em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Melding, a novel method for producing seamless joints in thermosetting composites utilising the Quickstep™ process, is explored in this paper. The effect of processing conditions on the quality of melded joins is examined and a set of processing boundaries defined so that the strength of melded joints is optimized. HexPly® 914c pre-preg material was exposed to a range of processing temperatures prior to joining via the melding process. Differential Scanning Calorimetry analysis was carried out to investigate the degree of cure of material prior to final joining, and it was found that minimal cure occurs at temperatures below 120°C. After consolidation and cure of the melded parts, short beam shear testing was conducted to evaluate the strength of the melded interface. Exposure temperatures between 65°C and 120°C were found to optimize short beam shear join strength. Mode I double cantilever beam and mode II end notched flexural tests showed no detrimental effect of elevated exposure temperatures prior to joining.


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A simple sol–gel method was successfully developed for a hydroxyapatite (HA)/TiO2 double layer deposition on a pure titanium substrate. Phase formation, surface morphology, and interfacial microstructure were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry analysis (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The TiO2 layer was coated by a spin coating method at a speed of 1500 rpm for 15 s, followed by a heat treatment at 560 °C for 20 min. The HA film was subsequently spin coated on the outer surface at the same speed and then heat-treated at difference temperatures. Results indicated that the HA phase began to crystallize after a heat treatment at 580 °C; and the crystallinity increased obviously at a temperature of 780 °C. The HA film showed a porous structure and a thickness of 5–7 μm after the heat treatment at 780 °C. SEM observations revealed no delamination and crack at the interfaces of HA/TiO2 and TiO2/Ti. The HA film with a porous structure is expected to be more susceptible to the natural remodeling processes when it is implanted in a living body.


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Gel polymer electrolytes were prepared by immersing a porous poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) membrane in an electrolyte solution containing small amounts of organic additive. Three kinds of organic compounds, thiophene, 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene and biphenyl, were used as a polymerizable monomeric additive. The organic additives were found to be electrochemically oxidized to form conductive polymer films on the electrode at high potential. By using the gel polymer electrolytes containing different organic additive, lithium metal polymer cells, composed of lithium anode and LiCoO2 cathode, were assembled and their cycling performance evaluated. Adding small amounts of a suitable polymerizable additive to the gel polymer electrolyte was found to reduce the interfacial resistance in the cell during cycling, and it thus exhibited less capacity fade and better high rate performance. Differential scanning calorimetric studies showed that the thermal stability of the fully charged LiCoO2 cathode was improved in the cell containing an organic additive.


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We use infrared spectroscopy to study the evolution of protein folding intermediate structures on arbitrarily slow time scales by rapidly quenching thermally unfolded hen egg white lysozyme in a glassy matrix, followed by reheating of the protein to refold; upon comparison with differential scanning calorimetric experiments, low-temperature structural changes that precede the formation of energetic native contacts are revealed.


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Wool fabrics, ultrasonically treated in various chemical conditions and for different time durations, were analysed for thermal properties by thermo-gravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimeter, in comparison with the untreated fabric. Fabric mechanical properties, such as bending and tensile performance, and changes in fibre morphology were also evaluated before and after ultrasonic treatment.It is found that wool treated with ultrasonics at the appropriate time, has less mass loss and a higher thermal degradation temperature than that without ultrasonic treatment or with prolonged ultrasonic treatment. Resistance to thermal degradation is reduced when wool is ultrasonically treated in the presence of alkali. Differential scanning calorimeter analysis shows that while ultrasonic treatment has little effect on fibre crystallinity, an appropriate treatment can provide wool with increased water absorption. Ultrasonic treatment stiffens wool fabric to some extent when the treatment time is prolonged. The addition of detergent alone to the ultrasonic bath has little effect on fabric tensile behaviour, whereas a treatment with both detergent and alkali produces severe fibre damage and significant loss of fabric tensile strength.


