13 resultados para RESONANCE ION-SOURCE

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Knowledge of ion exchange and transport behavior in electrolyte materials is crucial for designing and developing novel electrolytes for electrochemical device applications such as fuel cells or batteries. In the present study, we show that, upon the addition of triflic acid (HTf) to the guanidinium triflate (GTf) solid-state matrix, several orders of magnitude enhancement in the proton conductivity can be achieved. The static 1H and 19F solid-state NMR results show that the addition of HTf has no apparent effect on local molecular mobility of the GTf matrix at room temperature. At higher temperatures, however, the HTf exhibits fast ion exchange with the GTf matrix. The exchange rate, as quantified by our continuum T2 fitting analysis, increases with increasing temperature. The activation energy for the chemical exchange process was estimated to be 58.4 kJ/mol. It is anticipated that the solid-state NMR techniques used in this study may be also applied to other organic solid-state electrolyte systems to investigate their ion-exchange processes.


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A poly(2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propane-sulphonate) (PAMPS) ionomer containing both sodium and quaternary ammonium cations functionalised with an ether group, has been characterised in terms of its thermal properties, ionic conductivity and sodium ion dynamics. The ether oxygen was incorporated to reduce the Na+ association with the anionic sulfonate groups tethered to the polymer backbone, thereby promoting ion dissociation and ultimately enhancing the ionic conductivity. This functionalised ammonium cation led to a significant reduction in the ionomer Tg compared to an analogue system without an ether group, resulting in an increase in ionic conductivity of approximately four orders of magnitude. The sodium ion dynamics were probed by 23Na solid-state NMR, which allowed the signals from the dissociated (mobile) and bound Na+ cations to be distinguished. This demonstrates the utility of 23Na solid-state NMR as a probe of sodium dynamics in ionomer systems.


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This thesis covers the development of the traditionally fluorescent bis(8-quinolinol-5-sulfonic acid) magnesium (II) fluorophore as a chemiluminescent emitter. A brief description of luminescence spectroscopy and its application to analytical chemistry lays the foundation to the discussion of the results obtained herein. This includes the synthesis and identification of two so called ‘water soluble’ aryl oxamides 2,2’-oxalyl-bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imino] ethylene-bis(N- methylpyridinium) trifluoromethane sulfonate (PETQ) and 2,2’-oxalyl-bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imino]ethylene-bis(N-pyridinium) chloride (PETH), previously developed for the US navy as a possible emergency light source, yet the synthetic methodology were incomplete. The inconsistencies of the synthetic methods for PETQ and PETH were overcome with yields satisfactory for their preliminary analytical evaluation. The evaluation of these aryl oxamides, including 4,4’-oxalyI- bis[(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imino]ethylene-bis(l-methyM-benzylpiperidinium) trifluoromethanesulfonate (BPTQ), 4,4’-oxalyl-bis [(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imino] ethylene-bis(N-methylmorpholinium)trifluoromethanesulfonate (METQ) and the oxalate bis(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl) oxalate (TCPO) were performed with the peroxyoxalate chemiluminescent reaction using bis(8-quinolinol-5-sulfonic acid) magnesium (II) as the fluorophore. A univariate optimisation of this system resulted in 0,0082 mol 1-1 the detection limit of magnesium in the absence of cationic surfactants and 0.0041 mol 1-1 in their presence for the majority of these compounds. The oxamides were found to be insoluble in water with long ulrasonication periods required to dissolve the compound, with solvents such as acetonitrile preferred. The determination of other chemiluminescent metal-8HQS chelates to replace magnesium -8HQS in the peroxyoxalate were limited to Al (III), Cd (II), Ca (II), In (II) and Zn (II), unfortunately these metals all possessed poorer detection limits than those obtained using magnesium The base reaction conditions used for the flow injection system with chemiluminescent detection were transferred to an ion chromatographic configuration for the separation of magnesium from other cations on an exchange column. After a univariate and simplex optimisation of these conditions, the detection limit of magnesium was found to be 0.0411 mol 1-1 which was less than the limits that could be achieved with fluorescent detection, The further development of this reaction to incorporate the displacement of magnesium from Mg-EDTA by other metals that possessed a higher conditional stability constant than magnesium also proved to be problematic with interferences from not only EDTA but from the eluant (lactic acid) from the cation column. Using this system the detection limits of the displacing metals were found to be in the order of 10 mg 1-1 which was substantially less that what was observed when exactly the same configuration was used with fluorescent detection. The final component of the thesis entails the discussion of the background emission that results from the reaction of oxamides/oxalates with hydrogen peroxide. A detailed investigation into the reaction of TCPO and hydrogen peroxide in the presence of various additives, such as imidazole , heavy atoms and triethylamine illustrated the existence of a further intermediate in fee mechanism for this reaction. The species responsible for this emission was attributed to the degradation product 2,4,6-trichlorophenyi of TCPO, which was supported by the non-existent background present with the oxamides that do not contain this degradation product.


