11 resultados para Pattern-formation

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Cooperative control of multiple mobile robots is an attractive and challenging problem which has drawn considerable attention in the recent past. This paper introduces a scalable decentralized control algorithm to navigate a group of mobile robots (swarm) into a predefined shape in 2D space. The proposed architecture uses artificial forces to control mobile agents into the shape and spread them inside the shape while avoiding inter-member collisions. The theoretical analysis of the swarm behavior describes the motion of the complete swarm and individual members in relevant situations. We use computer simulated case studies to verify the theoretical assertions and to demonstrate the robustness of the swarm under external disturbances such as death of agents, change of shape etc.


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Cooperative control of multiple mobile robots is an attractive and challenging problem which has drawn considerable attention in the recent past. This paper introduces a scalable decentralized control algorithm to navigate a group of mobile robots (swarm) into a predefined shape in 2D space. The proposed architecture uses artificial forces to control mobile agents into the shape and spread them inside the shape while avoiding intermember collisions. The theoretical analysis of the swarm behavior describes the motion of the complete swarm and individual members in relevant situations. We use computer simulated case studies to verify the theoretical assertions and to demonstrate the robustness of the swarm under external disturbances such as death of agents, change of shape etc. Also the performance of the proposed distributed swarm control architecture was investigated in the presence of realistic implementation issues such as localization errors, communication range limitations, boundedness of forces etc.


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The Permian-Triassic extinction pattern in the peri-Gondwanan region is documented biostratigraphically, geochemically and sedimentologically based on three marine sequences deposited in southern Tibet and comparisons with the sections in the Salt Range, Pakistan and Kashmir. Results of biostratigraphical ranges for the marine faunas reveal an end-Permian event comparable in timing with that known at the Meishan section in low palaeolatitude as well as Spitsbergen and East Greenland in northern Boreal settings although biotic patterns earlier in the Permian vary. The previously interpreted delayed extinction (Late Griesbachian) at the Selong Xishan section is not supported by our analysis. The end-Permian event exhibits an abrupt marine faunal shift slightly beneath the Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB) from benthic taxa- to nektic taxa-dominated communities. The climate along the continental margin of Neo-Tethys was cold before the extinction event. However, a rapid climatic warming event as indicated by the southward invasion of abundant warm-water conodonts, warm-water brachiopods, calcareous sponges, and gastropods was associated with the extinction event. Stable isotopic values of δ13Ccarb, δ13Corg and δ18O show a sharp negative drop slightly before and during the extinction interval. Sedimentological and microstratigraphical analysis reveals a Late Permian regression, as marked by a Caliche Bed at the Selong Xishan section and the micaceous siltstone in the topmost part of the Qubuerga Formation at the Qubu and Tulong sections. The regression was immediately followed by a rapid transgression beneath the PTB. The basal Triassic rocks fine upward, and are dominated by dolomitic packstone/wackestone containing pyritic cubes, bioturbation and numerous tiny foraminifers, suggesting that the studied sections were deposited during the initial stage of the transgression and hence may not have been deeply affected by the anoxic event that is widely believed to characterise the zenith of the transgression.


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Background: Titanium (Ti) is widely proven to enhance bone contact and growth on its surface. It is expected that bone defects could benefit from Ti to promote healing and to increase strength of the implanted area.

Purpose: The present study aimed at comparing the potential of porous Ti sponge rods with synthetic hydroxyapatite (HA) for the healing of bone defects in a canine model.

Material and Methods: Six mongrel dogs were submitted to three trephined osteotomies of 6.0 × 4.0 mm in one humerus and after 2 months another three osteotomies were performed in the contralateral humerus. A total of 36 defects were randomly filled either with Ti foam, particulate HA, or coagulum (control). The six animals were killed 4 months after the first surgery for histological and histometrical analysis.

Results: The Ti-foam surface was frequently found in intimate contact with new bone especially at the defect walls. Control sites showed higher amounts of newly formed bone at 2 months – Ti (p = 0.000) and HA (p = 0.009) – and 4 months when compared with Ti (p = 0.001). Differently from HA, the Ti foam was densely distributed across the defect area which rendered less space for bone growth in the latter's sites. The use of Ti foams or HA resulted in similar amounts of bone formation in both time intervals. Nevertheless, the presence of a Ti-foam rod preserved defect's marginal bone height as compared with control groups. Also, the Ti-foam group showed a more mature bone pattern at 4 months than HA sites.

Conclusion: The Ti foam exhibited good biocompatibility, and its application resulted in improved maintenance of bone height compared with control sites. The Ti foam in a rod design exhibited bone ingrowth properties suitable for further exploration in other experimental situations.


