78 resultados para Physiology of Green mussel Perna Viridis

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Nodularia spumigena periodically proliferates to cause toxic algal blooms with some aquatic animals enduring and consuming high densities of the blue green algae or toxic lysis. N. spumigena contains toxic compounds such as nodularin and lipopolysaccharides. This current work investigates physiological effects of exposure from bloom conditions of N. spumigena cells and a post-bloom lysis. Biochemical and antioxidative biomarkers were comparatively studied over an acute 3-day exposure. In general, a post-bloom N. spumigena lysis caused opposite physiological responses to bloom densities of N. spumigena. Specifically, increases in glutathione (GSH) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and decreases in glutathione S-transferase (GST) were observed from the N. spumigena lysis. In contrast, N. spumigena cell densities decreased GSH and increased GST and lipid peroxidation (LPO) in mussels. Findings also suggest that at different stages of a toxic bloom, exposure may result in toxic stress to specific organs in the mussel.


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Supercritical fluid extracts of New Zealand green-lipped mussels (NZGLM) have been suggested to have therapeutic properties related to their oil components. The large number of minor FA in NZGLM extract was characterized by a GC-CIMS/MS method that excels at identification of double-bond positions in FAME. The extract contained five major lipid classes: sterol esters, TAG, FFA, sterols, and polar lipids. The total FA content of the lipid extract was 0.664 g/mL. Fifty-three unsaturated FA (UFA) were fully identified, of which 37 were PUFA, and a further 21 UFA were detected for which concentrations were too low for assignment of double-bond positions. There were 17 saturated FA, with 14∶0, 16∶0, and 18∶0 present in the greatest concentration. The 10 n−3 PUFA detected included 20∶5n−3 and 22∶6n−3, the two main n−3 FA; n−3 PUFA at low concentrations were 18∶3, 18∶4, 20∶3, 20∶4, 21∶5, 22∶5, 24∶6, and 28∶8. There were 43 UFA from the n−4, n−5, n−6, n−7, n−8, n−9, n−10, n−11 families, with 16∶2n−4, 16∶1n−5, 18∶1n−5, 18∶2n−6, 20∶4n−6, 16∶1n−7, 20∶1n−7, 16∶1n−9, 18∶1n−9, and 20∶1n−9 being the most abundant. In general, we estimated that FAME concentrations greater than 0.05% (w/w) were sufficient to assign double-bond positions. In total, 91 FA were detected in an extract of the NZGLM, whereas previous studies of fresh flesh from the NZGLM had reported identification of 42 FA. These data demonstrate a remarkable diversity of NZGLM FA.


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The lipid, FA, and sterol composition of the New Zealand green lipped mussel (NZGLM, Perna canaliculus) and of the Tasmanian blue mussel (TBM, Mytilus edulis) were compared using TLC-FID and GC-MS. The respective mussel species were obtained from three different sites in both New Zealand (NZ) and Tasmania. Lipid class distribution of both mussel species was characterized by a high proportion of phospholipid (PL, 57–79%) and TG (10–25%), FFA (7–12%), and sterols (ST, 12–18%). The NZGLM had higher proportions of TG, FFA, and ST (P<0.01), whereas the TBM had a higher proportion of PL (P<0.01). There were higher proportions of total PUFA, saturated FA, n−3 FA, and hydroxy and nonmethyleneinterrupted FA (P<0.05) in the TBM compared with the NZGLM. The major FA in the NZGLM were 16∶0 (15–17%), 20∶5n-3 (14–20%), and 22∶6n-3 (11–17%). The same FA dominated lipids in the TBM, although there were significantly higher proportions of 16∶0 (P=0.000) and 22∶6 n−3 (P=0.003) and lower proportions of 20∶5n-3 (P=0.0072) in the TBM. A novel PUFA, 28∶8n-3, was detected in both mussels with higher amounts in the TBM, which probably reflects a greater dietary contribution of dinoflagellates for this species. Cholesterol was the dominant sterol in both mussels. Other major sterols included brassicasterol, 22-methylcholesterol, trans-22-dehydrocholesterol, and desmosterol. There were significant differences (P<0.05) between the NZGLM and TBM for 12 of the 20 sterols measured. Six sterols showed significant site differences for the NZGLM, and 10 for the TBM. The differences in the FA and sterol composition between the two species may be due to the diet of the NZGLM being more diatom-derived and the diet of the TBM having a greater dinoflagellate component.


