79 resultados para Short-term energy

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Wind farms are producing a considerable portion of the world renewable energy. Since the output power of any wind farm is highly dependent on the wind speed, the power extracted from a wind park is not always a constant value. In order to have a non-disruptive supply of electricity, it is important to have a good scheduling and forecasting system for the energy output of any wind park. In this paper, a new hybrid swarm technique (HAP) is used to forecast the energy output of a real wind farm located in Binaloud, Iran. The technique consists of the hybridization of the ant colony optimization (ACO) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) which are two meta-heuristic techniques under the category of swarm intelligence. The hybridization of the two algorithms to optimize the forecasting model leads to a higher quality result with a faster convergence profile. The empirical hourly wind power output of Binaloud Wind Farm for 364 days is collected and used to train and test the prepared model. The meteorological data consisting of wind speed and ambient temperature is used as the inputs to the mathematical model. The results indicate that the proposed technique can estimate the output wind power based on the wind speed and the ambient temperature with an MAPE of 3.513%.


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Background: Dietary fatty acids may be important in regulating gene expression. However, little is known about the effect of changes in dietary fatty acids on gene regulation in human skeletal muscle.
Objective: The objective was to determine the effect of altered dietary fat intake on the expression of genes encoding proteins necessary for fatty acid transport and ß-oxidation in skeletal muscle.
Design: Fourteen well-trained male cyclists and triathletes with a mean (± SE) age of 26.9 ± 1.7 y, weight of 73.7 ± 1.7 kg, and peak oxygen uptake of 67.0 ± 1.3 mL ˙ kg-1 ˙ min-1 consumed either a high-fat diet (HFat: > 65% of energy as lipids) or an isoenergetic high-carbohydrate diet (HCho: 70–75% of energy as carbohydrate) for 5 d in a crossover design. On day 1 (baseline) and again after 5 d of dietary intervention, resting muscle and blood samples were taken. Muscle samples were analyzed for gene expression [fatty acid translocase (FAT/CD36), plasma membrane fatty acid binding protein (FABPpm), carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT I), ß-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (ß-HAD), and uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3)] and concentrations of the proteins FAT/CD36 and FABPpm.
Results: The gene expression of FAT/CD36 and &szlig; -HAD and the gene abundance of FAT/CD36 were greater after the HFat than after the HCho diet (P < 0.05). Messenger RNA expression of FABPpm, CPT I, and UCP-3 did not change significantly with either diet.
: A rapid and marked capacity for changes in dietary fatty acid availability to modulate the expression of mRNA-encoding proteins is necessary for fatty acid transport and oxidative metabolism. This finding is evidence of nutrient-gene interactions in human skeletal muscle.


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Objective: To determine whether healthy males who consumed increased amounts of dietary stearic acid compared with increased dietary palmitic acid through the consumption of commercially available foods, exhibited any changes in plasma lipids, platelet aggregation or platelet activation status.
Design: A randomised cross-over dietary intervention.
Subjects and interventions: Nine free-living healthy males consumed two experimental diets (stearic acid enriched, diet S, and palmitic acid enriched, diet P) for 3 weeks in a randomised cross-over design separated by a 3 week washout phase. The diets consisted of 30% of energy as fat (30% of which was derived from the treatment diets) providing 13 g=day as stearic acid and 17 g=day as palmitic acid on diet S and 7g=day as stearic acid and 22 g=day as palmitic acid on diet P. The dietary ratio of stearic to palmitic acids was 0.76 on diet S compared with 0.31 on diet P. Blood samples were collected on days 0 and 21 of each dietary period.
Results: LDL cholesterol levels and platelet aggregation response to the agonist ADP were significantly decreased (P <0.025) in subjects on diet S compared with day 0. Apart from that, there were no significant changes in plasma lipids, plateletaggregation, mean platelet volume and platelet reactivity between diets. There were no significant changes in stearic or palmitic acid levels in plasma phospholipid or triacylglycerol. There was a significant difference in palmitic acid levels in platelet phospholipids between the two diets.
Conclusions: Use of commonly available foods led to a 27% increase in stearic acid (diet S) and a 19% increase in palmitic acid (diet P), on diets S and P respectively, and no significant differences between the two diets in plasma lipoprotein concentrations, platelet aggregation or platelet activation status.


