42 resultados para Steroid 21-hydroxylase

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Over the past decade or so it has become widely recognised that the brain is a significant steroidogenic organ. Many publications have highlighted the ability of the brain to synthesise and interconvert a large number of steroid products including cholesterol, progesterone and testosterone. In this study, in vitro experiments were performed to determine if 21-hydroxylation of steroids is undertaken by rat brain astrocytes in culture. This is a common reaction that occurs in the adrenal gland and other organs in mammals, catalysing the conversion of pregn-4-ene-3,20-dione (progesterone) to 21-hydroxypregn-4-ene-3,20-dione (deoxycorticosterone).

Previous reports have indicated that 21-hydroxylation occurs within the rat brain, however, the precise identity of the cells expressing 21-hydroxylase has not yet been determined. Several metabolites, such as 5α-pregnan-3α-ol-20-one (tetrahydroprogesterone) and 3α,21-dihydroxy-5-pregnan-20-one (tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone) were of particular interest because of their modulatory role in neuronal function, such as their agonist activity at γ-aminobutyric acid (GABAA) receptors.

Evidence was obtained for the expression of peripheral 21-hydroxylase enzyme (P450c21) in cultured rat brain astrocytes by a combination of mass spectroscopy and molecular biology techniques. This is a significant finding as expression of 21-hydroxylase within astrocytes may be indicative of a wider role for these cells in modulating neuronal behaviour.


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This thesis explores the metabolism of the steroid progesterone within both rat and mouse brain cells in culture. The research identified a steroid 21-hydroxylase within the rat culture system, that has downstream implications on stress and behaviour. Novel uses for a stain to accurately discriminate two brain celltypes were discovered.


