13 resultados para Rectal Gland-function

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Osmoregulatory mechanisms in holocephalan fishes are poorly understood except that these fish are known to conduct urea-based osmoregulation as in elasmobranchs. We, therefore, examined changes in plasma parameters of elephant fish Callorhinchus milii, after gradual transfer to concentrated (120%) or diluted (80%) seawater (SW). In control fish, plasma Na and urea concentrations were about 300 mmol l–1 and 450 mmol l–1, respectively. These values were equivalent to those of sharks and rays, but the plasma urea concentration of elephant fish was considerably higher than that reported for chimaeras, another holocephalan. After transfer to 120% SW, plasma osmolality, urea and ion concentrations were increased, whereas transfer to 80% SW resulted in a fall in these parameters. The rises in ion concentrations were notable after transfer to 120% SW, whereas urea concentration decreased predominantly following transfer to 80% SW. In elephant fish, we could not find a discrete rectal gland. Instead, approximately 10 tubular structures were located in the wall of post-valvular intestine. Each tubular structure was composed of a putative salt-secreting component consisting of a single-layered columnar epithelium, which was stained with an anti-Na+,K+-ATPase serum. Furthermore, Na+,K+-ATPase activity in the tubular structures was significantly increased after acute transfer of fish to concentrated SW (115%). These results suggest that the tubular structures are a rectal gland equivalent, functioning as a salt-secreting organ. Since the rectal gland of elephant fish is well developed compared to that of Southern chimaera, the salt-secreting ability may be higher in elephant fish than chimaeras, which may account for the lower plasma NaCl concentration in elephant fish compared to other chimaeras. Since elephant fish have also attracted attention from a viewpoint of genome science, the availability of fish for physiological studies will make this species an excellent model in holocephalan fish group.


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The fur seal (Arctocephalus spp. and Callorhinus spp., members of the pinniped family) is a mammal with the unusual capability to modulate its lactation cycle by turning milk production on and off without the typical mammalian regression and involution of the mammary gland. Lactation has evolved from constraints arising from the spatial and temporal separation of infant nursing and maternal foraging as the mother gives birth and feeds the pup on land while acquisition of nutrients for milk production occurs at sea. The lactation cycle begins with the female fur seal undergoing a perinatal fast of approximately 1 wk, after which time she departs the breeding colony to forage at sea. For the remainder of the long lactation period (116–540 days), the mother alternates between short periods ashore suckling the young with longer periods of up to 4 wk of foraging at sea. Milk production continues while foraging at sea, but at less than 20% the rate of production on land. Fur seals produce one of the richest milk reported, with a very high lipid content contributing up to 85% of total energy. This feature serves as an adaptation to the young's need to produce an insulating blubber layer against heat loss and to serve as an energy store when the mother is away foraging at sea. This atypical pattern of lactation means mothers have long periods with no suckling stimulus and can transfer high-energy milk rapidly while on land to minimize time away from foraging grounds. The absence of suckling stimulus and milk removal during foraging does not result in the onset of involution with associated apoptosis of mammary secretory cells and a subsequent progressive breakdown of the cellular structure of the mammary gland. The mechanisms controlling lactation in the fur seal mammary gland have been investigated using molecular and cellular techniques. These findings have shed light on the processes by which the unique features of lactation in the fur seal are regulated.


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Recent studies using the mouse showed an inverse correlation between the Caveolin 1 gene expression and lactation, and this was regulated by prolactin. However, current study using mammary explants from pregnant mice showed that while insulin (I), cortisol (F) and prolactin (P) resulted in maximum induction of the β-casein gene, FP and IFP resulted in the downregulation of Caveolin 1. Additionally, IF, FP and IFP resulted in the downregulation of Caveolin 2. Immunohistochemistry confirmed localisation of Caveolin 1 specific to myoepithelial cells and adipocytes. Comparative studies with the tammar wallaby showed Caveolin 1 and 2 had 70-80% homology with the mouse proteins. However, in contrast to the mouse, Caveolin 1 and 2 genes showed a significantly increased level of expression in the mammary gland during lactation. The regulation of tammar Caveolin 1 and 2 gene expression was examined in mammary explants from pregnant tammars, and no significant difference was observed either in the absence or in the presence of IFP.


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 This thesis investigated the role of milk, extracellular matrix and mammary adipocytes in regulating mammary gland function during involution in mice and explored the use of an in vitro culture model, the mammosphere model system to study the same.


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C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) is a crucial osmoregulatory hormone in elasmobranchs, participating in salt secretion and drinking. In contrast to teleosts and tetrapods in which the NP family is composed of a group of structurally related peptides, we have shown that CNP is the sole NP in sharks. In the present study, CNP cDNAs were cloned from four species of batoids, another group of elasmobranchs. The cloned batoid CNP precursors contained a plausible mature peptide of 22 amino acid residues that is identical to most shark CNP-22s, but five successive amino acids were consistently deleted in the prosegment compared with shark precursors, supporting the diphyletic classification of sharks and rays. In addition, molecular phylogenetic trees of CNP precursors were consistent with a diphyletic interpretation. Except for the deletion, the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of the CNP cDNAs are extremely well-conserved among all elasmobranch species, even between sharks and rays. Surprisingly, high conservation is evident not only for the coding region, but also for the untranslated regions. It is most likely that the high conservation is due to the low nucleotide substitution rate in the elasmobranch genome, and high selection pressure. The 3′-untranslated region of the elasmobranch CNP cDNAs contained three to six repeats of the ATTTA motif that is associated with the regulation of mRNA stability and translation efficiency. Alternative polyadenylation sites were also found; the long 3′-untranslated region contains a core of ATTTA motifs while the short form has only one or no ATTTA motif, indicating that the post-transcriptional modification of mRNA is important for regulation of CNP synthesis. These characteristics in the 3′-untranslated region were conserved among all elasmobranch CNP cDNAs. Since CNP has been implicated as a fast-acting hormone to facilitate salt secretion from the rectal gland, the conserved 3′-untranslated region most likely contributes to rapid regulation of CNP synthesis in elasmobranchs in response to acute changes in internal and external environments.


