40 resultados para Spatial Distribution

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Compared to terrestrial environments, grazing intensity on belowground plant parts may be particularly strong in aquatic environments, which may have great effects on plant-community structure. We observed that the submerged macrophyte, Potamogeton pectinatus, which mainly reproduces with tubers, often grows at intermediate water depth and that P. perfoliatus, which mainly reproduces with rhizomes and turions, grows in either shallow or deep water. One mechanism behind this distributional pattern may be that swans prefer to feed on P. pectinatus tubers at intermediate water depths. We hypothesised that when swans feed on tubers in the sediment, P. perfoliatus rhizomes and turions may be damaged by the uprooting, whereas the small round tubers of P. pectinatus that escaped herbivory may be more tolerant to this bioturbation. In spring 2000, we transplanted P. perfoliatus rhizomes into a P. pectinatus stand and followed growth in plots protected and unprotected, respectively, from bird foraging. Although swan foraging reduced tuber biomass in unprotected plots, leading to lower P. pectinatus density in spring 2001, this species grew well both in protected and unprotected plots later that summer. In contrast, swan grazing had a dramatic negative effect on P. perfoliatus that persisted throughout the summer of 2001, with close to no plants in the unprotected plots and high densities in the protected plots. Our results demonstrate that herbivorous waterbirds may play a crucial role in the distribution and prevalence of specific plant species. Furthermore, since their grazing benefitted their preferred food source, the interaction between swans and P. pectinatus may be classified as ecologically mutualistic.


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Stable isotope ratios, δ15N and δ13C were effectively used to determine the geographical dispersion of human derived sewage from Davis Station, East Antarctica, using Antarctic rock cod (Trematomus bernacchii). Fish within 0-4km downstream of the outfall exhibited higher δ15N and δ13C values relative to reference sites. Nitrogen in particular showed a stepped decrease in δ15N with increasing distance from the discharge point by 1-2‰. Stable isotopes were better able to detect the extent of wastewater contamination than other techniques including faecal coliform and sterol measures. Uptake and assimilation of δ15N and δ13C up to 4km from the outfall adds to growing evidence indicating the current level of wastewater treatment at Davis Station is not sufficient to avoid impact to the surrounding environment. Isotopic assimilation in T. bernacchii is a viable biomarker for investigation of initial sewage exposure and longer term monitoring in the future.


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Elemental imaging using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was performed on whole leaves of the hyperaccumulating plant Noccaea caerulescens after treatments with either Ni, Zn or Cd. These detailed elemental images reveal differences in the spatial distribution of these three elements across the leaf and provide new insights in the metal ion homeostasis within hyperaccumulating plants. In the Zn treated plants, Zn accumulated in the leaf tip while Mn was co-localised with Zn suggesting similar storage mechanisms for these two metals. These data show a Zn concentration difference of up to 13-fold higher in the distal part of the leaf. Also, there was no correlation between the S and Zn concentrations providing further evidence against S-binding ligands. In contrast, Ni was more evenly distributed while a more heterogeneous distribution of Cd was present with some high levels on leaf edges, suggesting that different storage and transport mechanisms are used for the hyperaccumulation of these two metals. These results show the importance of correct sampling when carrying out subcellular localisation studies as the hyperaccumulated elements are not necessarily homogenously distributed over the entire leaf area. The results also have great implications for biotechnological applications of N. caerulescens showing that it may be possible to use the mechanisms employed by N. caerulescens to increase the Zn concentration in nutrient poor crops without increasing the risk of accumulating other toxic elements such as Ni and Cd.


