17 resultados para Plant Pathology and Microbiology

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Oomycetes form a deep lineage of eukaryotic organisms that includes a large number of plant pathogens which threaten natural and managed ecosystems. We undertook a survey to query the community for their ranking of plant-pathogenic oomycete species based on scientific and economic importance. In total, we received 263 votes from 62 scientists in 15 countries for a total of 33 species. The Top 10 species and their ranking are: (1) Phytophthora infestans; (2, tied) Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis; (2, tied) Phytophthora ramorum; (4) Phytophthora sojae; (5) Phytophthora capsici; (6) Plasmopara viticola; (7) Phytophthora cinnamomi; (8, tied) Phytophthora parasitica; (8, tied) Pythium ultimum; and (10) Albugo candida. This article provides an introduction to these 10 taxa and a snapshot of current research. We hope that the list will serve as a benchmark for future trends in oomycete research.


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Explores the sui generis protection of intellectual property, particularly patents, in biotechnology and traditional agricultural knowledge under Indian law. Focuses on the impact of amendments to the Patents Act 1970 and of the Plant Variety Protection and Farmers' Rights Act 2001 and Biological Diversity Act 2002.


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The so-called ‘biotechnology clause’ of Article 27.3(b) of the WTO-TRIPS Agreement requires from member states protection for plant varieties either via the patent system or via an ‘effective sui generis system’ or by a combination of the two. Many developing countries prefer forms of sui generis protection, which allow them to include exceptions and protection measures for traditional agricultural practices and the traditional knowledge of farmers and local communities. However, ‘traditional knowledge’ remains a vaguely defined term. Its extension to biodiversity has brought a diffusion of the previously clearer link between protected subject matter, intellectual property and potential beneficiaries. The Philippine legislation attempts a ‘bottom-up’ approach focusing on the holistic perceptions of indigenous communities, whereas national economic interests thus far receive priority in India’s more centralist approach. Administrative decentralisation, recognition of customary rights, disclosure requirements, registers of landraces and geographical indications are discussed as additional measures, but their implementation is equally challenging. The article concludes that many of the concepts remain contested and that governments have to balance the new commercial incentives with the biodiversity considerations that led to their introduction, so that the system can be made sufficiently attractive for both knowledge holders and potential users of the knowledge.


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We present four case studies of the literature discussing the effects of physical forces on biological function. While the field of biomechanics has existed for many decades, it may be considered by some a poor cousin to biochemistry and other traditional fields of medical research. In these case studies, including cardiovascular and respiratory systems, we demonstrate that, in fact, many systems historically believed to be controlled by biochemistry are dominated by biomechanics. We discuss both the previous paradigms that have advanced research in these fields and the changing paradigms that will define the progressions of these fields for decades to come. In the case of biomechanical effects of flowing blood on the endothelium, this has been well understood for decades. In the cases of platelet activation and liquid clearance from the lungs during birth, these discoveries are far more recent and perhaps not as universally accepted. While only a few specific examples are examined here, it is clear that not enough attention is paid to the possible mechanical links to biological function. The continued development of these research areas, with the inclusion of physical effects, will hopefully provide new insight into disease development, progression, diagnosis and effective therapies.


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Antigen-specific antibody responses against a model antigen (the B subunit of the heat labile toxin of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, LTB) were studied in sheep following oral immunisation with plant-made and delivered vaccines. Delivery from a root-based vehicle resulted in antigen-specific immune responses in mucosal secretions of the abomasum and small intestine and mesenteric lymph nodes. Immune responses from the corresponding leaf-based vaccine were more robust and included stimulation of antigen-specific antibodies in mucosal secretions of the abomasum. These findings suggest that oral delivery of a plant bioencapsulated antigen can survive passage through the rumen to elicit mucosal and systemic immune responses in sheep. Moreover, the plant tissue used as the vaccine delivery vehicle affects the magnitude of these responses.


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This study investigated the site of release of a model vaccine antigen from plant cells and the corresponding induced immune response. Three plant tissues (leaf, fruit and hairy root) and two formulations (aqueous and lipid) were compared in two mouse trials. A developed technique that enabled detection of antigen release by plant cells determined that antigen release occurred at early sites of the gastrointestinal tract when delivered in leaf material and at later sites when delivered in hairy roots. Lipid formulations delayed antigen release from all plant materials tested. While encapsulation in the plant cell provided some protection of the antigen in the gastrointestinal tract and influenced antigen release, formulation medium was also an important consideration with regard to vaccine delivery and immunogenicity. Systemic immune responses induced from the orally delivered vaccine benefited from late release of antigen in the mouse gastrointestinal tract. The influences to the mucosal immune response induced by these vaccines were too complex to be determined by studies performed here with no clear trend regarding plant tissue site of release or formulation medium. Expression and delivery of the model antigen in plant material prepared in an aqueous formulation provided the optimal systemic and mucosal, antigen-specific immune responses.


