166 resultados para SUNFLOWER OIL

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The lipid and fatty acid digestibilities of three semi-purified, isonitrogenous (48.9–50.8% protein) and isocalorific (19.1–20.8 kJ g−1) diets, in which the lipid source was either cod liver oil (CLO), linseed oil (LO) or sunflower oil (SFO), were estimated in the Australian shortfin eel (Anguilla australis) using chromic oxide as an external marker. Apparent percent protein and energy digestibilities of the diets were not significantly (P>0.05) affected by the lipid source, but the lipid digestibility was. The percent apparent lipid digestibility was lowest in the LO diet (90.2±0.6) and highest in the CLO diet (95.6±0.2).

Not all the fatty acids present in any one diet were recovered in the faecal samples. In diets with CLO, only three saturates (out of five), five monoenes and six (out of 11) PUFAs were detected in faecal samples. With all the diets, 20:0 and 22:0, and none of the n−6 HUFA were detected in the faecal samples. The digestibility of all the fatty acids, except 18:3n−3, was lowest in the diet with LO, and significantly so (P>0.05) from the other diets.

In shortfin eel, there was a trend for the digestibility of saturated fatty acids of diets with the animal oil as the lipid source to decrease with increasing chain length, and in diets with vegetable oil to increase initially and then decrease. A somewhat comparable trend was also evident in respect of monoenes.

When the digestibility of different categories of fatty acids is considered, the digestibility of saturates, monoenes, unsaturates, n−6, PUFA, HUFA and total fatty acid digestibilities of LO diet were the lowest, and differed significantly (P<0.05) from those of the CLO and SFO diets, except in the case of n−3 fatty acids.


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The implementation of alternative lipid sources for use in aquaculture is of considerable interest globally. However, the possible benefit of using stearidonic acid (SDA)–rich fish oil (FO) alternatives has led to scientific confusion. Two hundred and forty rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were fed 1 of 4 diets (3 replicate tanks/treatment) containing either FO, linseed oil (LO), echium oil, or mixed vegetable oil (72% LO, 23% sunflower oil, and 6% canola oil) as the dietary lipid source (16.5%) for 73 d to investigate the competition and long-chain PUFA (LC-PUFA) biosynthesis between the fatty acid substrates α-linolenic acid (ALA) and SDA. SDA was more efficiently bioconverted to LC-PUFA compared with ALA. However, when the dietary lipid sources were directly compared, the increased provision of C18 PUFA within the LO diet resulted in no significant differences in (n-3) LC-PUFA content compared with fish fed the other diets. This study therefore shows that, rather than the previously speculated substrate competition, the limiting process in the apparent in vivo (n-3) LC-PUFA biosynthesis appears to be substrate availability. Rainbow trout fed the SDA- and ALA-rich dietary lipid sources subsequently had similar significant reductions in (n-3) LC-PUFA compared with fish fed the FO diet, therefore providing no additional dietary benefit on (n-3) LC-PUFA concentrations.


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Background: It has been argued that a reduction in the Western diet of anti-inflammatory unsaturated lipids, such as n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, has contributed to the increase in the frequency and severity of allergic diseases.

: We investigated whether feeding milk fat enriched in conjugated linoleic acid and vaccenic acids (VAs) ('enriched' milk fat), produced by supplementing the diet of pasture-fed cows with fish and sunflower oil, will prevent development of allergic airway responses.

Methods: C57BL/6 mice were fed a control diet containing soybean oil and diets supplemented with milk lipids. They were sensitized by intraperitoneal injection of ovalbumin (OVA) on days 14 and 28, and challenged intranasally with OVA on day 42. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, lung tissues and serum samples were collected 6 days after the intranasal challenge.

: Feeding of enriched milk fat led to marked suppression of airway inflammation as evidenced by reductions in eosinophilia and lymphocytosis in the airways, compared with feeding of normal milk fat and control diet. Enriched milk fat significantly reduced circulating allergen-specific IgE and IgG1 levels, together with reductions in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of IL-5 and CCL11. Treatment significantly inhibited changes in the airway including airway epithelial cell hypertrophy, goblet cell metaplasia and mucus hypersecretion. The two major components of enriched milk fat, cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid and VA, inhibited airway inflammation when fed together to mice, whereas alone they were not effective.

