33 resultados para Primary healthcare

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Current health policies, both in the UK and internationally, call for a shift from secondary to primary healthcare, and for increased involvement of service users and communities in decisions about their own care and about the way in which health services are provided. This study investigated the way in which users were involved in two London-based primary healthcare projects. Two projects were selected from a broader sample. A case study approach was adopted and a range of methods used to identify the types of user involvement, users' views of the process and, in one case study, users' preferences for participation. Arnstein's conceptual framework for participation was used in the analysis. In this paper, the findings of the study are discussed in relation to Cohen's notions of breadth, depth and range of participation. The paper illustrates how these notions may provide a mechanism for providers and commissioners of health services to assess their strategies in relation to user or community involvement, and the degree of success they achieve in implementation.


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This article studies Australian 0-7-year olds with and without sleep problems and compares the type and costs to government of non-hospital healthcare services and prescription medication in each year of age and  the cumulative costs according to persistence of the sleep problem.


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Despite the effectiveness of brief lifestyle intervention delivered in primary healthcare (PHC), implementation in routine practice remains suboptimal. Beliefs and attitudes have been shown to be associated with risk factor management practices, but little is known about the process by which clinicians' perceptions shape implementation. This study aims to describe a theoretical model to understand how clinicians' perceptions shape the implementation of lifestyle risk factor management in routine practice. The implications of the model for enhancing practices will also be discussed.


The study analysed data collected as part of a larger feasibility project of risk factor management in three community health teams in New South Wales (NSW), Australia. This included journal notes kept through the implementation of the project, and interviews with 48 participants comprising 23 clinicians (including community nurses, allied health practitioners and an Aboriginal health worker), five managers, and two project officers. Data were analysed using grounded theory principles of open, focused, and theoretical coding and constant comparative techniques to construct a model grounded in the data.


The model suggests that implementation reflects both clinician beliefs about whether they should (commitment) and can (capacity) address lifestyle issues. Commitment represents the priority placed on risk factor management and reflects beliefs about role responsibility congruence, client receptiveness, and the likely impact of intervening. Clinician beliefs about their capacity for risk factor management reflect their views about self-efficacy, role support, and the fit between risk factor management ways of working. The model suggests that clinicians formulate different expectations and intentions about how they will intervene based on these beliefs about commitment and capacity and their philosophical views about appropriate ways to intervene. These expectations then provide a cognitive framework guiding their risk factor management practices. Finally, clinicians' appraisal of the overall benefits versus costs of addressing lifestyle issues acts to positively or negatively reinforce their commitment to implementing these practices.


The model extends previous research by outlining a process by which clinicians' perceptions shape implementation of lifestyle risk factor management in routine practice. This provides new insights to inform the development of effective strategies to improve such practices.


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Physical activity (PA) has consistently been shown to improve ones' physical, social and mental health. Hence, the rationale for promoting regular physical activity is relatively straightforward. However, what is less clear from the literature is the mix of strategies, (i.e. 'what is working and why?'), to increase in physical activity levels within a population. Of particular interest to primary care is the concept of Physical Activity Prescription Programs (PAPPs) delivered by general practitioners (GPs).

Several examples of a PAPP exist within England, America, New Zealand and Australia. These all aim to encourage GPs to deliver physical activity advice to their patients effectively and in a timely manner. Notwithstanding, the authors of a recent review of published literature on PAPPs, reveal a deficit of evidence regarding the components for successful PA interventions.

This research through an ethnographic enquiry aims to build on the evidence formulated to date. Through a case study research design, the researcher has developed a methodology to define what is/is not working within this recent trend.

In two rural Divisions of GP, participants have been identified as key stakeholders in the implementation of a PAPPs. They are categorised according to three theoretical paradigms, namely, Policy Makers, Linkers and Adaptors. Following this the three paradigms will be studied on the contextual factors, the characteristics and behaviours of members within all three paradigms. The study has also further defined certain elements for investigation, these include the:
intention of the players
effort undertaken by players, and
effect of parties within.

