27 resultados para Project objectives

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This Project began as a Higher Education Equity Program Funding Application in March 1999, titled 'Electronic Provision of Information Resources to Students who have a Print Disability.'
Since 1999, mainstreaming of the project objectives has enhanced the access to higher education at Deakin University by students who have a print disability. Our objectives were and are:
• to integrate the provision of information resources to students who have a print disability with procedures already in place for providing information resources to other students
• to provide teaching materials electronically to empower independent learning
• to make information resources on reading lists more accessible to university students who have a print disability
• to establish a mechanism to obtain materials electronically from publishers
A growing number of people who have a print disability use computer technology to access electronic information. This paper will describe the policies, workflows, and procedures that have been implemented at Deakin University, specifically within the Learning Services area, to shape a more inclusive learning environment.


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An important strategy in the long-term blueprint for making Australia's 18 capital and major regional cities more productive, sustainable and liveable is to develop high quality public infrastructure systems to improve civic quality of life. Because of the unique features of construction activities, such as long period, complicated processes, and dynamic organizational structures, infrastructure projects normally involve multiple stakeholders and are subject to various risks, especially safety issues. Any negligence or mismanagement of critical safety risks will have huge impact on achieving project objectives and success. Although many previous studies have identified and assessed various safety risks in construction industry, a main research gap is that these studies ignored a fact that most risks are interrelated and associated with internal and external stakeholders of the projects. The lack of a theoretical foundation and appropriate methods for analysing stakeholder-associated safety risks and their interdependencies in infrastructure projects hinders effective risk management processes and the formulations of decision strategies. This research aims at enabling higher performance in strategic safety risk management in infrastructure projects through the development of a holistic risk analysis model using Stakeholder and Social Network Theories. The outcomes can broaden project managers' awareness of emerging influential safety risks and enhance their ability to perceive, understand, assess, and mitigate safety risks in an effective and efficient way; thereby higher performance in strategic risk management could be achieved in infrastructure projects.


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The increasing research interest on stakeholder analysis in urban planning reflects a growing recognition that stakeholders can and should influence the decision-making. This paper concentrates on exploring the techniques for analysing stakeholders, especially the application of the Stakeholder Circle tool and Social Network Analysis. An urban renewal project and an infrastructure project in Australia are presented as case studies to verify the use of these two techniques. The stakeholders are identified and prioritized from two different points of view, namely, the attribute evaluations in the Stakeholder Circle tool, and the relationship network analysis. The paper ends with a discussion on the strengths and limitations of the techniques for stakeholder analysis. No method for stakeholder identification and prioritization is perfect. The selection of the approaches is an art with extensive considerations of ‘when, what, and how’ to choose methods to achieve the project objectives. Each method has its own strengths and limitations. Combining several methods when necessary is the best way to analyse stakeholders.


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In the research of risk associated with developing energy and water efficient green buildings, previous studies had mainly focused on "what the risks are and how the risks may impact on project objectives", which were from an inward looking self-perspective and treated the risks in isolation from one another. While intensive research efforts have been dedicated to risk identification, assessment, classification, prioritisation and mitigation, a research gap exists, that is previous studies had ignored the fact that most risks are interrelated and associated with internal or external project stakeholders. To remedy the gap, this current research developed and presented a SNA (Social Network Analysis) based stakeholder-associated risk analysis method to assess risks in green buildings and the interactions between the risks. A case study has been conducted to demonstrate and validate this method. This research contributes to the development of a new theory to model the interdependent and interactive relationships of risks by using SNA as a methodology. This research should broaden project managers' awareness of the influential risks in green building and enhance their ability to perceive, understand, assess, and mitigate the risks in an effective and efficient way, thereby achieving higher performance in strategic risk management and stakeholder communication in green building development.


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Issues addressed

Community-based programs that affect healthy environments and policies have emerged as an effective response to high obesity levels in populations. Apart from limited individual reports, little is currently known about these programs, limiting the potential to provide effective support, to promote effective practice, prevent adverse outcomes and disseminate intervention results and experience. The aim of the present study was to identify the size and reach of current community-based obesity prevention projects in Australia and to examine their characteristics, program features (e.g. intervention setting), capacity and approach to obesity prevention.

Detailed survey completed by representatives from community-based obesity prevention initiatives in Australia.

