12 resultados para Radiography, Panoramic.

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This series of images began with an investigation into the notion of inhabitation as a negotiated process. Through practice-based research, the series has become focused on the interiors of concrete fortifications along the east and south coasts of Australia. I am interested in the ‘shudder’ one experiences when encountering a room that has resonance; that has duration; where past, present and future collapse.


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Pain experienced during mammography can deter women from attending for breast cancer screening. Review of the current literature on pain experienced during mammography reveals three main areas of interest: reports of the frequency of pain, identification of predictors of pain and strategies for responding to pain. Implications of this literature for breast screening programmes include the need for appropriate measurements of pain during mammography that are valid for screening populations, a further understanding of organizational factors involved in screening programmes that may be predictors of pain and for the development of valid strategies for responding to pain within breast screening programmes.


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This study examined the emergency nurse practitioner candidate (ENPC) scope of practice in a Victorian emergency department (ED). The emergency nurse practitioner (ENP) role is relatively new in Victoria and the scope of the ENP(C) practice is yet to be defined. International research literature regarding the ENP role has focused on outcomes such as patient satisfaction, waiting times and/or ED length of stay, accuracy and adequacy of documentation, use of radiography, and patient education, health promotion and communication issues. A prospective exploratory design was used to conduct this cohort study. There were 476 ENPC-managed patients between 14 July 2004 and 31 March 2005 with an average age of 29 years. The majority (77.2%) of ENPC-managed patients were discharged from the ED. The majority of the ENPC time was devoted to clinical practice (55%) and development of clinical practice guidelines (25%). Of patients managed by the ENPC, 49.6% required medications, 51% required diagnostic imaging and 8.6% required pathology testing during their ED stay. The most common discharge referrals were made to local medical officers (73.5%) and the most common referrals made for patients requiring admission were made to the plastic surgery (37.3%) and orthopaedic (35.5%) units. Extensions to the current scope of emergency nursing practice are pivotal to effective management of specific patient groups by ENP. The ENP model of care is an important strategy for the management of increased service demands in Victoria; however, little is known about the scope of the ENPC practice and many outcomes of the ENP care are yet to be defined. Further research to better understand the relationships between ENP outcomes is required if the contribution that ENPs make to emergency care is to be accurately quantified.


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The influence of manufacturing process on the drop-weight impact damage in woven carbon/epoxy laminates was inspected by visual observation, dyepenetrant X-ray technique, and optical microscopy observation. The MTM56/ CF0300 woven quasi-isotropic laminates were fabricated by two processes: the autoclave and the Quickstep processes. QuickstepTM is a novel composite manufacturing process, which was designed for the out-of-autoclave production of high-quality composite parts at lower cost. It utilizes higher heat conduction of fluid other than gas to transfer heat to components, which results in much shorter cure cycles. The laminates cured by this fast heating process showed different impact failure modes from those cured by the conventional autoclave process. The residual indentation in the top side of the Quickstep-cured laminates had a bigger diameter, but a smaller depth at the same impact energy level. Dye-penetrant X-ray revealed more intense and connected impact damage regions in the autoclave-cured laminates. Optical micrography as a supplementary method showed less severe matrix damage in the quickstep-cured laminates indicating a more ductile property of the resin matrix cured at a faster heating rate.


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Many animals, including insects, successfully engage in visual homing. We describe a system that allows a mobile robot to home. Specifically we propose a simple extension to our original homing scheme which significantly improves its performance by incorporating a richer view of the environment. The addition of landmark apparent-size cues assists homing by providing a more robust homing vector as well as providing a simple and effective method of reinforcing landmark avoidance. The homing algorithm allows a mobile robot to incrementally home by moving in such a way as to gradually reduce the discrepancy between the current view and the view obtained from the home position. Both simulation and mobile robot experiments are used to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach. By matching the bearings of features extracted from panoramic views and using a vector summation technique to compute a homing vector we are able to provide a simple, parsimonious and robust robotic homing algorithm.


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Knowledge on the physical environmental factors that invite older adults to walk for transportation is limited. The current study aimed to investigate the relationships between environmental factors and invitingness to walk for transportation and the potential moderating effects of gender, functional limitations and current walking for transportation behavior. Sixty older participants evaluated 40 panoramic photographs on their invitingness in two ways: a forced choice (first impressions) and a rating task (more deliberate evaluation). Presence of vegetation, benches, and surveillance significantly positively related to both invitingness-measures. Upkeep and presence of historic elements significantly positively related to the assigned invitingness-ratings. For the forced choice task, significant positive relationships emerged for land use and separation between sidewalk and cycling path, but only in functionally limited participants. Environments offering comfort, safety from crime, and pleasantness may attract older adults to walk for transportation. Experimental and on-site studies are needed to elaborate on current findings.


