45 resultados para Red-blood-cell

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The present randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel-groups clinical trial examined the effects of fish oil and multivitamin supplementation on the incorporation of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids into red blood cells. Healthy adult humans (n = 160) were randomized to receive 6 g of fish oil, 6 g of fish oil plus a multivitamin, 3 g of fish oil plus a multivitamin or a placebo daily for 16 weeks. Treatment with 6 g of fish oil, with or without a daily multivitamin, led to higher eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) composition at endpoint. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) composition was unchanged following treatment. The long chain LC n-3 PUFA index was only higher, compared to placebo, in the group receiving the combination of 6 g of fish oil and the multivitamin. Analysis by gender revealed that all treatments increased EPA incorporation in females while, in males, EPA was only significantly increased by the 6 g fish oil multivitamin combination. There was considerable individual variability in the red blood cell incorporation of EPA and DHA at endpoint. Gender contributed to a large proportion of this variability with females generally showing higher LC n-3 PUFA composition at endpoint. In conclusion, the incorporation of LC n-3 PUFA into red blood cells was influenced by dosage, the concurrent intake of vitamin/minerals and gender.


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BACKGROUND: Lactoferrin is a natural multifunctional protein known to have antitumor, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory activity. Apart from its antimicrobial effects, lactoferrin is known to boost the immune response by enhancing antioxidants. Lactoferrin exists in various forms depending on its iron saturation. The present study was done to observe the effect of lactoferrin, isolated from bovine and buffalo colostrum, on red blood cells (RBCs) and macrophages (human monocytic cell line-derived macrophages THP1 cells). METHODS: Lactoferrin obtained from both species and in different iron saturation forms were used in the present study, and treatment of host cells were given with different forms of lactoferrin at different concentrations. These treated host cells were used for various studies, including morphometric analysis, viability by MTT assay, survivin gene expression, production of reactive oxygen species, phagocytic properties, invasion assay, and Toll-like receptor-4, Toll-like receptor-9, and MDR1 expression, to investigate the interaction between lactoferrin and host cells and the possible mechanism of action with regard to parasitic infections. RESULTS: The mechanism of interaction between host cells and lactoferrin have shown various aspects of gene expression and cellular activity depending on the degree of iron saturation of lactoferrin. A significant increase (P<0.05) in production of reactive oxygen species, phagocytic activity, and Toll-like receptor expression was observed in host cells incubated with iron-saturated lactoferrin when compared with an untreated control group. However, there was no significant (P>0.05) change in percentage viability in the different groups of host cells treated, and no downregulation of survivin gene expression was found at 48 hours post-incubation. Upregulation of the Toll-like receptor and downregulation of the P-gp gene confirmed the immunomodulatory potential of lactoferrin protein. CONCLUSION: The present study details the interaction between lactoferrin and parasite host cells, ie, RBCs and macrophages, using various cellular processes and expression studies. The study reveals the possible mechanism of action against various intracellular pathogens such as Toxoplasma, Plasmodium, Leishmania, Trypanosoma, and Mycobacterium. The presence of iron in lactoferrin plays an important role in enhancing the various activities taking place inside these cells. This work provides a lot of information about targeting lactoferrin against many parasitic infections which can rule out the exact pathways for inhibition of diseases caused by intracellular microbes mainly targeting RBCs and macrophages for their survival. Therefore, this initial study can serve as a baseline for further evaluation of the mechanism of action of lactoferrin against parasitic diseases, which is not fully understood to date.


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Considerable progress has been made in understanding the molecular basis of normal white blood cell development and its perturbation in disease through the use of clinical studies and traditional animal and cell line models. Despite this, however, many questions are still being answered and white blood cell disorders, including leukemia and lymphoma, remain a significant health problem. The zebrafish (Danio rerio) has emerged as a powerful alternative vertebrate model for the study of development and disease. We review the recent application of zebrafish to the study of white blood cell development and its disruption, particularly leukemogenesis. Such studies have highlighted the overall conservation of these processes throughout vertebrates, and establish zebrafish as a useful experimental model. This organism is now poised to make an important contribution to our understanding of the underlying genetic control of white blood cell development and its disruption, as well as the identification of new therapeutic agents.


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Plasmodium falciparum causes the most lethal form of malaria in humans and is responsible for over two million deaths per year. The development of a vaccine against this parasite is an urgent priority and potential protein targets include those on the surface of the asexual merozoite stage, the form that invades the host erythrocyte. The development of methods to transfect P. falciparum has enabled the construction of gain-of-function and loss-of-function mutants and provided new strategies to analyse the role of parasite proteins. In this review, we describe the use of this technology to examine the role of merozoite antigens in erythrocyte invasion and to address their potential as vaccine candidates.


