24 resultados para Pacius, Fredrik,

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Visionnaire : A screening of postgraduate and masters films

Play ‘Crack the Sky’ -
Steffen Hagen
The Priest - Benjamin Engeset
Sitcom Idiots Inc. - Mitchell McTaggart
Playing for it - Jacinta Adams, Alex Dance, Simone Berman, Esteban Ulloa, James Westland & Jarrod Watters
The boy who lived in the cemetery - Kerina Pereira, Emma Robinson, Tim Mitchell, Helin Kusman & Rebecca Drought
A Burger too far - Scott Burgess, Rhys Salmon, Karina McCowan, Tom McCann, Michael Hales & Aidan Truscott
Crimson Drive - Samantha Kuruvita, Shaun McFadyen, Vegard Dahle, Anja Aasheim, Shehan Vestrheim & Mikael Skramesto
Mikael - Kathleen Lynch, David McKinnar, David Davey, Alex Voltz, Gavin Juchnevicius & Shannon McFarland
A Slight Case of Death - David Laub, Tian Zhang, Janine Evans, Josh Horeau, Jacobo Arenas & Ben Teychenne
Neil - Courtney Gardiner, Rebecca Jacobs, Mark D’Alessandro, Jacob Williams, Trygve Nordhammer & Paul Mooney
Little Donnie Berner - Louise Walsh, Bhare Kesmaei, Matthew Skibicki, Krister Svensli & Nicholas Issell
Intervention - Georgie Thomas, Allison Flanagan, Allison Erlanger, Fredrik Waldeland, Torkild Ziegler & Brad Smith
Vicissitudes - Ben Mix, Sinead Lau, Claire Patterson, Joel Buncle, James Magree & Thomas Boarder


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This article examines the effects of zero trade on the estimation of the gravity model using both simulated and real data with a panel structure, which is different from the more conventional cross-sectional structure. We begin by showing that the usual log-linear estimation method can result in highly deceptive inference when some observations are zero. As an alternative approach, we suggest using the poisson fixed effects estimator. This approach eliminates the problems of zero trade, controls for heterogeneity across countries, and is shown to perform well in small samples.


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The first 12000 zeroes of Riemann's zeta function on the critical line with 20000 decimal digits accuracy. Format: the zeroes are in text file listed consecutively in decimal representation, each zero starts on a new line.

Zeroes of zeta function presented in this file were calculated on MASSIVE cluster (www.massive.org.au) using Python and packages MPmath version 0.17 and gmpy version 2.1, with a Newton based algorithm proposed by Fredrik Johansson with precision set to 20000 decimal digits. Partial recalculation with higher precision didn't show any loss of accuracy so we expect that the values are correct up to, possibly, a few last digits. We express our thanks to Fredrik Johansson for this algorithm and for development of MPmath as well.


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Activity budgets can provide a direct link to an animal's bioenergetic budget and is thus a valuable unit of measure when assessing human-induced nonlethal effects on wildlife conservation status. However, activity budget inference can be challenging for species that are difficult to observe and require multiple observational variables. Here, we assessed whether whalewatching boat interactions could affect the activity budgets of minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata). We used a stepwise modeling approach to quantitatively record, identify, and assign activity states to continuous behavioral time series data, to estimate activity budgets. First, we used multiple behavioral variables, recorded from continuous visual observations of individual animals, to quantitatively identify and define behavioral types. Activity states were then assigned to each sampling unit, using a combination of hidden and observed states. Three activity states were identified: nonfeeding, foraging, and surface feeding (SF). From the resulting time series of activity states, transition probability matrices were estimated using first-order Markov chains. We then simulated time series of activity states, using Monte Carlo methods based on the transition probability matrices, to obtain activity budgets, accounting for heterogeneity in state duration. Whalewatching interactions reduced the time whales spend foraging and SF, potentially resulting in an overall decrease in energy intake of 42%. This modeling approach thus provides a means to link short-term behavioral changes resulting from human disturbance to potential long-term bioenergetic consequences in animals. It also provides an analytical framework applicable to other species when direct observations of activity states are not possible.


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Seasonal trends in energy storage of the minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), a capital breeder, were investigated in Iceland, a North Atlantic feeding ground. The aim was to better understand the energy acquisition strategies of minke whales and the energetic costs that different reproductive classes face during the breeding season. We modelled total blubber volume, using blubber thickness and morphometric measurements of individual whales. Blubber volume was influenced by body length, and was higher for pregnant females than mature whales. Blubber volume increased linearly through the feeding season at the same rate for mature (mean ± s.e.m.=0.0028±0.00103 m3 day -1; N=61 male, 5 female) and pregnant whales (0.0024±0.00100 m3 day-1; N=49), suggesting that minke whales aim to maximise energy storage while on the feeding grounds. The total amount of blubber accumulated over the feeding season (0.51±0.119 m3 for mature and 0.43±0.112 m3 for pregnant whales), together with energy stored as muscle and intra-abdominal fats, constitutes the total amount of energy available for reproduction (fetus development and lactation) on the breeding grounds, as well as migration, daily field metabolic rates, growth and body maintenance. No seasonal variation was observed for immature whales (N=4 male, 12 female), suggesting that they are investing most of their excess energy into growth rather than reproduction, in order to reach the length of sexual maturity faster and start reproducing earlier. Our novel modelling approach provides insight into large whale bioenergetics and life history strategies, as well as the relationship between single-site measurement of blubber thickness and total blubber volume.


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Human disturbances of wildlife, such as tourism, can alter the activities of targeted individuals. Repeated behavioural disruptions can have long-term consequences for individual vital rates (survival and reproduction). To manage these sub-lethal impacts, we need to understand how activity disruptions can influence bioenergetics and ultimately individual vital rates. Empirical studies of the mechanistic links between whale-watching boat exposure and behavioural variation and vital rates are currently lacking for baleen whales (mysticetes). We compared minke whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata behaviour on a feeding ground in the presence and absence of whale-watching boats. Effects on activity states were inferred from changes in movement metric data as well as the occurrence of surface feeding events. Linear mixed effects models and generalised estimation equations were used to investigate the effect of whale-watching boat interactions. Measurement errors were quantified, and their effects on model parameter estimates were investigated using resampling methods. Minke whales responded to whale-watching boats by performing shorter dives and increased sinuous movement. A reduction in the probability of observing longer inter-breath intervals during sinuous movement showed that whale-watching boat interactions reduced foraging activity. Further, the probability of observing surface feeding events also decreased during interactions with whale-watching boats. This indicates that whalewatching boats disrupted the feeding activities of minke whales. Since minke whales are capital breeders, a decrease in feeding success on the feeding grounds due to whale-watching boats could lead to a decrease in energy available for foetus development and nursing on the breeding grounds. Such impact could therefore alter the calving success of this species.