100 resultados para PRERs (product-related environmental regulations)

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Using the theory of reasoned action, this study proposes a structural equation model that tests the relationships among carbon and environmental knowledge, attitude and behaviour. We found that carbon related knowledge is unrelated to attitudes, but general environmental attitudes drive both general and carbon related behaviours. The results suggest that specific environmental behaviour may therefore be more driven by general attitudes and knowledge, rather than by issue specific knowledge.


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The aim of this study was to examine Australians’ food-related environmental beliefs and behaviours. Questionnaires were posted to 500 randomly selected adults, with 223 questionnaires completed (58% response rate). Decreased use of packaging by food manufacturers was viewed as being the most important item to help the environment, while lower meat consumption was seen as least likely to help. Composting food scraps and purchase or consumption of locally produced foods were the most commonly performed food-related environmental behaviours, while use of organic products was the least commonly performed. Moderate consistency (rs=0.54) was found between reported beliefs and behaviours. Older people were more likely to perform certain food-related environmental behaviours, such as composting. Awareness of the impact on the environment of meat production, organic compared to conventional farming, and food packaging was low even among those who were found to already believe that food-related actions are important to help the environment, suggesting widespread consciousness raising is needed.


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Global warming and carbon emissions have gained international attention. However, it would appear that consumers are still unclear about what it encompasses and how it relates to their individual behaviour. Using the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) as a guiding framework, this study presents a structural equation model that tests the relationships between carbon and environmental knowledge, environmental attitude and behaviour using a sample of US consumers. The findings of the research suggest that a positive relationship was found between general and carbon-specific knowledge, attitude towards the environment, and general and carbon-specific behaviours. Therefore, general and carbon-specific environmental behaviours are related and may be driven by general attitudes and knowledge (i.e. both carbon-specific and general environmental knowledge). The implications of the study would suggest that marketers, working in tandem with government policymakers, need to focus efforts on developing consumers’ knowledge about specific sub-issues, such as global warming. However, additional research needs to be undertaken to develop marketing communication that accurately reflects the environmental impact of consumption behaviour, thereby allowing for considered consumption.


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A soft computing framework to classify and optimize text-based information extracted from customers' product reviews is proposed in this paper. The soft computing framework performs classification and optimization in two stages. Given a set of keywords extracted from unstructured text-based product reviews, a Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used to classify the reviews into two categories (positive and negative reviews) in the first stage. An ensemble of evolutionary algorithms is deployed to perform optimization in the second stage. Specifically, the Modified micro Genetic Algorithm (MmGA) optimizer is applied to maximize classification accuracy and minimize the number of keywords used in classification. Two Amazon product reviews databases are employed to evaluate the effectiveness of the SVM classifier and the ensemble of MmGA optimizers in classification and optimization of product related keywords. The results are analyzed and compared with those published in the literature. The outputs potentially serve as a list of impression words that contains useful information from the customers' viewpoints. These impression words can be further leveraged for product design and improvement activities in accordance with the Kansei engineering methodology.


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The relative importance and relationship between psychological and situational factors in predicting commuter-transport-mode choice was tested by four hypotheses. First, the influence of individuals’ values on commuter behavior is mediated by their corresponding beliefs about the environmental threat of cars (mediation hypothesis). Second, the influence of these beliefs on behavior is moderated by individual consideration of future consequences and control beliefs (moderation hypothesis). Third, cost, time, and access factors contribute to individuals’ commuter choice (situational hypothesis). Fourth, situational and psychological factors jointly influence proenvironmental behavior (interaction hypothesis). A sample of 205 Australian university students completed a survey to measure these relationships. Regression analyses indicated support for the mediation, situational, and interaction hypotheses. It was concluded that to achieve a transport-mode shift to public transport, public policy strategies should focus on individuals’ transport-related environmental beliefs (personal control and environmental effect of cars) and situations (access to public transport at reduced cost).