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Formation of defects in hexagonal and cubic boron nitride (h -BN and c -BN, respectively) under low-energy argon or nitrogen ion-bombardment has been studied by near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) around boron and nitrogen K -edges. Breaking of B-N bonds for both argon and nitrogen bombardment and formation of nitrogen vacancies, VN, has been identified from the B K -edge of both h -BN and c -BN, followed by the formation of molecular nitrogen, N2, at interstitial positions. The presence of N 2 produces an additional peak in photoemission spectra around N 1s core level and a sharp resonance in the low-resolution NEXAFS spectra around N K -edge, showing the characteristic vibrational fine structure in high-resolution measurements. In addition, several new peaks within the energy gap of BN, identified by NEXAFS around B and N K -edges, have been assigned to boron or nitrogen interstitials, in good agreement with theoretical predictions. Ion bombardment destroys the cubic phase of c -BN and produces a phase similar to a damaged hexagonal phase. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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The binary and ternary addition of 2 wt.% LiBF4 and 2 wt.% amorphous polyethylene oxide (aPEO) respectively to the plastic crystal forming salt P13BF4 (where P13+=methylpropyl pyrrolidinium cation) was investigated with specific focus on the phase behaviour and evaluation of transport characteristics. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), optical thermomicroscopy, solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and AC impedance spectroscopy were used to develop an understanding of the conduction process in the pure and mixed systems. The morphology of the ternary compound appeared as hexagonal spherulites upon solidification. Multinuclear NMR Pulsed Field Gradient measurements (1H,19F,7Li) to probe both cation and anion diffusion coefficients are reported. The anion is shown to be the most diffusive (at 320 K:19F=2.5×10−11 m2 s−1; 1H: 1.8×10−11 m2 s−1; 7Li: 1.1×10−11 m2 s−1) in the ternary compound, with enhanced conductivity (2.7×10−5 S cm−1 at 310 K) just below the melt.


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Solvent-free polymer electrolytes based on poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and LiCF3SO3 have shown relatively high conductivities (10−8-10−4 S cm−1), with Arrhenius temperature dependence below the differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) glass transition temperature (343 K). This behaviour is in stark contrast to traditional polymer electrolytes in which the conductivity reflects VTF behaviour. 7Li nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has been employed to develop a better understanding of the conduction mechanism. Variable temperature NMR has indicated that, unlike traditional polymer electrolytes where the linewidth reaches a rigid lattice limit near Tg, the lithium linewidths show an exponential decrease with increasing temperature between 260 and 360 K. The rigid lattice limit appears to be below 260 K. Consequently, the mechanism for ion conduction appears to be decoupled from the main segmental motions of the PVA. Possible mechanisms include ion hopping, proton conduction or ionic motion assisted by secondary polymer relaxations.


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Rechargeable lithium batteries have long been considered an attractive alternative power source for a wide variety of applications. Safety and stability1 concerns associated with solvent-based electrolytes has necessitated the use of lithium intercalation materials (rather than lithium metal) as anodes, which decreases the energy storage capacity per unit mass. The use of solid lithium ion conductors - based on glasses, ceramics or polymers - as the electrolyte would potentially improve the stability of a lithium metal anode while alleviating the safety concerns. Glasses and ceramics conduct via a fast ion mechanism, in which the lithium ions move within an essentially static framework. In contrast, the motion of ions in polymer systems is similar to that in solvent-based electrolytes - motion is mediated by the dynamics of the host polymer, thereby restricting the conductivity to relatively low values. Moreover, in the polymer systems, the motion of the lithium ions provides only a small fraction of the overall conductivity2, which results in severe concentration gradients during cell operation, causing premature failure3. Here we describe a class of materials, prepared by doping lithium ions into a plastic crystalline matrix, that exhibit fast lithium ion motion due to rotational disorder and the existence of vacancies in the lattice. The combination of possible structural variations of the plastic crystal matrix and conductivities as high as 2 3 1024 S cm21 at 60 8C make these materials very attractive for secondary battery applications.