Primarily qualitative data will be collected; through Desk Analysis (Policies, Strategic and Business plans), Site Visits (Participant Observation) and semi-structured interviews. This presentation defines a qualitative framework and methodology for investigating the outcome of programs that historically has been evaluated using quantitative measures. Hence, the author of this study aims to present a qualitative investigation and subsequent results, defining aspects of a PAPP that allow for successful and sustainable implementation.


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Background : The South West Alliance of Rural Health (SWARH) is an alliance of 33 health care agencies scattered across South West Victoria over a total area of approximately 46 000 square kilometres. SWARH was established to develop and install information technology (IT) infrastructure, hardware and software for all acute public hospitals in the region. The Rural Intercampus Learning Environment Project (March 2003-March 2004) piloted the use of the SWARH regional area IT network to deliver a program of continuing education to Division 1 registered nurses, utilising the expertise of local health professionals. The study was funded by the Department of Human Services, Victoria.

Aims & rationale/Objectives : Establish partnerships for multi-site delivery of programs.
Develop existing educational programs and resources for video and intranet delivery (including IT training and change management).
Collaboratively deliver educational programs utilising SWARHnet to six rural sites.
Explore issues related to the use of the technology in continuing education for rural nurses and the implications for practice.

Methods : Key informant interviews, paper-based audits, and focus groups informed the development of the schedule of the program. Session participants completed a 2-page evaluation questionnaire.

Principal findings : Participants must own the process.
Videoconferencing should be considered an adjunct to traditional education programs.
Videoconferencing most suitable for short education sessions as opposed to full-day workshops.
IT problems are unpredictable and frustrating for all concerned.
IT awareness/training of staff is essential.

Implications : The project proposes a model for coordinating and delivering regional continuing education which has been shown to improve access to education programs across multiple sites. It provides a sustainable organisational framework for the program, which could be applied in continuing professional education programs of other rural health professions, such as dentistry, medicine, allied health and pharmacy.

Presentation type : Poster


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Social entrepreneurs formally or informally generate community associations and networking that produces social outcomes. Social entrepreneurship is a relatively new and poorly understood concept. Policy promotes generating community activity, particularly in rural areas, for health and social benefits and ‘community resilience’. Rural health professionals might be well placed to generate community activity due to their status and networks. This exploratory study, conducted in rural Tasmania and the Highlands and Islands of Scotland considered whether rural health professionals act as social entrepreneurs. We investigated activities generated and processes of production. Thirty-eight interviews were conducted with general practitioners, community nurses, primary healthcare managers and allied health professionals living and working rurally. Interviewees were self-selecting responders to an invitation for rural health professionals who were ‘formally or informally generating community associations or networking that produced social outcomes’. We found that rural health professionals initiated many community activities with social outcomes, most related to health. Their identification of opportunities related to knowledge of health needs and examples of initiatives seen elsewhere. Health professionals described ready access to useful people and financial resources. In building activities, health professionals could simultaneously utilise skills and knowledge from professional, community member and personal dimensions. Outcomes included social and health benefits, personal ‘buzz’ and community capacity. Health professionals' actions could be described as social entrepreneurship: identifying opportunities, utilising resources and making ‘deals’. They also align with community development. Health professionals use contextual knowledge to envisage and grow activities, indicating that, as social entrepreneurs, they do not explicitly choose a social mission, rather they act within their known world-view. Policymakers could consider ways to engage rural health professionals as social entrepreneurs, in helping to produce resilient communities.


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Introduction: This article identifies trends in the evolving practice of rural paramedics and describes key characteristics, roles and expected outcomes for a Rural Expanded Scope of Practice (RESP) model.

Methods: A multiple case study methodology was employed to examine the evolution of rural paramedic practice. Paramedics, volunteer ambulance officers and other health professionals were interviewed in four rural regions of south-eastern Australia where innovative models of rural paramedic practice were claimed to exist. The research team collected and thematically analysed the data using the filter of a sociological framework throughout 2005 and 2006.

Results: The study found that paramedics are increasingly becoming first line primary healthcare providers in small rural communities and developing additional professional responsibilities throughout the cycle of care.

