72 resultados para Sheep - Carcass

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The effects of animal species (AS; Angora goats, Merino sheep, mixed-grazed goats and sheep at the ratio of 1:1) and stocking rate (SR; 7.5, 10 and 12.5 animals/ha) on the liveweight, body condition score, carcass yield and mortality of goats and sheep were determined in a replicated experiment on improved annual temperate pastures in southern Australia from 1981 to 1984. The pattern of liveweight change was similar for both species with growth from pasture germination in autumn until maturation in late spring followed by weight loss. In winter, sheep grew faster than goats (65 versus 10 g/day, P < 0.05). In mixed-grazed treatments between November and December goats either grew when sheep were losing weight or goats lost less weight than sheep (P < 0.01). Both AS (P < 0.001) and SR (P < 0.001) affected liveweight of sheep and an AS SR interaction (P <  0.05) affected liveweight of goats. Mixed-grazed sheep were heavier than separately grazed sheep at all SR with a mean difference at 10 and 12.5/ha of 4.6 kg. Mixed-grazed goats at 10/ha were heavier than separately grazed goats from the end of the second year of the experiment, but at 12.5/ha, separately grazed goats maintained an advantage over mixed-grazed goats, with a 9.4-kg mean difference in December (P < 0.05). Body condition scores of goats and sheep declined with increasing SR; they were highest in late spring and were highly correlated with liveweight (r2 > 0.8). Both AS and SR affected (P < 0.001) carcass weight and GR tissue depth as a direct result of differences in liveweight. Adjusting for differences in carcass weight negated AS effects on GR tissue depth. The carcass weights of sheep and goats increased by similar amounts for each 1-kg increase in liveweight. Mortality of sheep (3.1% p.a.) was unaffected by AS or SR. An AS SR interaction indicated mortality of separately grazed goats at 12.5/ha and mixed-grazed goats at 10 and 12.5/ha were higher (P < 0.05) than all other goat (29 versus 9%) and sheep treatments, primarily because of increased susceptibility to cold stress. Disease prevalence differed between sheep and goats. Mixed grazing of Merino sheep and Angora goats produced complementary and competitive effects depending upon the SR. Goats used summer pasture better but winter pasture less well for liveweight gain than sheep. Angora goats should not be grazed alone or mixed grazed with sheep on annual temperate pastures at SR greater than that recommended for Merino sheep and the evidence indicates a lower SR will reduce risks associated with mortality.


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Isonitrogenous amounts of two protein sources differing in rumen degradation rate and in lipid composition were fed to sheep with or without a rapidly fermentable cereal grain. The effects on intake, carcass leanness, and muscle fatty acid (FA) composition were examined. Thirty-eight crossbred wether lambs (9 mo, 35 to 48 kg) were allocated by stratified randomization to six treatment groups: 1) basal diet of alfalfa hay:oat hay (20:80) ad libitum = basal; 2) basal + lupin (358 g DM/d) = lupin; 3) basal + fish meal (168 g DM/d) = fish meal; 4) basal + barley (358 g DM/d) = barley; 5) basal + barley + lupin (179 + 179 g DM/d) = barley/lupin; or 6) basal + barley + fish meal (179 + 84 g DM/d) = barley/ fish meal. Lambs were fed individually. Dietary treatments were imposed for 8 wk, and the supplements were offered at 2-d intervals. Daily feed intake and weekly BW of lambs were recorded. At the end of the feeding period lambs were slaughtered after an overnight fast. Hot carcass weight (HCW) and fat depth (GR; total fat and muscle tissue depth at 12th rib, 110 mm from midline) were recorded. At 24 h postmortem samples of longissimus thoracis (LT) and longissimus lumborum (LL) muscles were taken from chilled (4 deg C) carcasses for the assessment of FA composition and meat tenderness, respectively. Lambs fed lupin or fish meal with or without barley had heavier slaughter weights (P < 0.004) and HCW (P < 0.001) than lambs fed basal or barley when initial BW was included as a covariate. The lupin diet also resulted in heavier carcasses (P < 0.05) than the fish meal or barley/fish meal diets. With GR as an indicator, fish meal and barley/ fish meal diets produced leaner carcasses (P < 0.01) than lupin and barley/lupin lambs. Long-chain n-3 FA content [20:5n-3 (P < 0.001), 22:5n-3 (P < 0.003), and 22:6n-3 (P < 0.001)] in the LT muscle were substantially higher with the fish meal and barley/fish meal diets, whereas muscle total n-6 FA was increased (P < 0.003) by lupin and barley/lupin compared with all other diets. Thus, increased muscle long-chain n-3 FA content occurred without an increase in fatness measured as GR, whereas increased muscle n-6 FA content was associated with an increase in carcass fatness. Under these circumstances, a reduction in carcass fatness had no effect on meat tenderness measured as Warner-Bratzler shear force.