There was wide variation in funding, capacity and approach to obesity prevention among the 78 participating projects. Median annual funding was Au$94 900 (range Au$2500–$4.46 million). The most common intervention settings were schools (39%). Forty per cent of programs focused on a population group of ≥50 000 people. A large proportion of respondents felt that they did not have sufficient resources or staff training to achieve project objectives.

Community-based projects currently represent a very large investment by both government and non-government sectors for the prevention of obesity. Existing projects are diverse in size and scope, and reach large segments of the population. Further work is needed to identify the full extent of existing community actions and to monitor their reach and future ‘scale up’ to ensure that future activities aim for effective integration into systems, policies and environments.

So what?:
Community-based programs make a substantial contribution to the prevention of obesity and promotion of healthy lifestyles in Australia. A risk of the current intervention landscape is that effective approaches may go unrecognised due to lack of effective evaluations or limitations in program design, duration or size. Policy makers and researchers must recognise the potential contribution of these initiatives, to both public health and knowledge generation, and provide support for strong evaluation and sustainable intervention designs.


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Cost management includes planning and control, and constructability1 and prefabrication construction are two main design economics factors for early cost planning decision. Despite the fact that constructability and prefabrication have been considered in design and cost planning, there is no guarantee if the intention meets the expectation. This requires on-going control during construction stage. In fact, prefabrication construction has been encouraged for some years, application is not always positive. One of the reasons is its constructability. This paper investigates the appropriate research methodology to determine how design for prefabrication and constructability will contribute to cost planning through control and review during construction stage. Through a study of an Australian residential project using prefabrication in structural concrete, internal partitioning and internal fit-out, this research concludes that case study is a viable choice. Prefabrication construction does provide a positive impact on the major project objectives: time, cost and quality. Cost reduction is due to saving in time related preliminaries as a direct result of time reduction of onsite activities whilst quality is ensured due to better control of prefabricated components inside the factories. However, it can only be achieved after considering constructability: suitable materials choice, design for available skills, use of available plant, and clear communication. The keys are through plan at design phase and control in construction stage.


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Given the considerable recent attention to distributed power generation and interest in sustainable energy, the integration of photovoltaic (PV) systems to grid-connected or isolated microgrids has become widespread. In order to maximize power output of PV system extensive research into control strategies for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) methods has been conducted. According to the robust, reliable, and fast performance of artificial intelligence-based MPPT methods, these approaches have been applied recently to various systems under different conditions. Given the diversity of recent advances to MPPT approaches a review focusing on the performance and reliability of these methods under diverse conditions is required. This paper reviews AI-based techniques proven to be effective and feasible to implement and very common in literature for MPPT, including their limitations and advantages. In order to support researchers in application of the reviewed techniques this study is not limited to reviewing the performance of recently adopted methods, rather discusses the background theory, application to MPPT systems, and important references relating to each method. It is envisioned that this review can be a valuable resource for researchers and engineers working with PV-based power systems to be able to access the basic theory behind each method, select the appropriate method according to project requirements, and implement MPPT systems to fulfill project objectives.


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Background: Evidence on how to reduce the increasing prevalence of youth obesity is urgently needed in many countries.The Pacific OPIC Project (Obesity Prevention In Communities) is a series of linked studies in four countries (Fiji, Tonga, New Zealand, Australia) which is designed to address this important problem.
Objectives: The studies aim to: 1) determine the overall impact of comprehensive, community-based intervention programs on overweight/obesity prevalence in youth; 2) assess the feasibility of the specific intervention components and their impacts on eating and physical activity patterns; 3) understand the socio-cultural factors that promote obesity and how they can be infl uenced; 4) identify the effects of food-related policies in Fiji and Tonga and how they might be changed; 5) estimate the overall burden of childhood obesity (including loss of quality of life); 6) estimate the costs (and cost-effectiveness) of the intervention programs, and; 7) increase the capacity for obesity prevention research and action in Pacific populations.
Design: The community studies use quasi-experimental designs with impact and outcome assessments being measured in over 14,000 youth across the intervention and control communities in the four sites. The multi-strategy, multi-setting interventions will run for 3 years before fi nal follow up data are collected in 2008. The interventions are being informed by socio-cultural studies that will determine the family and societal infl uences on food intake, physical activity and body size perception.
Progress and conclusions: Baseline studies have been completed and interventions are underway. Despite the many challenges in implementing and evaluating community-based interventions, especially in the Pacifi c, the OPIC Project will provide rich evidence about what works and what does not work for obesity prevention in youth from European and Pacific backgrounds.


