12 resultados para Pb isotopes

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Sewage effluent is a powerful agent of ecological change in estuaries. While the effects of sewage pollution on water quality are usually well documented, biological responses of exposed organisms are not. We quantified health impacts in the form of pathological tissue changes across multiple organs in estuarine fish exposed to elevated levels of treated wastewater. Structural pathologies were compared in wild populations of four fish species from two subtropical estuaries on the east coast of Australia that differ substantially in the amount of direct wastewater loadings. Uptake of sewage-derived  nitrogen by fish was traced with stable nitrogen isotopes. Pathologies were common in the liver, spleen, gill, kidney and muscle tissues, and included granulomas, melanomacrophage aggregates, and multiple deformities of the gill epithelia. Tissue deformities were more frequent in fish exposed directly to wastewater discharges. Mullet (Valamugil georgii) were most affected, with only a single specimen free of pathologies in the sewage-impacted estuary. Similarly, in those fish that had structural abnormalities, more deformities were generally found in individuals from sites receiving sewage. These spatial contrasts in impaired fish health correspond to significantly enriched δ15N values in fish muscle as a consequence of fish assimilating sewage-N. Overall, the pattern of lower health and enriched δ15N values in fish from sewage-impacted areas suggests that organism health is lowered by sewage inputs to estuaries. Measurements of organism health are required to understand the effects of sewage on estuarine ecosystems, and histopathology of fishes is a powerful tool to achieve this.


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Equi-channel angular pressing (ECAP) of a Pb–Sn eutectic alloy up to six passes in a T-shaped die, rather than a conventional L-shaped die, was studied for grain refinement. The effect of ECAP on the hardness and tensile properties was studied. Microstructure predominately changed in the early part of the ECAP process and became equiaxed and uniformly distributed in both the longitudinal and the transverse sections after four passes. There occurred substantial softening over the first two passes—hardness of 10 Hv, yield strength of 14.2 MPa and tensile strength of 16.3 MPa in the as-cast condition decreased upon two passes to 6 Hv, 9.7 MPa and 13.0 MPa, respectively. The ductility (% elongation) increased drastically from <50% in the as-cast condition to 150% upon two passes, and further increased to 230% after four passes. Various tensile properties and concurrent microstructural evolution were used to develop a mutual relationship among them.


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The diet of long-nosed bandicoots (Perameles nasuta) on the central coast of New South Wales, Australia, was examined over two summers and two winters using a combination of faecal scat analysis for food fragments and stable isotope analysis (ratios of 13C/12C and 15N/14N) of blood. Isotope ratios in blood overlapped most strongly with those in invertebrate prey, and varied much less between seasons than did those in most dietary items, suggesting that the assimilated diet of long-nosed bandicoots is dominated by invertebrates throughout the year. Invertebrate remains dominated collected faeces in both seasons, even though the availability of invertebrate prey was higher in summer. Thus both techniques indicated that long-nosed bandicoots were primarily insectivorous year-round. Faecal scat analysis indicated that invertebrate eggs were more abundant in summer than winter. At a finer scale, spiders, orthopterans, lepidopteran larvae, ants, leaf material (non-grass monocot) and seeds were more abundant in summer, while cicada larvae, roots, fungi, grass leaves and Acacia bract (small modified leaves appearing as scales) were more abundant in winter. Subterranean foods (cicada larvae, plant roots and hypogeous fungi) were more abundant in winter and more abundant in the diet of males than of either lactating or non-lactating females.


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Understanding the temporal and spatial variation of foraging habits of apex predators is central to understanding their role in marine ecosystems and how their populations may respond to environmental variability. In the present study, stable isotope analysis (C and N) of blood was used to investigate inter-individual and inter-annual differences in the diet of adult female Australian fur seals Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus. Positive correlations were observed between red cell and plasma values for δ13C and δ15N (r2 = 0.47 and r2 = 0.66, respectively, p < 0.001 in both cases), suggesting relatively consistent individual prey choices over 3 or 4 foraging trips. Mean δ15N values (12.8 to 17.5%) confirm the species occupies the highest marine trophic niche in the region. A significant decrease in plasma δ15N values, corresponding to two-thirds of a trophic level (ca. 2%), was observed between the 1998 to 2000 and 2003 to 2005 sampling periods. This was associated with a significant decrease in adult female body condition and is consistent with a decline, previously documented by faecal analysis, of the proportion of red cod Pseudophysis bachus, barracouta Thyrsites atun and Gould's squid Nototodarus gouldi in the diet and an increase in redbait Emmelichthys nitidus. While substantial variation in δ15N was observed within each age cohort, a significant decrease was observed with age, suggesting individual specialisation for particular prey types is evident early in adulthood, but that its composition changes as females age. In addition, generalized linear models indicated body mass had a negative influence on δ15N, which may reflect larger total body oxygen stores, facilitating individuals hunting cryptic prey of lower trophic level (e.g. octopus) on the sea floor.


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Background: Individual variations in the use of the species niche are an important component of diversity in trophic interactions. A challenge in testing consistency of individual foraging strategy is the repeated collection of information on the same individuals.

Methodology/Principal Findings: The foraging strategies of sympatric fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella and A. tropicalis) were examined using the stable isotope signature of serially sampled whiskers. Most whiskers exhibited synchronous delta C-13 and delta N-15 oscillations that correspond to the seal annual movements over the long term (up to 8 years). delta C-13 and delta N-15 values were spread over large ranges, with differences between species, sexes and individuals. The main segregating mechanism operates at the spatial scale. Most seals favored foraging in subantarctic waters (where the Crozet Islands are located) where they fed on myctophids. However, A. gazella dispersed in the Antarctic Zone and A. tropicalis more in the subtropics. Gender differences in annual time budget shape the seal movements. Males that do not perform any parental care exhibited large isotopic oscillations reflecting broad annual migrations, while isotopic values of females confined to a limited foraging range during lactation exhibited smaller changes. Limited inter-individual isotopic variations occurred in female seals and in male A. tropicalis. In contrast, male A. gazella showed large inter-individual variations, with some males migrating repeatedly to high-Antarctic waters where they fed on krill, thus meaning that individual specialization occurred over years.

