6 resultados para Shell length

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Caging and a mark–recapture design were used to estimate the growth rate of the brittle, infaunal bivalve Soletellina alba in the Hopkins River estuary. The growth of both caged and uncaged individuals was monitored at three sites near the mouth of the estuary over 180 days. Growth rates did not differ for caged and uncaged bivalves, or for bivalves subject to different amounts of handling, or between sites. Growth did differ between consecutive time intervals, which was attributable to negligible growth occurring during the colder months of autumn/winter. Comparisons of the condition (as indicated by total mass for length3) of S. alba were inconsistent between sites for caged and uncaged bivalves and for those subject to different amounts of handling. Soletellina alba is a rapidly growing bivalve with mean growth rates for the three time intervals being 0.04±0.002 mm day−1 in summer, 0.02±0.001 mm day−1 in autumn and 0.03±0.001 mm day−1 from summer to winter. Using existing literature, it was shown that a significant relationship exists between maximum shell length and onset of sexual maturity in bivalve molluscs. This relationship predicts that S. alba should reach the onset of sexual maturity at 15.8 mm length. Therefore, it appears that it may be possible for juvenile S. alba (<1 mm) to grow, reach sexual maturity and reproduce in between annual mass-mortality events caused by winter flooding.


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This study was based on wild-caught blacklip abalone Haliotis rubra L., from Port Fairy waters, south eastern Australia (142°15′E; 38°21′S), from July  1998 to November 1999, and was initiated to evaluate the spawning season and other aspects of its reproductive biology. The shell length and body weight of female and male abalone sampled ranged from 12.0 to 18.6 and 12 to 15 cm, and 137 to 529 and 148 to 585 g, respectively. The sex ratio did not vary significantly from 1:1 through the year. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) ranged from 3.0% to 8.4% in males, and 2.5% to 14.1% for females, and the highest GSI as well as the highest proportion of mature animals were recorded from September to October. During these months the hepatosomatic index (HSI) was low, and an inverse correlation between GSI and HSI (P < 0.05) was evident. Fecundity of blacklip abalone ranged from 1.09 to 7.5 million eggs for females of 12–14.5 cm in length, and 115–487 g in total body weight, respectively. The lipid content of the female gonad increased significantly from about July to November, and an opposite trend was observed for lipid content of the digestive gland. Seasonal changes in the protein and ash contents of the gonad and/or the digestive gland were not always significant.


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The population dynamics of the infaunal bivalve Soletellina alba was investigated at three sites situated within close proximity to the mouth of the Hopkins River estuary. The initial study design was planned to examine the importance of winter flooding to the persistence of this bivalve mollusc within the Hopkins estuary, since mass mortalities have been observed during previous years coincident with periods of winter flooding. Unfortunately, the climatic conditions experienced during this study were atypical compared to the long-term average, so detailed sampling was limited to two, unanticipated, non-flood years rather than two, highly anticipated, flood years. This hampered my ability to conduct complete tests of the importance of winter flooding. Patterns of river discharge and the frequency and duration of mouth opening and closing differed greatly from that expected. Unexpectedly, periods of mouth closure were not always associated with periods of minimal river discharge; low salinities were another unexpected result during an extended period of mouth closure during 1998. As expected, salinities varied considerably with increasing water depth when the estuary mouth was open. Mouth closure lead to salinities becoming more uniform between water depths but hypoxic and anoxic conditions became evident via stratification in the water column at 1 m below the Australian Height Datum (AHD). Other than trends associated with increased water depth, significant variation was not evident between measurements of salinity taken from three sites within close proximity of the estuary mouth (approximately 500 m), or during changes in tide. The most pertinent anomaly was the absence of winter flooding. The distribution and abundance of juvenile and adult S. alba was variable across all Dates, Sites and Channel elevations (i.e. water depths) sampled during this study. An experimental test comparing the recruitment of juveniles at different channel elevations and in sediments of varying particle size was conducted during an exceptionally successful period of recruitment during 1999. The results of these tests showed that recruitment was greatest at the shallowest channel elevation used, and there was little evidence that sediment particle size influenced recruitment. In contrast to 1999, recruitment during 1997 or 1998 was extremely poor. Growth rates were monitored using tagged individuals held in caged and uncaged plots, which revealed that growth was highly variable among individuals, but not between Sites. These tests also revealed that growth was negligible during the colder, winter months, and that the fastest growing individuals were capable of growing 0.2 mm/day. Mixed results were obtained for tests of potential cage artifacts and the influence of handling. Caging and differing amounts of handling did not appear to influence growth, but there was evidence that cages and handling influenced bivalve condition and number of mortalities. These direct tests appeared to be the most appropriate method for determining growth rates of this species, since attempts to analyse length-frequency data were made difficult by the apparent convergence of cohorts, and shell aging is difficult due to the thin, fragile nature of the shell. As expected, mass mortalities were observed during the flood of 1996, but not during the two non-flood years of 1997 and 1998. There were, however, some considerable declines in abundances at some channel elevations during the two non-flood years. However, these declines were attributable to the complete disappearance of individuals, rather than the sudden presence of numerous, recently dead individuals that typify observed declines during winter flooding. The complete disappearance of individuals suggest that S. alba may be capable of post-settlement emigration, or that they were consumed by an unknown predator. Salinity tolerance tests showed that bivalves exposed to low salinities (≤6 ppt), exhibited poorer condition and took longer to re-burrow into sediments than those exposed to greater salinities (≥14 ppt), while death of bivalves exposed to salinities ≤1 ppt occurred after 8 days of exposure. These tests provide evidence that low salinities are probably the principal cause of mass mortalities during winter flooding, although the interaction between salinity, temperature and turbidity also deserve consideration. The results of this study indicate that certain aspects of winter flooding, especially salinity, are responsible for the mass mortalities of S. alba rather than the result of a short-lived life history. I hypothesise that the survival of very young juveniles (between 0.5 and 1 mm shell length) and rapid growth rates are important features of the life history of S. alba that explain its successful persistence within the Hopkins River estuary. The rapid rates of growth suggest that it may be possible for juveniles that survive winter flooding to grow, reach sexual maturity, and reproduce before the onset of the next flood event. Unfortunately, the increased survivorship of juveniles during periods of winter flooding was not demonstrated by this study because of the absence of winter flooding and also relatively poor recruitment. It is highly likely that this species is capable of completing it entire life cycle within the estuary since the absence of other nearby populations, together with periods of mouth closure, are likely to greatly limit the potential contribution made by larvae entering from the surrounding marine environment. This study has added considerably to our knowledge of how infauna cope with life in the intermittently closing estuaries that typify semi-arid coastlines in the Southern Hemisphere.


