29 resultados para Random forest

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This paper presents a random forest-based face image classification method. The random forest is an ensemble learning method that grows many classification trees. Each tree gives a classification. The forest selects the classification that has the most votes. Three experiments are performed. The random forest-based method together with several existing approaches are trained and evaluated. The experimental results are presented and discussed.


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This paper presents a system that employs random forests to formulate a method for subcellular localisation of proteins. A random forest is an ensemble learner that grows classification trees. Each tree produces a classification decision, and an integrated output is calculated. The system classifies the protein-localisation patterns within fluorescent microscope images. 2D images of HeLa cells that include all major classes of subcellular structures, and the associated feature set are used. The performance of the developed system is compared against that of the support vector machine and decision tree approaches. Three experiments are performed to study the influence of the training and test set size on the performance of the examined methods. The calculated classification errors and execution times are presented and discussed. The lowest classification error (2.9%) has been produced by the developed system.


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A method is presented for identification of lung nodules. It includes three stages: image acquisition, background removal, and nodule detection. The first stage improves image quality. The second stage extracts long lobe regions. The third stage detects lung nodules. The method is based on the random forest learner. Training set contains nodule, non-nodule, and false-positive patterns. Test set contains randomly selected images. The developed method is compared against the support vector machine. True-positives of 100% and 85.9%, and false-positives of 1.27 and 1.33 per image were achieved by the developed method and the support vector machine, respectively.


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An automated lung nodule detection system can help spot lung abnormalities in CT lung images. Lung nodule detection can be achieved using template-based, segmentation-based, and classification-based methods. The existing systems that include a classification component in their structures have demonstrated better performances than their counterparts. Ensemble learners combine decisions of multiple classifiers to form an integrated output. To improve the performance of automated lung nodule detection, an ensemble classification aided by clustering (CAC) method is proposed. The method takes advantage of the random forest algorithm and offers a structure for a hybrid random forest based lung nodule classification aided by clustering. Several experiments are carried out involving the proposed method as well as two other existing methods. The parameters of the classifiers are varied to identify the best performing classifiers. The experiments are conducted using lung scans of 32 patients including 5721 images within which nodule locations are marked by expert radiologists. Overall, the best sensitivity of 98.33% and specificity of 97.11% have been recorded for proposed system. Also, a high receiver operating characteristic (ROC) Az of 0.9786 has been achieved.


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This paper is devoted to empirical investigation of novel multi-level ensemble meta classifiers for the detection and monitoring of progression of cardiac autonomic neuropathy, CAN, in diabetes patients. Our experiments relied on an extensive database and concentrated on ensembles of ensembles, or multi-level meta classifiers, for the classification of cardiac autonomic neuropathy progression. First, we carried out a thorough investigation comparing the performance of various base classifiers for several known sets of the most essential features in this database and determined that Random Forest significantly and consistently outperforms all other base classifiers in this new application. Second, we used feature selection and ranking implemented in Random Forest. It was able to identify a new set of features, which has turned out better than all other sets considered for this large and well-known database previously. Random Forest remained the very best classier for the new set of features too. Third, we investigated meta classifiers and new multi-level meta classifiers based on Random Forest, which have improved its performance. The results obtained show that novel multi-level meta classifiers achieved further improvement and obtained new outcomes that are significantly better compared with the outcomes published in the literature previously for cardiac autonomic neuropathy.


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The recent years have seen extensive work on statistics-based network traffic classification using machine learning (ML) techniques. In the particular scenario of learning from unlabeled traffic data, some classic unsupervised clustering algorithms (e.g. K-Means and EM) have been applied but the reported results are unsatisfactory in terms of low accuracy. This paper presents a novel approach for the task, which performs clustering based on Random Forest (RF) proximities instead of Euclidean distances. The approach consists of two steps. In the first step, we derive a proximity measure for each pair of data points by performing a RF classification on the original data and a set of synthetic data. In the next step, we perform a K-Medoids clustering to partition the data points into K groups based on the proximity matrix. Evaluations have been conducted on real-world Internet traffic traces and the experimental results indicate that the proposed approach is more accurate than the previous methods.