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Accurate Short Term Load Forecasting (STLF) is essential for a variety of decision making processes. However, forecasting accuracy may drop due to presence of uncertainty in the operation of energy systems or unexpected behavior of exogenous variables. This paper proposes the application of Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems (IT2 FLSs) for the problem of STLF. IT2 FLSs, with extra degrees of freedom, are an excellent tool for handling prevailing uncertainties and improving the prediction accuracy. Experiments conducted with real datasets show that IT2 FLS models appropriately approximate future load demands with an acceptable accuracy. Furthermore, they demonstrate an encouraging degree of accuracy superior to feedforward neural networks used in this study.


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Quantification of uncertainties associated with wind power generation forecasts is essential for optimal management of wind farms and their successful integration into power systems. This paper investigates two neural network-based methods for direct and rapid construction of prediction intervals (PIs) for short-term forecasting of power generation in wind farms. The lower upper bound estimation and bootstrap methods are used to quantify uncertainties associated with forecasts. The effectiveness and efficiency of these two general methods for uncertainty quantification is examined using twenty four month data from a wind farm in Australia. PIs with a confidence level of 90% are constructed for four forecasting horizons: five, ten, fifteen, and thirty minutes. Quantitative measures are applied for objective evaluation and unbiased comparison of PI quality. Demonstrated results indicate that reliable PIs can be constructed in a short time without resorting to complicate computational methods or models. Also quantitative comparison reveals that bootstrap PIs are more suitable for short prediction horizon, and lower upper bound estimation PIs are more appropriate for longer forecasting horizons.


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Six untrained, male subjects (23 ± 1 years old, 84 ± 5 kg, VO2peak= 3.7 ± 0.8 l min–1) exercised for 60 min at 75 ± 1%VO2peak on 7 consecutive days.  Muscle samples were obtained before the start of cycle exercise training and 24 h after the first and seventh exercise sessions and analysed for citrate synthase activity, glycogen and glucose transporter 4 (GLUT-4) mRNA and protein expression. Exercise training increased (P < 0.05) citrate synthase by ~20% and muscle glycogen concentration by ~40%. GLUT-4 mRNA levels 24 h after the first and seventh exercise sessions were similar to those  measured before the start of exercise training. In contrast, GLUT-4 protein expression was increased after 7 days of exercise training (12.4 ± 1.5 versus 3.4 ± 1.0 arbitray units (a.u.), P < 0.05) and although it tended to be higher 24 h after the first exercise session (6.0 ± 3.0 versus 3.4 ± 1.0 a.u.), this was not significantly different (P= 0.09). These results support the suggestion that the adaptive increase in skeletal muscle GLUT-4 protein expression with short-term exercise training arises from the repeated, transient increases in GLUT-gene transcription following each exercise bout leading to a gradual accumulation of GLUT-4 protein, despite GLUT-4 mRNA returning to basal levels between exercise stimuli.