Conclusions/Significance: Whisker isotopic signature yields unique long-term information on individual behaviour that integrates the spatial, trophic and temporal dimensions of the ecological niche. The method allows depicting the entire realized niche of the species, including some of its less well-known components such as age-, sex-, individual- and migration-related changes. It highlights intrapopulation heterogeneity in foraging strategies that could have important implications for likely demographic responses to environmental variability.


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Isotopic discrimination and turn-over are fundamental to the application of stable isotope ecology in animals. However, detailed information for specific tissues and species are widely lacking, notably for herbivorous species. We provide details on tissue-specific carbon and nitrogen discrimination and turn-over times from food to blood, feathers, claws, egg tissues and offspring down feathers in four species of herbivorous waterbirds. Source-to-tissue discrimination factors for carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen stable isotope ratios (δ15N) showed little variation across species but varied between tissues. Apparent discrimination factors ranged between −0.5 to 2.5‰ for δ13C and 2.8 to 5.2‰ for δ15N, and were more similar between blood components than between keratinous tissues or egg tissue. Comparing these results with published data from other species we found no effect of foraging guild on discrimination factors for carbon but a significant foraging-guild effect for nitrogen discrimination factors.

Turn-over of δ13C in tissues was most rapid in blood plasma, with a half-life of 4.3 d, whereas δ13C in blood cells had a half-life of approximately 32 d. Turn-over times for albumen and yolk in laying females were similar to those of blood plasma, at 3.2 and 6.0 d respectively. Within yolk, we found decreasing half-life times of δ13C from inner yolk (13.3 d) to outer yolk (3.1 d), related to the temporal pattern of tissue formation.

We found similarities in tissue-specific turn-over times across all avian species studied to date. Yet, while generalities regarding discrimination factors and tissue turn-over times can be made, a large amount of variation remains unexplained.


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To detect and monitor long-term ecosystem responses to environmental variability, managers must utilize reliable and quantitative techniques to predict future ecosystem responses. Canine teeth from 67 male Australian fur seals (aged 2-19 yr), collected at Seal Rocks, between 1967 and 1976, were measured for relative growth within the dentine growth layer groups (GLGs), as an index of body growth. Fluctuations in relative growth were apparent during 1956-1971, suggesting interannual variation in prey resources within Bass Strait. These were positively correlated with the Southern Oscillation Index and negatively with the Indian Ocean Subtropical Dipole, both on a 2 yr lag. The observed delay may reflect the time required for the nutrient cascade to filter through to the predominantly benthic prey of Australian fur seals. Stable isotope analysis (?15N/?13C) was also used to investigate whether fluctuations in growth were associated with differences in diet. Relative growth was found to be negatively correlated with ?15N, suggesting years of greater resource availability may be associated with individuals consuming proportionally more prey biomass of lower isotopic value. This study demonstrates that fluctuations in the dentine GLGs of male Australian fur seals are related to environmental parameters, suggesting variation in body growth is mediated by changes in prey resources


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Stable isotope ratios, δ15N and δ13C were effectively used to determine the geographical dispersion of human derived sewage from Davis Station, East Antarctica, using Antarctic rock cod (Trematomus bernacchii). Fish within 0-4km downstream of the outfall exhibited higher δ15N and δ13C values relative to reference sites. Nitrogen in particular showed a stepped decrease in δ15N with increasing distance from the discharge point by 1-2‰. Stable isotopes were better able to detect the extent of wastewater contamination than other techniques including faecal coliform and sterol measures. Uptake and assimilation of δ15N and δ13C up to 4km from the outfall adds to growing evidence indicating the current level of wastewater treatment at Davis Station is not sufficient to avoid impact to the surrounding environment. Isotopic assimilation in T. bernacchii is a viable biomarker for investigation of initial sewage exposure and longer term monitoring in the future.


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Estimating the degree of individual specialisation is likely to be sensitive to the methods used, as they record individuals' resource use over different time-periods. We combined animal-borne video cameras, GPS/TDR loggers and stable isotope values of plasma, red cells and sub-sampled whiskers to investigate individual foraging specialisation in female Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) over various timescales. Combining these methods enabled us to (1) provide quantitative information on individuals' diet, allowing the identification of prey, (2) infer the temporal consistency of individual specialisation, and (3) assess how different methods and timescales affect our estimation of the degree of specialisation. Short-term inter-individual variation in diet was observed in the video data (mean pairwise overlap = 0.60), with the sampled population being composed of both generalist and specialist individuals (nested network). However, the brevity of the temporal window is likely to artificially increase the level of specialisation by not recording the entire diet of seals. Indeed, the correlation in isotopic values was tighter between the red cells and whiskers (mid- to long-term foraging ecology) than between plasma and red cells (short- to mid-term) (R (2) = 0.93-0.73 vs. 0.55-0.41). δ(13)C and δ(15)N values of whiskers confirmed the temporal consistency of individual specialisation. Variation in isotopic niche was consistent across seasons and years, indicating long-term habitat (WIC/TNW = 0.28) and dietary (WIC/TNW = 0.39) specialisation. The results also highlight time-averaging issues (under-estimation of the degree of specialisation) when calculating individual specialisation indices over long time-periods, so that no single timescale may provide a complete and accurate picture, emphasising the benefits of using complementary methods.