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The Australian construction industry, particularly in the area of demolishing existing facilities, is responsible for up to 40% of the country's enormous solid waste streams, totalling about 14 million tonnes annually. The recently created concept of deconstruction, rather than destruction for demolishing a constructed facility, came about because of the rapidly increasing number of demolished buildings and changes in levels of environmental awareness. However,  reconstruction processes are now seen as only an interesting concept for reducing waste through reuse and recycling, but they fail to achieve widespread understanding or acceptance. The challenges faced by deconstruction are significant and diverse. The maturity of deconstruction practice depends on not only on tlle development of deconstruction techniques and management, but also on the enhancement of deconstruction awareness by the owners, designers, and construction teams, as well as the development of environmental regulations. These practical limitations are interrelated and mutually promotional. The technical developments in deconstruction management resulting from this research will have direct effects on various aspects, including the development of design and construction for deconstruction, deconstruction technology, reused material certification, recycl ing technology, and a method by which to calculate environmental benefits so that deconstruction would be promoted from an interesting concept mainly in theory to wide acceptance in practice. 


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The Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) is estimated as if nations operate within a closed economy. Therefore, in terms of coverage, the GPI is most analogous to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Indeed, within the relevant literature, these two indicators are most often contrasted. However, consideration should be given to adapting the GPI, so it has more in common with Gross National Income (GNI). As with GDP, the GPI is concerned only with a particular physical location. Yet, it may be more effective if the GPI was freed from these physical boundaries in a similar manner to GNI. The GPI should be concerned more with the 'ownership' of the costs and benefits associated with economic growth than with the 'location' of those costs and benefits. Those that derive the most benefit from exploitation of the environment are often physically removed from the location of that damage. The GPI does not consider the net consumers of the negative externalities of environmental costs, merely the producers. Currently, however, the structure of the GPI allows a nation to enjoy, without penalty, the benefits of importing goods from countries which bear a disproportionately large cost of environmental degradation. This results in an overstatement of the real progress experienced by the county importing 'dirty goods'. This paper will investigate how certain GPI adjustments may be adapted to overcome this present shortcoming. However, the purpose of this paper is not only to empirically implement this new approach, but also to stimulate debate as to its potential merit.


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Background: School playgrounds during break times provide potential opportunities for children to be active during the school day. However, there is limited research on how active children really are during these breaks.

Methods: The CAST (Children's Activity Scanning Tool) instrument was developed, validated, and used to assess the percentages of children engaged in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and vigorous physical activity (VPA—a subset of MVPA) in 18 primary schools (children ages 5–12) in rural Australia. Related environmental factors were also measured.

Results: For a school of median size (200 students), 51.4% of boys and 41.6% of girls were engaged in MVPA while 14.7% of boys and 9.4% of girls were engaged in VPA. Levels of engagement in MVPA and VPA were significantly higher during lunch periods than during recess. MVPA and VPA engagement in smaller schools was significantly higher than in larger schools.

: With growing concern about children's physical activity (PA), school playgrounds offer an opportunity to increase children's MVPA engagement especially among girls. Consideration may be given to the lengthening of recess periods in order to increase PA levels. More research is needed to investigate factors affecting PA levels in larger schools.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an overarching conceptual decision model that delineates the major issues and decisions associated with carbon regulations that will allow executives to better understand the potential regulatory schemes and implications that may be imposed in the near future.
Design/methodology/approach – The authors use the extant literature as the foundation to develop a conceptual model of the decisions pertaining to climate change regulation that face business executives today.
Findings – This paper suggests four major categories of issues that must be addressed in any climate change regulatory scheme. These include: “scope” – will carbon emission management systems be global or regional; “who pays” – will the consumer or will the supply chain be responsible for the cost of their emissions; “market or compliance-based mechanisms” – will the CO2 emissions system be market-based or a compliance-based regulatory system; and “criteria” – how can credence of the remedy be established – what is necessary for a business initiative to qualify for as a creditable carbon offset?
Research limitations/implications – This paper offers a framework that categories the fundamental decisions that must be made in any climate change regulation. This framework may be useful in advancing research into any of the four categories of decisions and their implications on commerce and the environment. This paper is designed to be managerially useful and in that way does limit its ability to specifically advance many dimensions of research.
Practical implications – The paper offers executives for a simple model of the decisions that must be made to craft an effective climate change regulatory scheme. In addition, it suggests how these decisions may create exploitable economic opportunities for innovative and proactive firms.
Originality/value – This paper adds value to the debate by clarifying the decisions that must be addressed in any climate change regulation scheme.