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 The ETV6 (TEL1) gene encodes a member of the ETS family of transcriptional regulators. It represents one of the most frequently disrupted genes in haematological malignancies, with over 50 different translocations described. Moreover, deletion, silencing or truncating mutations have also been reported, suggesting a potential tumor suppressor function. Recent studies have shown that ETV6 plays a broad and complex role in early hematopoiesis, impacting on the development of multiple lineages, providing new insights into how its perturbation contributes to disease.


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Red blood cells (RBCs) and platelets are examples of perishable items with a fixed shelf life. Recent studies show that transfusing fresh RBCs may lead to an improvement of patient outcomes. In addition, to better manage their inventory, hospitals prefer to receive fresh RBCs and platelets. Therefore, as well as minimizing outdates and shortages, reducing the average age of issue is a key performance criterion for blood banks. The issuing policy in a perishable inventory system has a substantial impact on the age of issue and outdate and shortage rates. Although several studies have compared the last in first out (LIFO) and the first in first out (FIFO) policies for perishable products, only a few studies have considered the situation of blood banks where replenishment is not controllable. In this study, we examine various issuing policies for a perishable inventory system with uncontrollable replenishment, and outline a modified FIFO policy. Our proposed modified FIFO policy partitions the inventory into two parts such that the first part holds the items with age less than a threshold. It then applies the FIFO policy in each part and the LIFO policy between the parts. We present two approximation techniques to estimate the average age of issue, the average time between successive outdates and the average time between successive shortages of the modified FIFO policy. Our analysis shows in several cases that where the objective function is a single economic function, or it is formulated as a multiobjective model, the modified FIFO policy outperforms the FIFO and LIFO policies.


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Several studies have examined the association between polyunsaturated fatty acids and prostate cancer risk. We evaluated the evidence on the association between the essential polyunsaturated fatty acid, known as α-linolenic acid, and the risk of prostate cancer in humans.
Materials and Methods
We comprehensively reviewed published studies on the association between α-linolenic acid and the risk of prostate cancer using MEDLINE.
A number of studies have shown a positive association between dietary, plasma or red blood cell levels of α-linolenic acid and prostate cancer. Other studies have demonstrated either no association or a negative association. The limitations of these studies include the assumption that dietary or plasma α-linolenic acid levels are positively associated with prostate tissue α-linolenic acid levels, and measurement errors of dietary, plasma and red blood cell α-linolenic acid levels.
More research is needed in this area before it can be concluded that there is an association between α-linolenic acid and prostate cancer.


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In order to provide an alternative to traditional liquid fish oil gelatin capsules, we developed a solid, powdered form of omega-3 fish oil concentrate by forming calcium- and magnesium-fatty acid salts. These salts were produced using a concentrated fish oil ethyl ester that contained in excess of 60% omega-3 fatty acids. The bioavailability of these omega-3 salts was compared with that of fish oil ethyl ester in mice. Animals were given 8 mg of omega-3 fatty acid ethyl ester concentrate (control), calcium- or magnesium-omega-3 salts daily for three weeks. The omega-3 salt products resulted in omega-3 fatty acid content in serum and red blood cell membranes comparable to that produced by the ethyl ester supplementation. In addition, fecal excretion of omega-3 fatty acids was not increased by the presence of calcium or magnesium. In fact, there was a tendency for less omega-3 fatty acids to be excreted.


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The immunocompetence handicap hypothesis (ICHH) suggests that dominance signals are costly because their development is controlled by testosterone, which is immunosuppressive. Signal control therefore links an increased disease risk with a high quality signal. The chest bib of the house sparrow, Passer domesticus, is a signal known to be related to dominance and under control of testosterone levels. We experimentally manipulated testosterone in male sparrows during the breeding season and again independently during the post-breeding period to test whether variation in levels of testosterone could cause variation in levels of immunocompetence. There was no effect of testosterone manipulation on the cell-mediated response of birds to phytohaemagglutinin injection, nor did testosterone levels appear to affect either white blood cell ratios or red blood cell counts. In contrast, both breeding season and post-breeding season testosterone levels had significant effects upon the humoral response of the birds to sheep red blood cell injections. However, whilst testosterone during the breeding season appeared to act immunosuppressively, the role of post-breeding levels is less clear. In concordance with a previous study, there was an indication that corticosterone is involved in mediating the immunosuppressive effects of testosterone. The strength of the secondary humoral response and the cell-mediated response were negatively related suggesting the possibility of a trade-off between the different arms of the immune system. These results provide some support for the ICHH as a mechanism promoting the evolution of costly badges of status, although the results question whether the immunosuppressive cost can be mediated by testosterone at the time of badge development.