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In this study we investigated the function of the sheep orthologue of ATP7B (sATP7B), the protein affected in the human copper toxicosis disorder Wilson disease. Two forms of sATP7B are found in the sheep, a ‘normal’ form and one with an alternate N terminus, both of which were expressed in CHO-K1 cells. Cells expressing either form of sATP7B were more resistant to copper than the parental CHO-K1 cells. Subcellular localisation studies showed that both forms of sATP7B were similarly located in the trans-Golgi network (TGN). When the extracellular copper concentration was increased, each form of sATP7B redistributed to a punctate, vesicular compartment that extended throughout the cytoplasm. Both forms of sATP7B recycled to the perinuclear location within one hour when the cells were subsequently incubated in basal medium. After treatment of cells with bafilomycin A1 sATP7B accumulated in cytoplasmic vesicles, implying that ATP7B continuously recycles via the endocytic pathway. These results suggest that both forms of sATP7B are functional copper-transport proteins and that the intracellular location and trafficking of the sheep protein within the cell also appears normal.


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The Wilson disease (WD) protein (ATP7B) is a copper-transporting P-type ATPase that is responsible for the efflux of hepatic copper into the bile, a process that is essential for copper homeostasis in mammals. Compared with other mammals, sheep have a variant copper phenotype and do not efficiently excrete copper via the bile, often resulting in excessive copper accumulation in the liver. To investigate the function of sheep ATP7B and its potential role in the copper-accumulation phenotype, cDNAs encoding the two forms of ovine ATP7B were transfected into immortalised fibroblast cell lines derived from a Menkes disease patient and a normal control. Both forms of ATP7B were able to correct the copper-retention phenotype of the Menkes cell line, demonstrating each to be functional copper-transporting molecules and suggesting that the accumulation of copper in the sheep liver is not due to a defect in the copper transport function of either form of sATP7B.


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One constraint facing the pig industry is that ad libitum feeding can often result in high levels of body fat and technologies which can reduce the ratio of lean to fat deposition in the pig are continually being explored. Conjugated linoleic acids have been shown to decrease body fat content in pigs. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine whether dietary conjugated linoleic acids supplementation has any effect on meat quality and carcass characteristics in finisher pigs. Sixty female crossbred (Large White × Landrace) pigs (average initial weight 56.6 ± 1.9 kg and average initial P2 backfat 11.4 ± 1.3 mm) were used in the present study. Pigs were individually housed and randomly allocated to 1 of 6 dietary treatments: 0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 or 1.0% (w/w) of conjugated linoleic acids-55. The wheat-based diets were formulated to contain 14.3 MJ DE and 9.3 g available lysine per kg and were fed ad libitum for 8 weeks. Pigs were slaughtered and meat quality was determined on the longissimus thoracis using standard techniques. Dietary conjugated linoleic acids reduced subcutaneous back fat in a linear manner with effects being most pronounced in the middle back fat layer. There was also a linear (P<0.001) decrease in intramuscular fat with increasing dietary conjugated linoleic acids supplementation. However, there was no effect of conjugated linoleic acids on subjective measures of marbling of the loin. Also, loin muscle ultimate pH (P = 0.94), lightness values (P = 0.46) subjective colour scores (P = 0.79), cooking loss (P = 0.71), drip loss (P = 0.40), shear force (P = 0.61) and subjective measures of wetness/firmness (P = 0.19) were unaffected. Dietary conjugated linoleic acids did not alter oxidation, as measured by the level of TBARs at day 1 post-slaughter (P = 0.38) or after 9 days of simulated retail display (P = 0.35). These data confirm that dietary conjugated linoleic acids can improve carcass quality by decreasing back fat depths without having any detrimental effects on meat quality.