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OBJECTIVE: Undertake a meta-analysis to provide a quantitative synthesis of longitudinal studies that assessed the direction of effects between eating pathology and depression. A second aim was to use meta-regression to account for heterogeneity in terms of study-level effect modifiers. METHOD: A systematic review was conducted on 42 studies that assessed the longitudinal relationship between eating pathology and depression. Of these 42 studies, multilevel random-effects meta-analyses were conducted on 30 eligible studies. RESULTS: Meta-analysis results showed that eating pathology was a risk factor for depression (rm  = 0.13) and that depression was a risk factor for eating pathology (rm  = 0.16). Meta-regression analyses showed that these effects were significantly stronger for studies that operationalized eating pathology as an eating disorder diagnosis versus eating pathology symptoms, and for studies that operationalized the respective outcome measure as a categorical variable (e.g., a diagnosis of a disorder or where symptoms were "present"/"absent") versus a continuous measure. Results also showed that in relation to eating pathology type, the effect of an eating disorder diagnosis and bulimic symptoms on depression was significantly stronger for younger participants. DISCUSSION: Eating pathology and depression are concurrent risk factors for each other, suggesting that future research would benefit from identifying factors that are etiological to the development of both constructs. RESUMEN OBJETIVO: Llevar a cabo un meta-análisis para proporcionar una síntesis cuantitativa de los estudios longitudinales que evaluaron la dirección de los efectos entre la alimentación patológica y la depresión. Un segundo objetivo fue utilizar la meta-regresión para dar cuenta de la heterogeneidad en términos de modificadores del efecto a nivel de estudio. MÉTODO: Una revisión sistemática se llevó a cabo en 42 estudios que evaluaron la relación longitudinal entre la alimentación patológica y la depresión. De estos 42 estudios, se realizaron meta-análisis de multinivel de efectos aleatorios en 30 estudios elegibles. RESULTADOS: Los resultados del meta-análisis mostraron que la alimentación patológica era un factor de riesgo para depresión (rm=0.13) y que la depresión era un factor de riesgo para la alimentación patológica (rm=0.16). Los análisis de meta-regresión mostraron que estos efectos eran significativamente más fuertes para estudios que operacionalizaban la alimentación patológica como un diagnóstico de trastorno de la conducta alimentaria versus síntomas de alimentación patológica, y para los estudios que operacionalizaban la medida respectiva de resultado como una variable categórica (e.g., un diagnóstico de trastorno o cuando los síntomas estaban "presentes"/"ausentes") versus una medida continua. Los resultados mostraron que en relación al tipo de alimentación patológica, el efecto de un diagnóstico de trastorno de la conducta alimentaria y síntomas bulímicos en la depresión era significativamente más fuerte para participantes más jóvenes. DISCUSIÓN: La alimentación patológica y la depresión son factores de riesgo concurrentes uno para el otro, lo que sugiere que la investigación futura se beneficiaría de identificar factores que son etiológicos al desarrollo de ambos constructos. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. (Int J Eat Disord 2016;49:439-454).


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Morphology has often been used as an indicator of variability within species. The present study investigated morphological and physiological characteristics of isolates of Phytophthora cinnamomi collected from diseased vegetation communities at Anglesea, Victoria, and isolates collected from other regions in the State. Characteristics studied included growth rate on potato-dextrose agar (PDA), corn-meal agar and V8-juice agar at 24°C, growth rate on V8 agar at 15°C, colony morphology on PDA, sporangial and gametangial morphology, sporangial production and mating type. Phenotypic variation was demonstrated in radial growth rate, colony morphology and sporangial dimensions. Sporangial and oogonial dimensions and sporangial production were not significantly different between isolates from different geographical regions. All isolates were found to be of the A2 mating type suggesting variation was derived asexually. Paragynal associations, in an organism characteristically defined as amphigynal, were observed following crossing with A1 isolates. This is the first such study undertaken in southern Victoria. The findings highlight the importance of appropriate management of an area of such high conservation value as the Anglesea Heath to contain the current infection and to prevent introduction of new isolates into the area.


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The extent of disease caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi was determined within vegetation communities of Wilsons Promontory National Park. Aerial survey of visible symptoms by helicopter and systematic survey along all roads and tracks followed by isolation of the pathogen from soil found that in total 551 ha of moist foothill forest, heath and heathy woodland broad vegetation types were affected by the disease. P. cinnamomi was isolated from 93% of sites that, based on the presence of visible symptoms, were expected to yield the pathogen. The species-rich heathy woodland was most affected with 6.5% of the total area of this type showing symptoms of disease. The size of infestation ranged from 229 ha on the slopes of the Vereker Range in the north to less than 1 ha along the Sealers Cove Walking Track in the south. The potential for disease to spread into uninfested vegetation was estimated for all sites from which P. cinnamomi was isolated. Eight of 18 sites where evidence of disease was found were estimated to have a high potential for further disease spread. This study indicates that even though the disease may be waning in some areas of the Park, the pathogen is active and easily isolated from others and provides a continuing threat to susceptible vegetation communities.