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Osmoregulatory mechanisms in holocephalan fishes are unknown except that they conduct urea-based osmoregulation as in elasmobranchs. We, therefore, examined changes in plasma parameters of elephant fish, Callorhynchus millii, after gradual transfer to concentrated (120%) or diluted (80%) seawater (SW). In control fish, plasma Na and urea concentrations were about 300mM and 450mM, respectively. These values were equivalent to those of sharks and rays, but the plasma urea concentration of elephant fish was considerably higher than that reported for chimaeras, another holocephalan. After transfer to 120% SW, the plasma Na concentration markedly increased, while a conspicuous decrease in plasmaurea concentration was observed following transfer to 80% SW. In elephant fish, we could not find a discrete rectal gland. Instead, approximately 10 tubular structures were located in the wall of post-valvular intestine. Each tubular structure was composed of a putative salt-secreting component consisting of a single-layered columnar epithelium, which was stained with anti-Na+,K±ATPase serum. It is most likely that the tubular structures in the posterior intestine represent a primitive form of the rectal gland in elephant fish. In addition, we have identified two C-type natriuretic peptides (CNPs) from the heart and brain of elephant fish, which may contribute to the control of NaCl excretion from the rectal gland of elephant fish as it does in elasmobranchs.


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 This thesis aimed to exploit the unique reproductive strategy of marsupials such as the tammar wallaby to prove that milk may regulate postnatal growth and development of organs such as the stomach.


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Pheromones are chemicals used to communicate between animals of the same species, and are thought to be used by most marine animals. With limited vision, abalone primarily sense their world chemically, and pheromones may play an important role in settlement, attraction, recognition, alarm, and reproduction. Despite this, there has been no detailed investigation into pheromone substances, both in their precise biochemical nature or pheromonal function. In this study, we investigated the presence of pheromonelike substances from the hypobranchial gland of the abalone Haliotis asinina using bioassays, immunohistochemistry, Western blotting, and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). The hypobranchial gland of many prosobranchial marine molluscs has been classified as a sex auxiliary gland releasing unknown substances during spawning. In our study, cephalic tentacle assays demonstrated that the cell extracts of the hypobranchial gland contain chemical cues that are sensed by conspecifics. An antibody against the sea slug “attractin” pheromone was used as a probe to localize a similar protein in the mucin-secreting cells of the epithelial lining the hypobranchial gland of both male and female abalone. The approximate molecular weight of this abalone attractin-like protein is 30 kDa in both males and females. Fractionation of hypobranchial gland extracts by C5 RP-HPLC could not selectively purify this protein, and no sex-specific differences were observed. We predict that the attractin-like protein could be one of a number of important proteins involved in maturation, aggregation, and/or spawning behavior of abalone. In future research, additional hypobranchial gland components will be tested further for these types of behavior.


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The role of milk in providing nutrition for the young is well established. However, it is becoming apparent that milk has a more comprehensive role in programming and regulating growth and development of the suckled young, and an autocrine impact on the mammary gland so that it functions appropriately during the lactation cycle. This central role of milk is best studied in animal models, such as marsupials that have evolved a different lactation strategy to eutherians and allow researchers to more easily identify regulatory mechanisms that are not as readily apparent in eutherian species. For example, the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) has evolved with a unique reproductive strategy of a short gestation, birth of an altricial young and a relatively long lactation during which the mother progressively changes the composition of the major, and many of the minor components of milk. Thus, in contrast to eutherians, there is a far greater investment in development of the young during lactation and it is likely that many of the signals that regulate development of eutherian embryos in utero are delivered by the milk. This requires the co-ordinated development and function of the mammary gland. Inappropriate timing of these signalling events in mammals may result in either limited or abnormal development of the young, and potentially a higher incidence of mature onset disease. The tammar is emerging as an attractive model to better understand the role of milk factors in these processes.


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Two cases of zinc deficiency in breastfed neonates were investigated where zinc levels in the mothers' milk were reduced by more than 75 % compared to normal. The objective of this study was to find the molecular basis of the maternal zinc deficiency condition. Significant reductions in mRNA expression and protein levels of the zinc transporters SLC30A5 and SLC30A6 were found in maternal tissue, suggesting a causal link to the zinc-deficient milk. Novel splice variants of the SLC30A6 transcript were detected. No modifications were found in coding regions, or in transcription binding sites of promoter regions or in 5' and 3' untranslated regions of both transporters in lymphoblasts and fibroblasts isolated from both mothers. Altered DNA methylation in SLC30A5 at two CpG sites was detected and may account for the reduced levels of SLC30A5 mRNA and protein in lymphoblasts. Reduced SLC30A6 mRNA and protein levels in lymphoblasts may be secondary to reduced SLC30A5 expression, as they function as a heterodimer in zinc transport. In conclusion, two cases of zinc deficiency are linked to low levels of the SLC30A5 and SLC30A6 zinc transporters. These two zinc transporters have not been previously associated with zinc deficiency in milk.