48 resultados para Supervised learning

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This paper presents a novel approach of applying both positive selection and negative selection to supervised learning for anomaly detection. It first learns the patterns of the normal class via co-evolutionary genetic algorithm, which is inspired from the positive selection, and then generates synthetic samples of the anomaly class, which is based on the negative selection in the immune system. Two algorithms about synthetic generation of the anomaly class are proposed. One deals with data sets containing a few anomalous samples; while the other deals with data sets containing no anomalous samples at all. The experimental results on some benchmark data sets from UCI data set repertory show that the detection rate is improved evidently, accompanied by a slight increase in false alarm rate via introducing novel synthetic samples of the anomaly class. The advantages of our method are the increased ability of classifiers in identifying both previously known and innovative anomalies, and the maximal degradation of overfitting phenomenon.


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This paper focuses on the choice of a supervised learning algorithm and possible data preprocessing in the domain of data-driven haptic simulation. This is done through a comparison of the performance of different supervised learning techniques with and without data preprocessing. The simulation of haptic interactions with deformable objects using data-driven methods has emerged as an alternative to parametric methods. The accuracy of the simulation depends on the empirical data and the learning method. Several methods were suggested in the literature and here we provide a comparison between their performance and applicability to this domain. We selected four examples to be compared: singular learning mechanism which is artificial neural networks (ANN), attribute selection followed by ANN learning process, ensemble of multiple learning techniques, and attribute selection followed by the learning ensemble. These methods performance was compared in the domain of simulating multiple interactions with a deformable object with nonlinear material behavior.


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Zero-day or unknown malware are created using code obfuscation techniques that can modify the parent code to produce offspring copies which have the same functionality but with different signatures. Current techniques reported in literature lack the capability of detecting zero-day malware with the required accuracy and efficiency. In this paper, we have proposed and evaluated a novel method of employing several data mining techniques to detect and classify zero-day malware with high levels of accuracy and efficiency based on the frequency of Windows API calls. This paper describes the methodology employed for the collection of large data sets to train the classifiers, and analyses the performance results of the various data mining algorithms adopted for the study using a fully automated tool developed in this research to conduct the various experimental investigations and evaluation. Through the performance results of these algorithms from our experimental analysis, we are able to evaluate and discuss the advantages of one data mining algorithm over the other for accurately detecting zero-day malware successfully. The data mining framework employed in this research learns through analysing the behavior of existing malicious and benign codes in large datasets. We have employed robust classifiers, namely Naïve Bayes (NB) Algorithm, k−Nearest Neighbor (kNN) Algorithm, Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) Algorithm with 4 differents kernels (SMO - Normalized PolyKernel, SMO – PolyKernel, SMO – Puk, and SMO- Radial Basis Function (RBF)), Backpropagation Neural Networks Algorithm, and J48 decision tree and have evaluated their performance. Overall, the automated data mining system implemented for this study has achieved high true positive (TP) rate of more than 98.5%, and low false positive (FP) rate of less than 0.025, which has not been achieved in literature so far. This is much higher than the required commercial acceptance level indicating that our novel technique is a major leap forward in detecting zero-day malware. This paper also offers future directions for researchers in exploring different aspects of obfuscations that are affecting the IT world today.


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An understanding of the distribution and extent of marine habitats is essential for the implementation of ecosystem-based management strategies. Historically this had been difficult in marine environments until the advancement of acoustic sensors. This study demonstrates the applicability of supervised learning techniques for benthic habitat characterization using angular backscatter response data. With the advancement of multibeam echo-sounder (MBES) technology, full coverage datasets of physical structure over vast regions of the seafloor are now achievable. Supervised learning methods typically applied to terrestrial remote sensing provide a cost-effective approach for habitat characterization in marine systems. However the comparison of the relative performance of different classifiers using acoustic data is limited. Characterization of acoustic backscatter data from MBES using four different supervised learning methods to generate benthic habitat maps is presented. Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC), Quick, Unbiased, Efficient Statistical Tree (QUEST), Random Forest (RF) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) were evaluated to classify angular backscatter response into habitat classes using training data acquired from underwater video observations. Results for biota classifications indicated that SVM and RF produced the highest accuracies, followed by QUEST and MLC, respectively. The most important backscatter data were from the moderate incidence angles between 30° and 50°. This study presents initial results for understanding how acoustic backscatter from MBES can be optimized for the characterization of marine benthic biological habitats. © 2012 by the authors.