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A modified sand–liquid culture method facilitated easy visualisation of the primary life cycle stages of Plasmodiophora brassicae within clean root hairs of the Arabidopsis host. Pathogen penetration occurred from day 4 onwards and then primary plasmodia developed within the host root. Several Arabidopsis ecotypes tested in varying growth conditions showed differences in disease expression. Defined growth cabinet conditions were found most suitable for studying disease progression in the ecotypes and for achieving uniform infection and disease development. Arabidopsis ecotypes Ta-0 and Tsu-0 known to be partially resistant to a German single-spore isolate of P. brassicae were susceptible to an Australian (Victorian) field population of P. brassicae. The European clubroot differential test was used to confirm virulence and describe the pathotype of the Victorian field population. Knowledge of the interaction of an Australian population of P. brassicae with its host will provide valuable information on a disease which is very difficult to control.


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It was found that Urgency and lack of Perseverance were significantly elevated in women with self-injury or eating pathology, and significantly higher again in women with both these syndromes. A longitudinal design found that self-injury tends to progress from milder, compulsive forms, to more severe, impulsive forms over time. The portfolio examines the frequent co-occurrence of substance use and psychiatric disorders (Dual Diagnosis). Four primary conceptualisations of how dual diagnoses develop and present are discussed. These models are then applied to inform four case studies.


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Plants are an important source for medicinal compounds. Chemical screening and selection is critical for identification of compounds of interest. Ocimum basilicum (Basil) is a rich source of polyphenolics and exhibits high diversity, therefore bioprospecting of a suitable cultivar is a necessity. This study reports on the development of a true to type novel "in vitro system" and its comparison with a conventional system for screening and selection of cultivars for high total phenolics, individual polyphenolics, and antioxidant content. We have shown for the first time using online acidic potassium permanganate chemiluminescence that extracts from Ocimum basilicum showed antioxidant potential. The current study identified the cultivar specific composition of polyphenolics and their antioxidant properties. Further, a distinct relationship between plant morphotype and polyphenolic content was also found. Of the 15 cultivars examined, "Holy Green", "Red Rubin", and "Basil Genovese" were identified as high polyphenolic producing cultivars while "Subja" was determined to be a low producer. The "in vitro system" enabled differentiation of the cultivars in their morphology, polyphenolic content, and antioxidant activity and is a cheap and efficient method for bioprospecting studies.


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 Questions: Do nurse plant interactions significantly influence understorey vegetation diversity in a large, semi-arid, shrub-dominated wetland? How do the modes and net effects of nurse plant interactions vary spatially along a flood frequency gradient, and temporally in response to drying? Location: Narran Lakes Ramsar site, New South Wales, Australia. Methods: Microhabitat characteristics, understorey vegetation and germinable soil seed banks were investigated in shrub and open habitats across a flood frequency gradient in a large, semi-arid wetland dominated by open shrubland under productive conditions following floodwater recession and again following 6 mo of drought. Split-plot ANOVA and multivariate analyses were used to determine the effects of shrubs on microhabitat character, understorey vegetation cover, species diversity, richness and composition and germinable soil seed banks. Results: Microhabitat characteristics, including canopy cover, litter cover and soil character, all differed between shrub and open habitats, especially in the most frequently flooded sites. Under productive conditions following flooding, lignum shrubs suppressed understorey vegetation cover but increased species richness at the site scale across the flood frequency gradient and, in the most frequently flooded sites, supported higher species density at a microhabitat scale. Under dry conditions, lignum shrubs had a positive effect on understorey vegetation cover, species richness and species density across the flood frequency gradient, but particularly in frequently flooded sites. A significant difference in soil seed bank composition between shrub and open habitats was only observed in frequently flooded sites. Conclusions: Nurse plant interactions appear to play an important role in determining understorey vegetation diversity in the lignum shrubland of the Narran Lakes wetland system. The modes and net effects of these nurse plant interactions vary in space and time in relation to flood history and drying. Positive interactions, probably involving microhabitat amelioration, appear to be particularly important to plant diversity and abundance under dry conditions. Under more favourable wetter conditions, lignum shrubs also contribute to understorey vegetation diversity by facilitating the establishment of different species than those dominating open habitats. Our findings have implications for the management of perennial shrubs and hydrological regimes in such wetlands.