20 resultados para Signs and signboards

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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PEOPLE COMMUNICATE AND MAKE meaning through the use of the signs, codes and rules of their community and its language/s. On the way to learning these signs, codes and rules, children often create or invent their own unique and sometimes temporary systems of meaning making. In this paper we use Vygotsky’s concept of semiotic mediation and Bernstein’s code theory to reflect on some examples of children’s creative approaches to communication that involved the creation and use of signs. We will argue that young language learners’ invention of their own languages and creative use of drawing as a form of sign creation are symbolic expressions of their intent to generate and reinforce desired social and cultural situations of learning. We conclude that individuals mediate social and individual functioning in order to make meaning of their world, and argue for a move away from viewing second language learning and emergent writing as static sets of abilities to a more dynamic interpretation.


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This study investigated the effects of riluzole (Ril), creatine (Cr) and a combination of these treatments on the onset and progression of clinical signs and neuropathology in an animal model of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the G93A transgenic mouse (n=13–17 per group). The onset of clinical signs was delayed (P<0.05) by about 12 days in all treatment groups compared with control; however, no differences occurred between treatments. All animals were killed at 199 days of age. At the end of the experimental period the severity of clinical signs was less (P<0.05) with all treatments compared with control. Again no differences between treatments were observed. The treatments had no effect on the number of neurons in ventral horns of the lumbar region of the spinal cord. Transgenic mice ingesting Cr displayed elevated (P<0.05) total Cr levels in cerebral hemispheres (5%) and spinal cord (8%), but not skeletal muscles. These data demonstrate that treatment with Ril and Cr were both effective in delaying disease onset and clinical disability. To the age of killing, no additional benefit was conferred by co-administration of Ril and Cr.


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to trial and evaluate the effect that a discharge Continence Education Package (CEP) had on patients' continence awareness and management preferences.
DESIGN: An exploratory descriptive design was used.
SETTINGS AND SUBJECTS: A total of 631 participants were included in the study: 352 females (55.8%) and 279 males (44.2%) from 4 rural and regional settings in Victoria, Australia.
INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS: A specifically designed questionnaire was used to assess participants' knowledge of incontinence and its management and also to investigate their treatment preferences and intentions if they experienced this type of problem. Data were collected at 2 time periods. Specifically, patients were interviewed before discharge from acute and subacute settings identified as Time 1 (T1). Then the participants were given the CEP and asked to complete a similar questionnaire.
RESULTS: The findings revealed that fewer than 25% of participants had received information on continence before the study being conducted, yet the majority had indicated that they had experienced continence symptoms. The majority of participants found the CEP easy to understand (98.2%) and helpful (95.3%). Most participants said it provided them with information about types of actions to take and/or treatment options for incontinence problems. It also raised their awareness of the signs and symptoms associated with incontinence and provided them with a useful self-administered gauge with which to assess their continence status.
CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the CEP may be a useful educational tool for use in the general population.


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Very little is known about cardiovascular disease (CVD) in women and their specific needs throughout their recovery process. This study aimed to explore the experiences and adjustments of women following their first AMI. Naturalistic inquiry was used and six women were interviewed post their first AMI. Two major themes were identified: (1) 'the initial experience/event' which identifies events and emotions leading up to, and during, the hospital admission; and (2) 'support: for who and how' exploring the importance of support throughout the recovery process.

The women in this study did not see themselves at risk of an AMI regardless of their lifestyles and when it did occur they adopted a variety of coping mechanisms in order to adjust to their trauma. The findings highlight the need for an increase in community awareness and education surrounding the risk factors of heart disease and its signs and symptoms, to minimize delayed hospital presentations.


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To develop and validate the Impact of Multiple Sclerosis Scale (IMSS) and the Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis Scale (SMSS) using the Extended Disability Status Scale (EDSS) for construct validity.

Panel design involving test-retest over 4 months.

A mailed survey.

Volunteers with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) recruited from an MS support service in Australia: 193 people (mean age, 39y) and 150 people participated at time 1 and time 2, respectively.