Conclusions: Adoption of the RESP model would mean that paramedics undertake four broad activities as core components of their new role: (1) rural community engagement; (2) emergency response; (3) situated practice; and (4) primary health care. The model’s key feature is a capacity to integrate existing paramedic models with other health agencies and health professionals to ensure that paramedic care is part of a seamless system that provides patients with well-organized and high quality care. This expansion of paramedics’ scope of practice offers the potential to improve patient care and the general health of rural communities.


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To determine the safety and acceptability 
of the TrueBlue model of nurse-managed care in the primary healthcare setting.

A mixed methods study involving clinical record audit, focus groups and nurse interviews as a companion study investigating the processes used in the TrueBlue randomised trial.
Australian general practices involved in the TrueBlue trial.
Five practice nurses and five general practitioners (GPs) who had experienced nurse- managed care planning following the TrueBlue model of collaborative care.
The practice nurse acted as case manager, providing screening and protocol management of depression and diabetes, coronary heart disease or both.
Primary outcome measures:
Proportion of patients provided with stepped care when needed, identification and response to suicide risk and acceptability of the model to practice nurses and GPs.
Almost half the patients received stepped care when indicated. All patients who indicated suicidal ideations were identified and action taken. Practice nurses and GPs acknowledged the advantages of the TrueBlue care-plan template and protocol-driven care, and the importance of peer support for the nurse in their enhanced role.
Practice nurses were able to identify, assess and manage mental-health risk in patients with diabetes or heart disease.


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Objective. To document the relationship between childhood nutrition status and ethnicity (defined as the birthplace of primary carer and English language use at home) using a nationally representative sample of 4- to 5-year-old children. Design and participants. Cross-sectional population survey of 4 983 4- to 5-year-old children (2 537 boys and 2 446 girls) as part of Wave 1 (2004) of the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children. Main outcome measures. Overweight/obesity and thinness using the newly published body mass index cut-off points of Cole (2007). Results. In total, 20.6% (95%CI 19.5, 21.7) of children aged 4 to 5 years were estimated to be overweight or obese, while 1.0% (95%CI 0.8, 1.3) was thin. Unadjusted analyses showed a significant relationship between childhood overweight/obesity and primary carer's country of birth (χ2=15.9, p<0.01), but the significance became minimal after adjusting for socio-economic and demographic factors. The adjusted model suggests that boys of primary carer's born in Europe (excluding UK and Ireland) were less likely to be overweight/obese than boys whose primary carers were born in Australia, but the overall effect size was negligible. No difference was found for girls. In addition, boys who mainly spoke English at home were less likely to be overweight/obese (OR=0.49; 95%CI 0.27, 0.88; p=0.017) and thin (OR=0.27; 95%CI 0.12, 0.62; p=0.002) than boys who spoke a language other than English at home. No difference was found for girls. Conclusions. There is a relationship between main language spoken at home and nutritional status in 4-5-year-old boys but not girls. The use of English language at home may be a protective factor for normal weight in young boys. After adjustment for socio-economic and demographics characteristics, there was a negligible relationship between overweight/obesity in children and their primary carer's country of birth.


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Objective: To examine the relationship between overweight/obesity in children, socioeconomic status and ethnicity/cultural background.

Design: Cross-sectional survey of children aged 4–13 years.

Setting: A total of 23 primary (elementary) schools in an inner urban municipality of Melbourne, Australia.

Participants: A total of 2685 children aged 4–13 years and their parents.

Main exposure measures: Ethnicity/cultural background – maternal region of birth; socioeconomic position (SEP) indicators – maternal and paternal educational attainment, family employment status, possession of a healthcare card, ability to buy food, indicator of disadvantage (Socioeconomic Index for Areas, SEIFA) score for school; parental weight status.

Main outcome measure: Prevalence of overweight/obesity.

