73 resultados para Stereo matching

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Stereo matching tries to find correspondences between locations in a pair of displaced images of the same scene in order to extract the underlying depth information. Pixel correspondence estimation suffers from occlusions, noise or bias. In this work, we introduce a novel approach to represent images by means of interval-valued fuzzy sets to overcome the uncertainty due to the above mentioned problems. Our aim is to take advantage of this representation in the stereo matching algorithm. The image interval-valued fuzzification process that we propose is based on image segmentation in a different way to the common use of segmentation in stereo vision. We introduce interval-valued fuzzy similarities to compare windows whose pixels are represented by intervals. In the experimental analysis we show the goodness of this representation in the stereo matching problem. The new representation together with the new similarity measure that we introduce shows a better overall behavior with respect to other very well-known methods.


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The maximum a posteriori assignment for general structure Markov random fields is computationally intractable. In this paper, we exploit tree-based methods to efficiently address this problem. Our novel method, named Tree-based Iterated Local Search (T-ILS), takes advantage of the tractability of tree-structures embedded within MRFs to derive strong local search in an ILS framework. The method efficiently explores exponentially large neighborhoods using a limited memory without any requirement on the cost functions. We evaluate the T-ILS on a simulated Ising model and two real-world vision problems: stereo matching and image denoising. Experimental results demonstrate that our methods are competitive against state-of-the-art rivals with significant computational gain.


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A multi-resolution technique for matching a stereo pair of images based on translation invariant discrete multi-wavelet transform is presented. The technique uses the well known coarse to fine strategy, involving the calculation of matching points at the coarsest level with consequent refinement up to the finest level. Vector coefficients of the wavelet transform modulus are used as matching features, where modulus maxima defines the shift invariant high-level features (multiscale edges) with phase pointing to the normal of the feature surface. The technique addresses the estimation of optimal corresponding points and the corresponding 2D disparity maps. Illuminative variation that can exist between the perspective views of the same scene is controlled using scale normalization at each decomposition level by dividing the details space coefficients with approximation space and then using normalized correlation. The problem of ambiguity, explicitly, and occlusion, implicitly, is addressed by using a geometric topological refinement procedure and symbolic tagging.


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A vision based approach for calculating accurate 3D models of the objects is presented. Generally industrial visual inspection systems capable of accurate 3D depth estimation rely on extra hardware tools like laser scanners or light pattern projectors. These tools improve the accuracy of depth estimation but also make the vision system costly and cumbersome. In the proposed algorithm, depth and dimensional accuracy of the produced 3D depth model depends on the existing reference model instead of the information from extra hardware tools. The proposed algorithm is a simple and cost effective software based approach to achieve accurate 3D depth estimation with minimal hardware involvement. The matching process uses the well-known coarse to fine strategy, involving the calculation of matching points at the coarsest level with consequent refinement up to the finest level. Vector coefficients of the wavelet transform-modulus are used as matching features, where wavelet transform-modulus maxima defines the shift invariant high-level features with phase pointing to the normal of the feature surface. The technique addresses the estimation of optimal corresponding points and the corresponding 2D disparity maps leading to the creation of accurate depth perception model.


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UDDI is a standard for publishing and discovery of web services. UDDI registries provide keyword searches for web services. The search functionality is very simple and fails to account for relationships between web services. In this paper, we propose an algorithm which retrieves closely related web services. The proposed algorithm is based on singular value decomposition (SVD) in linear algebra, which reveals semantic relationships among web services. The preliminary evaluation shows the effectiveness and feasibility of the algorithm.


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The principle of proportionality prescribes that the punishment should equal the crime. It is one of the most important principles of sentencing. Yet, despite its widespread acceptance it offers no meaningful guide to sentencing. Hence penalty levels fluctuate greatly between jurisdictions and within jurisdictions. This is because there is no universally agreed criterion for measuring offence seriousness or penalty severity. This article suggests that the appropriate criteria for matching offence seriousness and penalty severity is the level of unhappiness or pain stemming from each of these impositions. Thus, for example, the level of pain meted out to a rape offender should equal the level of pain caused to a rape victim. Emerging scientific studies on human well-being and happiness show that human beings are similarly built in terms of the experiences that are either conducive or inimical to well-being. This commonality provides a strong foundation to be confident to make reasonably accurate predictions concerning the extent to which adverse events, such as being the victim of a criminal offence or subjected to a form of criminal sanction will stifle human flourishing. This will then allow us to match accurately offence seriousness and penalty level.