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The purpose of the study was to quantify the strength of motor unit synchronization and coherence from pairs of concurrently active motor units before and after short-term (4–8 weeks) strength training of the left first dorsal interosseous (FDI) muscle. Five subjects (age 24.8 ± 4.3 years) performed a training protocol three times/week that consisted of six sets of ten maximal isometric index finger abductions, whereas three subjects (age 27.3 ± 6.7 years) acted as controls. Motor unit activity was recorded from pairs of intramuscular electrodes in the FDI muscle with two separate motor unit recording sessions obtained before and after strength training (trained group) or after 4 weeks of normal daily activities that did not involve training (control group). The training intervention resulted in a 54% (45.2 ± 8.3 to 69.5 ± 13.8 N, P = 0.001) increase in maximal index finger abduction force, whereas there was no change in strength in the control group. A total of 163 motor unit pairs (198 single motor units) were examined in both subject groups, with 52 motor unit pairs obtained from 10 recording sessions before training and 51 motor unit pairs from 10 recording sessions after training. Using the cross-correlation procedure, there was no change in the strength of motor unit synchronization following strength training (common input strength index; 0.71 ± 0.41 to 0.67 ± 0.43 pulses/s). Furthermore, motor unit coherence z scores at low (0–10 Hz; 3.9 ± 0.3 before to 4.4 ± 0.4 after) or high (10–30 Hz; 1.7 ± 0.1 before to 1.9 ± 0.1 after) frequencies were not influenced by strength training. These motor unit data indicate that increases in strength following several weeks of training a hand muscle are not accompanied by changes in motor unit synchronization or coherence, suggesting that these features of correlated motor unit activity are not important in the expression of muscle strength.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of short-term sprint training on transient changes in monocarboxylate lactate transporter 1 (MCT1) and MCT4 protein and mRNA content. Seven moderately endurance-trained runners (mean ± SE; age 27.7±2.9 years, body mass 81.1±5.9 kg, VO2 max 58.1±2.0 ml kg−1 min−1) completed a VO2 max and a supramaximal running test to exhaustion (RTE) before and after a 6-week period of sprint training. The sprint training was progressive and consisted of 18 sessions of near maximal short duration (5–15 s) sprints to compliment the athlete’s endurance training. Prior to the training period there was a significant (P<0.05) increase in MCT1, but not MCT4 protein, 2 h after the RTE. This occurred without any change in corresponding mRNA levels. After the training period, there was a significant increase in MCT1 protein but no significant change in the MCT4 isoform. Both MCT1 and MCT4 mRNA was significantly lower at rest and 2 h post-RTE after the completion of the training period. After the training period, there was a significant increase in the time to exhaustion and distance covered during the RTE. This study demonstrates that sprint training of this length and type results in an upregulation of MCT1 protein, but not MCT4 content. Additionally, this study shows conflicting adaptations in MCT1 and MCT4 protein and mRNA levels following training, which may indicate post-transcriptional regulation of MCT expression in human muscle.


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The purpose of the present study was to determine in human skeletal muscle whether a single exercise bout and 7 days of consecutive endurance (cycling) training 1) increased insulin-stimulated Akt pSer473and 2) altered the abundance of the protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases), PTP1B and SHP2. In healthy, untrained men (n = 8; 24 ± 1 yr), glucose infusion rate during a hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp, when compared with untrained values, was not improved 24 h following a single 60-min bout of endurance cycling but was significantly increased (~30%; P < 0.05) 24 h following completion of 7 days of exercise training. Insulin-stimulated Akt pSer473was ~50% higher (P < 0.05) 24 h following the acute bout of exercise, with this effect remaining after 7 days of training (P < 0.05). Insulin-stimulated insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate-1 tyrosine phosphorylation were not altered 24 h after acute exercise and short-term training. Insulin did not acutely regulate the localization of the PTPases, PTP1B or SHP2, although cytosolic protein abundance of SHP2 was increased (P < 0.05; main effect) 24 h following acute exercise and short-term training. In conclusion, insulin-sensitive Akt pSer473and cytosolic SHP2 protein abundance are higher after acute exercise and short-term training, and this effect appears largely due to the residual effects of the last bout of prior exercise. The significance of exercise-induced alterations in cytosolic SHP2 and insulin-stimulated Akt pSer473on the improvement in insulin sensitivity requires further elucidation.


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Purpose: Five days of a high-fat diet produce metabolic adaptations that increase the rate of fat oxidation during prolonged exercise. We investigated whether enhanced rates of fat oxidation during submaximal exercise after 5 d of a high-fat diet would persist in the face of increased carbohydrate (CHO) availability before and during exercise.