: Milk fat enriched in conjugated linoleic and VAs suppresses inflammation and changes to the airways in an animal model of allergic airway disease.


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Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is a major cause of death in Western countries. Mediterranean and Asian populations have a lower risk of death from CHD compared to Westernised population, as do vegetarian versus omnivorous populations. Dietary constituents of traditional diets consumed by these populations are thought to influence both the classical risk factors for CHD, and the more recently identified risk factors, such as oxidative modification of low density lipoprotein (LDL), LDL particle size, arterial compliance and haemostatic factors. The aim of this thesis was to examine the effects of several food components, particularly soybean and monounsaturated fat (MUFA), on CHD risk factors through 3 carefully controlled dietary interventions, and a cross-sectional study. A randomised crossover dietary intervention study was conducted in 42 healthy males to investigate the effect on CHD risk factors of replacing lean meat with tofu, a soybean product regularly consumed by Asian populations, while controlling all other dietary factors. The tofu diet resulted in significantly lower total cholesterol and triacylglycerol levels compared to the lean meat diet, and LDL particles that were more resistant to in vitro oxidative modification. However, insulin, fibrinogen, factor VII, and lipoprotein (a) were not significantly different on the 2 diets. A postprandial study was subsequently conducted to investigate any acute effects of a tofu test meal on the oxidative modification of LDL in 16 male subjects. There was no significant difference between the susceptibility of LDL to oxidative modification before and after the tofu meal. Twenty eight healthy subjects completed a separate randomised crossover dietary intervention comparing a high MUFA fat diet, using an Australian high oleic sunflower oil, with a low fat, high carbohydrate diet on CHD risk factors. The high MUFA oil diet significantly increased high density lipoprotein cholesterol compared to the low fat diet as well as producing LDL that were more resistant to oxidative modification. Neither the size of the LDL particle nor arterial compliance were significantly different on the 2 diets. Twelve matched pairs of vegetations and omnivores were also studies to compare the habitual diet of a low and higher risk population group, to compare their risk factors and identify dietary constituents that may explain the differences. The vegetarians consumed less saturated fat (SFA) and dietary cholesterol while consuming more polyunsaturated fat, dietary fibre and vitamin E compared to omnivores. The vegetarians had lower total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triacylglycerol levels compared to the omnivores and had LDL particles that were more resistant to in vitro oxidation. These findings contribute to our knowledge about the dietary constituents that can alter some CHD risk factors in healthy subjects, and which could reduce the risk of developing CHD. Investigations in high risk groups might reveal even more benefits.


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Largely attributable to concerns surrounding sustainability, the utilisation of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid-rich (n-3 LC-PUFA) fish oils in aquafeeds for farmed fish species is an increasingly concerning issue. Therefore, strategies to maximise the deposition efficiency of these key health beneficial fatty acids are being investigated. The present study examined the effects of four vegetable-based dietary lipid sources (linseed, olive, palm and sunflower oil) on the deposition efficiency of n-3 LC-PUFA and the circulating blood plasma concentrations of the appetite-regulating hormones, leptin and ghrelin, during the grow-out and finishing phases in rainbow trout culture. Minimal detrimental effects were noted in fish performance; however, major modifications were apparent in tissue fatty acid compositions, which generally reflected that of the diet. These modifications diminished somewhat following the fish oil finishing phase, but longer-lasting effects remained evident. The fatty acid composition of the alternative oils was demonstrated to have a modulatory effect on the deposition efficiency of n-3 LC-PUFA and on the key endocrine hormones involved in appetite regulation, growth and feed intake during both the grow-out and finishing phases. In particular, n-6 PUFA (sunflower oil diet) appeared to ‘spare’ the catabolism of n-3 LC-PUFA and, as such, resulted in the highest retention of these fatty acids, ultimately highlighting new nutritional approaches to maximise the maintenance of the qualitative benefits of fish oils when they are used in feeds for aquaculture species.


