7 resultados para Regression equation

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The regulation of culture conditions, especially the optimization of substrate constituents, is crucial for laccase production by solid fermentation. To develop an inexpensive optimized substrate formulation to produce high-activity laccase, a uniform design formulation experiment was devised. The solid fermentation of Trametes versicolor was performed with natural aeration, natural substrate pH (about 6.5), environmental humidity of 60% and two different temperature stages (at 37 °C for 3 days, and then at 30 °C for the next 17 days). From the experiment, a regression equation for laccase activity, in the form of a second-degree polynomial model, was constructed using multivariate regression analysis and solved with unconstrained optimization programming. The optimized substrate formulation for laccase production was then calculated. Tween 80 was found to have a negative effect on laccase production in solid fermentation; the optimized solid substrate formulation was 10.8% glucose, 27.7% wheat bran, 9.0% (NH4)2SO4, and 52.5% water. In a scaled-up verification of solid fermentation at a 10 kg scale, laccase activity from T. versicolor in the optimized substrate formulation reached 110.9 IU/g of dry mass.


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Culture-based fish yield in non-perennial reservoirs of Sri Lanka was related to reservoir morphometry and stocking density. The reservoirs were stocked mainly with fingerlings of one Chinese and three Indian major carp species, common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., and the genetically improved farmed tilapia strain of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), at four pre-determined species combinations and a range of stocking densities [SD (fingerlings ha−1)]. Twenty-three reservoirs were harvested successfully at the end of the culture period of 2002–2003. Basic limnological and morphometric parameters, including shoreline development (DL) and shoreline area ratio (RLA), were estimated for each of the 23 reservoirs. Bray–Curtis similarity and non-metric multidimensional scaling using mean values of limnological data revealed that reservoirs could be ordinated into two major clusters, one with intact sample distribution due to similar trophic characteristics and the other with scattered sample distribution. Reservoirs in the cluster with similar trophic characteristics showed significant correlation (P < 0.05) between RLA and total fish yield (Y). A multiple regression equation, Y = −693 + 4810 RLA + 0.484 SD, was generated to estimate fish harvest in relation to SD.


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Background A number of studies have compared proportional increases over time in waist circumference (WC) and body mass index (BMI). However this method is flawed. Here, we explain why comparisons of WC and BMI must take into account the relationship between them. We used data from two cross-sectional US surveys (NHANES 1988-94 and 2005-06), and calculated the percentage change in the average BMI and the average WC between the two surveys, comparing the results with a regression analysis of changes in WC relative to BMI.

Findings The crude percentage change in BMI (5.8%) was marginally greater than for WC (5.1%). But these percentages cannot be directly compared, as the relationship between the measures is described by a regression equation with an intercept term that does not equal zero. The coefficient of time from the regression equation will determine whether or not WC is on average larger for a given BMI at the second compared with the first time point.

Conclusion Differences in the percentage change in WC and the percentage change in BMI cannot be usefully directly compared. Comparisons of increases in the two measures must account for the relationship between them as described by the regression equation.


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Phylogenetic generalised least squares (PGLS) is one of the most commonly employed phylogenetic comparative methods. The technique, a modification of generalised least squares, uses knowledge of phylogenetic relationships to produce an estimate of expected covariance in cross-species data. Closely related species are assumed to have more similar traits because of their shared ancestry and hence produce more similar residuals from the least squares regression line. By taking into account the expected covariance structure of these residuals, modified slope and intercept estimates are generated that can account for interspecific autocorrelation due to phylogeny. Here, we provide a basic conceptual background to PGLS, for those unfamiliar with the approach. We describe the requirements for a PGLS analysis and highlight the packages that can be used to implement the method. We show how phylogeny is used to calculate the expected covariance structure in the data and how this is applied to the generalised least squares regression equation. We demonstrate how PGLS can incorporate information about phylogenetic signal, the extent to which closely related species truly are similar, and how it controls for this signal appropriately, thereby negating concerns about unnecessarily ‘correcting’ for phylogeny. In addition to discussing the appropriate way to present the results of PGLS analyses, we highlight some common misconceptions about the approach and commonly encountered problems with the method. These include misunderstandings about what phylogenetic signal refers to in the context of PGLS (residuals errors, not the traits themselves), and issues associated with unknown or uncertain phylogeny.


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In disciplines other than IS, the use of covariance-based structural equation modelling (SEM) is the mainstream method for SEM analysis, and for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Yet a body of IS literature has developed arguing that PLS regression is a superior tool for these analyses, and for establishing reliability and validity. Despite these claims, the views underlying this PLS literature are not universally shared. In this paper the authors review the PLS and mainstream SEM literatures, and describe the key differences between the two classes of tools. The paper also canvasses why PLS regression is rarely used in management, marketing, organizational behaviour, and that branch of psychology concerned with good measurement – psychometrics. The paper offers some practical options to Australasian researchers seeking greater mastery of SEM, and also acts as a roadmap for readers who want to check for themselves what the mainstream SEM literature has to say.


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BACKGROUND: Depression is widely considered to be an independent and robust predictor of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), however is seldom considered in the context of formal risk assessment. We assessed whether the addition of depression to the Framingham Risk Equation (FRE) improved accuracy for predicting 10-year CHD in a sample of women.

DESIGN: A prospective, longitudinal design comprising an age-stratified, population-based sample of Australian women collected between 1993 and 2011 (n=862).

METHODS: Clinical depressive disorder was assessed using the Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (SCID-I/NP), using retrospective age-of-onset data. A composite measure of CHD included non-fatal myocardial infarction, unstable angina coronary intervention or cardiac death. Cox proportional-hazards regression models were conducted and overall accuracy assessed using area under receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis.

RESULTS: ROC curve analyses revealed that the addition of baseline depression status to the FRE model improved its overall accuracy (AUC:0.77, Specificity:0.70, Sensitivity:0.75) when compared to the original FRE model (AUC:0.75, Specificity:0.73, Sensitivity:0.67). However, when calibrated against the original model, the predicted number of events generated by the augmented version marginally over-estimated the true number observed.

CONCLUSIONS: The addition of a depression variable to the FRE equation improves the overall accuracy of the model for predicting 10-year CHD events in women, however may over-estimate the number of events that actually occur. This model now requires validation in larger samples as it could form a new CHD risk equation for women.


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Support for the saying “a picture is worth a 1000 words’ has been consistently found within statistics education. Graphical images are effective in promoting understanding and communication of statistical concepts and results to a variety of audiences. The computer software package, AMOS, was developed for the analysis of structural equation models (SEM) and has a user-friendly graphical interface. However, courses in SEM are generally found only at the postgraduate level. This paper argues that the graphical interface of AMOS has the potential to enhance conceptual understanding and communication of results in undergraduate statistical courses. More specifically, approaches to the teaching and communication of results of multiple regression models when using SPSS and AMOS will be examined and compared.