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Privacy-preserving data mining has become an active focus of the research community in the domains where data are sensitive and personal in nature. For example, highly sensitive digital repositories of medical or financial records offer enormous values for risk prediction and decision making. However, prediction models derived from such repositories should maintain strict privacy of individuals. We propose a novel random forest algorithm under the framework of differential privacy. Unlike previous works that strictly follow differential privacy and keep the complete data distribution approximately invariant to change in one data instance, we only keep the necessary statistics (e.g. variance of the estimate) invariant. This relaxation results in significantly higher utility. To realize our approach, we propose a novel differentially private decision tree induction algorithm and use them to create an ensemble of decision trees. We also propose feasible adversary models to infer about the attribute and class label of unknown data in presence of the knowledge of all other data. Under these adversary models, we derive bounds on the maximum number of trees that are allowed in the ensemble while maintaining privacy. We focus on binary classification problem and demonstrate our approach on four real-world datasets. Compared to the existing privacy preserving approaches we achieve significantly higher utility.


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With the emergence of the big data age, the issue of how to obtain valuable knowledge from a dataset efficiently and accurately has attracted increasingly attention from both academia and industry. This paper presents a Parallel Random Forest (PRF) algorithm for big data on the Apache Spark platform. The PRF algorithm is optimized based on a hybrid approach combining data-parallel and task-parallel optimization. From the perspective of data-parallel optimization, a vertical data-partitioning method is performed to reduce the data communication cost effectively, and a data-multiplexing method is performed is performed to allow the training dataset to be reused and diminish the volume of data. From the perspective of task-parallel optimization, a dual parallel approach is carried out in the training process of RF, and a task Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is created according to the parallel training process of PRF and the dependence of the Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD) objects. Then, different task schedulers are invoked for the tasks in the DAG. Moreover, to improve the algorithm's accuracy for large, high-dimensional, and noisy data, we perform a dimension-reduction approach in the training process and a weighted voting approach in the prediction process prior to parallelization. Extensive experimental results indicate the superiority and notable advantages of the PRF algorithm over the relevant algorithms implemented by Spark MLlib and other studies in terms of the classification accuracy, performance, and scalability.


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In the last decade, the efforts of spoken language processing have achieved significant advances, however, the work with emotional recognition has not progressed so far, and can only achieve 50% to 60% in accuracy. This is because a majority of researchers in this field have focused on the synthesis of emotional speech rather than focusing on automating human emotion recognition. Many research groups have focused on how to improve the performance of the classifier they used for emotion recognition, and few work has been done on data pre-processing, such as the extraction and selection of a set of specifying acoustic features instead of using all the possible ones they had in hand. To work with well-selected acoustic features does not mean to delay the whole job, but this will save much time and resources by removing the irrelative information and reducing the high-dimension data calculation. In this paper, we developed an automatic feature selector based on a RF2TREE algorithm and the traditional C4.5 algorithm. RF2TREE applied here helped us to solve the problems that did not have enough data examples. The ensemble learning technique was applied to enlarge the original data set by building a bagged random forest to generate many virtual examples, and then the new data set was used to train a single decision tree, which selects the most efficient features to represent the speech signals for the emotion recognition. Finally, the output of the selector was a set of specifying acoustic features, produced by RF2TREE and a single decision tree.


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A system that can automatically detect nodules within lung images may assist expert radiologists in interpreting the abnormal patterns as nodules in 2D CT lung images. A system is presented that can automatically identify nodules of various sizes within lung images. The pattern classification method is employed to develop the proposed system. A random forest ensemble classifier is formed consisting of many weak learners that can grow decision trees. The forest selects the decision that has the most votes. The developed system consists of two random forest classifiers connected in a series fashion. A subset of CT lung images from the LIDC database is employed. It consists of 5721 images to train and test the system. There are 411 images that contained expert- radiologists identified nodules. Training sets consisting of nodule, non-nodule, and false-detection patterns are constructed. A collection of test images are also built. The first classifier is developed to detect all nodules. The second classifier is developed to eliminate the false detections produced by the first classifier. According to the experimental results, a true positive rate of 100%, and false positive rate of 1.4 per lung image are achieved.