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A protocol for culturing mammalian type 1 astrocytic cells, using female post-natal rat cerebral cortical tissue, was established and refined for use in steroidogenic metabolic studies incorporating progestin radioisotopes. Cultures were characterised for homogeneity using standard morphological and immunostaining techniques. Qualitative and quantitative studies were conducted to characterise the progesterone (P) metabolic pathways present in astrocytes in vitro. Of particular interest was the formation of the P metabolite, 5á-pregnan-3á-ol-20-one (THP). THP is a GABA(A) receptor agonist, believed to play a vital role in neural functioning and CNS homeostasis. One aim of this study was to observe any modulatory effects selected neuroactive ligands have on the conversion of P into THP, in an attempt to link astrocytic steroidogenesis with neuronal control. In qualitative studies, chromatographic procedures were used to establish the progestin profile of cerebral cortical astrocytes. Tritiated P, DHP (5á-pregnan-3,20-dione) and THP incurbates were preliminary fractionated by either normal phase (NP) or reverse phase (RP) high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The radiometabolites associated with each fraction were further chromatographed, before and/or after chemical derivatistation, by the aforemention HPLC procedures and thin layer chromatography (TLC). Steroid radiometabolites were tentatively identified by comparing their chromatographic mobility with authentic steroids. The identity of the main putative 5á-reduced P metabolities, DHP, THP and 5á-pregnan-3á,20á-diol (20áOH-THP) were further confirmed by isotopic dilution analysis. Their conclusive identification, along with the tentative identification of 20á-hydroxypreg-4-en-3-one (20áOH-P) and 20á-hydroxy-5á-pregnan-3-one (20áOH-DHP), verify the localisation of 5á-reductase, 3á-hydroxy steroif oxidoreductase (HSOR), and 20á-HSOR activity in the cultured astrocytes utilised in this study programme. Other minor metabolites detected were tentatively identified, including 5á-pregnan-3á,21-diol-20-one (THDoc), indicating the presence of 21-hydroxylase enzymatic activity. THDoc, like THP, is a GABA(A) receptor agonist. The chemical and physical characterisation of several yet unidentified progestin metabolites, associated with a highly polar RP HPLC fraction (designated RP peak 1*), indicate the presence of one or more extra hydroxylase enzymes. Quantitative analysis included a preliminary study. In this study, the percentage yields of radiometabolites formed in cultures incubated with increasing substrate concentrations of (3)H-P for 24 hours were determined. At the lower concentrations examined (ie 0.5 to 50nM), the metabolites associated with the polar RP HPLC fraction (RP peak 1*) collectively have the highest percentage yield. They are subsequently considered metabolic end products of degradative catabolic P pathways. The percentage yield of THP peaks in the medium concentration ranges (ie 5 to 500nM), whereas DHP remains fairly static at a low level with increasing concentration. Both DHP and THP are considered metabolic pathway intermediates. The percentage yield of 20áOH-THP continues to increase with increasing concentration over 5nM, superseding THP approaching the highest concentration examined (5000nM). This indicated the formation of 20áOH-THP does not occur entirely via THP. 20áOH-THP also possibly serves as the direct intermediate in the formation of the main radiometabolites associated with RP peak 1*. A time/yield study incorporating incubation times from one to 24 hours was also conducted. The full array of radiometabolites (individually or in groups) formed in astrocyte cultures incubated with 50nM tritiated P, DHP of THP, were assayed. Cultures were observed to rapidly convert any DHP into THP, showing astrocytic 3á-HSOR activity is very high. The study also showed 5á-reduction (ie the conversation of P into DHP) is the rate limiting reaction in the two step conversion of P into THP. 5á-Reduction also appears to be a rate limiting step in the formation of 20á-hydroxylated metabolites in astrocytes. Cultures incubated with the tritiated 5á-reduced pregnanes from one to four hours form greater quantities to 20á-hydroxylated radiometabolites compared to cultures incubated with (3)H-P. The time yield/studies also provided further evidence the unidentified polar radiometabolites associated with RP peak 1* are metabolic end products. For the P and DHP incubates, the collective formation of the aforementioned polar radiometabolites initially lags behind the formation of THP. As the formation of the latter begins to plateau with increasing time between four to 24 hours, the net yield of radiometabolites associated with RP peak 1* continues to rise. The time/yield studies also indicate 5á-reduction and perhaps 3á-hydroxylation are pre-requisite steps in the formation of the polar metabolites. Cultures incubated with the 5á-reduced progestins from one to four hours form higher yields of the radiometabolites associated with RP peak 1* compared to cultures incubated with P as substrate. The net yields of the radiometabolites associated with RP peak 1* for cultures incubated with THP were substantially higher compared to cultures incubated with DHP after equivalent times. The effect selected neuroligands have on the yield of radiometabolites formed by cultured astrocytes incubated with 50nM (3)H-P was also examined. Dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate (DBcAMP), not actually a neuroligand per se, but an analog of the intracellular secondary messenger cAMP, was also utilised in these studies. The inhibitory neurotransmitter ă-amino-nbutyric acid (GABA), DBcAMP and isoproterenol (a â-adrenergic receptor agonist) all quickly induce a transient but substantial increase in 20á-HSOR activity in cultured astrocytes. Cultures pretreated with these three compounds (10, 20 and 1µM respectively) form substantially higher yields of 20á-hydroxylated metabolites, including 20áOH-THP (between 200 to 580% greater), when incubated with 50nM (3)H-P for one to four hours. These increases also coincide with increases in the net yield of metabolites formed (by 16 to 48%). The same pre-treated cultures form significantly lower yields of THP, by 25 to 41%, after one hour. This is most likely due to the increased metabolism of any formed THP into 20áOH-THP. Octopamine (an á-adrenergic agonist) only induces a slight increase in 20á-HSOR activity, having relatively little effect on the yield of 20áOH-THP formed. Pretreatment with octopamine induces a significant increase in the yield of THP for cultures incubated with (3)H-P for four hours (by 24%). The increase in THP formation appears to be due to an increase in 3á-HSOR activity, as judged by the concomitant drop in the yield of the 5á-reduced, 3-keto substrates. An increase in 5á-reductase activity cannot be excluded however. Isoproterenol appears to induce an increase in 5á-reductase activity as isoproterenol appears to induce an increase in 5á-reductase activity as isoproterenol one and four hour incubates have higher yields of DHP. This is in contrast to the other three incubates. After 12 hours, all incubates have higher yields of THP (15-30%).