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APGW-amide is a well-known neurohormone modulator in several molluscs, and is involved in motor activities, feeding, and sexual behavior. In this report we show that injections of APGW-amide into 4-mo-old juvenile Haliotis asinina stimulate growth of body weight and, to a lesser degree, shell length. The injections were given at 0 (control), 20, and 200 ng/g body weight (BW), at 1-wk intervals for 14 wk. BW and shell length (SL) were measured every week, and growth rates were calculated. When compared with control animals, there was an approximate 2-fold increase in body growth rates of animals given 20 ng/g BW and 200 ng/g BW APGW-amide (P ≤ 0.05), whereas only 20 ng/g BW APGW-amide produced significantly greater SL than controls (P ≤ 0.05), with an approximate 1.2-fold increase. Using an immunoperoxidase technique, we showed the presence of APGW-amide in neuronal cells of the cerebral ganglia and nerve fibers. Overall, these data indicate that APGW-amide is an important neurohormone/neuromodulator in the nervous system of H. asinina and plays a role in controlling the body growth of H. asinina.


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Egg-laying hormone (ELH) is a neuropeptide hormone that stimulates ovulation of gastropods, including Aplysia californica and Lymnaea stagnalis. Other neuropeptides, gonadotropin releasing hormones (GnRHs), also play important roles in controlling reproduction in both vertebrates and invertebrates. In the current study, the effects of abalone ELH (aELH) and several GnRHs on somatic growth, sex differentiation, gonad maturation, and spawning of Haliotis asinina were investigated in 3 experiments. In experiment 1, groups of 4-mo-old juveniles (11.8 ±  0.03 mm shell length (SL) and 0.33 ± 0.04 g body weight (BW)) were injected with aELH and GnRHs, including buserelin (mammalian GnRH analogue), octopus GnRH (octGnRH), and tunicate GnRH-I (tGnRH-I), at doses of 20 ng/g BW and 200 ng/g BW. The aELH induced early sex differentiation with a bias toward females, but with normal somatic growth, whereas the different isoforms of GnRH had no effect on sexual differentiation or somatic growth. In experiment 2, groups of 1-y-old-abalone (SL, 4.04 ± 0.02 cm; BW, 20.15 ± 0.25 g) were injected with aELH and the 3 isoforms of GnRH including buserelin, octGnRH, and lamprey GnRH (1GnRH-I) at doses of 500 ng/g BW and 1,000 ng/g BW, and all produced stimulatory effects. For each peptide treatment, the gonads reached full maturation within 5- 6 wk and spawning occurred, whereas control groups took 8 wk to reach maturity. In experiment 3, injections of ripe abalone with aELH stimulated spawning of both sexes in a dose-dependent manner. Buserelin had a lesser effect on inducing spawning, and octGnRH had no apparent effect. The gametes released from induced spawnings by aELH and GnRH showed normal fertilization and development of larvae. Altogether, these findings provide further knowledge on manipulating abalone reproduction, which is important in improving abalone aquaculture.


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Roll forming is an incremental bending process for forming metal sheet, strip or coiled stock. Although Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a standard tool for metal forming simulation, it is only now being increasingly used for the analysis of the roll forming process. This is because of the excessive computational time due to the long strip length and the multiple numbers of stands that have to be modelled. Typically a single solid element is used through the thickness of the sheet for roll forming simulations. Recent investigations have shown that residual stresses introduced during steel processing may affect the roll forming process and therefore need to be included in roll forming simulations. These residual stresses vary in intensity through the thickness and this cannot be accounted for by using only one solid element through the material thickness, in this work a solid-shell element with an arbitrary number of integration points has been used to simulate the roll forming process. The system modelled is that of roll forming a V-channel with dual phase DP780 sheet steel. In addition, the influence of other modelling parameters, such as friction, on CPU time is further investigated. The numerical results are compared to experimental data and a good correlation has been observed. Additionally the numerical results show that the CPU time is reduced in the model without friction and that considering friction does not have a significant effect on springback prediction in the numerical analysis of the roll forming process.