82 resultados para Sanches, Sydney

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This paper presents findings from an evaluation of a range of factors considered to influence dwelling sale prices in Sydney. The aim is to determine whether factors such as dwelling type, location, population structure and sales transaction type. significantly influence dwelling sale prices in Sydney. A review of the local market literature reveals that this belief has not been validated in the recent times. Hence, some of these factors may be inadequately exploited by dwelling investors. A sample of 33 dwelling Units from eight randomly selected suburbs located within 20kms of the Sydney Central Business District (CBD) was studied, and data analysed using simple Pearson's correlation. Significant associations were only found between Australian-born population proportion and dwelling type, and the sale prices. Hence, within the scope and methodology limitations. This paper concludes that, while dwelling type and Australian-born population proportion of a suburb are significantly associated with dwelling sale prices, location. population density and sales transaction type, are virtually not, as earlier held. The implication is for the amount of effort expended on location models, sales transaction marketing and population size studies. to be reviewed, at least, in relation to dwellings. This message resonates to cities and locations of similar characteristics as Sydney.


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The Middle Permian Wandrawandian Siltstone at Warden Head near Ulladulla in the southern Sydney Basin is dominated by fossiliferous siltstone and mudstone, with a large amount of dropstones (lonestones) and some pebbly sandstone beds. Two general types of deposits are recognised from the cliff succession in view of the timing and mechanism of their formation. One is represented by the background (or primary) deposits of offshore to slope environments with abundant dropstones of glacial marine origin. This facies occurs throughout the cliff sections at Warden Head. The second type is distinguished by secondary, soft-sediment deformational deposits and structures of the primary (background) deposits, and comprises three successive layers of sandy mudstone dikes. In the second type of deposit, metre scale, laterally extensive syn-depositional slump deformation structures occur extensively in the middle part of the Wandrawandian Siltstone. The deformation structures vary in morphology and pattern, including large-scale complex-type folds, flexural stratification, concave-up structures, small-magnitude -faults accompanied by folding and brecciation. The slumps and associated syn-depositional structures are herein attributed to penecontemporaneous deformations of soft sediments (mostly mud and silty mud), formed as a result of mass movement of unconsolidated and/or semi-consolidated substrate following earthquake events. The occurrence of the earthquake event deposits (or seismites) at Warden Head supports the current view that the Sydney Basin was located in a back-arc setting near the New England magmatic arc on an active continental margin during the Middle Permian, and the timing of the earthquake events is here interpreted to indicate the onset of the Hunter Bowen Orogeny in the southern Sydney Basin.


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Photograph of the delegates of the 1891 Australasian Convention held in Sydney.


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In response to the demand for the adoption of a corporate culture by not-for-profit festivals, festival organizations increasingly identify strategic planning process and stakeholder management as crucial components for successful events. The purpose of this article is to present a framework developed for categorizing ethnic festivals stakeholders from a functional role (i.e., marketing, administration, and production) and an ethnic origin (i.e., Greek, Greek-Australian, and non-Greek origin) orientated perspective. The proposed framework was developed and applied to the 20th Greek Festival of Sydney (GFS), which was held in 2002, by identifying, categorizing, and examining the role of its stakeholders in the management and delivery of the event. The identification of the type of stakeholders, the ways they influence the GFS organization, and the strategic implications that derived from their involvement are addressed. The methodology utilized to develop the stakeholder framework was qualitative in nature. It combined triangulated data that derived from a number of interviews with representatives from the GFS administration, participant observations, and content analysis of internal documents and reports. The GFS stakeholder analysis offered an understanding of the several marketing-, administration-, and production-related strategic implications to the organization and running of the festival, such as the impact on its content, participants, and future development. The proposed framework derives from the GFS case study, yet it has the potential to be used for the examination of stakeholders' strategic implications to other ethnic festivals.


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Sydney Basin is located in the eastern part of Australia, Lachlan Fold Belt, and between the New England Fold Belt. From the Sydney basin at the end of the Late Carboniferous to Middle Triassic experienced back-arc spreading to the foreland basin at different stages: back-arc spreading stage (Carboniferous ), A passive thermal subsidence stage (early in the Permian Berry) and load deflection extruding stage (in Broughton Permian - Triassic). This time at the Sydney basin on the eastern side of the New England Fold Belt for the island Background of the arc. As a result, back-arc in the Permian Basin of the South Sydney basin by the back-arc spreading the eastern side of the arc and trench subduction before the impact of strong seismic activity, the development of a series of earthquake-related seismites to form various types and Seismic activity related to the deformation of soft sediment structure. Permian Basin, South Sydney's soft sediment deformation including cracks in shock-fold, liquefied vein, volcanic sand, load structure, flame Construction, pillow-like structure, spherical structure, pillow Layer structure slump, and so breccia. To which the cracks in shock-fold fibrillation is a direct result of earthquake faults and folds; pillow is a layer of sand caused by the earthquake fibrillation dehydration, the formation of the sinking; liquefied vein, Volcanic sand for the liquefaction of sand penetration of the formation of earthquake fissures formed; load structure, flame Construction, pillow-like structure, spherical structure is affected by the earthquake fibrillation in the sand, mudstone interface because of the sinking sand, mud layer formed through ; Slump structures and breccia of the earthquake was caused by the gravitational collapse or the formation of the debris flow. Fissures, earthquake-fold, liquefied vein, volcanic sand, load structure, flame Construction, pillow-like structure, spherical structure, pillow-like layer Equivalent to the original earthquake rocks the plot, and the slump structures and breccia of the plot belong to different earthquake rocks.