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Introduction: Current evidence on associations between modifiable environmental characteristics and transport-related cycling remains inconsistent. Most studies on these associations used questionnaires to determine environmental perceptions, but such tools may be subject to bias due to unreliable recall. Moreover, questionnaires only measure separate environmental characteristics, while real environments are a combination of different characteristics. To overcome these limitations, the present proof of concept study used panoramic photographs of cycling environments to capture direct responses to the physical environment. We examined which depicted environmental characteristics were associated to environments' invitingness for transportation cycling. Furthermore, interactions with gender and participants' cycling behavior were examined. Methods: Fifty-nine middle-aged adults were recruited through purposeful convenience sampling. During a home visit, participants took part in a structured interview assessing demographics and PA during the preceding seven days, followed by an intuitive choice task and a (cognitive) rating task, which both measured 40 photographed environments' invitingness to cycle along. Multi-level cross-classified analyses were conducted using MLwiN 2.26. Results: Both tasks' multivariate results showed that presence of vegetation was identified as the most important environmental characteristic to invite people for engaging in transportation cycling, even when the amount of vegetation was relatively small. In the bivariate analyzes, some differences between results of the cognitive rating task and the intuitive choice task were found, showing that invitingness measured by the rating task was associated with environmental maintenance and cycling infrastructure, whereas invitingness determined by the choice task was associated with more traffic-oriented characteristics. Moreover, only for the choice task's results, moderating effects of gender and participants' cycling behavior in the preceding week were observed. Conclusion: The present study provides proof of concept that capturing people's less cognitive, more intuitive responses to an environment's invitingness for transport-related cycling may be important for revealing environment-behavior associations. If replicated in future studies using larger samples, results of our innovative measurements with photographs, especially those on vegetation, can complete the existing knowledge on which environmental characteristics are important for transportation cycling in adults and could form a basis to inform health promoters and local policy makers. However, future studies replicating our study method in larger samples and other population subgroups are highly encouraged. Moreover, causal relationships should be explored.


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Experimental evidence of environmental features important for physical activity is challenging to procure in real world settings. The current study aimed to investigate the causal effects of environmental modifications on a photographed street's appeal for older adults' walking for transport. Secondly, we examined whether these effects differed according to gender, functional limitations, and current level of walking for transport. Thirdly, we examined whether different environmental modifications interacted with each other. Qualitative responses were also reported to gain deeper insight into the observed quantitative relationships. Two sets of 16 panoramic photographs of a streetscape were created, in which six environmental factors were manipulated (sidewalk evenness, traffic level, general upkeep, vegetation, separation from traffic, and benches). Sixty older adults sorted these photographs on appeal for walking for transport on a 7-point scale and reported qualitative information on the reasons for their rankings. Sidewalk evenness appeared to have the strongest influence on a street's appeal for transport-related walking. The effect of sidewalk evenness was even stronger when the street's overall upkeep was good and when traffic was absent. Absence of traffic, presence of vegetation, and separation from traffic also increased a street's appeal for walking for transport. There were no moderating effects by gender or functional limitations. The presence of benches increased the streetscape's appeal among participants who already walked for transport at least an hour/week. The protocols and methods used in the current study carry the potential to further our understanding of environment-PA relationships. Our findings indicated sidewalk evenness as the most important environmental factor influencing a street's appeal for walking for transport among older adults. However, future research in larger samples and in real-life settings is needed to confirm current findings.


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All objects emerge from a cloud of activities, virtual pressures and situated encumbrances that precede their status as finished things. Once emerged, traces of their history linger in the object, signposting a range of past and future potentials that are largely inaccessible – or just unnoticed. Objects, in short, always shimmer with connections beyond themselves, through which they are part of ecologies that render them both meaningful and active. We would call this shimmering their ‘abstract life’. However, this life is rarely identified overtly, and tends to linger in the background, rendering their shimmering vitality more mute than manifest. This paper is interested in how that abstract life can become palpably evident though various forms of collapse, where a fallout throws a kind of dust into the lingering cloud – offering visibility, or material presence, to the otherwise largely invisible, abstract life of things. We will touch upon a series of examples, from the World Trade Centre collapse in the attacks of 2001, to the collapse of computational operations and perceptual models. These examples will lead toward experiments in image making – specifically through using panorama software applications on the iPhone – in which a collapse of the programmed panoramic logic creates ‘glitches’, throwing into question the status of the image and their relationship to perception, amongst other things. These experiments will be discussed in order to demonstrate how collapse might operate as a specific technique inside diverse creative practices (from image making to making architecture). By generating clouds of affective dust, related techniques can bring the abstract ‘life’ of objects flickering into the foreground, allowing the agency of the inanimate to shine.


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To develop a mathematical model to predict the probability of having community-acquired pneumonia and to evaluate an already developed prediction rule that has not been validated in a clinical scenario.


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Vox Lumen; people into light explored the technological capacity and the aesthetic implications of live dance motion capture to Unity game engine environment in an all night public event. The work was augmented by an app that provided hourly panoramic views of the event using AR that enabled the event to be revisited either on or off site, after the performance evening.


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PAN & ZOOM take the effects inscribe in the global language of cinema and turn them into performative and participatory image-making apparatuses. Jondi Keane & Kaya Barry’s installation invites visitors to collaborate in the construction of the images in order to re-explore relations between media technologies and embodied experience. The result is an expanded, amplified and dilated experience of the performative power of image-making and image-viewing. .. PAN activates an accumulating collection of moving panoramic images – provided by Kaya Barry and PSi Fluid States participants from around the world – that one may interactively inhabit. The visitor manipulates relationships between an image projector mounted upon a dolly-track and a ‘trackpad’ that scrolls the projected panorama. The live event of constructing-perceiving panoramic tracking shots open up in ways that expand sensory experience beyond usual peripheries. ZOOM co-opts the ‘dolly-zoom’ effect in cinema, wherein the camera zooms in while moving backwards, or zooms out while moving forwards, resulting in the image expanding to amplify an intense moment of realisation. Keane pulls apart the double movement of the camera effect by himself performing the pulling back and forth of a moving wall as backdrop. Moments of realisation are created between visitors who take up camera operation and as an improvising actor’s role, to accompany Keane’s durational wall moving. An updating collection of short videos were made over the exhibition period shown on one of the installation screen