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em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Objective: To estimate the prevalence of constipation and laxative use in a sample of people 65 years and over and examine relationships between usual diet and constipation.
Design: A mailed survey using validated instruments to measure bowel habit and laxative use with follow-up interviews to collect dietary data.
Subjects and setting: Three hundred and thirty people aged 65 years and over living at home in Melbourne were randomly selected from the electoral roll of a federal electorate.
Statistical analysis: Descriptive statistics, frequencies and two sample t-tests were used.
Results: Seventy-nine people responded to the mailed bowel survey and 61 were interviewed to collect food intake data. The proportion of constipated people was approximately one quarter (n = 18). Laxative use in the previous 12 months was reported by a fifth of respondents and in these subjects one in four was not constipated. Analysis of the dietary data revealed that the average number of cereal and vegetable serves consumed per day was similar to the national average but less than recommended by nutrition bodies although fruit intake met these recommendations. Constipated subjects consumed fewer serves from the cereals food group than those who were not constipated (2.9 and 3.5 serves respectively, P = 0.03).
Conclusion: Constipation and laxative use appears to be as common in older Australians as in similar populations overseas. Low intake of cereal foods may be a contributing factor.


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Background and Purpose: The impact of stroke is multidimensional however standard stroke measures do not discriminate well when stroke patients are less physically impaired. The Stroke Impact Scale 2.0 (SIS 2.0) is a multidimensional measure of the impact of stroke but its'' psychometric properties require further testing. The SIS-16 is a measure of physical functioning designed to be more sensitive to differences in physical functioning than current stroke outcome measures but there is only preliminary information detailing its'' reliability and validity. The current study examined the internal consistency and validity of the SIS 2.0 and SIS-16 in an Australian sample of stroke patients. Methods: The SIS 2.0, SIS-16, World Health Organization Bref-Scale (WHOQOL-BREF) and Zung''s Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) were completed by 74 stroke patients in rural Victoria, Australia.
Results: The item convergent validity index indicated good item convergence of the SIS-16 and SIS 2.0 domains. The item discriminant validity index had only adequate divergence for most SIS 2.0 domains. Internal consistencies of the SIS-16 and SIS 2.0 domains were acceptable (agr = 0.87–0.95). Correlations between the SIS-16 and SIS 2.0 and the WHOQOL-BREF and SDS supported the convergent and discriminant validity of the SIS-16 and all the dimensions of the SIS 2.0 except lsquoParticipationrsquo which lacked discriminant validity. Conclusions: The SIS 2.0 and SIS-16 had good psychometric properties with support for the internal consistency and validity of both measures.


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Reports suggest that 7% to 18% of Australian adults are obese and a further 16% to 55% are overweight. Studies from other countries have indicated that obesity among people with an intellectual disability may be at least, or even more, prevalent. Prevalence rates range from 28% to 59%. The aim of the current study was to investigate the weight distribution of an Australian sample of people with an intellectual disability using Body Mass Index (BMI) to classify males and females, and Kelly and Rimmer's (1987) Percentage of Body Fat (PBF) formula to also classify males. Forty-one females and 52 males with a mild to severe intellectual disability were assessed. The correlation between BMI and PBF for males was r=.89. BMI classifications revealed a higher percentage of females as overweight (41.4%) and obese (36.6%) compared to overweight males (30.8%) and obese males (30.8%). There were more underweight males (7.6%) than females (4.9%). There was no relationship between living environment and weight classifications on the BMI. The PBF formula indicated that 73% of the males were classified as obese. The possibility of misclassification using the BMI and the need for weight interventions are discussed.


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This paper studies the effect of the normal distribution assumption on the power and size of the sign test, Wilcoxon's signed rank test and the t-test when used in one-sample location problems. Power functions for these tests under various skewness and kurtosis conditions are produced for several sample sizes from simulated data using the g-and-k distribution of MacGillivray and Cannon.


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To examine the relationship between sexual abuse and academic achievement in an adolescent inpatient psychiatric population. Individual factors expected to influence this relationship were measured to explore the way they each interacted with sexual abuse and its relationship to academic achievement.

Eighty-one adolescent psychiatric inpatients participated in the study (aged 12–18 years: M = 16.0). Participants were administered tests of academic achievement (dependent variable) and intelligence, and completed a number of self-report measures of their experience of different types of maltreatment, their perception of the parenting they received, socio-economic status, substance abuse, and psychopathology.

Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that intelligence was the main predictor of academic achievement (uniquely explaining 26% of the variance). A number of interaction effects were also significant indicating that intelligence, substance abuse, internalizing behavior problems, externalizing behavior problems all influenced the relationship between sexual abuse and academic achievement.


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Methods are presented for calculating minimum sample sizes necessary to obtain precise estimates of fungal spore dimensions. Using previously published spore-length data sets for Peronospora species, we demonstrate that 41—71 spores need to be measured to estimate the mean length with a reasonable level of statistical precision and resolution. This is further progressed with examples for calculating the minimum number of spore lengths to measure when matching an undetermined specimen to a known species. Although applied only to spore-length data, all described methods can be applied to any morphometric data that satisfy certain statistical assumptions.