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The L1 retrotransposon has significantly shaped the structure of the human genome. At least 30% of human genome sequence can be attributed to L1 reverse transcriptase activity. There are 105 copies of the human L1 retrotransposon, L1Hs, most of which are defective, although ~8–9x103 are full length. L1Hs elements transpose through an RNA intermediate and transcription is thought to be the rate limiting step in retrotransposition. Because transcription of retrotransposons in a variety of organisms has been shown to respond to environmental stimuli, we investigated the influence of various agents on transcription from two different L1Hs promoters. The activity of the L1Hs promoters was analyzed by transfecting L1Hs-expressing cell lines with plasmids containing the L1Hs promoters fused to the LacZ reporter gene and monitoring expression with a ß-galactosidase assay. Small increases in ß-galactosidase activity were observed with both L1Hs promoters after treatment with serum, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and organochloride pesticides, indicating that these agents can influence L1Hs transcription.


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We investigated the efficacy of a single vs. double steroid injections in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) in a randomised double-blind controlled trial. Patients with idiopathic CTS were randomised into (i) one group receiving a baseline methylprednisolone acetate injection plus a saline injection 8 weeks later and (ii) a second group receiving methylprednisolone acetate injection at baseline and at 8 weeks. The primary outcome was the Global Symptom Score (GSS). Forty patients were recruited. By 40 weeks, the mean GSS improved from 25.6 to 14.1 in the single-injection group whereas from 26.7 to 12.6 in the reinjection group, but there was no significant difference in GSS between the two groups (p = 0.26). There were also no significant differences in terms of electrophysiological and functional outcomes. The results suggest that an additional steroid injection confers no added benefit to a single injection in terms of symptom relief.


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Mass differences between the sexes of dimorphic bird species often appear early in the nestling development. But how do adults know how much to feed a chick in a sexually dimorphic species? Do chicks of the heavier sex beg more? We studied begging in Cory’s shearwaters Calonectris diomedea, a species with heavier adult and juvenile males than females. We found that begging rates and call numbers were not different between male and female chicks, but parameters of begging intensity differed between the sexes in their relationship to chick body condition. For the same body condition, males had significantly higher begging call numbers and rates. Acoustical parameters, which were analysed semi-automatically, included the lengths of call and silence intervals, the minimum, mean and maximum frequency in a call and the number of frequency peaks within a call. We found no consistent differences of acoustic begging call elements between the sexes. Male and female chicks did not differ in the levels of the steroid hormones testosterone or corticosterone in the second quarter of the nestling period, and the mechanism leading to sex-related differences in begging rates for a given body condition remains unknown.