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Biodiesel manufactured from canola oil was blended with diesel and used as fuel in two diesel vehicles. This study aimed to test the emissions of diesel engines using blends of 100%, 80%, 60%, 40% , 20% biodiesel and 100% petroleum diesel, and characterise the particulate matter and gaseous emissions, with particular attention to levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) which are harmful to humans. A real time dust monitor was also used to monitor the continuous dust emissions during the entire testing cycle. The ECE(Euro 2) drive cycle was used for all emission tests. It was found that the particle concentration was up to 33% less when the engine burnt 100% biodiesel, compared to 100% diesel. Particle emission reduced with increased percentages of biodiesel in the fuel blends. Reductions of NOx, HC and CO were limited to about 10% when biodiesel was burned. Levels of CO2 emissions from the use of biodiesel and diesel were similar. Eighteen EPA priority PAHs were targeted, with only 6 species detected in the gaseous phase from the samples . 9 PAHs were detected in particulate phases at much lower levels than gaseous PAHs. Some marked reductions were observed for less toxic gaseous PAHs such as naphthalene when burning 100% biodiesel, but the particulate PAH emissions, which have more implications to adverse health effects, were virtually unchanged and did not show a statistically significant reduction. These findings are useful to gain an understanding of the emissions and environmental impacts of biodiesel.


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The Murray cod, an Australian native freshwater fish, supports a relatively small but increasing aquaculture industry in Australia. Presently, there are no dedicated commercial diets available for Murray cod; instead, nutritionally sub-standard feeds formulated for other species are commonly used. The aim of the present investigation was to assess the suitability of two plant based lipid sources, canola oil (CO) and linseed oil (LO), as alternatives to fish oil for juvenile Murray cod. Five iso-nitrogenous, iso-calorific, iso-lipidic semi-purified experimental diets were formulated with 17% lipid originating from 100% cod liver oil (FO), 100% canola oil, 100% linseed oil and 1 : 1 blends of canola and cod liver oil (CFO) and 1 : 1 blends of linseed and cod liver oil (LFO). Each of the diets was fed to apparent satiation twice daily to triplicate groups of 50 Murray cod with initial mean weights of 6.45 ± 1.59 g for 84 days at 22 °C. Final mean weight, specific growth rate and daily feed consumption were significantly higher for the FO and LFO treatments compared to the LO treatment. Feed conversion and protein efficiency ratios were not significantly different amongst treatments. Experimental diets containing vegetable oil and vegetable oil blend(s) had significantly higher concentrations of n-6 fatty acids, predominantly in the form of linoleic acid (LA), while n-3 fatty acids were present in significantly higher concentrations in LO and LFO treatments. The fatty acid composition of Murray cod fillet was reflective of the dietary lipid source. Fillet of fish fed the FO was highest in EPA (20:5n-3), ArA (20:4n-6) and DHA (22:6n-3). Fish fed the CO diet had high concentrations of oleic acid (OlA) (192.2 ± 10.5 mg g lipid− 1), while the fillet of Murray cod fed the LO diet was high in α-linolenic acid (LnA) (107.1 ± 6.7 mg g lipid− 1). The present study suggests that fish oil can be replaced by up to 100% with canola oil and by up to 50% with linseed oil in Murray cod diets with no significant effect on growth.