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In a previous study we showed that feeding fish meal significantly increased muscle long chain n-3 fatty acids (FA) and hot carcass weight. In this study we compared the effect of fish meal and fish oil on increasing muscle long-chain FA. We also investigated whether the increase in carcass weight was due to the effect of dietary enrichment of muscle long-chain n-3 FA on muscle membrane phospholipids and(or) to rumen by-pass protein provided by fish meal. Forty crossbred ([Merino x Border Leicester] x Poll Dorset) wether lambs between 26 and 33 kg BW were randomly assigned to one of five treatments: 1) basal diet of oaten:lucerne chaff (Basal); 2) Basal + fish meal (9% DM) = FM; 3) Basal + fish oil (1.5% DM) with protected sunflower meal (9% DM ) = FOSMP; 4) Basal + fish oil (1.5% DM) = FO; or 5) Basal + protected sunflower meal (10.5% DM) = SMP. Daily intake of ME (9.60 - 10.5 MJ ME/d) and CP (150 to 168 g/d) in all treatments was kept similar by varying the ratio of oaten:lucerne chaff and by feeding the animals at 90% ad libitum intake. Blood samples were collected at the start of the experiment and on the day (d 42) prior to slaughter. Lambs were then slaughtered at a commercial abattoir. At 24 h postmortem carcass traits were measured and longis-simus thoracis muscle taken for analysis of FA of phospholipid and triglyceride fractions. Lambs fed FO and FOSMP showed a marked increase in muscle longchain n-3 FA (P < 0.001) and a reduction in magnitude of the rise in insulin concentration (P < 0.001) after feeding compared with lambs fed Basal and SMP diets. Lambs in FM had a moderate increase (P < 0.001) in muscle long-chain n-3 FA content. Compared with Basal diet, both plasma total cholesterol (P < 0.02) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (P < 0.001) levels were greater in SMP and less in FO and FOSMP treat- ments. The i.m. fat content was reduced (P < 0.05) in FM and FO treatments, but carcass weight was increased only with fish meal (P < 0.03). Adding SMP to FO produced muscle with an intermediate level of i.m. fat, whereas muscle long-chain n-3 FA, i.m. fat, and insulin concentration were unchanged with SMP treatment. These results indicate that an increase in carcass weight in FM may be due to the supply of ruminally undegraded protein. They also suggest that fish oil along with fish meal can increase long-chain n-3 FA content in phospholipid of muscle membrane. This may be associated with reduced i.m. fat content and altered insulin action and lipoprotein metabolism.


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There is evidence that levels of adipose tissue can influence responses of the hypothalamopituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis to stress in humans and rats but this has not been explored in sheep. Also, little is known about the sympathoadrenal responses to stress in individuals with relatively different levels of adipose tissue. We tested the hypothesis that the stress-induced activation of the HPA axis and sympathoadrenal system is lower in ovariectomized ewes with low levels of body fat (lean) than ovariectomized ewes with high levels of body fat (fat). Ewes underwent dietary manipulation for 3 months to yield a group of lean ewes (n = 7) with a mean (±SEM) live weight of 39.1 ± 0.9 kg and body fat of 8.9 ± 0.6% and fat ewes (n = 7) with a mean (±SEM) live weight of 69.0 ± 1.8 kg and body fat of 31.7 ± 3.4%. Fat ewes also had higher circulating concentrations of leptin than lean ewes. Blood samples were collected every 15 min over 8 h when no stress was imposed (control day) and on a separate day when 4 h of isolation/restraint was imposed after 4 h of pretreatment sampling (stress day). Plasma concentrations of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine did not change significantly over the control day and did not differ between lean and fat ewes. Stress did not affect plasma leptin levels. All stress hormones increased significantly during isolation/restraint stress. The ACTH, cortisol and epinephrine responses were greater in fat ewes than lean ewes but norepinephrine responses were similar. Our results suggest that relative levels of adipose tissue influence the stress-induced activity of the hypothalamopituitary-adrenal axis and some aspects of the sympathoadrenal system with fat animals having higher responses than lean animals.


