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em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This study on the Mio–Pliocene ostracod successions of southeast Australia outlines several faunal events indicative of climate warming and/or increased rainfall events. Ostracod faunas associated with a late Late Miocene sea level rise event suggest that the climate of this time in southeast Australia was similar to, or slightly warmer than that of present day southeast Australia. However, it was probably wetter and significantly warmer than immediately preceding (mid Late Miocene) palaeoclimatic conditions within the region. Evidence for a change to wetter and warmer conditions during the late Late Miocene is seen in the appearance of various extant euryhaline and semi-thermophilic ostracod species in coastal ostracod faunas. The appearance of euryhaline species, which are mostly absent from older shallow marine Cenozoic strata of the Bass Strait hinterland, suggests a major influx of fresh water into coastal marine settings, which contributed to the initial phase of development of the southeast Australian late Neogene barrier coastline and associated marginal marine palaeoenvironments.

During the time interval latest Miocene to earliest Pliocene, and during the early Late Pliocene, two subsequent global sea level rise events are also preserved in the southeast Australian coastal plain. Many of the species present in ostracod faunas associated with these two events are the same as in older local late Late Miocene faunas. In earliest (?) Pliocene faunas, there is minor evidence for the reappearance of semi-thermophilic ostracods. Faunas of early Late Pliocene age often exhibit a conspicuous faunal dominance by, or large abundance of euryhaline species, indicating the particularly strong influence of fresh water influxes into coastal marine palaeoenvironments. This may reflect the presence of especially wet local temperate palaeoclimatic conditions during a time of equable global climates.

Succeeding estuarine, lagoonal and coastal embayment ostracod faunas of late Late Pliocene age are associated with marginal marine sediments that are interbedded with coastal dune aeolianites. This suggests an overall seaward retreat of marginal marine environments that was initiated by a major global sea level fall linked to the onset of cooler Late Pliocene and Quaternary global climates.


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The oncoid-bearing Chuanshan Formation is a regionally extensive carbonate deposit of predominantly Asselian to early Sakmarian (Early Permian) age in South China, occupying an area of some 500,000 km2. Throughout South China, the oncoid-bearing horizons are generally stable and broadly comparable in lithology, fossil content and the morphology of the oncoid grains. Four types of microfacies are recognized from the oncolite succession and overall they suggest a moderate- to high-energy, wave-agitated shallow marine carbonate platform environment. An analysis of the stratigraphic distribution of oncoid grain size, density, thickness and the bedding structures of the oncolite beds and the number of coating laminae indicate the presence of metre-scale cyclothems, suggestive of possible high-frequency cycles of sea-level fluctuation. Compared to carbonate successions above and below that lack oncolites, and in conjunction with evidence from sequence stratigraphic and isotopic geochemical analyses of coeval carbonate deposits in South China and elsewhere, the origin of the Chuanshan oncolites is linked to a drastic drop in global sea-level at the Pennsylvanian–Permian boundary, that can be correlated closely in timing with the zenith of the Late Palaeozoic Gondwanan glaciation. It is further suggested that the eustatic changes apparent from the deposition of the Chuanshan oncolites and similar coeval deposits in lower palaeolatitudes were coupled with, and influenced by, the contemporaneous high-latitude Gondwanan glaciation, the largest and longest known such event in Phanerozoic Earth history.


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Recent progress in the study of Permian stratigraphy of western Yunnan, southwest China, is reviewed with particular references to the Tengchong and Baoshan blocks and the Changning–Menglian Belt. Where confusion or controversy exists in stratigraphical nomenclature and/or dating, we attempt to clarify the situation based on our recent field observations and newly obtained research results. The Permian within the Changning–Menglian Belt embraces different stratigraphic successions, suggesting different tectonic settings, ranging from passive margin and active margin, to oceanic basin and seamounts. Permo-Carboniferous faunas in the carbonate sequences of the Changning–Menglian Belt are of typical Cathaysian affinity, as demonstrated by abundant fusulinaceans and compound rugose corals. The Permian stratigraphy and faunas of the Tenchong and Baoshan blocks are markedly different from those of the Changning–Menglian Belt. The Baoshan Block lacks Upper Carboniferous deposits, and its subsequent Lower Permian sequence consists predominantly of siliciclastic strata yielding cool-water faunas and possibly glaciogene diamictites, overlain by thick basaltic lava and volcaniclastics of probably rift origin. The upper part of the Permian in the Baoshan Block is characterized by carbonates containing mixed Cathaysian and Gondwanan faunas. The Tengchong Block has a similar evolutionary history to the Baoshan Block, but completely lacks volcanic rocks.


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This study provides the first detailed lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic constraints for improving stratigraphic resolution for hydrocarbon prospecting and exploration in the Tarim basin. A total of 49 stratigraphic units (38 formations and 11 members), ranging in age from the latest Devonian to Permian, are reviewed or redefined in terms of nomenclatures, lithology, age constraints, and lateral distributions based on the detailed field works or newly published data. Of these, the Piqiang Formation (new formation) is proposed to include the reefal carbonates of Asselian-Sakmarian age from the northern Tarim. The subsurface upper Paleozoic stratigraphic framework of the desert areas of the basin is also established for the first time. The high-resolution, basinwide stratigraphic correlations reveal that the sedimentation of the basin in the late Paleozoic was extremely uneven. Of these, the Famennian to Changhsingian successions are completely recorded in the south-western margin areas of the basin. Here, five eustatic sedimentary cycles are well recognizable, suggesting the sedimentation was more eustatically controlled and little affected by local tectonism. The late Paleozoic successions of both Kalpin and Taklimakan regions are commonly interrupted by major hiatuses at various horizons, suggesting that the sedimentation was apparently modified by local tectonism. Of these, the northward movement of the Tarim block and its subsequent collision with the Yili microcontinent (part of the Kazakhstan plate) may be principally accountable for the discrepancy in the sedimentation of the various regions in the basin in the late Paleozoic.