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Glucocorticoids can inhibit pulsatile LH secretion and can delay or even block the preovulatory LH surge. Previous work in ovariectomized ewes has indicated that cortisol can delay the estradiol-induced LH surge in an artificial follicular phase model but the results suggest this effect may be influenced by prior exposure to ovarian steroids. Here we tested the hypothesis that this disruptive effect of cortisol on the positive feedback action of estradiol is dependent on prior exposure to the ovarian steroidal milieu of the estrous cycle. Using long-term ovariectomized ewes, sequential artificial estrous cycles were created in the anestrous season by treatment and subsequent withdrawal of progesterone (CIDRs inserted for 9 d) followed by estradiol implants simulating the pre-ovulatory estradiol rise that induces the LH surge. Following the first artificial estrous cycle, a second cycle was initiated. Progesterone was again administered for 9 d followed by a second artificial follicular phase two weeks later. Beginning 2 hr prior to estradiol administration and ending at 40 hr, animals received either a cortisol infusion (elevate plasma levels to ∼170 ng/ml) or vehicle. Jugular blood was sampled hourly to assess occurrence and timing of the LH surge. Four different treatment sequences were tested (Cycle 1-Cycle 2): cortisol-cortisol; vehicle-cortisol; cortisol-vehicle; and vehicle-vehicle (n=5-6/sequence). If prior exposure to the ovarian steroidal milieu of the estrous cycle was necessary for cortisol to interfere with the positive feedback action of estradiol, then we would predict that cortisol would only delay the LH surge when it was delivered in Cycle 2 but not Cycle 1. Our results failed to support this prediction. Cortisol delayed the surge in both cycles (p<0.01), and the extent of the delay was the same in both Cycles 1 and 2 (4 hrs). Cortisol did not significantly affect surge amplitude in either cycle. These findings reinforce our previous conclusion that cortisol can delay the estradiol-induced LH surge but they do not support the hypothesis that this action of cortisol is dependent upon exposure to the ovarian steroidal milieu of the previous estrous cycle. (NIH-HD-30773)


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Various statistical methods have been proposed to evaluate associations between measured genetic variants and disease, including some using family designs. For breast cancer and rare variants, we applied a modified segregation analysis method that uses the population cancer incidence and population-based case families in which a mutation is known to be segregating. Here we extend the method to a common polymorphism, and use a regressive logistic approach to model familial aggregation by conditioning each individual on their mother's breast cancer history. We considered three models: 1) class A regressive logistic model; 2) age-of-onset regressive logistic model; and 3) proportional hazards familial model. Maximum likelihood estimates were calculated using the software MENDEL. We applied these methods to data from the Australian Breast Cancer Family Study on the CYP17 5UTR TC MspA1 polymorphism measured for 1,447 case probands, 787 controls, and 213 relatives of case probands found to have the CC genotype. Breast cancer data for first- and second-degree relatives of case probands were used. The three methods gave consistent estimates. The best-fitting model involved a recessive inheritance, with homozygotes being at an increased risk of 47% (95% CI, 28-68%). The cumulative risk of the disease up to age 70 years was estimated to be 10% or 22% for a CYP17 homozygote whose mother was unaffected or affected, respectively. This analytical approach is well-suited to the data that arise from population-based case-control-family studies, in which cases, controls and relatives are studied, and genotype is measured for some but not all subjects.


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Genetic and environmental influences on variation in balance performance were measured in 93 monozygous and 83 dizygous female twin pairs aged 21–82 years (mean age, 50.5 years) in Melbourne, Australia, between 1999 and 2003. The authors administered clinical (Lord's Balance Test and Step Test) and laboratory tests of static and dynamic balance from the Chattecx Balance System with and without distractor tasks. The authors conducted factor analysis and estimated genetic and environmental variance components and heritability (defined as additive genetic variance as a proportion of all variance, after adjustment for age) using a multivariate normal model with the statistical package FISHER. Three factors were identified and adjusted for age. Heritability was 46% (standard error (SE), 9) for the "sensory balance tests" factor and 30% (SE, 9) for the "static and dynamic perturbations" factor. For both factors, the remaining variance was attributed to unique environmental effects. There was no evidence that genetic factors influenced variation in the "dynamic weight shift tests" factor, with environmental effects shared by twins accounting for 38% (SE, 7) of variance. Neither genetic nor environmental proportions of variance differed significantly between twin subgroups by age (≤50/>50 years). An age-related decline in performance measures was found across the whole sample. These results imply that balance impairments may have a heritable element.


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This thesis investigates steroid fatty acid esters (which may have a possible role in myelination of the central nervous system) in mammalian brain. While these conjugates are abundant in brain tissue, little is known about their biological role. When measuring steroid acyl transferase activity, the optimum substrate concentration was found to vary significantly between the sheep and rat brain. Results also indicated that different enzymes may act to esterify different steroid substrates.