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The polymorphism and crystallinity of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membranes, made from electrospinning of the PVDF in pure N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) and DMF/acetone mixture solutions are studied. Influence of the processing and solution parameters such as flow rate, applied voltage, solvent system, and mixture ratio, on nanofiber morphology, total crystallinity, and crystal phase content of the nanofibers are investigated using scanning electron microscopy, wide-angle X-ray scattering, differential scanning calorimetric, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The results show that solutions of 20% w/w PVDF in two solvent systems of DMF and DMF/acetone (with volume ratios of 3/1 and 1/1) are electrospinnable; however, using DMF/acetone volume ratio of 1/3 led to blockage of the needle and spinning process was stopped. Very high fraction of β-phase (∼79%-85%) was obtained for investigated nanofiber, while degree of crystallinity increased to 59% which is quite high due to the strong influence of electrospinning on ordering the microstructure. Interestingly, ultrafine fibers with the diameter of 12 and 15 nm were obtained in this work. Uniform and bead free nanofiber was formed when a certain amount of acetone was added in to the electrospinning solution.


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Nucleotide variation in a portion of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit1 (cox1) gene from asexual stages of bucephalids of southern Australian scallops (Chlamys asperrima, Chlamys bifrons and Pecten fumatus) was investigated using a mutation scanning–sequencing approach. Single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis revealed three main profile types (A, B and C) for parasites isolated from scallops. Sequence analysis revealed that samples represented by profiles B and C had a high degree (97.3%) of sequence similarity, whereas they were ~21% different in sequence from those represented by profile A. These findings suggested that at least two types or species (represented by profile A, or profile B or C) of bucephalid infect scallops, of which both were detected in South Australia, while only one was found in Victoria. The prevalence of bucephalids (and their SSCP haplotypes) appeared to differ among the three species of scallop in South Australia as well as between the two scallop species in Victoria, indicating a degree of host specificity. Adult bucephalids were collected from Eastern Australian Salmon (Arripis trutta), in an attempt to match them with the asexual stages from the scallop hosts. Neither of the two taxa of adult bucephalid (Telorhynchus arripidis and an un-named Telorhynchus species) shared SSCP profiles with the bucephalids from scallops, but were genetically similar, suggesting that the asexual stages from scallops may represent the genus Telorhynchus. This study, which assessed nucleotide sequence variation in a portion of the mitochondrial cox1 gene for bucephalids found in scallops and arripid fish, illustrates the usefulness of the mutation scanning approach to elucidate complex life-cycles of marine parasites.


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Several new technical developments have been made based on the combined use of the wire beam electrode (WBE), electrochemical noise analysis (ENA) and the scanning reference electrode technique (SRET). These have included: (i) The WBE-R n method- the combined use of the WBE and the noise resistance (Rn) to map the rates and patterns of uniform or localized corrosion; (ii) The WBE-Noise Signatures method- the combined use of the WBE and the noise signature to detect the origination and propagation of localized corrosion; and (iii) The WBE-SRET method- the combined use of the WBE and SRET to investigate localized corrosion from both the metallic and electrolyte phases of a corroding metal surface. This paper presents a brief review on these novel methods and their applications for detecting general and localized corrosion, for mapping the rates of corrosion, and for studying corrosion inhibitors.


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Electron microscopy techniques such as transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) have been invaluable tools for the study of the micromorphology of plant cuticles. However, for electron microscopy, the preparation techniques required may invariably introduce artefacts in cuticle preservation. Further, there are a limited number of methods available for quantifying the image data obtained through electron microscopy. Therefore, in this study, optical microscopy techniques were coupled with staining procedures and, along with SEM were used to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the ultrastructure of plant leaf cuticles. Leaf cryosections of Triticum aestivum (wheat), Zea mays (maize), and Lupinus angustifolius (lupin) were stained with either fat-soluble azo stain Sudan IV or fluorescent, diarylmethane Auramine O and were observed under confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM). For all the plant species tested, the cuticle on the leaf surfaces could be clearly resolved in many cases into cuticular proper (CP), external cuticular layer (ECL), and internal cuticular layer (ICL). Novel image data analysis procedures for quantifying the epicuticular wax micromorphology were developed, and epicuticular waxes of L. angustifolius were described here for the first time. Together, application of a multifaceted approach involving the use of a range of techniques to study the plant cuticle has led to a better understanding of cuticular structure and provides new insights into leaf surface architecture.