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This thesis deals with the stratigraphy and brachiopod systematic palaeontology of the latest Devonian (Famennian) to Early Permian (Kungurian) sedimentary sequences of the Tarim Basin, NW China. Brachiopod faunas of latest Devonian and Carboniferous age have been published or currently in press in the course of the Ph.D candidature and are herein appendixed, while the Early Permian brachiopod faunas are systematically described in this thesis. The described Early Permian brachiopod faunas include 127 species, of which 29 are new and 12 indeterminate, and six new genera (subgenera) are proposed; Tarimella, Bmntonella, Marginifera (Arenaria), Marginifera (Nesiotia), Baliqliqia and Ustritskia. A new integrated brachiopod biostratigraphical zonation scheme is proposed, for the first time, for the latest Devonian-Early Permian sequences of the entire Tarim Basin on the basis of this study as well as previously published information (including the Candidate's own published papers). The scheme consists of twenty three brachiopod acm biozones, most of which replace previously proposed assemblage or assemblage zones. The age and distribution of these brachiopod zones within the Tarim Basin and their relationships with other important fossil groups are discussed. In terms of regional correlations and biostratigraphical affinities, the Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous brachiopod faunas of the Tarim Basin are closest to those from South China, while the Late Carboniferous faunas demonstrate strong similarities to coeval faunas from the Urals, central Asia, North China and South China. During the Asselian-Sakmarian, strong faunal links between the Tarim Basin and those of the Urals persisted, while at the same time links with central Asia, North China and South China weakened. On the other hand, during the Artinskian-Kungurian times, affinities of the Tarim faunas with the Urals/Russian Platform rapidly reduced, when those with peri-Gondwana (South Thailand, northern Tibet) and South China increased. Thirty lithofacies (or microfacies) types of four facies associations are recognised for the Late Devonian to early Permian sediments. Based on detailed lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and facies analysis, 23 third-order sequences belonging to four supcrsequences are identified for the Late Devonian to Early Permian successions, from which sea-level fluctuation curves are reconstructed. The sequence stratigraphical analysis reveals that four major regional regressions, each marking a distinct supersequence boundary, can be recognised; they correspond to the end-Serpukhovian, end-Moscovian, late Artinskian and end-Kungurian times, respectively. The development of these sequences is considered to have been formed and regulated by the interplay of both eustasy and tectonism. Using the system tract of a sequence as the mapping time unit, a succession of 47 palaeogeographical maps have been reconstructed through the Late Devonian to Early Permian. These maps reveal that the Tarim Basin was first immersed by southwest-directed (Recent geographical orientation) transgression in the late Famennian after the Caledonian Orogeny. Since then, the basin had maintained its geometry as a large, southwest-mouthed embayment until the late Moscovian when most areas were the uplifted above sea-level. The basin was flooded again in late Asselian-Artinskian times when a new transgression came from a large epicontinental sea lying to its northwest. Thereafter, marine deposition was restricted to local areas (southwestern and northwestern margins until the late Kungurian, while deposition of continental deposits prevailed and continued through the Middle and late Permian into the Triassic.


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Survival and recovery are important dynamic processes of biotic evolution during major geological transitions. Disaster and opportunistic taxa are two significant groups that dominate the ecosystem in the aftermath of mass extinction events. Disaster taxa appear immediately after such crises whilst opportunists pre-date the crisis but also bloom in the aftermath. This paper documents three disaster foraminiferal species and seven opportunistic foraminiferal species from Lower Triassic successions of South China. They are characterized by extreme high abundance and low diversity and occurred occasionally in Griesbachian, Smithian and Spathian strata. The characteristics (small size, simple morphology) and stratigraphic ranges of these groups suggest that r-selection is a commonly used strategy for survivors to cope with either harsh post-extinction conditions and/or environments lacking incumbents.


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Widespread stromatolites and other microbialite deposits characterize Lower Triassic marine successions worldwide. This study documents a stromatolite deposit, 1.1. m thick, from the upper Spathian (Lower Triassic) of the Susong area, South China. The stromatolite comprises distinct laminated domes in the basal part and columns at the upper part. Dark laminae are loosely spaced and interlayered with thicker light colored laminae. Diffusive dark colored laminae are composed of peloidal micrite that grade locally into microclotted structures, and yield copies of bacteria clump-like and coccoid-like spheroid aggregates. The former are characterized by cloudy, micrite nuclei rimmed by coarse-grained, euhedral sparry calcite crystals, while the latter are comprised of solid calcite crystal nuclei coated with rather thin micrite envelopes. The cloudy, micrite nuclei resemble bacteria clump-like structures observed in present-day travertine. Both the coccoid-like spheroids and bacteria clump-like structures are surrounded by coarse-grained euhedral calcite crystals, suggesting a similar accretion mechanism. Both spherical structures therefore could be crucial in the accretion of the Susong stromatolite. The laminated/microclotted structures are interpreted as the result of variation in timing of lithification relative to the timing of the decay of microbes. Micro-analysis also unravels the common occurrence of authigenic micro-quartz crystals in association with Fe-bearing illite clay minerals in the stromatolite columns. Their coalescing nature with each other, together with the associated pyrite grains, strongly support the formation of micro-quartz crystals from microbial reduction of an Fe-bearing smectite precursor by sulfate reducing bacteria. A comparison of the Susong stromatolite with its counterparts from the upper Lower Triassic strata in Dajiang, South China reveals many similarities in stromatolite microstructures, suggesting that a harsh, euxinic-anoxic environment resulting in the bloom of sulfate reducing bacteria most likely extended into the latest Spathian in South China.