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Fixed sample-size plans for monitoring Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) on broccoli and other Brassica vegetable crops are popular in Australia for their simplicity and ease of application. But the sample sizes used are often small, ≈10–25 plants per crop, and it may be that they fail to provide sufficient information upon which to base pest control decisions. We tested the performance of seven fixed sample-size plans (10, 15, 20, 30, 35, 40, and 45 plants) by resampling a large data set on P. xylostella in commercial broccoli crops. For each sample size, enumerative and presence-absence plans were assessed. The precision of the plans was assessed in terms of the ratio of the standard error to the mean; and at least 45 and 35 samples were necessary for the enumerative and presence-absence plans, respectively, to attain the generally accepted benchmark of ≤0.3. Sample sizes of 10–20 were highly imprecise. We also assessed the consequences of classifications based on action thresholds (ATs) of 0.2 and 0.8 larvae per plant for the enumerative case, and 0.15 and 0.45 proportion of plants of infested for the presence-absence case. Operating characteristic curves and investigations of the frequency of correct decisions suggest improvements in the performance of plans with increased sample size. In both the enumerative and presence-absence cases, the proportion of incorrect decisions was much higher for the lower of the two ATs assessed, and type II errors (i.e., failure to suggest pest control upon the AT is exceeded) generally accounted for the majority of this error. Type II errors are the most significant from a producer’s standpoint. Further consideration is necessary to determine what is an acceptable type II error rate.


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Although numerous studies have reported an association between substance use and sexual assault, little is known about the impact of sexual assault on male African American crack cocaine users. This study found that from a sample of 137 respondents from Houston, Texas, one-third reported having been sexually assaulted at least once during their lifetime. Respondents who reported sexual assault were using cocaine more often and were more likely to be physically dependent on drugs and to report greater numbers of physical health problems due to their drug use. However, no differences were identified in respect of reported mental health problems, or problems with family, friends or the workplace associated with drug use. The findings suggest further research as to the impact of sexual assault on male crack cocaine users is warranted and that clinical staff working with male substance users require some awareness of the impacts of sexual assault.


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The development of treatment regimes for African-American HIV-infected crack cocaine users has often been based on assumptions about compliance with medication regimes rather than evidence. This study sought to obtain baseline information on the adherence to antiretroviral medications by members of this important risk population in Houston, Texas. It was found that for only 5 of a range of 16 antiviral medications was there a significant correlation between levels of compliance reported by respondents and their beliefs as to how effective these medications are. Medication compliance was also found not to be associated with frequency of crack cocaine use in the month prior to interview. Furthermore, irrespective of both gender and their reported extent of medication compliance, the respondents tended to report positive relationships with their treating physician, with higher levels of satisfaction reported by women. These results suggest that the majority of African-American crack cocaine users are able to comply with HIV treatment regimes, with more than half (53%) claiming full compliance for one or more medications, and a further one third (31%) claiming compliance more than half the time. Moreover, these findings suggest that they will continue to take antiretroviral medications even if they have doubts about the effectiveness of these medications.


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Analyses of the twenty facet scores for 243 females and 394 males who undertook Form K of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®) revealed strong and meaningful patterns of relationships with the four preferences. A clear factor structure of four factors emerged which had a few minor cross-loadings. It was found that the facets are distinctive and generally do not correlate with preferences other than those intended. Comparisons with USA evidence revealed patterns that were even clearer in the Australian data. The previously observed differences related to gender (as found in research on Form G) were reproduced using the Form K format. The evidence implies that the robustness of Fonl1 K with an Australian sample has been demonstrated.


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Background: A strong association between persistent infection with oncogenic types of human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical cancer is well established. Small numbers of international studies examining adolescent HPV infection and the risk factors associated are published, but there is currently no evidence on the prevalence and risk factors for HPV in an Australian, sexually active female adolescent population. Methods: To provide prevalence and risk factors for HPV in a female sexually active, senior high school population in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), a convenience sample of 161, 16–19-year-old females attending a senior high school was evaluated. The sample formed part of a larger sample recruited for a study of sexually transmitted infections and blood-borne viruses in senior high school students. A clinical record was used to collect information about sexual and other risk behaviours, while self-collected vaginal swabs were tested for HPV DNA detection and genotyping using polymerase chain reaction. Results: The prevalence of HPV DNA in this sample overall was 11.2%, with multiple genotypes in 38%. No statistically significant associations were found between HPV DNA and the number of male partners, age of coitarche, time since first sexually active, condom use, smoking or alcohol intake. Conclusions: This is the first Australian study that has examined the prevalence and risk factors for genital HPV in this demographic group. The prevalence of HPV infection is slightly lower than reported in similar age groups overseas and is lower than other Australian studies in older women and those attending sexual health centres. Of HPV-positive young women, high-risk genotypes were found in over half, with more than one-third of HPV existing as multiple genotypes. Large community-based prevalence studies are needed to guide the development of recommendations for the vaccination of young women against HPV and to support other health promotion initiatives.


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Although anxiety in university students has been well documented, the influence of lifestyle and fitness status in relation to anxiety has not been investigated from a cultural perspective previously. To make recommendations regarding the avoidance or management of anxiety in this anxiety-prone cohort that are rationally based, this preliminary investigation examined the interrelationship between anxiety, lifestyle self-reports and aerobic fitness in Hong Kong Chinese University students. The State Trait Anxiety Inventory (Form Y-2) and a lifestyle questionnaire were completed by 213 students. Female students were more anxious than male students. Subjects with high anxiety reported more deleterious lifestyle behaviours including higher salt consumption and lower levels of exercise; in addition to more frequent symptoms of anxiety such as headaches and daytime somnolence. The extremes of this sample were stratified into a low anxiety group ( n =17) and a high anxiety group ( n =14) to compare their fitness status. Although both groups had below normal aerobic capacity, the higher systolic blood pressure observed for the high anxiety group is consistent with signs of anxiety, or greater deconditioning in this group or both. The results of this study have highlighted anxiety as a concern in Hong Kong University students and identified some lifestyle and fitness correlates. Understanding lifestyle and pathophysiological correlates of anxiety in Hong Kong University students that may have a cultural basis, is a crucial step toward averting or managing anxiety when these students are studying either in Hong Kong or abroad.


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