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In this paper, sereval varieties of animal fibres including cashmere and Australian fine Merino wool have been analysed by Fourier transform infrared microscope and differential scanning calorimeter. The results showed that both Chinese and Australian cashmere fibres started absorbing heat at a relatively higher temperature but were thermally degraded quicker than other animal fibres tested. However, the mass changes (within the temperature range of 200oC to 350oC) and associated onset temperatures varied among fibre varieties. From the attenuated total reflectance spectra, the Chinese cashmere was clearly different from Australian cashmere and wool in a peak near 1040 cm-1 wavelength for S-O stretching of cysteic acid residues. The Chinese cashmere presented a stronger absorption at 1019 cm-1 wavelength, while Australian cashmere and wool peaked at 1079 cm-1 wavelength and had a weaker absorption. Combined with thermal analysis, the normalised R-SO3 - content of cysteic acid residues to the amide II peak of the protein backbone may have potential use in identifying Australian fine Merino wool from Chinese cashmere.


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Low dose spiral computed tomography (CT) is a sensitive screening tool for lung cancer that is currently being evaluated in both non-randomised studies and randomised controlled trials.
We conducted a quantitative decision analysis using a Markov model to determine whether, in the Australian setting, offering spiral CT screening for lung cancer to high risk individuals would be cost-effective compared with current practice. This exploratory analysis was undertaken predominantly from the perspective of the government as third-party funder. In the base-case analysis, the costs and health outcomes (life-years saved and quality-adjusted life years) were calculated in a hypothetical cohort of 10,000 male current smokers for two alternatives: (1) screen for lung cancer with annual CT for 5 years starting at age 60 year and treat those diagnosed with cancer or (2) no screening and treat only those who present with symptomatic cancer.
For male smokers aged 60–64 years, with an annual incidence of lung cancer of 552 per 100,000, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was $57,325 per life-year saved and $105,090 per QALY saved. For females aged 60–64 years with the same annual incidence of lung cancer, the cost-effectiveness ratio was $51,001 per life-year saved and $88,583 per QALY saved. The model was used to examine the relationship between efficacy in terms of the expected reduction in lung cancer mortality at 7 years and cost-effectiveness. In the base-case analysis lung cancer mortality was reduced by 27% and all cause mortality by 2.1%. Changes in the estimated proportion of stage I cancers detected by screening had the greatest impact on the efficacy of the intervention and the cost-effectiveness. The results were also sensitive to assumptions about the test performance characteristics of CT scanning, the proportion of lung cancer cases overdiagnosed by screening, intervention rates for benign disease, the discount rate, the cost of CT, the quality of life in individuals with early stage screen-detected cancer and disutility associated with false positive diagnoses. Given current knowledge and practice, even under favourable assumptions, reductions in lung cancer mortality of less than 20% are unlikely to be cost-effective, using a value of $50,000 per life-year saved as the threshold to define a “cost-effective” intervention.
The most feasible scenario under which CT screening for lung cancer could be cost-effective would be if very high-risk individuals are targeted and screening is either highly effective or CT screening costs fall substantially.


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The study proposes a method of interpretation, which gives the contemporary singer-actor and director a method of performance analysis considering both the visual and the auditory aspects of vocal performance. The analysis begins with an analysis of the structure, which maps out the key ideas and translates them into main states of mind. The text analysis is followed by an analysis of the musical treatment of the text, also scanning for extra dramatic meaning inherent in vocal line and musical accompaniment. The so isolated dramatic ideas in text and musical structure and content are finally discussed in terms of their physical aspects, using the system of gesture as practiced by actors and singers before, during and beyond the Baroque period. The method is exemplified by the obbligato recitative "In quali eccessi" from Donna Elvira’s scene in the second act of the opera "Don Giovanni" by L. Da Ponte and W. A. Mozart. The musical example includes gestural notation and a table gestural notation symbols.