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The dynamics of fatty acid composition modifications were examined in tissues of Murray cod fed diets containing fish oil (FO), canola oil (CO) and linseed oil (LO) for a 25-week period and subsequently transferred to a FO (finishing/wash-out) diet for a further 16 weeks. At the commencement of the wash-out period, following 25 weeks of vegetable oil substitution diets, the fatty acid compositions of Murray cod fillets were reflective of the respective diets. After transfer to the FO diet, differences decreased in quantity and in numerousness, resulting in a revert to the FO fatty acid composition. Changes in percentages of the fatty acids and total accumulation in the fillet could be described by exponential equations and demonstrated that major modifications occurred in the first days of the finishing period. A dilution model was tested to predict fatty acid composition. In spite of a general reliability of the model (Y=0.9234X+0.4260, R2=0.957, P<0.001, where X is the predicted percentage of fatty acid; Y the observed percentage of fatty acid), in some instances the regression comparing observed and predicted values was markedly different from the line of equity, indicating that the rate of change was higher than predicted (i.e. Y=0.4205X+1.191, R2=0.974, P<0.001, where X is the predicted percentage of α-linolenic acid; Y the observed percentage of α-linolenic acid). Ultimately, using the coefficient of distance (D), it was shown that the fatty acid composition of fish previously fed the vegetable oil diets returned to the average variability of the fillet fatty acid composition of Murray cod after 70 or 97 days (LO and CO respectively).


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The efficacy of trout oil (TO), extracted from trout offal from the aquaculture industry, was evaluated in juvenile Murray cod Maccullochella peelii peelii (25.4-0.81 g) diets in an experiment conducted over 60 days at 23.7-0.8 °C. Five isonitrogenous (48% protein), isolipidic (16%) and isoenergetic (21.8 kJ gm1) diets, in which the fish oil fraction was replaced in increments of 25% (0-100%), were used. The best growth and feed efficiency was observed in fish fed diets containing 50-75% TO. The relationship of specific growth rate (SGR), food conversion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) to the amount of TO in the diets was described in each case by second-order polynomial equations (P<0.05), which were: SGR=-0.44TO2+0.52TO+1.23 (r2=0.90, P<0.05); FCR=0.53TO2-0.64TO+1.21 (r2=0.95, P<0.05); and PER=-0.73TO2+0.90TO+1.54 (r2=0.90, P<0.05). Significant differences in carcass and muscle proximate compositions were noted among the different dietary treatments. Less lipid was found in muscle than in carcass. The fatty acids found in highest amounts in Murray cod, irrespective of the dietary treatment, were palmitic acid (16:0), oleic acid (18:1n-9), linoleic acid (18:2n-6) and eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3). The fatty acid composition of the muscle reflected that of the diets. Both the n-6 fatty acid content and the n-3 to n-6 ratio were significantly (P<0.05) related to growth parameters, the relationships being as follows. Percentage of n-6 in diet (X) to SGR and FCR: SGR=-0.12X2+3.96X-32.51 (r2=0.96) and FCR=0.13X2-4.47X+39.39 (r2=0.98); and n-3:n-6 ratio (Z) to SGR, FCR, PER: SGR=-2.02Z2+5.01Z-1.74 (r2=0.88), FCR=2.31Z2-5.70Z+4.54 (r2=0.93) and PER=-3.12Z2-7.56Z+2.80 (r2=0.88) respectively. It is evident from this study that TO could be used effectively in Murray cod diets, and that an n-3:n-6 ratio of 1.2 results in the best growth performance in Murray cod.


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The replacement of fish oil with vegetable based oils is a strategy which is increasingly being adopted by the aquafeed industry as an essential component to reduce the reliance on a limited supply of a natural resource, which in turn also provides cost benefits. The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the lipid and fatty acid digestibility of a mix blend vegetable oil in juvenile Murray cod; an emerging species of increasing interest in the Australian aquaculture sector. Five semi purified experimental diets were formulated with 17% lipid originating from fish oil (FO) which was substituted in 25% increments by blended vegetable oil (VO), formulated using olive oil (12%), palm oil (43%) and linseed oil (45%) to match the major fatty acid classes of the FO.

Significant differences between the dietary treatments with regard to the lipid and individual fatty acid digestibility were recorded. This study clearly demonstrated that in Murray cod fatty acid digestibility decreases with chain length, and inversely increases relative to the degree of unsaturation. The combination of chain length, degree of unsaturation and the melting point of individual fatty acids resulted in the digestibility of PUFA > MUFA > SFA and short chain > longer chain fatty acids. Therefore, the inclusion of a mixed blend vegetable oil resulted in significantly reduced lipid digestibility in juvenile Murray cod.