problems which have negative impacts on various aspects of wool prompting scientists to find a solution over the past decades. In this research the protective features of nano-titanium dioxide particles against UV on wool fabric were discussed and the color variations of wool samples after UV irradiation were measured and reported. It was shown that nano TiO2 is a suitable UV absorber and its effect depends on the concentration. Also, it was assumed that butane tetracarboxylic acid plays a prominent role as a cross-linking agent to stabilize the nano-titanium dioxide as well as a polyanion to maintain negative charges on the wool surface for higher nano particles absorption. Also the variables conditions were optimized using response surface methodology (RSM).


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The effects of animal species (AS; Angora goats, Merino sheep, mixed-grazed goats and sheep at the ratio of 1:1) and stocking rate (SR; 7.5, 10 and 12.5 animals/ha) on fibre production and quality were determined in a replicated experiment on improved annual temperate pastures in southern Australia from 1981 to 1984. Separately grazed sheep produced the most total clean fibre/ha at each SR. Mixed-grazed treatments produced amounts of clean fibre/ha similar to the arithmetic mean of sheep and goat treatments at 7.5/ha (21.9 versus 21.3 kg/ha), 10% more at 10/ha (28.3 versus 25.3 kg/ha, P < 0.05) and 7% more at 12.5/ha (31.6 versus 29.6 kg/ha, P < 0.10). Clean wool production/head was affected by AS and SR but not year. Clean mohair production was affected by SR and year but not AS. Variation in mean fibre diameter (MFD) accounted for 67 and 71%, respectively, of the variation in clean wool and clean mohair production/head. There was an AS SR interaction for clean fibre production/t pasture. Growth rate of mohair was highest in autumn and least in summer. In each season, an increase in the SR reduced the clean mohair growth rate. Growth rate of wool was highest in spring and least in summer. Wool and mohair MFD were affected by an AS SR interaction. Mohair MFD was also affected by year and season. At 10/ha, wool from mixed-grazed sheep had a greater MFD than wool from separately grazed sheep (20.2 versus 18.9 μm) and mixed-grazed goats grew mohair 1 μm coarser than separately grazed goats. At 12.5/ha mixed-grazed goats grew mohair 1.9 μm finer than separately grazed goats. Mohair MFD was predicted by a multiple regression that included average liveweight for the period of fleece growth, season of growth (summer 1 μm finer than winter) and year (range 1.27 μm). Mohair MFD increased 4.7 μm/10 kg increase in average fleece-free liveweight (P = 6.4 10-14). Fleece-free liveweight alone accounted for 76.4% of the variation in mohair MFD. There was an AS SR interaction for the incidence of kemp and medullated fibres; under severe grazing pressure their incidence was suppressed. This experiment indicated that the principles associated with the effects of SR on wool production on annual temperate pastures apply to mohair production. Mixed grazing of Merino sheep and Angora goats produced complementary and competitive effects depending on the SR. Angora goats should not be grazed alone or mixed-grazed with sheep on annual temperate pastures at SR greater than that recommended for Merino sheep.


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The one-bath dyeing of blends of polytrimethylene terephthalate (PTT) staple and wool has been investigated. The exhaustion of selected Terasil disperse dyes on PTT fibre and Lanasol reactive dyes on wool was measured as a function of temperature, together with the cross-staining of the Terasil dyes on the wool component and the Lanasol dyes on PTT component. Most Terasil disperse dyes achieved satisfactory dye uptake on PTT at 110 °C, whereas on conventional polyester (polyethylene terephthalate) temperatures of up to 130 °C are required. An optimised union-dyeing technique for wool/PTT blends was developed which minimised the staining of Terasil disperse dyes on wool and produced dyed goods with high levels of wet colour fastness. Carriers were not required to enhance the dyeability of PTT at low temperatures. The wool component appeared to be protected against damage at 110 °C by the reactive dyes. The results indicate the potential for blending PTT fibre and wool to produce fabrics that are easier to dye at lower temperatures than conventional wool/polyester blends.


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Weak photo-induced chemiluminescence (PICL) emission is observed when polymers are exposed to UVA or visible light. The presence of dyes can either increase PICL intensity via Type I photosensitisation which generates polymer free radicals, or reduce it via photo-protection. PICL studies on the eight Blue Wool Standards (BWSs) that are used commercially as lightfastness standards show higher PICL intensity from the least photostable BWSs that use triphenylmethane dyes and lower intensity from more photostable BWSs using UVA and visible wavelengths. The relative PICL intensities do not correlate in a stepwise manner with lightfastness ratings of the BWSs. However dye/polymer combinations that emit high levels of PICL relative to the undyed material are unlikely to have acceptable lightfastness. The xanthene dyes fluorescein and eosin Y are more strongly photosensitising than triphenylmethane dyes on wool and both produce higher PICL emission than undyed wool when irradiated with visible light.


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Photoyellowing of wool is a serious problem for the wool industry. This study assessed the role of photocatalytic nanocrystalline titanium dioxide (P-25) as a potential antagonist or catalyst in the photoyellowing of wool. Untreated, bleached and bleached and fluorescent-whitened wool slivers were processed into fine wool powders for the purpose of even and intimate mixing with the TiO2 nanoparticles in the solid state. Pure wool and wool/TiO2 mixtures were then compressed into solid discs for a photoyellowing study under simulated sunlight and under UVB and UVC radiations. Yellowness and photo-induced chemiluminescence (PICL) measurements showed that nanocrystalline TiO2 could effectively reduce the rate of photoyellowing by inhibiting free radical generation in doped wool, and that a higher concentration of TiO2 contributed to a lower rate of photooxidation and reduced photoyellowing. Hence nanocrystalline TiO2 acts primarily as a UV absorber on wool in dry conditions and not as a photocatalyst.


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This study, set within the contextual background of Victorian politics, ‘seeks to identify the economic, political and social implications of tariff protection for the Castlemaine region from 1870-1901. The introduction of the Victorian tariff in 1865 precipitated a reversal of earlier attitudes towards protection by politicians and their constituents. Reasons are sought for changes in the perceptions of the Castlemaine electorate and its political representatives towards the tariff between 1870 and Federation. An examination has been made of the role of the tariff in the creation of employment in the region’s primary and secondary industries together with its influence on politicians, primary and secondary industry leaders and workers. Also explored is the relative impact of the tariff on the economic performance of Castlemaine industries, whether producing for export or domestic markets.