8 resultados para RADIATION EFFECT

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Use of high reflectance surfaces reduces the amount of solar radiation absorbed through building envelopes and urban structures and thus keeping their surfaces cooler. The cooling energy savings by using high reflectance surfaces have been well documented. Higher surface temperatures add to increasing the ambient temperature as convection intensity is higher. Such temperature increase has significant impacts on the air conditioning energy utilization in hot climates. This study makes use of numerical simulations to analyze the effect of commonly used building materials on the air temperature. A part of the existing CBD (Central Business District) area of Singapore was selected for the study. A series of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations have been carried out using the software CFX-5.6. It was found that at low wind speeds, the effect of materials on the air temperature was significant and the temperature at the middle of a narrow canyon increased up to 2.5[degrees]C with the facade material having lower reflectance.


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Use of high albedo materials reduces the amount of solar radiation absorbed through building envelops and urban structures and thus keeping their surfaces cooler. The cooling energy savings by using high albedo materials have been well documented. Higher surface temperatures add to increasing the ambient temperature as convection intensity is higher. Such temperature increase has significant impacts on the air conditioning energy utilization in hot climates. This study makes use of a parametric approach by varying the temperature of building facades to represent commonly used materials and hence analyzing its effect on the air temperature through a series of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulations. A part of the existing CBD (Central Business District) area of Singapore was selected for the study. Series of CFD simulations have been carried out using the software CFX-5.6. Wind tunnel experiments were also conducted for validation. It was found that at low wind speeds, the effect of materials on the air temperature was significant and the temperature at the middle of a narrow canyon increased up to 2.52°C with the façade material having lowest albedo.


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Urban outdoor spaces are considered essential elements of cities, where the greatest amount of human contact and interaction takes place. That is the reason why there is increasing public interest in the quality of open urban spaces as they can contribute to the quality of life within cities, or contrarily increase isolation and social exclusion. There are a lot of factors influencing the success of the outdoor spaces; one of the principal factors is the microclimatic comfort. In the hot areas, the outdoor thermal comfort conditions during the daytime are often far above acceptable comfort standards due to intense solar radiation and high solar elevations. The variation of the urban spaces' configuration can generate significant modifications of the microclimatic parameters. Design decisions such as street and sidewalk widths, shading structures, materials, landscaping, building heights, and inducing air flow have a significant impact on the pedestrian thermal comfort and subsequently on the use of the urban environment. Although it has been established that the vegetation elements should be considered as one of the main tools that can be used in improving the thermal comfort in outdoor spaces, the integration of the climate dimension in the planting design process in urban spaces is lacking because of insufficient interdisciplinary work between urban climatology, urban design and landscape architecture. The primary aim of this research is to study the influence of some of the design decision for the plantation elements in outdoor spaces on the thermal comfort of its users. This will provide landscape designers and decision makers with the appropriate tools for effectively assessing the development of urban environment while considering the microclimate of outdoor spaces. A special emphasis is put on summertime conditions in Egypt. Findings of this research will contribute to sustainable urban design of outdoor spaces.


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Aim  To identify the factors that contribute to variation in abundance (population density), and to investigate whether habitat breadth and diet breadth predict macroecological patterns in a suborder of passerine birds (Meliphagoidea).
Location  Australia (including Tasmania).
Methods  Mean abundance data were collated from site surveys of bird abundance (the Australian Bird Count); range size and latitudinal position data from published distribution maps; and body mass and diet breadth information from published accounts. A diversity index of habitats used (habitat breadth) was calculated from the bird census data. We used bivariate correlation and multiple regression techniques, employing two phylogenetic comparative methods: phylogenetic generalized least squares and independent contrasts.

Results  Body mass and latitude were the only strong predictors of abundance, with larger-bodied and lower-latitude species existing at lower densities. Together, however, body mass and latitude explained only 11.1% of the variation in mean abundance. Range size and habitat breadth were positively correlated, as were diet breadth and body mass. However, neither range size, nor habitat breadth and diet breadth, explained patterns in abundance either directly or indirectly.
Main conclusions  Levels of abundance (population density) in meliphagoid birds are most closely linked to body mass and latitudinal position, but not range size. As with many other macroecological analyses, we find little evidence for aspects of niche breadth having an effect on patterns of abundance. We hypothesize that evolutionary age may also have a determining effect on why species tend to be rarer (less abundant) in the tropics.


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The uppermost 5-15 m of the Douling Formation in the southern Hunan area. South China, yields a diverse fauna comprised of ammonoids, bivalves, and brachiopods. The brachiopods reported in this paper consist of 51 species in 34 genera and are dominated by the Lopingian (Late Permian) species associated with a few species persisting from the underlying Maokouan (Late Guadalupian). This fauna is of earliest Wuchiapingian in age as precisely constrained by the associated conodont Clarkina postbitteri postbitteri and the Guadalupian-type ammonoid fauna of the Roadoceras-Doulingoceras Zone in the brachiopod horizon. The discovery of the Lopingian species-dominated brachiopod fauna in the earliest Wuchiapingian in southern Hunan suggests a much less pronounced effect of the pre-Lopingian crisis (end-Guadalupian mass extinction) than the end-Changhsingian mass extinction in terms of brachiopods, a contemporaneous onset of the Lopingian recovery/radiation during the pre-Lopingian crisis period, and taxonomic selectivity of the pre-Lopingian crisis in terms of different fossil groups. New taxa are Echinauris doulingensis n. sp., Pararigbyella quadrilobata n. gen. and n. sp. and P. doulingensis n. gen. and n. sp.


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 Putrajaya is a model city planned with concepts of a "city in the garden" and an "intelligent city" in the tropics. This study presents the behaviour of the surface temperature and the heat island effect of Putrajaya. Findings show that heat island intensity is 2 °C on average at nighttime and negligible at daytime. But high surface temperature values were recorded at the main boulevard due to direct solar radiation incident, street orientation in the direction of northeast and southwest and low building height-to-street width ratio. Buildings facing each other had cooling effect on surfaces during the morning and evening hours; conversely, they had a warming effect at noon. Clustered trees along the street are effective in reducing the surface temperature compared to scattered and isolated trees. Surface temperature of built up areas was highest at noon, while walls and sidewalks facing northwest were hottest later in the day. Walls and sidewalks that face northwest were warmer than those that face southeast. The surface temperatures of the horizontal street surfaces and of vertical façades are at acceptable levels relative to the surface temperature of similar surfaces in mature cities in subtropical, temperate and Mediterranean climates. © 2014 Springer-Verlag Wien.


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The radioprotective effect of Polyalthia longifolia was studied in mice. P. longifolia treatment showed improvement in mice survival compared to 100% mortality in the irradiated mice. Significant increases in hemoglobin concentration, and red blood cell, white blood cell and platelet counts were observed in the animals pretreated with leaf extract. Pre-irradiation administration of P. longifolia leaf extract also increased the CFU counts of the spleen colony and increased the relative spleen size. A dose-dependent decrease in lipid peroxidation levels was observed in the animals pretreated with P. longifolia. However, although the animals pretreated with P. longifolia exhibited a significant increase in superoxide dismutase and catalase activity, the values remained below normal in both liver and the intestine. Pre-irradiation administration of P. longifolia also resulted in the regeneration of the mucosal crypts and villi of the intestine. Moreover, pretreatment with P. longifolia leaf extract also showed restoration of the normal liver cell structure and a significant reduction in the elevated levels of ALT, AST and bilirubin. These results suggested the radioprotective ability of P. longifolia leaf extract, which is significant for future investigation for human applications in developing efficient, economically viable, non-toxic natural and clinically acceptable novel radioprotectors.