27 resultados para Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Technique

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Allozyme and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) variation was surveyed in the freshwater crayfish Cherax destructor Clark, an ecologically and commercially important species that is widespread throughout the freshwater systems of central Australia. At the intra-population level, allozymes revealed a similar level of variation to that found in other freshwater crayfish; RAPDs showed less diversity than allozymes, which was unexpected. At the inter-population level, both techniques revealed significant population structure, both within and between drainages. RAPD results were consistent with phylogeographic patterns previously identified using mtDNA. Although allozyme data showed little geographic pattern in relation to genetic variation based on multidimensional-scaling (MDS) plots on matrices of genetic distance, results of AMOVA and Mantel tests indicated significant population structuring. Each of the mtDNA lineages proposed in a previous study also showed significant genetic structure at similar levels as revealed by RAPDs but different levels by allozymes. These results reject hypotheses previously put forward on genetic homogenisation within the species due to wide-scale translocation. The implications of the findings for conservation and aquaculture of C. destructor are also discussed.


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Diseases in natural ecosystems are often assumed to be less severe than those observed in domestic cropping systems due to the extensive biodiversity exhibited in wild vegetation communities. In Australia, it is this natural biodiversity that is now under threat from Phytophthora cinnamomi. The soilborne Oomycete causes severe decline of native vegetation communities in south-western Victoria, Australia, disrupting the ecological balance of native forest and heathland communities. While the effect of disease caused by P. cinnamomi on native vegetation communities in Victoria has been extensively investigated, little work has focused on the Anglesea healthlands in south-western Victoria. Nothing is known about the population structure of P. cinnamomi at Anglesea. This project was divided into two main components to investigate fundamental issues affecting the management of P. cinnamomi in the Anglesea heathlands. The first component examined the phenotypic characteristics of P. cinnamomi isolates sampled from the population at Anglesea, and compared these with isolates from other regions in Victoria, and also from Western Australia. The second component of the project investigated the effect of the fungicide phosphonate on the host response following infection by P. cinnamomi. Following soil sampling in the Anglesea heathlands, a collection of P, cinnamomi isolates was established. Morphological and physiological traits of each isolate were examined. All isolates were found to be of the A2 mating type. Variation was demonstrated among isolates in the following characteristics: radial growth rate on various nutrient media, sporangial production, and sporangial dimensions. Oogonial dimensions did not differ significantly between isolates. Morphological and physiological variation was rarely dependant on isolate origin. To examine the genetic diversity among isolates and to determine whether phenotypic variation observed was genetically based, Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analyses were conducted. No significant variation was observed among isolates based on an analysis of molecular variance (AMQVA). The results are discussed in relation to population biology, and the effect of genetic variation on population structure and population dynamics. X australis, an arborescent monocotyledon indigenous to Australia, is highly susceptible to infection by P. cinnamomi. It forms an important component of the heathland vegetation community, providing habitat for native flora and fauna, A cell suspension culture system was developed to investigate the effect of the fungicide phosphonate on the host-pathogen interaction between X. australis and P. cinnamomi. This allowed the interaction between the host and the pathogen to be examined at a cellular level. Subsequently, histological studies using X. australis seedlings were undertaken to support the cellular study. Observations in the cell culture system correlated well with those in the plant. The anatomical structure of X australis roots was examined to assist in the interpretation of results of histopathological studies. The infection of single cells and roots of X. australis, and the effect of phosphonate on the interaction are described. Phosphonate application prior to inoculation with P. cinnamomi reduced the infection of cells in culture and of cells in planta. In particular, phosphonate was found to stimulate the production of phenolic material in roots of X australis seedlings and in cells in suspension cultures. In phosphonate-treated roots of X australis seedlings, the deposition of electron dense material, possibly lignin or cellulose, was observed following infection with P. cinnamomi. It is proposed that this is a significant consequence of the stimulation of plant defence pathways by the fungicide. Results of the study are discussed in terms of the implications of the findings on management of the Anglesea heathlands in Victoria, taking into account variation in pathogen morphology, pathogenicity and genotype. The mode of action of phosphonate in the plant is discussed in relation to plant physiology and biochemistry.