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A combination of X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies has demonstrated that attempted substitutions of Al, V and Nb into the framework of LiTi2(PO4)3 yield several impurity phases in addition to direct substitutions of Al into Ti and V, Nb into P sites. Direct substitutions were confirmed by changes in the unit cell dimensions as indicated by the peak shifts observed in the X-ray diffractographs and by analyses of the 27Al and 31P magic angle spinning (MAS) spectra. A major impurity phase was identified as AlPO4 (found in at least two polymorphs) and the amount present increases with increasing Al additions. The formation of AlPO4 appeared to be enhanced by further V but suppressed by Nb substitution. These results suggest that the presence of AlPO4 , together with the non-stoichiometric modified LTP, may be the cause for the observed densification of this material upon sintering and the increased ionic conductivity.


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Full conformational and energy explorations are conducted on an organic ionic plastic crystal, 1-ethyl-1-methylpyrrolidium tetrafluoroborate [C2 mpyr][BF4 ]. The onsets of various stages of dynamic behaviour, which appear to account for low-temperature solid-solid phase transitions, are investigated by using quantum-chemical simulations. It is suggested that pseudorotation of the pyrrolidine ring occurs in the first instance; the partial rotation of the entire cation subsequently occurs and may be accompanied by reorientation of the ethyl chain as the temperature increases further. A cation-anion configuration, whereby BF4 (-) interacts with the C2 mpy cation from the side of the ring, is the most likely structure in the low-temperature phase IV region. These interpretations are supported by (13) C nuclear magnetic resonance chemical-shift analysis.


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This paper presents the development of an energy harvesting circuit for use with a head-mountable deep brain stimulation (DBS) device. It consists of a circular planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) and a Schottky diode-based Cockcroft-Walton 4-voltage rectifier. The PIFA has the volume of π × 10(2) × 1.5 mm(3), resonance frequency of 915 MHz, and bandwidth of 16 MHz (909-925 MHz) at a return loss of -10 dB. The rectifier offers maximum efficiency of 78% for the input power of -5 dBm at a 5 kΩ load resistance. The developed rectenna operates efficiently at 915 MHz for the input power within -15 dBm to +5 dBm. For operating a DBS device, the DC voltage of 2 V is recorded from the rectenna terminal at a distance of 55 cm away from a 26.77 dBm transmitter in free space. An in-vitro test of the DBS device is presented.


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© The Royal Society of Chemistry. Solid-state polymer electrolytes, as an alternative to traditional liquid electrolytes, have been intensively investigated for energy conversion and storage devices. The transport rate of single ions is the key to their high performance. For application in emerging sodium batteries, we have developed three dual-cation polymeric ionomers, which contain bulky tetraalkylammonium ions in addition to the sodium ion. The sizes and relative contents of the ammonium ions vary relative to the sodium ion contents. Comparative studies of ion dynamics, thermal properties, phase behaviours and ionic conductivities were carried out, taking advantage of various spectroscopic and thermal chemistry methods. The ion conductivities of the ionomers are greatly enhanced by the introduction of bulky counterions, as a result of the additional free volume and decreased sodium ion association. Raman spectroscopy and thermal analysis as well as the solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance studies are used to probe the conductivity behaviour.


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The ion dynamics in a novel sodium-containing room-temperature ionic liquid (IL) consisting of an ether-functionalised quaternary ammonium cation and bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)amide [NTf2 ] anion with various concentrations of Na[NTf2 ] have been characterised using differential scanning calorimetry, impedance spectroscopy, diffusometry and NMR relaxation measurements. The IL studied has been specifically designed to dissolve a relatively large concentration of Na[NTf2 ] salt (over 2 mol kg(-1) ) as this has been shown to improve ion transport and conductivity. Consistent with other studies, the measured ionic conductivity and diffusion coefficients show that the overall ionic mobility decreases with decreasing temperature and increasing salt content. NMR relaxation measurements provide evidence for correlated dynamics between the ether-functionalised ammonium and Na cations, possibly with the latter species acting as cross-links between multiple ammonium cations. Finally, preliminary cyclic voltammetry experiments show that this IL can undergo stable electrochemical cycling and could therefore be potentially useful as an electrolyte in a Na-based device.