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The terms ‘Leptodus Shales’ and ‘Leptodus Beds’ have been used to describe a rich brachiopod bearing unit within the Permian argillaceous facies of the Central Belt of Peninsular Malaysia. To date there has been no formal description of this unit regarding its age, spatial distribution or faunal composition. A review of previous literature, backed by recently collected data from our field surveys and biostratigraphical studies reveals that there is a sequence of fossiliferous assemblages within the Leptodus Shales, which range in age from Middle Permian to possibly early Late Permian and extend geographically from southern Kelantan to southern Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia. These assemblages are found in argillaceous sediments which are often highly tuffaceous, and in northern Pahang are associated with pyroclastic volcanics of probable island-arc origin. The faunas are of Palaeo-equatorial affinity and are taxonomically close to faunas in Indochina, such as the Sisophon fauna in Cambodia. Typical elements include Vediproductus cf. punctatiformis (Chao), Transennatia gratiosa (Waagen), T. termierorum Sone, Leman and Shi, Uncuninellina timorensis (Beyrich), Leptodus richthofeni Kayser, L. cf. tenuis (Waagen), Leptodus nobilis (Waagen), Gubleria aff. ninglangensis Fang and Jiang, and Spyridiophora gubleri Termier and Termier.


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Wildlife managers are often faced with the difficult task of determining the distribution of species, and their preferred habitats, at large spatial scales. This task is even more challenging when the species of concern is in low abundance and/or the terrain is largely inaccessible. Spatially explicit distribution models, derived from multivariate statistical analyses and implemented in a geographic information system (GIS), can be used to predict the distributions of species and their habitats, thus making them a useful conservation tool. We present two such models: one for a dasyurid, the Swamp Antechinus (Antechinus minimus), and the other for a ground-dwelling bird, the Rufous Bristlebird (Dasyornis broadbenti), both of which are rare species occurring in the coastal heathlands of south-western Victoria. Models were generated using generalized linear modelling (GLM) techniques with species presence or absence as the independent variable and a series of landscape variables derived from GIS layers and high-resolution imagery as the predictors. The most parsimonious model, based on the Akaike Information Criterion, for each species then was extrapolated spatially in a GIS. Probability of species presence was used as an index of habitat suitability. Because habitat fragmentation is thought to be one of the major threats to these species, an assessment of the spatial distribution of suitable habitat across the landscape is vital in prescribing management actions to prevent further habitat fragmentation.


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The implementation of appropriate protection measures for endangered species in protected areas requires knowledge of their fine-scale habitat use. In May and June of 2006 and 2007, we used GPS loggers (some linked to the Argos system) and a conventional Argos transmitter to track male and female loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta in the vicinity of the breeding area of Laganas Bay within the National Marine Park of Zakynthos, Greece. We obtained (1) 9681 useable locations (mean: 1383 locations ind.–1; range: 519 to 2198 locations) from Tracktag GPS loggers attached to 7 females for a mean duration of 34 d (range: 17 to 52 d); (2) 1245 useable locations (mean: 311 locations ind.–1; range: 38 to 1110 locations) from 4 males fitted with Fastloc Argos tags for a mean duration of 29 d (range: 3 to 51 d) and (3) 100 locations from 1 male fitted with a conventional Argos satellite tag tracked for 128 d. GPS data indicated that before the onset of nesting, both males and females primarily used an area within 500 m of the shore along a core 9 km stretch of coastline, where existing protective legislation requires strengthening. Our observations suggest that a 76.7% female-biased operational sex ratio, measured previously from in-water surveys, may represent a realistic sex ratio estimate in the period before nesting starts. In the first month following the onset of nesting, female spatial distribution remained similar, whereas most males departed for distant areas presumably to forage. Our study provides quantitative evidence of the need to improve the management planning and conservation measures to protect sea turtles in a coastal breeding area, and new insights on male turtle migration.