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Three DNA techniques: random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), minisatellite, and microsatellite analyses, were developed for use in abalone population genetic structure studies. The techniques were assessed using sample sets of blacklip and greenlip abalone. The study identifies a potential for the application of these DNA markers in abalone fisheries management, but microsatellites are the recommended method for future studies.


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Inheritance of three kinds of molecular genetic markers (mtDNA, random-amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) and allozymes) and sex were investigated in crossbreeding experiments between three populations of the Australian freshwater crayfish Cherax destructor. Crossbreeding did not disrupt the ively maternally inherited, and allozyme and RAPD markers were transmitted following expected Mendelian principles for co-dominant and dominant traits respectively. Unlike these three markers, sex ratios were found to be distorted by crossbreeding in some families. Two crossbred families produced only females. The implications of these findings for freshwater crayfish population genetics, taxonomy and aquaculture are discussed.


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Genomic DNA was isolated from frozen needles of maturePinus radiata clones using a modified extraction technique incorporating cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) for cell lysis. A high sodium chloride concentration (2 M) was used at 2 stages of the extraction procedure to eradicate polysaccharides, yielding pure genomic DNA suitable for restriction enzyme digestion and PCR amplification. Extractions were scaled down to suit 1.5-mL Eppendorf tubes, allowing easier handling and enhanced sterility.


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One of the most important requirements for systematic and phylogenetic studies is the identification of gene regions with the appropriate level of variation for the question of interest. Molecular phylogenetic and systematic studies of freshwater crayfish have made use of DNA sequences mainly from ribosomal genes, especially the 16S rRNA gene region. Thus, little information is available on other potentially useful mitochondrial gene regions for systematic studies in these animals. In this study, we look at nucleotide variation and phylogenetic relations within and between four species of freshwater crayfish of the genus Cherax from the southwest of Western Australia using four fragments amplified from the 16S rRNA, 12S rRNA, Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI), and Cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene regions. Samples of Engaeus strictifrons, Euastacus bispinosus, and Geocharax falcata were also sequenced for comparative purposes. The size of the fragments varied from 358 bp to 600 bp. Across all samples, the four fragments showed significant phylogenetic signal and showed similar proportions of variable sites (28.81–37.33%). Average divergence within species for the mitochondrial gene regions varied from 1.18% to 4.91%, with the 16S rRNA being the least variable and Cyt b the most variable. Average divergence between species ranged 7.63–15.53%, with 16S rRNA being the least variable and COI the most variable. At the generic level, average divergence ranged 17.21–23.82%. Phylogenetic analyses of the 16S rRNA, 12S rRNA, and COI regions generated four clades consistent with the presence of four species previously identified on the basis of allozyme and morphological studies. The relationships among samples were largely congruent across the data set, although some relationships remained unresolved. Not all samples could be amplified using the Cyt b primers, and some of those that were showed quite anomalous relationships, suggesting that one or more Cyt b pseudogenes were being amplified.


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The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence was determined for the Australian freshwater crayfish Cherax destructor (Crustacea: Decapoda: Parastacidae). The 15,895-bp genome is circular with the same gene composition as that found in other metazoans. However, we report a novel gene arrangement with respect to the putative arthropod ancestral gene order and all other arthropod mitochondrial genomes sequenced to date. It is apparent that 11 genes have been translocated (ND1, ND4, ND4L, Cyt b, srRNA, and tRNAs Ser(UGA), Leu(CUN), Ile, Cys, Pro, and Val), two of which have also undergone inversions (tRNAs Pro and Val). The ‘duplication/random loss’ mechanism is a plausible model for the observed translocations, while ‘intramitochondrial recombination’ may account for the gene inversions. In addition, the arrangement of rRNA genes is incompatible with current mitochondrial transcription models, and suggests that a different transcription mechanism may operate in C. destructor.


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The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence was determined for the Australian giant crab Pseudocarcinns gigas (Crustacea: Decapoda: Menippidae) and the giant freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium rosenbergii (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae). The Pse gigas and Mrosenbergii mitochondrial genomes are circular molecules, 15,515 and 15,772 bp in length, respectively, and have the same gene composition as found in other metazoans. The gene arrangement of M. rosenbergii corresponds with that of the presumed ancestral arthropod gene order, represented by Limulus polyphemus, except for the position of the tRNALeu(UUR) gene. The Pse. gigas gene arrangement corresponds exactly with that reported for another brachyuran, Portunus trituberculatus, and differs from the M. rosenbergii gene order by only the position of the tRNAHis gene. Given the relative positions of intergenic nonoding nucleotides, the “duplication/random loss” model appears to be the most plausible mechanism for the translocation of this gene. These data represent the first caridean and only the second brachyuran complete mtDNA sequences, and a source of information that will facilitate surveys of intraspecific variation within these commercially important decapod species.