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Background : The South West Alliance of Rural Health (SWARH) is an alliance of 33 health care agencies scattered across South West Victoria over a total area of approximately 46 000 square kilometres. SWARH was established to develop and install information technology (IT) infrastructure, hardware and software for all acute public hospitals in the region. The Rural Intercampus Learning Environment Project (March 2003-March 2004) piloted the use of the SWARH regional area IT network to deliver a program of continuing education to Division 1 registered nurses, utilising the expertise of local health professionals. The study was funded by the Department of Human Services, Victoria.

Aims & rationale/Objectives : Establish partnerships for multi-site delivery of programs.
Develop existing educational programs and resources for video and intranet delivery (including IT training and change management).
Collaboratively deliver educational programs utilising SWARHnet to six rural sites.
Explore issues related to the use of the technology in continuing education for rural nurses and the implications for practice.

Methods : Key informant interviews, paper-based audits, and focus groups informed the development of the schedule of the program. Session participants completed a 2-page evaluation questionnaire.

Principal findings : Participants must own the process.
Videoconferencing should be considered an adjunct to traditional education programs.
Videoconferencing most suitable for short education sessions as opposed to full-day workshops.
IT problems are unpredictable and frustrating for all concerned.
IT awareness/training of staff is essential.

Implications : The project proposes a model for coordinating and delivering regional continuing education which has been shown to improve access to education programs across multiple sites. It provides a sustainable organisational framework for the program, which could be applied in continuing professional education programs of other rural health professions, such as dentistry, medicine, allied health and pharmacy.

Presentation type : Poster


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Background: The Pacific OPIC Project (Obesity Prevention In Communities) includes whole-of-community intervention programs in four countries (Fiji, Tonga, New Zealand, Australia) aimed at reducing the prevalence of overweight and  obesity in youth.

Development of Action Plans
: At each intervention site, preliminary interviews  were conducted with youth to identify the potential socio-cultural barriers and  facilitators to healthy eating and regular physical activity in order to attain and sustain a healthy body size. This and other information was presented at a 2-day workshop with community stakeholders, including youth. The participants then prioritised the components for a draft action plan which was later consolidated through further community consultation.

Action Plan objectives
: Each action plan had two overall aims: to build  community capacity and to promote healthy weight. The first three objectives in each action plan were on capacity building, social marketing messages, and evaluation. Next were a set of four to five behavioural objectives with associated strategies involving programs, events, social marketing and environmental  change. Lastly, each site had one or two innovative or developmental objectives.

Progress: Interventions began in all sites from 2005, with the action plans guiding implementation priorities. The initial behavioural objective for targeting in Fiji was eating regular breakfast and meals throughout the day, for Tonga it was physical activity, and for Australia and New Zealand it was increasing water consumption and decreasing consumption of sweet drinks.

Conclusions: The action plans have provided the basis for community engagement in the project, the guide to the implementation of activities and the template for the evaluation plan.


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With the rapid urbanisation worldwide, the transitions of old residential regions inside or close to the urban districts have been challenging both governments and professionals. The sustainable maintenance, innovation and construction of these regions incorporate the history, culture, environment and policy factors into the economic objectives. Over the long and complex process of a transition project, the dedicated project management crew are frequently confronted with diversified novel issues and obliged to contribute appropriate solutions urgently. In this paper, the authors first analyse the state of the art of transition projects of old residential regions based on their practices in real projects. Furthermore, the authors explore the sustainable alternatives of transition projects from the reservation and development perspectives of culture, environment, society and infrastructure. Finally, the authors develop a multi-dimensional implementary framework for guiding the practices of management of transition projects.


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Objectives: We describe the evaluation of the Partnership Project, which was designed to improve linkages between public and private sector mental health services. We consider the Project's key elements: a Linkage Unit, designed to improve collaborative arrangements for consumers and promote systems-level and cultural change; and the expansion of private psychiatrists' roles to include supervision and training, case conferencing and secondary consultation. The evaluation aimed to describe the impacts and outcomes of these elements.

Method: The evaluation used de-identified data from the Linkage Unit database, the Project's billing system, and the Health Insurance Commission (HIC). It drew on consultations with key stakeholders (semistructured interviews with 36 key informants, and information from a forum attended by over 40 carers and a meeting of five public sector and three private sector psychiatrists) and a series of case studies.