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This study investigated sex differences in the stress-induced activation of neurons containing corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH), arginine vasopressin (AVP) and enkephalin in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of gonadectomized male and female sheep. Groups (n=3) of both sexes were either subjected to 90 min isolation and restraint stress (stress group) or were not stressed. Blood samples were taken every 10 min for 90 min prior to and after stress to monitor cortisol levels in plasma. Brains were harvested after 90 min of stress. Stress caused elevation of plasma cortisol levels to a similar extent in both sexes. Double-labeling immunohistochemistry for Fos and either CRH, AVP or enkephalin was undertaken to quantify the numbers of neurons staining for CRH, AVP and enkephalin that also immunostained for Fos. Stress increased Fos immunostaining in all cell types. There was a greater proportion of CRH than AVP neurons activated in stressed animals. There were no sex differences in the activation of CRH and AVP neurons although females had a greater proportion of enkephalin cells staining for Fos than males in both control and stressed animals. There were no differences between control and stressed animals in the proportion of cells co-staining for CRH and AVP. We conclude that isolation and restraint stress activates neurons producing CRH, AVP and enkephalin in sheep and that CRH may play a greater role than AVP in regulating adrenocorticotrophic hormone secretion in response to this stressor in sheep. Finally, isolation and restraint stress does not influence co-localization of CRH and AVP in sheep.


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Stress compromises reproductive function and the major physiological system activated during stress is the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis. Corticotrophin-releasing hormone and arginine vasopressin (AVP), which are produced in neurones of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), drive the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis and are also implicated in the suppression of the reproductive axis. We used retrograde tracing and Fos labelling to map the projections from the PVN to the preoptic area (POA) where most gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) neurones are found. Fluorogold (FG) injections were made into the POA of gonadectomised male and female sheep (n = 5/sex), the animals were stressed and the brains recovered for histochemistry. All animals responded to stress with an increase in the number of Fos-labelled nuclei in the PVN. Few retrogradely labelled cells of the PVN were activated by stress. Dual labelling showed that very few FG-labelled cells also stained for corticotrophin-releasing hormone, none for AVP or enkephalin. Dual labelling for FG and Fos in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) and the arcuate nucleus showed that no FG-labelled cells in the BNST and only few in the ARC were activated by stress. No sex differences were observed in the activation of FG-labelled cells in any of the nuclei examined. We conclude that, although cells of the PVN, BNST and/or arcuate nucleus may affect reproduction via the GnRH cells of the POA, this is unlikely to involve direct input to the POA. If cells of these regions are involved in GnRH suppression during stress, this may occur via interneuronal pathways.


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We tested the hypothesis that there are sex differences in the inhibitory effect of cortisol on pulsatile LH secretion and pituitary responsiveness to GnRH in gonadectomized sheep. In experiment 1, pulsatile LH secretion was examined in gonadectomized ewes and rams infused with either saline, a low (250 µg/kg·h) or a high (500 µg/kg·h) dose of cortisol for 30 h. In experiment 2, direct pituitary actions of cortisol were assessed by monitoring LH pulse amplitude in response to exogenous GnRH in hypothalamo-pituitary disconnected ewes and rams infused with the low dose of cortisol. In experiment 1, the mean (±SEM) plasma LH concentration was (P < 0.05) reduced significantly during cortisol infusion in both sexes, but the effect was greater in rams. In ewes, LH pulse amplitude and frequency were reduced (P < 0.05) at the high, but not the low, cortisol dose, whereas total LH output (LH pulse amplitude multiplied by frequency) was reduced (P < 0.05) at both doses. In rams, LH pulse frequency and amplitude and total LH output were (P < 0.05) reduced significantly at both cortisol doses. In experiment 2, plasma LH concentration and pulse amplitude in response to exogenous GnRH were not affected by infusion of cortisol in either sex. We conclude that gonadectomized rams are more sensitive than gonadectomized ewes to the effects of cortisol to inhibit LH secretion and that sex differences exist in the specific actions of cortisol on LH pulses. The results of experiment 2 suggest that intact hypothalamic input to the pituitary is necessary for cortisol to inhibit pituitary responsiveness to GnRH.