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 Infectious pathogens figure prominently among those factors threatening marine wildlife. Mass mortality events caused by pathogens can fundamentally alter the structure of wild fish stocks and depress recruitment rates and yield. In the most severe instances, this can precipitate stock collapses resulting in dramatic economic losses to once valuable commercial fisheries. An outbreak of a herpes-like virus among commercially fished abalone populations in the south-west fishery of Victoria, Australia, during 2006-2007, has been associated with high mortality rates among all cohorts. Long-term records from fishery-independent surveys of blacklip abalone Haliotis rubra (Leach) enabled abundance from pre- and post-viral periods to be analysed to estimate stock density and biomass. The spatial distribution of abundance in relation to physical habitat variables derived from high-resolution bathymetric LiDAR data was investigated. Significant differences were observed in both measures between pre- and post-viral periods. Although there was some limited evidence of gradual stock improvement in recent years, disease-affected reefs have remained below productivity rates prior to the disease outbreak suggesting a reduction in larval availability or settlement success. This was corroborated by trends in sublegal sized blacklip abalone abundance that has yet to show substantial recovery post-disease. Abundance data were modelled as a function of habitat variables using a generalised additive model (GAM) and indicated that high abundance was associated with complex reef structures of coastal waters (<15 m). This study highlights the importance of long-term surveys to understand abalone recovery following mass mortality and the links between stock abundance and seafloor variability.


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Wildlife disease is an emerging threat to biodiversity. The amphibian chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), which causes the disease chytridiomycosis, has been documented in over 500 amphibian species globally. Understanding conditions under which amphibians are vulnerable to Bd is important for evaluating species risk and developing surveillance strategies. Here, we investigate the spatial distribution of Bd infection in the ephemeral pond-breeding yellow-bellied toad Bombina variegata, a species of high conservation concern in the European Union. We sampled 550 toads from 60 ponds in a traditional agricultural landscape in Southern Transylvania, Romania. Overall, Bd prevalence was low in B.variegata, but infected toads were widely dispersed through the landscape and were found in a quarter of all sampled ephemeral ponds. At the pond level, increased Bd occurrence was associated with short distances to perennial water sources and high forest cover. These findings suggest that perennial water sources may act as source habitat for Bd, with amphibian movements resulting in Bd spillover into ephemeral ponds. Increased Bd occurrence in ponds surrounded by high levels of forest cover is likely related to cooler and wetter conditions that are more favourable for Bd. Throughout the study landscape, patchy environmental suitability for Bd appears to restrict the pathogen to a subset of B.variegata habitat. Ephemeral ponds in open landscapes, without nearby perennial habitat, likely provide an environmental refuge from Bd, where the risk of infection is low. From a conservation perspective, these findings highlight the importance of maintaining ephemeral ponds in open landscapes, but these are currently threatened by land-use change.


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Understanding how fishers make decisions is important for improving management of fisheries. There is debate about the extent to which small-scale fishers follow an ideal free distribution (IFD) - distributing their fishing effort efficiently according to resource availability rather than being influenced by social factors or personal preference. Using detailed data from 1800 fisher catches and from semi-structured interviews with over 700 fishers at Lake Alaotra, the largest inland fishery in Madagascar, we show that fishers generally conform to IFD. However, there were differences in catch: effort relationships between fishers using different gear types as well as other revealing deviations from the predictions of IFD. Fishers report routine as the primary determinant of their choice of fishing location, explaining why they do not quickly respond to changes in catch at a site. Understanding the influences on fishers' spatial behaviour will allow better estimates of costs of fishing policies on resource users, and help predict their likely responses. This can inform management strategies to minimise the negative impacts of interventions, increasing local support for and compliance with rules.


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In areas of Australia where viticultural operations have been limited by lack of an acceptable irrigation water source, considerable expansion has occurred through the use of recycled wastewater. Despite this rapid expansion, little is known of the potential impacts of the water’s chemical constituents on soil properties, or the long-term sustainability of the vineyards using the water. In order to establish the impacts of drip irrigated recycled wastewater on a vineyard in Great Western, Australia, a study comparing the soils from the vineyard inter-row and row area was undertaken. Chemical and physical properties of the soil with varying distances from the drip emitter were also investigated. During the irrigation season, significant differences between the inter-row and row area were found for several chemical parameters including pH(1:5soil/water) (P<0.001), electrical conductivity (EC1:5) (P<0.001), water-soluble sodium (WS Na+) (P<0.001), and water-soluble chloride (WS Cl-) (P<0.001). This paper will discuss differences observed between soil properties of the inter-row and vine row area, as well as the spatial distribution of solutes under the drip emitter.