Methods: Eight well-trained subjects consumed either a high-CHO (9.3 g·kg-1·d-1 CHO, 1.1 g·kg-1·d-1 fat; HCHO) or an isoenergetic high-fat diet (2.5 g·kg-1·d-1 CHO, 4.3 g·kg-1·d-1 fat; FAT-adapt) for 5 d followed by a high-CHO diet and rest on day 6. On day 7, performance testing (2 h steady-state (SS) cycling at 70% peak O2 uptake [[latin capital V with dot above]O2peak] + time trial [TT]) of 7 kJ·kg-1) was undertaken after a CHO breakfast (CHO 2 g·kg-1) and intake of CHO during cycling (0.8 g·kg-1·h-1).

Results: FAT-adapt reduced respiratory exchange ratio (RER) values before and during cycling at 70% [latin capital V with dot above]O2peak; RER was restored by 1 d CHO and CHO intake during cycling (0.90 ± 0.01, 0.80 ± 0.01, 0.91 ± 0.01, for days 1, 6, and 7, respectively). RER values were higher with HCHO (0.90 ± 0.01, 0.88 ± 0.01 (HCHO > FAT-adapt, P < 0.05), 0.95 ± 0.01 (HCHO > FAT-adapt, P < 0.05)). On day 7, fat oxidation remained elevated (73 ± 4 g vs 45 ± 3 g, P < 0.05), whereas CHO oxidation was reduced (354 ± 11 g vs 419 ± 13 g, P < 0.05) throughout SS in FAT-adapt versus HCHO. TT performance was similar for both trials (25.53 ± 0.67 min vs 25.45 ± 0.96 min, NS).

Conclusion: Adaptations to a short-term high-fat diet persisted in the face of high CHO availability before and during exercise, but failed to confer a performance advantage during a TT lasting ~ 25 min undertaken after 2 h of submaximal cycling.


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Aim: To determine whether buprenorphine is more effective than clondine and other symptomatic medications in managing ambulatory heroin withdrawal.
Design: Open label. prospective randomized controlled trial examining
withdrawal and 4-week postwithdrawal outcomes on intention-to-treat.
Setting: Two specialist, out-patient drug treatment centres in inner city
Melbourne and Sydney, Australia.
Participants: One hundred and fourteen dependent heroin users were recruited. Participants were 18 yea rs or over. and with no significant other drug dependence, medical or psychiatric conditions or recent methadone treatment. One hundred and one (89%) participants completed a day 8 research interview examining withdrawal outcomes, and 92 (81%) completed day 35 research interview examining postwithdrawal outcomes.
Interventions: Participants randomized to control (n = 56) (up to 8 days or
clonidine and other symptomatic medications) or experimental (n = 58) (up to 5 days of buprenorphine) withdrawal groups. Following the 8-day withdrawal episode, participants could self-select from range of postwithdrawal options (naltrexone, substitution maintenance or counselling).
Measurements: Retention in withdrawal: heroin use during withdrawl: and
retention in drug treatment 4 weeks after withdrawal.
Secondary outcomes: Withdrawal severity: adverse events, and heroin use in the postwithdrawal period.
Findings: The experimental group had better treatment retention at day 8 (86% versus 57%, P = 0.001, 95% CI for numbers needed to treat (NNT) = 3-8) and day 35 (62% versus 39%, P = 0.02, 95% CI for NNT = 4-18): used heroin on fewer days during the withdralwal programlme (2.6 ± 2.5 versus 4.5 ± 2. 3.
P < 0.001. 95% CI = 1- 2.5 days) and in the postwithdrawal period (9.0±8.2
versus 14.6± 10. P<O.Ol. 95% CI = I .8- 9.4): and reported less withdrawal
severity. No severe adverse events reported.
Conclusions: Buprenorphine is effective for short-term ambulatory heroin
withdrawaI, with greater retention, less heroin use and less withdrawal discomfort during withdrawal: and increased postwithdrawal treatment retention than symptomatic medications.