Not applicable.
Main Outcome Measures

Principal components analyses, the Cronbach α, and descriptive statistics for the 2 scales; correlations for construct validity with the EDSS and retest; and confirmatory factor analysis to test the stability of IMSS and SMSS components over time.

The IMSS yielded 5 independent and reliable components; the SMSS yielded 3 components; both component structures were stable over time. These scales showed convergent validity with the EDSS.

The IMSS and SMSS are psychometrically sound scales suitable for clinical and research purposes to assess the symptoms and impact of MS.


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Objective: To determine the prevalence of malnutrition in a population of elderly hospitalised patients and to explore health professionals' perceptions and awareness of signs and risks of malnutrition and treatment options available.

Subjects and design:
One hundred elderly patients and 57 health professionals from medical wards of a tertiary teaching hospital. Quantitative and qualitative study design using a validated malnutrition assessment tool (Mini Nutritional Assessment) and researcher-designed questionnaire to assess health professionals' knowledge of nutrition risk factors.

Main outcome measures: Mini Nutritional Assessment score, nutrition risk category and themes in health professionals' knowledge and awareness of malnutrition and its risk factors.

Results: Thirty per cent of patients were identified as malnourished while 61% were at risk of malnutrition. Documentation by health professionals of two major risk factors for malnutrition—recent loss of weight and appetite—were poor with only 19% and 53% of patients with actual loss of weight or appetite, respectively, identified by staff and only 7% and 9% of these patients, respectively, referred for dietetic assessment. While health professionals' knowledge of important medical risk factors for malnutrition was good, their knowledge of malnutrition risk factors such as recent loss of weight and loss of appetite was poor. Medical staff focused on biochemical factors when assessing nutrition status, while nursing staff focused on skin integrity and turgor.

Conclusion: Malnutrition in elderly hospitalised patients remains a significant problem with low rates of recognition and referral by medical and nursing staff. Considerable scope exists to develop training and education tools and to implement an appropriate nutrition screening policy to improve referral rates to dietitians.


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This study aimed to: 1) describe the number, frequency, severity of discomfort and effect of symptoms on life of 29 physical symptoms women experienced at 15 to 25 weeks of gestation; 2) explore whether experiencing this group of physical symptoms more frequently and intensely was associated with a higher score of depressive symptoms and lower self-esteem; (3) examine whether discomfort and effect ratings aided prediction of well being over and above symptom frequency; and (4) investigate which individual physical symptoms contributed most to predicting depressive symptoms and self-esteem. Pregnant women (n = 215) completed the Beck Depression Inventory, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, and a physical symptoms questionnaire. Frequency, discomfort, and the effect of physical symptoms all consistently correlated with higher scores for depressive symptoms, but less consistently with lower self-esteem. Discomfort and the effect of symptoms predicted variance in depressive symptoms after accounting for symptom frequency. Higher frequency, more discomfort, and the effect of fatigue and effect of flatulence were related to depressive symptoms. Relationships between pregnancy-related physical symptoms, depressive symptoms, and low self-esteem suggest that when women report any of these constellation of factors, further screening is indicated. A comprehensive assessment of physical symptoms includes frequency, discomfort, and effect on life.


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Aim. To explore experiences of pituitary disease of people with pituitary disease (PD) and their partners (PT).

Background. Pituitary disease encompasses a range of hormonal abnormalities that produce a variety of signs and symptoms depending on the underlying cause.

Design. A triangulated exploratory study.

Methods. The study was conducted in three phases: (a) non-participant monitoring of an Internet pituitary chat room over four months; (b) in-depth structured interviews with PD attending a pituitary outpatient clinic (n = 8) and PT (n = 6), (c) focus groups (n = 12). Data were collected in 2005.