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Current microarray databases use different terminologies and structures and thereby limit the sharing of data and collating of results between laboratories. Consequently, an effective integrated microarray data model is required. One important process to develop such an integrated database is schema matching. In this paper, we propose an effective schema matching approach called MDSM, to syntactically and semantically map attributes of different microarray schemas. The contribution from this work will be used later to create microarray global schemas. Since microarray data is complex, we use microarray ontology to improve the measuring accuracy of the similarity between attributes. The similarity relations can be represented as weighted bipartite graphs. We determine the best schema matching by computing the optimal matching in a bipartite graph using the Hungarian optimisation method. Experimental results show that our schema matching approach is effective and flexible to use in different kinds of database models such as; database schema, XML schema, and web site map. Finally, a case study on an existing public microarray schema is carried out using the proposed method.


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In this paper, an active stereo vision-based learning approach is proposed for a robot to track, fixate and grasp an object in unknown environments. First, the functional mapping relationships between the joint angles of the active stereo vision system and the spatial representations of the object are derived and expressed in a three-dimensional workspace frame. Next, the self-adaptive resonance theory-based neural networks and the feedforward neural networks are used to learn the mapping relationships in a self-organized way. Then, the approach is verified by simulation using the models of an active stereo vision system which is installed in the end-effector of a robot. Finally, the simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the present approach.


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A multi-resolution image matching technique based on multiwavelets followed by a coarse to fine strategy is presented. The technique addresses the estimation of optimal corresponding points and the corresponding disparity maps in the presence of occlusion, ambiguity and illuminative variations in the two perspective views taken by two different cameras or at different lighting conditions. The problem of occlusion and ambiguity is addressed by a geometric topological refining approach along with the uniqueness constraint whereas the illuminative variation is dealt by using windowed normalized correlation.


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Vision-based tracking sensors typically provide nonlinear measurements
of the targets Cartesian position and velocity state components. In this paper we derive linear measurements using an analytical measurement conversion technique which can be used with two (or more) vision sensors. We derive
linear measurements in the target’s Cartesian position and velocity components and we derive a robust version of a linear Kalman filter. We show that our linear robust filter significantly outperforms the extended Kalman Filter. Moreover, we prove that the state estimation error is bounded.


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With an increasing emphasis on the emerging automatic person identification application, biometrics based, especially fingerprint-based identification, is receiving a lot of attention. This research developed an automatic fingerprint recognition system (AFRS) based on a hybrid between minutiae and correlation based techniques to represent and to match fingerprint; it improved each technique individually. It was noticed that, in the hybrid approach, as a result of an improvement of minutiae extraction algorithm in post-process phase that combines the two algorithms, the performance of the minutia algorithm improved. An improvement in the ridge algorithm that used centre point in fingerprint instead of reference point was also observed. Experiments indicate that the hybrid technique performs much better than each algorithm individually.


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The problem of dimensional defects in aluminum die- casting is widespread throughout the foundry industry and their detection is of paramount importance in maintaining product quality. Due to the unpredictable factory environment and metallic, with highly reflective, nature of aluminum die-castings, it is extremely hard to estimate true dimensionality of the die-casting, autonomously. In this work, we propose a novel robust 3D reconstruction algorithm capable of reconstructing dimensionally accurate 3D depth models of the aluminum die-castings. The developed system is very simple and cost effective as it consists of only a stereo cameras pair and a simple fluorescent light. The developed system is capable of estimating surface depths within the tolerance of 1.5 mm. Moreover, the system is invariant to illuminative variations and orientation of the objects in the input image space, which makes the developed system highly robust. Due to its hardware simplicity and robustness, it can be implemented in different factory environments without a significant change in the setup.