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This study examined the level of long chain omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fats, the ratio of polyunsaturated fat to saturated fat (PUFA/SFA) and the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 (n-6/n-3) fat in sheep grown under grazing conditions in Australia. The sheep genotypes used were Poll Dorsetgrowth × Border Leicester Merino (PDg × BLM), Poll Dorsetgrowth × Merino (PDg × M), Poll Dorsetmuscling × Merino (PDm × M), Border Leicester × Merino (BL × M) and Merino × Merino (M × M). Loin muscles (Longissimus lumborum) collected from 40 ewe and wether sheep slaughtered at 14 months of age were processed for fatty acid determination. After frozen storage, 20 g samples were minced and a 7 g homogenate was processed for muscle lipid extraction using a chloroform:methanol (2:1) procedure. There was an increase in PUFA/SFA as the proportion of Merino genetics increased in the progeny (second-cross < first-cross < Merino), but this was not shown in the n-6/n-3 ratio. The PUFA/SFA trend appeared to be associated with an increase in the level of total polyunsaturated fats, but not a decrease in the level of total saturated fats. The results demonstrate that there is a need to improve the PUFA/SFA content in first- and second-cross animals which are mainly used for meat production in Australia so as to maintain the healthy lipids in meat. Nutritional manipulation through feeding systems or selection of sires for greater heritability of omega-3 fat deposition may be suitable pathways to elevate the ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and in particular omega-3.


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We have shown that cortisol infusion reduced the luteinizing hormone (LH) response to fixed hourly GnRH injections in ovariectomized ewes treated with estradiol during the non-breeding season (pituitary-clamp model). In contrast, cortisol did not affect the response to 2 hourly invariant GnRH injections in hypothalamo-pituitary disconnected ovariectomized ewes during the breeding season. To understand the differing results in these animal models and to determine if cortisol can act directly at the pituitary to suppress responsiveness to GnRH, we investigated the importance of the frequency of GnRH stimulus, the presence of estradiol and stage of the circannual breeding season. In experiment 1, during the non-breeding season, ovariectomized ewes were treated with estradiol, and pulsatile LH secretion was restored with i.v. GnRH injections either hourly or 2 hourly in the presence or absence of exogenous cortisol. Experiments 2 and 3 were conducted in hypothalamo-pituitary disconnected ovariectomized ewes in which GnRH was injected i.v. every 2 h. Experiment 2 was conducted during the non-breeding season and saline or cortisol was infused for 30 h in a cross-over design. Experiment 3 was conducted during the non-breeding and breeding seasons and saline or cortisol was infused for 30 h in the absence and presence of estradiol using a cross-over design. Samples were taken from all animals to measure plasma LH. LH pulse amplitude was reduced by cortisol in the pituitary clamp model with no difference between the hourly and 2-hourly GnRH pulse mode. In the absence of estradiol, there was no effect of cortisol on LH pulse amplitude in GnRH-replaced ovariectomized hypothalamo-pituitary disconnected ewes in either season. The LH pulse amplitude was reduced in both seasons in experiment 3 when cortisol was infused during estradiol treatment. We conclude that the ability of cortisol to reduce LH secretion does not depend upon the frequency of GnRH stimulus and that estradiol enables cortisol to act directly on the pituitary of ovariectomized hypothalamo-pituitary disconnected ewes to suppress the responsiveness to GnRH; this effect occurs in the breeding and non-breeding seasons.