Results. Four themes emerged from the discussion in each phase: 'need to be normal', 'emotional merry-go-round', 'damage to the self', and 'doctor ignorance'. Symptoms of pituitary disease were often mistaken for sinusitis, 'getting old before my time', hypochondria, stress, and 'something sinister changing the way I look'. Time to diagnosis varied from four weeks to 15 years. PD felt included in decision-making but partners relied on PD for information. Body image changes were significant making PD feel like a 'freak show for medical students' and the emotional distress persisted after treatment and 'cure'. The word 'tumour' caused significant stress and anxiety and depression was common. PD and PT felt general practitioners (GP) lacked information about pituitary disease.

Conclusions. Pituitary disease has a major impact on psychological well-being. PD but not PT felt involved in decisions about their management. GPs may need more education about pituitary disease. The study adds important information about the emotional effects of pituitary disease and its treatment.

Relevance to clinical practice. Pituitary disease is a generic term encompassing a range of underlying disease processes that often produce vague symptoms, often attributed to other causes, which delays diagnosis and treatment. Pituitary disease has a significant under recognised impact on people's mental and physical wellbeing and self-concept. Although the underlying hormonal imbalances associated with pituitary disease are largely reversible (cured), emotional distress persists. Regular monitoring of emotional wellbeing as well as medical and hormone status is warranted.


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This empirical research of tourists’ cultural experiences aims to advance theory by analysing consumers’ benefits (sought and gained) and inferred satisfaction with the Queen Victoria Market. Produce markets are under-researched cultural attractions, despite their popularity with tourists. The current exploratory study found dimensions of importance to tourists’ cultural experience benefits (sought and gained) included socio-psychological, hedonic benefits and attribute specific, utilitarian benefits. It further found that tourists were most satisfied with the hedonic benefits, and least satisfied with the services, signs and written information. This study concludes that researching both types of benefits (sought and gained) and both types of dimensions (psychologically-based and attribute-based) increases understanding of tourists’ cultural experiences.


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AIM: Despite heavy training requirements, triathlon is a sport that is rapidly increasing in popularity. Yet, there is limited research detailing the relationship between training, the incidence of injuries and illness, psychological stress, overtraining and athlete burnout amongst triathletes. Six hypotheses relating inter-individual differences to training factors were generated to evaluate change in self-reported measures of these negative health outcomes over a training year.

METHODS: Thirty, well-trained, triathletes (males n=20: age=27.1±9.1 years and females n=10: age=27.4±6.6 years) from a local triathlon club participated in this study. The study commenced during pre-season training, and involved weekly monitoring of each athlete until the end of the competitive season 45 weeks later. Linear Mixed Modelling was used for the analysis.

RESULTS: Signs and symptoms of injury and illness (SAS) were significantly associated with increases in training factors (P≤0.05); however, greatest impact on SAS was produced by psychological stressors (P≤0.001). Common symptoms of overtraining were significantly affected by increases in exposure to both training and psychological stressors (P≤0.05). Mood disturbance was not significantly affected by training factors (P>0.05) but rather increases in psychological stressors (P≤0.001). Finally, each of the three athlete burnout subscales were significantly affected by both psychological (P≤0.001) stressors as well as varying combinations of training factors (P≤0.05).

CONCLUSIONS: Exposure to stressors (either training or psychological) had significant effects on all negative health outcomes assessed.


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Background: Depression is a highly prevalent yet under-recognized and under-treated psychiatric illness in patients receiving palliative care. Nurses are the front-line health care professionals in these settings and are well-positioned to detect depressive symptoms and initiate pathways to care. Previous research suggests, however, that nurses' confidence and skills in relation to this task are low, and there appear to be a number of barriers within these settings that may impede nurses' engagement in this process.

Methods: To further investigate these factors, a quantitative study was carried out with 69 palliative care nurses from three palliative care services in Australia.

Results: A number of issues were identified, including the need for further training in the signs and symptoms of depression, issues around discussing depression with patients and their family members, and difficulty differentiating depressive symptoms from grief.

Conclusion: These findings provide insight into specific areas in which palliative care nurses would benefit from further training to improve detection rates for depression in this vulnerable population.