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A method is presented that achieves lung nodule detection by classification of nodule and non-nodule patterns. It is based on random forests which are ensemble learners that grow classification trees. Each tree produces a classification decision, and an integrated output is calculated. The performance of the developed method is compared against that of the support vector machine and the decision tree methods. Three experiments are performed using lung scans of 32 patients including thousands of images within which nodule locations are marked by expert radiologists. The classification errors and execution times are presented and discussed. The lowest classification error (2.4%) has been produced by the developed method.


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Automated classification of lung nodules is challenging because of the variation in shape and size of lung nodules, as well as their associated differences in their images. Ensemble based learners have demonstrated the potentialof good performance. Random forests are employed for pulmonary nodule classification where each tree in the forest produces a classification decision, and an integrated output is calculated. A classification aided by clustering approach is proposed to improve the lung nodule classification performance. Three experiments are performed using the LIDC lung image database of 32 cases. The classification performance and execution times are presented and discussed.


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This paper presents a multilabel classification method that employs an error correction code together with a base ensemble learner to deal with multilabel data. It explores two different error correction codes: convolutional code and BCH code. A random forest learner is used as its based learner. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated experimentally. The popular multilabel yeast dataset is used for benchmarking. The results are compared against those of several exiting approaches. The proposed method performs well against its counterparts.


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This article is devoted to large multi-tier ensemble classifiers generated as ensembles of ensembles and applied to phishing websites. Our new ensemble construction is a special case of the general and productive multi-tier approach well known in information security. Many efficient multi-tier classifiers have been considered in the literature. Our new contribution is in generating new large systems as ensembles of ensembles by linking a top-tier ensemble to another middletier ensemble instead of a base classifier so that the top~ tier ensemble can generate the whole system. This automatic generation capability includes many large ensemble classifiers in two tiers simultaneously and automatically combines them into one hierarchical unified system so that one ensemble is an integral part of another one. This new construction makes it easy to set up and run such large systems. The present article concentrates on the investigation of performance of these new multi~tier ensembles for the example of detection of phishing websites. We carried out systematic experiments evaluating several essential ensemble techniques as well as more recent approaches and studying their performance as parts of multi~level ensembles with three tiers. The results presented here demonstrate that new three-tier ensemble classifiers performed better than the base classifiers and standard ensembles included in the system. This example of application to the classification of phishing websites shows that the new method of combining diverse ensemble techniques into a unified hierarchical three-tier ensemble can be applied to increase the performance of classifiers in situations where data can be processed on a large computer.


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An understanding of the distribution and extent of marine habitats is essential for the implementation of ecosystem-based management strategies. Historically this had been difficult in marine environments until the advancement of acoustic sensors. This study demonstrates the applicability of supervised learning techniques for benthic habitat characterization using angular backscatter response data. With the advancement of multibeam echo-sounder (MBES) technology, full coverage datasets of physical structure over vast regions of the seafloor are now achievable. Supervised learning methods typically applied to terrestrial remote sensing provide a cost-effective approach for habitat characterization in marine systems. However the comparison of the relative performance of different classifiers using acoustic data is limited. Characterization of acoustic backscatter data from MBES using four different supervised learning methods to generate benthic habitat maps is presented. Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC), Quick, Unbiased, Efficient Statistical Tree (QUEST), Random Forest (RF) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) were evaluated to classify angular backscatter response into habitat classes using training data acquired from underwater video observations. Results for biota classifications indicated that SVM and RF produced the highest accuracies, followed by QUEST and MLC, respectively. The most important backscatter data were from the moderate incidence angles between 30° and 50°. This study presents initial results for understanding how acoustic backscatter from MBES can be optimized for the characterization of marine benthic biological habitats. © 2012 by the authors.