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The objective of this study was to investigate the incorporation and metabolism of punicic acid (PA, cis9,trans11,cis13-18:3) in healthy young humans. The study was a randomized controlled trial. After 7 days adaptation with sunflower seed kernels supplementation, 30 subjects were then divided into the control and test group (n = 15). The test group was supplemented with Trichosanthes kirilowii (TK) seed kernels containing 3 g of PA per day in the form of triacylglycerols for 28 days. The control group was provided with sunflower seed kernels. After consumption of TK seeds containing 3 g PA per day for 28 days, the proportion of PA was increased from 0.00 to 0.47% in plasma and 0.00 to 0.37% in red blood cell membranes (RBCM), respectively. The proportion of cis9,trans11-18:2 was increased from 0.05 to 0.23% in plasma and 0.03 to 0.17% in RBCM after 28 days of intervention, respectively. Our results suggest that PA can be effectively incorporated into human plasma and RBCM, and is also associated with the increasing proportion of cis9,trans11-18:2 in humans, presumably as a result of metabolism by a saturation reaction. Edible TK seeds could be a potential dietary source of conjugated linoleic acids.


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Background: Constraint-based modeling of reconstructed genome-scale metabolic networks has been successfully applied on several microorganisms. In constraint-based modeling, in order to characterize all allowable phenotypes, network-based pathways, such as extreme pathways and elementary flux modes, are defined. However, as the scale of metabolic network rises, the number of extreme pathways and elementary flux modes increases exponentially. Uniform random sampling solves this problem to some extent to study the contents of the available phenotypes. After uniform random sampling, correlated reaction sets can be identified by the dependencies between reactions derived from sample phenotypes. In this paper, we study the relationship between extreme pathways and correlated reaction sets.

Results: Correlated reaction sets are identified for E. coli core, red blood cell and Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolic networks respectively. All extreme pathways are enumerated for the former two metabolic networks. As for Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolic network, because of the large scale, we get a set of extreme pathways by sampling the whole extreme pathway space. In most cases, an extreme pathway covers a correlated reaction set in an 'all or none' manner, which means either all reactions in a correlated reaction set or none is used by some extreme pathway. In rare cases, besides the 'all or none' manner, a correlated reaction set may be fully covered by combination of a few extreme pathways with related function, which may bring redundancy and flexibility to improve the survivability of a cell. In a word, extreme pathways show strong complementary relationship on usage of reactions in the same correlated reaction set.

Conclusion: Both extreme pathways and correlated reaction sets are derived from the topology information of metabolic networks. The strong relationship between correlated reaction sets and extreme pathways suggests a possible mechanism: as a controllable unit, an extreme pathway is regulated by its corresponding correlated reaction sets, and a correlated reaction set is further regulated by the organism's regulatory network.


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In order to survive and promote its virulence the malaria parasite must export hundreds of its proteins beyond an encasing vacuole and membrane into the host red blood cell. In the last few years, several major advances have been made that have significantly contributed to our understanding of this export process. These include: (i) the identification of sequences that direct protein export (a signal sequence and a motif termed PEXEL), which have allowed predictions of the exportomes of Plasmodium species that are the cause of malaria, (ii) the recognition that the fate of proteins destined for export is already decided within the parasite's endoplasmic reticulum and involves the PEXEL motif being recognized and cleaved by the aspartic protease plasmepsin V and (iii) the discovery of the Plasmodium translocon of exported proteins (PTEX) that is responsible for the passage of proteins across the vacuolar membrane. We review protein export in Plasmodium and these latest developments in the field that have now provided a new platform from which trafficking of malaria proteins can be dissected.


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It is somewhat paradoxical that the malaria parasite’s survival strategy involves spending almost all of its blood-stage existence residing behind a two-membrane barrier in a host red blood cell, yet giving considerable attention to exporting parasite-encoded proteins back across these membranes. These exported proteins are thought to play diverse roles and are crucial in pathogenic processes, such as re-modelling of the erythrocyte cytoskeleton and mediating the export of a major virulence protein known as Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), and in metabolic processes such as nutrient uptake and solute exchange. Despite these varied roles most exported proteins have at least one common link; they share a trafficking pathway that begins with entry into the endoplasmic reticulum and concludes with passage across the vacuole membrane via a proteinaceous translocon known as the Plasmodium translocon of exported proteins (PTEX). In this commentary we review recent advances in our understanding of this export pathway and suggest several models by which different aspects of the process may be interconnected.


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Lactoferrin (Lf) is a multifunctional protein and an essential element of innate immunity. Cancer is a major killer in today's world accounting for around 13% of all deaths according to the World Health Organisation (W.H.O.). The five most common forms of cancer include lung, colorectal, stomach, liver and breast cancer. Lactoferrin is a natural forming iron-binding glycoprotein with antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic effects. It is produced in exocrine glands and is secreted in many external fluids as a first line of defence. Lactoferrin also has the capacity to induce apoptosis and inhibit proliferation in cancer cells as well as restore white and red blood cell levels after chemotherapy. This review focuses on the therapeutic effect bovine sourced lactoferrin has on various forms of cancer in various models. It also focuses on the benefits of 3D in vitro cell culture. 3D cell culture has vast advantages over 2D models including demonstration of realistic therapeutic results and heightened resistance that 2D models fail to display.