Results: Prevalence of overweight/obesity approached 1 in 3 (31%) in this sample. Prevalence of overweight/obesity was greater for children of both North Africa and Middle Eastern background and children of Southern, South Eastern and Eastern European background compared with children of Australian background. This difference remained after adjusting for age, sex, height, clustering by school, SEP indicators and parental weight status; odds ratio, OR=1.57 (95% confidence interval, CI 1.12–2.19) and 1.88 (95%CI 1.24–2.85), respectively.

Conclusions: There is a clear independent effect of ethnicity above and beyond the effect of socioeconomic status on overweight and obesity in children. Further research is required to explore the mediators of this gradient.


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Objective To determine whether ascertainment of childhood obesity by surveillance followed by structured secondary prevention in primary care improved outcomes in overweight or mildly obese children.

Design Randomised controlled trial nested within a baseline cross sectional survey of body mass index (BMI). Randomisation and outcomes measurement, but not participants, were blinded to group assignment.

Setting 45 family practices (66 general practitioners) in Melbourne, Australia.

Participants 3958 children visiting their general practitioner in May 2005-July 2006 were surveyed for BMI. Of these, 258 children aged 5 years 0 months up to their 10th birthday who were overweight or obese by International Obesity Taskforce criteria were randomised to intervention (n=139) or control (n=119) groups. Children who were very obese (UK BMI z score 3.0) were excluded.

Intervention Four standard consultations over 12 weeks targeting change in nutrition, physical activity, and sedentary behaviour, supported by purpose designed family materials.

Main outcomes measures Primary measure was BMI at 6 and 12 months after randomisation. Secondary measures were mean activity count/min by 7-day accelerometry, nutrition score from 4-day abbreviated food frequency diary, and child health related quality of life. Differences were adjusted for socioeconomic status, age, sex, and baseline BMI.

Results Of 781 eligible children, 258 (33%) entered the trial; attrition was 3.1% at 6 months and 6.2% at 12 months. Adjusted mean differences (intervention – control) at 6 and 12 months were, for BMI, –0.12 (95% CI –0.40 to 0.15, P=0.4) and –0.11 (–0.45 to 0.22, P=0.5); for physical activity in counts/min, 24 (–4 to 52, P=0.09) and 11 (–26 to 49, P=0.6); and, for nutrition score, 0.2 (–0.03 to 0.4, P=0.1) and 0.1 (–0.1 to 0.4, P=0.2). There was no evidence of harm to the child. Costs to the healthcare system were significantly higher in the intervention arm.

Conclusions Primary care screening followed by brief counselling did not improve BMI, physical activity, or nutrition in overweight or mildly obese 5-10 year olds, and it would be very costly if universally implemented. These findings are at odds with national policies in countries including the US, UK, and Australia.


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Objective. To assess associations between multiple potential predictors and change in child body mass index (BMI). Methods.In the 1997 Health of Young Victorians Study, children in Grades preparatory to three (aged 510 years) had their height and weight measured. Parents provided information on potential predictors of childhood overweight across six domains (children’s diet, children’s activity level, family composition, sociodemographic factors, prenatal factors and parental adiposity). Measures were repeated three years later in 2000/1. BMI was transformed to standardised (z) scores using the US 2000 Growth Chart data and children were classified as non-overweight or overweight according to international cutpoints.Regression analyses, including baseline BMI z-score as a covariate, assessed the contribution of each potential predictor to change in BMI z-score, development of overweight and spontaneous resolution of overweight in 1 373 children.Results. BMI z-score change was positively associated with frequency of take-away food, food quantity, total weekly screen time, non-Australian paternal country of birth, maternal smoking during pregnancy, and maternal and paternal BMI.Inverse associations were noted for the presence of siblings and rural residence (all pB0.05). Predictors of categorical change (development and resolution of overweight) were less clearly identified, apart from an association between maternal BMI and overweight development (p0.02). Multivariable models suggested individual determinants have a cumulative effect on BMI change. Conclusions. Strong short-term tracking of BMI makes it difficult to identify predictors of change. Nonetheless, putative determinants across all domains assessed were independently associated with adiposity change. Multi-faceted solutions are likely to be required to successfully deal with the complexities of childhood overweight.