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This thesis presents a novel approach for controlling a robotic swarm to generate a geometric pattern described by a given contour, and a suitable communication scheme which enables the robots to communicate with each other as an all-to-all network.


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An ideal artificial bone is expected to grow together with other natural bones with aid of osteoblast cells and to fade out into other natural bones at the same rate of restructuring natural bone. Magnesium is thought to be one of candidate materials, since it has a potential to enhance natural bone growth and to homogenize the implanted artificial bodies with natural bone. In the present study, we are concerned with the formation of trabecular pattern in the natural bone to consider how to reconstruct this pattan in the artificial bone made from magnesium. For that purpose, a series of experiments were perfonned to observe the chemical behavior of dipped magnesium plate and cellular magnesium in Hank's solution. A magnesium specimen is annealed at 773 - 803 K for various periods in an atmosphere to homogenize its microstructure. Mass change of magnesium is estimated by immersing it in Hank's solution. It is well known that magnesium is easily corroded by chlorine ion. Both x-ray diffraction and energy dispersed x-ray analyses were carried out in order to identify a reaction product and its chemical composition. Mass of a magnesium specimen, which was annealed at 803 K for 32.4 ks or 14.4 ks, increases after immersing it into Hank's solution for 4.5 18 Ms (1255 h). Furthermore, the cellular magnesium, which was annealed at 803 K for 1.8 ks, fanned a reacted layer with around 80 μ in thickness and it contained Mg, Ca, P, and a little bit of CI.


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The formation of autonomous mobile robots to an arbitrary geometric pattern in a distributed fashion is a fundamental problem in formation control. This paper presents a new asynchronous, memoryless (oblivious) algorithm to the formation problem via distributed optimization techniques. The optimization minimizes an appropriately defined difference function between the current robot distribution and the target geometric pattern. The optimization processes are performed independently by individual robots in their local coordinate systems. A movement strategy derived from the results of the distributed optimizations guarantees that every movement makes the current robot configuration approaches the target geometric pattern until the final pattern is reached.


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This paper examines the matter of Ireland in Buckley’s two memoirs, Cutting Green Hay (1983) and Memory Ireland (1985), and the poems of The Pattern (1979), in order to revisit critically the ways in which he constructs himself as a diasporic Irish-Australian, a participant in the most remote Gaeltacht. It raises questions of victimhood, of similar and different experience of being at the mercy of the land, and of his re-engineering of the place of the political in poetry. It argues that Buckley’s agonized positioning as Ireland’s ‘guest/foreigner/son’ was a project that was doomed by its utopianism, and that, obsessed as he became with Ireland, the angst within had little to do with ‘the Ireland within’ or without. The paper suggests that the poet’s slow and unacknowledged abandonment in his Irish period of a key tenet of modernism, its distrust of propaganda and the political, is in itself a new formation which had some continuity with the radicalism of his thinking during the formative years of the revolutionary catholic apostolate he led both at the University of Melbourne and nationally. It also points to the deployment of an ancient medieval Irish trope, that of the ocean (rather than a landmass) linking a dispersed community, as one of the ways the poetry effects a resolution of the issues of being ‘Irish’ in a remote country.


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Formation of autonomous mobile robots to an arbitrary geometric pattern in a distributed fashion is a fundamental problem in formation control. This paper presents a new fully distributed, memoryless (oblivious) algorithm to the formation control problem via distributed optimization techniques. The optimization minimizes an appropriately defined difference function between the current robot distribution and target geometric pattern. The optimization processes are performed independently by individual robots in their local coordinate system. A movement strategy derived from the results of the distributed optimizations guarantees that every movement makes the current robot configuration approaches the target geometric pattern until the final pattern is reached.


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OBJECTIVES: The detailed structure of brain-derived Aβ amyloid fibrils is unknown. To approach this issue, we investigate the molecular architecture of Aβ(1-40) fibrils grown in either human cerebrospinal fluid solution, in chemically simple phosphate buffer in vitro or extracted from a cell culture model of Aβ amyloid plaque formation. METHODS: We have used hydrogen-deuterium exchange (HX) combined with nuclear magnetic resonance, transmission electron microscopy, seeding experiments both in vitro and in cell culture as well as several other spectroscopic measurements to compare the morphology and residue-specific conformation of these different Aβ fibrils. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Our data reveal that, despite considerable variations in morphology, the spectroscopic properties and the pattern of slowly exchanging backbone amides are closely similar in the fibrils investigated. This finding implies that a fundamentally conserved molecular architecture of Aβ peptide fold is common to Aβ fibrils.