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The conservation of roosting and nesting resources is of critical concern for many hollow-dependent species around the world. We investigated the nest-tree requirements of the threatened brush-tailed phascogale (Phascogale tapoatafa) in a highly cleared agricultural landscape in south-eastern Australia. We documented the physical characteristics of selected nest trees and describe the spatial and temporal patterns of nest-tree use as revealed by radio-tracking. Nine phascogales (seven females, two males) were radio-tracked between March and July 1999 in an area where most woodland habitat is confined to linear strips along roads and streams or small patches and scattered trees in cleared farmland. Female phascogales were monitored for 13–35 days over periods of 5–15 weeks and two males were monitored for 2 and 9 days respectively. A total of 185 nest-tree fixes was collected and all nests occupied by phascogales were in standing trees. Eighty-three nest trees were identified, ranging in diameter at breast height (dbh) from 25 to 171 cm, with a mean dbh for the trees used by each individual phascogale of >80 cm. Phascogales did not discriminate between canopy tree species in selecting nest trees, but showed highly significant selection for trees in the largest size class. All individuals used multiple nest trees, with the seven females occupying an average of 11.4 nest trees from a mean of 25 diurnal locations. The number of nest trees continued to increase throughout the study, suggesting that more would be identified during a longer or more intensive study. Occupied nest trees were located throughout each individual’s home range, highlighting the importance of a continuous spatial distribution of suitable nest trees across the landscape. Nest trees were also located in adjacent farmland up to 225 m from roadside vegetation, demonstrating the value that scattered clumps and even single trees in farmland can have for wildlife conservation.


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Physical activity provides many health benefits, including reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, Type II diabetes and some cancers. Environmental exposure factors (e.g., the built environment) are now receiving ever-increasing attention. Large-scale interdisciplinary studies on the association between attributes of local community environments and residents’ physical activity are being conducted. We will focus on findings from Australia - the Physical Activity in Localities and Community Environments (PLACE) study. PLACE is examining factors that may influence the prevalence and the social and spatial distribution of walking for transport and walking for recreation. A stratified two-stage cluster sampling strategy was used to select 32 urban communities (154 census collection districts), classified as high and low ‘walkable’ using a GISbased walkability index (dwelling density, intersection density, net retail area and land use mix) and matched for socio-economic status. We report data on a sub-sample of 1,216 residents who provided information on the perceived attributes of their community environments (e.g., dwelling density, access to services, street connectivity) and weekly minutes of walking for transport and for recreation. Moderate to strong associations were found between GIS indicators of walkability and the corresponding self-report measures. The walkability index explained the same amount of neighborhood-level variance in walking for transport as did the complete set of self-report measures. No significant associations were found with walking for recreation. Relevant GIS-based indices of walkability, for purposes other than transport need to be   developed.


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Marine top-predators such as marine mammals forage in a heterogeneous environment according to their energetic requirements and to the variation in environmental characteristics. In this study, the behaviour of breeding females in 2 sympatric fur seal species, Antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus gazella and Subantarctic fur seal A. tropicalis, was investigated in relation to foraging effort. Foraging effort was hypothesised to be greater in Antarctic fur seal than in Subantarctic fur seal due to their shorter lactation period. Using satellite telemetry, time-depth recorders and satellite images of sea-surface temperature and chlorophyll a concentration, the foraging grounds, the at-sea activity budgets and the environmental features were determined for both species breeding on the Crozet Archipelago. Foraging cycle duration was similar for the 2 species, and the seals exhibited similar at-sea activity budgets. Only the proportion of time spent at sea was higher in Antarctic fur seals. Separate foraging areas were identified for the 2 species. Antarctic fur seal distribution was related to bathymetric features, while we did not find any direct relationship between chlorophyll a concentration and seal foraging areas. Our results suggest that Antarctic fur seals tend to respond to the higher needs of their pups by having a higher foraging efficiency and concentrating their foraging activity in the most productive areas.