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The Middle Permian Wandrawandian Siltstone of the southern Sydney Basin is well exposed along the coastline from Lagoon Head in the south to North Head in the north near Ulladulla in southern New South Wales. The unit is dominated by fossiliferous siltstone and mudstone, with abundant dropstones and minor pebbly sandstone interbeds, and contains an interval of well-preserved and extensive soft-sediment deformation structures. These deformation structures occur mainly in the middle part of the cliff sections and are bounded above and below by undeformed sedimentary units of similar lithology. A wide range of soft-sediment deformation structures have been observed, including cracks, sandstone and sandy mudstone dykes, a possible sand volcano, networks of relatively small and closely connected fissure-like structures, metre-scale complex-type slump folds, flexural stratification, concave-up depressional structures, small-scale normal faults (with displacements usually <1 m), shear planes, and breccias (pseudonodules). The slumps and associated deformations are here collectively interpreted as representing a seismite deposit attributable to penecontemporaneous deformation of soft, hydroplastic sediment layers following a liquefaction triggered by seismic shocks. The timing of the inferred earthquake events appears to correspond to the onset of a major basin-wide tectonism during the Middle Permian.


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Dietary samples from four Sooty Owl Tyto tenebricosa roost-sites within one territory in the Royal National Park, Sydney, New South Wales, were collected in December 2005. A total of 144 dietary items was identified, representing eight mammal species and at least one bird species. The samples were compared with those collected during a study 10 years earlier (in 1994-96) that included samples from the same roost-sites. Ten years later, the diet of the Sooty Owl in this territory appears little changed, except that the Sugar Glider Petaurus breviceps is now taken more frequently. The Common Ringtail Possum Pseudocheirus peregrinus continued to be the principal prey species taken by the Owls at this location. The Long-nosed Bandicoot Perameles nasuta may have declined in the Sooty Owl's diet during this period, but this trend was not significant statistically. This study showed that Sooty Owl diet at a single location is relatively stable, despite the occurrence of a major disturbance to habitat caused by a severe wildfire 12 years previously.


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The Sydney-Bowen basin in eastern Australia is an elongate back arc-converted foreland basin system situated between the Lachlan Fold Belt in the west and the New England Fold Belt in the east. The Middle Permian Wandrawandian Siltstone at Warden Head near Ulladulla in the southern Sydney Basin is dominated by fossiliferous siltstone and mudstone, with a large amount of dropstones and minor pebbly sandstone beds. Two general types of deposits are recognized from the siltstone unit in view of the timing and mechanism of formation. One is represented by the primary deposits from offshore to subtidal environments with abundant dropstones of glacial marine origin. The second type is distinguished by secondary, soft-sediment deformational deposits and structures, and comprises three layers of mudstone dykes of seismic origin. In the latter type, metre scale, laterally extensive syn-depositional slump deformation structures occur in the middle part of the Wandrawandian Siltstone. The deformation structures vary in morphol-ogy and pattern, including large-scale complex-type folds, flexural stratification, concave-up structures, faulting of small displacements accompanied by folding and brecciation. The slumps and associated syn-sedimentary structures are attributed to penecontemporaneous deformations of soft sediments (mostly silty mud) formed as a result of mass movement of unconsolidated and/or semi-consolidated substrate following an earthquake event. The occurrence of the earthquake event deposits supports the current view that the Sydney Basin was located in a back-arc setting near the New England magmatic arc on an active continental margin during the Middle Permian.


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Objective: This study evaluates the contribution of energy-dense, nutrient-poor ‘extra’ foods to the diets of 16–24-month-old children from western Sydney, Australia.

Design:   An analysis of cross-sectional data collected on participants in the Childhood Asthma Prevention Study (CAPS), a randomised trial investigating the primary prevention of asthma from birth to 5 years. We collected 3-day weighed food records, calculated nutrient intakes, classified recorded foods into major food groups, and further classified foods as either ‘core’ or ‘extras’ according to the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating.

Setting:  Pregnant women, whose unborn child was at risk of developing asthma because of a family history, were recruited from all six hospitals in western Sydney, Australia. Data for this study were collected in clinic visits and at participants’ homes at the 18-month assessment.

Participants: Four hundred and twenty-nine children participating in the CAPS study; 80% of the total cohort.

Results:  The mean consumption of ‘extra’ foods was xs223C150 g day− 1 and contributed 25–30% of the total energy, fat, carbohydrate and sodium to the diets of the study children. ‘Extra’ foods also contributed around 20% of fibre, 10% of protein and zinc, and about 5% of calcium. Children in the highest quintile of ‘extra’ foods intake had a slightly higher but not significantly different intake of energy from those in the lowest quintile. However, significant differences were evident for the percentage of energy provided by carbohydrate and sugars (higher) and protein and saturated fat (lower). The intake of most micronutrients was also significantly lower among children in the highest quintile of consumption. The intake of ‘extra’ foods was inversely associated with the intake of core foods.

Conclusions:  The high percentage of energy contributed by ‘extra’ foods and their negative association with nutrient density emphasise the need for dietary guidance for parents of children aged 1–2 years. These preliminary data on commonly consumed ‘extra’ foods and portion sizes may inform age-specific dietary assessment methods.