Results: The Linkage Unit facilitated 224 episodes of collaborative care, many of which had positive outcomes for providers, consumers and carers. It had a significant impact at a systems level, raising consciousness about collaboration and influencing procedural changes. Thirty-two private psychiatrists consented to undertaking expanded roles, and the Project was billed $78 032 accordingly. Supervision and training were most common, involving 16 psychiatrists and accounting for approximately 80% of the total hours and cost. Commonwealth expenditure on private psychiatrists' participation in the expanded roles was not associated with a reduction in benefits paid by the HIC. Key informants were generally positive about the expanded roles.

Conclusions: The Project represented a considered, innovative approach to dealing with poor collaboration between the public mental health sector, private psychiatrists and GPs. The Linkage Unit achieved significant systems-level and cultural change, which has the potential to be sustained. Expanded roles for private psychiatrists, particularly supervision and training, may improve collaboration, and warrant further exploration in terms of costs and benefits.


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Evidence on interventions for preventing unhealthy weight gain in adolescents is urgently needed. The aim of this paper is to describe the process evaluation for a three-year (2005-2008) project conducted in five secondary schools in the East Geelong/Bellarine region of Victoria, Australia. The project, 'It's Your Move!' aimed to reduce unhealthy weight gain by promoting healthy eating patterns, regular physical activity, healthy body weight, and body size perception amongst youth; and improve the capacity of families, schools, and community organisations to sustain the promotion of healthy eating and physical activity in the region.

The project was supported by Deakin University (training and evaluation), a Reference Committee (strategic direction, budgetary approval and monitoring) and a Project Management Committee (project delivery). A workshop of students, teachers and other stakeholders formulated a 10-point action plan, which was then translated into strategies and initiatives specific to each school by the School Project Officers (staff members released from teaching duties one day per week) and trained Student Ambassadors. Baseline surveys informed intervention development. Process data were collected on all intervention activities and these were collated and enumerated, where possible, into a set of mutually exclusive tables to demonstrate the types of strategies and the dose, frequency and reach of intervention activities.

The action plan included three guiding objectives, four on nutrition, two on physical activity and one on body image. The process evaluation data showed that a mix of intervention strategies were implemented, including social marketing, one-off events, lunch time and curriculum programs, improvements in infrastructure, and healthy school food policies. The majority of the interventions were implemented in schools and focused on capacity building and healthy eating strategies as physical activity practices were seen by the teachers as already meeting students' needs.

While substantial health-promoting activities were conducted (especially related to healthy eating), there remain further opportunities for secondary schools to use a whole-of-school approach through the school curriculum, environment, policies and ethos to improve healthy eating, physical activity and healthy body perceptions in youth. To achieve this, significant, sustained leadership will be required within the education sector generally and within schools specifically.


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Teaching sustainability ethics and creative practical technological applications holistically, in a multi-disciplinary ethos, with real community engagement is fraught with pedagogical and logistical issues. This paper reviews a highly community-acclaimed tertiary course/project, offered at the School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Urban Design at the University of Adelaide, undertaken on the Eyre Peninsula in 1st semester 2009. The course successfully enhanced student appreciation of rural community capacity building and economic fragility issues while undertaking a project-based approach to interrogating and working with rural communities to devise and demonstrate potential micro-relevant design and planning initiatives that could strengthen community resilience, climate change adaptiveness, and validate natural resource management aims within townships. The project involved some 120 students in 6 host communities through 6 local municipalities with the full support of the Natural Resource Management (NRM) Board and Local Government Association (LGA).

The paper reviews the project, its historical evolution, aims, objectives, learning strategies, community aspirations and outcomes, and positions such against various professional education accreditation frameworks. The methodological learning process, including its philosophical, pedagogical and instruments outcomes are reviewed and interrogated. The student learning outcomes, University reputation impact, and community impact, professional practice knowledge and skill attributes, and instrumental outcomes are also reviewed drawing upon evidence derived from extensive meetings, questionnaire surveys, synergistic NRM-sponsored research projects, student evaluation of teachings (SELTS), and local media coverage of the project.

The project has received applause from the Australian Institute of Architects (AIA) and Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA), and preliminary endorsement from the Planning Institute of Australia (PIA), as being integral to the School’s curriculum that achieves their professional accreditation expectations of key learning experiences relevant to climate change, master planning and design, and community engagement. The project offers a possible educational model that enriches student experience and learning and addresses recent generic university community engagement policy expectations.