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In view of previously reported anti-inflammatory bioactivity of the New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel (NZGLM), the overall lipid profile and fatty acid and sterol composition of the NZGLM from various sites in New Zealand (Hallam Cove, Port Ligar, Little Nikau) were investigated using thin layer  chromatography (TLC) and gas liquid chromatography (GLC). Samples were either frozen (F) or freeze-dried (FD) soon after collection. It was also thought prior to the study, there may be differences in the dietary sources of phytoplankton between the sites, responsible for the bioactivity, however data collected in New Zealand reported no difference in the type of phytoplankton, but a difference in the quantity. There were no major significant differences in the major components of the lipid, fatty acid and sterol composition between FD or frozen samples, nor were there any significant differences in the major composition between sites. The only major difference was between total lipid composition of the freeze-dried and frozen samples due to the removal of water during freeze-drying. Total lipid content on a dry weight basis in FD samples was 8.4 g/100g tissue and was significantly higher than frozen samples (P < 0.05) and there was no significant site variation. The lipid class content between sites was also not significantly different as judged by TLC. Triglyceride (TG) lipid fraction appeared to be the most prominent in the frozen and FD samples. The free fatty acid (FFA) band was the next most prominent band and was visually more prominent in the frozen samples. Sterol esters (SE) were detected in higher amounts in the frozen samples compared with the FD samples. Phospholipid (PL) and sterols (ST) were distributed throughout all samples. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were the main group of fatty acids in both FD and frozen samples (45-46%), most of which were omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids (40-41%). Saturated fatty acids (SFA) accounted for approximately one quarter of total fatty acids, with little variation between FD and frozen samples. The major fatty acids of the NZGLM were docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; 22:6n-3) (19% in both FD and frozen samples), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; 20:5n-3) and palmitic acid (16:0) (15% in both FD and frozen samples). Cholesterol was the most prominent sterol (31% of total sterols). Other major sterols included desmosterol/ brassicasterol (co-eluting), 24-methylenecholesterol, trans-22-dehydrocholesterol, 24- nordehydrocholesterol and occelasterol. This study is unique as it compares the lipid composition of the NZGLM from three sites in New Zealand with the additional effect of processing. This is the second comparative study investigating the lipid, fatty acid and sterol composition of the NZGLM with added interest in the effect of freeze drying on the lipid content of the mussel. This study showed that there were no major significant differences in lipid, sterol and fatty acid composition between the FD and frozen samples of the NZGLM for three sites in New Zealand. Food chain studies and further research is warranted to investigate the presence and role of major and minor lipid.
components of the NZGLM.


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The total lipid content, composition of main lipid classes, composition of sterols and composition of fatty acids in the main glycerolipids of Perna viridis were analyzed through four seasons using TLC-FID and GLC. Mussel samples were collected during different seasons between 2003 and 2004 from Shengsi Island, Zhejiang Province, China and stored frozen prior to freeze-drying and lipid extraction. Ten grams of dried mussel powder of each season were analyzed. Total lipid content ranged from 14.5 g/100 g in spring month to 7.8 g/100 g dried mussel powder in autumn month. The predominant lipid in spring month was triacylglycerol (TAG), however, in the other three seasons the phospholipids (PL) was the main lipid class. The most abundant fatty acid in TAG, PL and phosphatidylcholine (PC) was 16:0, with the summer samples having the highest proportion (24-30% of total fatty acid) and winter the lowest (14-22%). In phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), the spring samples had the highest proportions of 16:0. The predominant polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were 22:6n-3 and 20:5n-3 in TAG, PL, PE and PC (25-40%). The proportions of 22:6n-3 and 20:5n-3 were higher in spring than in other seasons in PL and PE. There were nine sterols identified, with cholesterol being the predominant sterol, and other main ones were desmostersol/brassicasterol and 24-methylenecholesterol. Proportions of other fatty acids in different lipid fractions and the sterol compositions as well also varied seasonally. There were subject to the seasonal variations. Differences in lipid content and composition, fatty acid composition in different lipid fractions may be caused by multiple factors such as lifecycle, sex, variation of plankton in different seasons and temperature, which could influence physiological activities and metabolism.


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Green vegetable consumption has long been considered to have health benefits mainly due to the vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients (such as vitamin C, folate, antioxidants etc) contained in a vegetable-rich diet. Additionally, green vegetables are known to contain a relatively high proportion of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), primarily in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (18:3n-3). However, there are no data available on the fatty acid composition and concentration of green vegetables commonly consumed in Australia. The present study determined the fatty acid content of 11 green vegetables that are commonly available in Australia. The total fatty acid concentrations of the vegetables under study ranged from 44 mg/100 g wet weight in Chinese cabbage to 372 mg/100 g in watercress. There were three PUFAs in all vegetables analyzed; these were 16:3n-3, 18:2n-6, and 18:3n-3 fatty acids. Sample vegetables contained significant quantities of 16:3n-3 and 18:3n-3, ranging from 23 to 225 mg/100 g. Watercress and mint contained the highest amounts of 16:3n-3 and 18:3n-3, and parsley had the highest amount of 18:2n-6 in both percentage composition and concentration. Mint had the highest concentration of 18:3n-3 with a value of 195 mg/100 g, while watercress contained the highest concentration of 16:3n-3 at 45 mg/100 g. All 11 green vegetables contained a high proportion of PUFAs, ranging from 59 to 72% of total fatty acids. The omega-3 PUFA composition ranged from 40 to 62% of total fatty acids. Monounsaturated fatty acid composition was less than 6% of total fatty acids. The proportion of saturated fatty acids ranged from 21% in watercress and mint to 32% of total fatty acids in Brussels sprouts. No eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids were detected in any of the samples. Consumption of green vegetables could contribute to 18:3n-3 PUFA intake, especially for vegetarian populations.


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Many animals live in the deserts of Australia and survive without drinking water. This research examined desert adaptations in the Spinifex hopping mouse (Notomys alexis), and is the first study to demonstrate how many genes and exzymes in the kidney are controlled to maintain water balance in the absence of drinking water.


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The in situ physiology of the actinobacterial bulking and foaming filamentous bacterium "Nostocoida limicola" II was studied by fluorescence in situ hybridization/microautoradiography. Substrate assimilation patterns of pure cultures of this bacterium were different to those seen in activated sludge biomass samples. There was no evidence to suggest that "N. limicola" II preferred hydrophobic substrates, but evidence was produced to support the view that it is metabolically active under anaerobic conditions in activated sludge.


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While our awareness towards sustainable society and environment grows, the importance ofgreen’ materials and manufacturing is gaining significant recognition. We have demonstrated that naturally-occurring fibers as renewable raw materials can be converted into nanoparticles and nano fibers using simple top-down methods without introducing hazardous chemicals. This new class of green nanomaterials will have a wide range of environmental and biomedical applications owing to the inherent biocompatible, biodegradable and carbon-neutral nature.