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The goal of email classification is to classify user emails into spam and legitimate ones. Many supervised learning algorithms have been invented in this domain to accomplish the task, and these algorithms require a large number of labeled training data. However, data labeling is a labor intensive task and requires in-depth domain knowledge. Thus, only a very small proportion of the data can be labeled in practice. This bottleneck greatly degrades the effectiveness of supervised email classification systems. In order to address this problem, in this work, we first identify some critical issues regarding supervised machine learning-based email classification. Then we propose an effective classification model based on multi-view disagreement-based semi-supervised learning. The motivation behind the attempt of using multi-view and semi-supervised learning is that multi-view can provide richer information for classification, which is often ignored by literature, and semi-supervised learning supplies with the capability of coping with labeled and unlabeled data. In the evaluation, we demonstrate that the multi-view data can improve the email classification than using a single view data, and that the proposed model working with our algorithm can achieve better performance as compared to the existing similar algorithms.


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 In this research, a novel method for generating training data of human postures with attached objects is proposed. The results has shown a significant increase in body-part classification accuracy for subjects with props from 60% to 94% using the generated image set


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Learning in neural networks can broadly be divided into two categories, viz., off-line (or batch) learning and online (or incremental) learning. In this paper, a review of a variety of supervised neural networks with online learning capabilities is presented. Specifically, we focus on articles published in main indexed journals in the past 10 years (2003–2013). We examine a number of key neural network architectures, which include feedforward neural networks, recurrent neural networks, fuzzy neural networks, and other related networks. How the online learning methodologies are incorporated into these networks is exemplified, and how they are applied to solving problems in different domains is highlighted. A summary of the review that covers different network architectures and their applications is presented.


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Supervised machine learning techniques generally require that the training set on which learning is based contain sufficient examples representative of the target concept, as well as known counter-examples of the concept; however, in many application domains it is not possible to supply a set of labeled counter-examples. This paper proposes an objective function based on Bayesian likelihoods of necessity and sufficiency. This function can be used to guide search towards the discovery of a concept description given only a set of labeled positive examples of the target concept, and as a corpus of unlabeled examples. Results of experiments performed on several datasets from the VCI repository show that the technique achieves comparable accuracy to conventional supervised learning techniques, despite the fact that the latter require a set of labeled counter-examples to be supplied. The technique can be applied in many domains in which the provision of labeled counter-examples is problematic.


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Decision trees and self organising feature maps (SOFM) are frequently used to identify groups. This research aims to compare the similarities between any groupings found between supervised (Classification and Regression Trees - CART) and unsupervised classification (SOFM), and to identify insights into factors associated with doctor-patient stability. Although CART and SOFM uses different learning paradigms to produce groupings, both methods came up with many similar groupings. Both techniques showed that self perceived health and age are important indicators of stability. In addition, this study has indicated profiles of patients that are at risk which might be interesting to general practitioners.


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Network traffic classification is an essential component for network management and security systems. To address the limitations of traditional port-based and payload-based methods, recent studies have been focusing on alternative approaches. One promising direction is applying machine learning techniques to classify traffic flows based on packet and flow level statistics. In particular, previous papers have illustrated that clustering can achieve high accuracy and discover unknown application classes. In this work, we present a novel semi-supervised learning method using constrained clustering algorithms. The motivation is that in network domain a lot of background information is available in addition to the data instances themselves. For example, we might know that flow ƒ1 and ƒ2 are using the same application protocol because they are visiting the same host address at the same port simultaneously. In this case, ƒ1 and ƒ2 shall be grouped into the same cluster ideally. Therefore, we describe these correlations in the form of pair-wise must-link constraints and incorporate them in the process of clustering. We have applied three constrained variants of the K-Means algorithm, which perform hard or soft constraint satisfaction and metric learning from constraints. A number of real-world traffic traces have been used to show the availability of constraints and to test the proposed approach. The experimental results indicate that by incorporating constraints in the course of clustering, the overall accuracy and cluster purity can be significantly improved.


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Recognising daily activity patterns of people from low-level sensory data is an important problem. Traditional approaches typically rely on generative models such as the hidden Markov models and training on fully labelled data. While activity data can be readily acquired from pervasive sensors, e.g. in smart environments, providing manual labels to support fully supervised learning is often expensive. In this paper, we propose a new approach based on partially-supervised training of discriminative sequence models such as the conditional random field (CRF) and the maximum entropy Markov model (MEMM). We show that the approach can reduce labelling effort, and at the same time, provides us with the flexibility and accuracy of the discriminative framework. Our experimental results in the video surveillance domain illustrate that these models can perform better than their generative counterpart (i.e. the partially hidden Markov model), even when a substantial amount of labels are unavailable.