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An enriched microsatellite library was constructed for the Powerful Owl (Aves; Strigiformes: Ninox strenua) from which 14 polymorphic microsatellite markers were characterized. Forty individuals (32 unrelated and four pairs of siblings) were genotyped to determine the application of these markers for genetic profiling. The mean observed and expected heterozygosity for unrelated individuals was 0.53 and 0.59, respectively. We demonstrate that this suite of markers is sufficient to unequivocally identify individuals and will be beneficial in assessing the population genetics and reproductive ecology of this species.


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This study reports the isolation and characterization of microsatellite DNA markers in a mahseer species, Tor tambroides (Pisces, Cyprinidae). Of a total of 14 loci evaluated, 10 were polymorphic in T. tambroides samples, with an average of 2.86 alleles per locus. Deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were observed at one locus and there was no indication of linkage disequilibrium among loci. A high level of cross-amplification among four congeners was achieved, with 12 loci successfully amplifying and 11 loci showing polymorphism in at least one other species. These markers will be a useful resource for population genetic studies and broodstock management of closely related mahseer species.


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The bovine Muc1 protein is synthesized by mammary epithelial cells and shed into milk as an integral component of the milk fat globule membrane; however, the structure and functions of this mucin, particularly in relation to lactation, are poorly defined. The objectives of this investigation were to investigate the Muc1 gene and protein structures in the context of lactation and to test the hypothesis that Muc1 has a role in innate immune defense. Polymerase chain reaction analysis of genomic DNA from 630 cattle revealed extensive polymorphism in the variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) in the bovine Muc1 gene. Nine allelic
variants spanning 7 to 23 VNTR units, each encoding 20 AA, were identified. Three alleles, containing 11, 14, and 16 VNTR units, respectively, were predominant. In addition, a polymorphism in one of the VNTR units has the potential to introduce a unique site for N-linked glycosylation. Statistical analysis indicated weak associations between the VNTR alleles and milk protein and fat percentages in a progeny-tested population of Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle. No association with somatic cell count could be demonstrated. Bovine Muc1 was purified from milk fat globule membranes and characterized. The protein was highly glycosylated, primarily with O-linked sialylated T-antigen [Neu5Ac(α2–3)-Gal(β1–3)-GalNAcα1] and, to a lesser extent, with N-linked oligosaccharides, which together accounted for approximately 60% of the apparent mass of Muc1. Purified bovine Muc1 directly bound fluorescently labeled Escherichia coli BioParticles (Invitrogen, Mount Waverley, Australia) and inhibited their binding to bovine mammary epithelial cells grown in vitro.


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Well-aligned nanofibers were prepared from a conjugated polymer, poly(triphenylamine-alt-biphenylene vinylene) (TPA-PBPV), using a solution-assisted template wetting technique. TPA-PBPV was also coated on the surface of electrospun polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofiber nonwoven membrane. The extremely large surface area, highly porous fibrous structure, optical scattering and evanescent-wave guiding effect imparted these one-dimensional (1D) nanofibrous materials with highly improved sensory ability to 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) vapors and higher quenching efficiency than that of the neat TPA-PBPV films. The results suggest that nanofibrous structures could be a promising strategy to improve the sensory efficiency of fluorescent chemosensors.


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 Next Generation DNA sequencing was used to develop a suite of microsatellite markers for the marine mollusk, Donax deltoides. A total of 20 polymorphic loci were identified and 12 characterized using 30 individuals from a single population (Venus Bay) in south eastern Australia. We observed moderate to high genetic variation across most loci (mean number of alleles per locus = 7.3; mean heterozygosity = 0.633) with only a single locus (Ddel32) displaying significant deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Marker independence was confirmed with tests for linkage disequilibrium, however two loci were found to be influenced by null alleles. The 10 viable markers characterized in the present study provide a valuable resource for future population genetic assessments and fisheries management of D. deltoides in Australia.