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Manufacturing engineering has had to undergo drastic changes in the approach to material selection in order to meet new design challenges. In the automotive industry, researchers in their effort to reduce emissions and satisfy environmental regulations, have shifted their focus to new emerging materials such as high-strength aluminium alloys, metal matrix composites, plastics, polymers and of late, Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI). ADI is a good choice for design where the criterion is high performance at reduced weight and cost. The unique, ausferrite microstructure gives the material desirable material properties and an edge over other materials. A comparative study of ADI in terms of materials properties and machining characteristics with other materials is desirable to highlight the potential of the material. This paper focuses on a comparative assessment of material and machining characteristics of ADI for different applications. The properties under consideration are machinability, weight and cost savings and versatility. ADI has a higher strength-to-weight ratio than aluminium making it a ready alternative for material selection. In terms of machinability, there are some problems associated with machining of ADI due to its work hardening nature. This paper attempts to identify the possible potential applications of ADI, by critically reviewing specific applications such as machinability, overall economics and service.


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Adults’ walking for transport is important for health benefits and can be associated with availability of destinations such as shops and services within a walking distance of 10 to 15 minutes from home. However, relevant evidence is mostly from Western countries. This study examined associations of destinations with walking for transport in Australian and Japanese cities. Data were collected from Adelaide, Australia (n = 2508), and 4 Japanese cities (n = 1285). Logistic regressions examined associations of self-reported walking for transport with the number of destination types within walk-distance categories. Walking was significantly associated with the number of destination types within a 10-minute walk from home for Australia and with the number of destination types within a 6- to 20-minute walk for Japan. Further research is needed on why walking by residents of Japanese cities can be influenced by more distant local destinations than in Australia to inform physical activity–related environmental and policy initiatives.


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While migration from low- to high-income countries is typically associated with weight gain, the obesity risks of migration from middle-income countries are less certain. In addition to changes in behaviours and cultural orientation upon migration, analyses of changes in environments are needed to explain post-migration risks for obesity. The present study examines the interaction between obesity-related environmental factors and the pattern of migrant acculturation in a sample of 152 Iranian immigrants in Victoria, Australia. Weight measurements, demographics, physical activity levels and diet habits were also surveyed. The pattern of acculturation (relative integration, assimilation, separation or marginalization) was not related to body mass index, diet, or physical activity behaviours. Three relevant aspects of participants' perception of the Australian environment (physically active environments, social pressure to be fit, unhealthy food environments) varied considerably by demographic characteristics, but only one (physically active environments) was related to a pattern of acculturation (assimilation). Overall, this research highlighted a number of key relationships between acculturation and obesity-related environments and behaviours for our study sample. Theoretical models on migration, culture and obesity need to include environmental factors.


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This paper examines the impact that environmental factors have on the decision of Australian companies to adapt products for Middle Eastern markets. It  concludes that of all product aspects, labeling requires the greatest amount of adaptation and that socio-cultural factors have the greatest influence on overall product adaptation. Furthermore, environmental factors impact on product   adaptation in different ways, reflected in the adaptation of different aspects of the overall product.


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Background: Several studies have found significant cross-sectional associations of perceived environmental attributes with physical activity behaviors. Prospective relations with environmental factors have been examined for vigorous activity, but not for the moderate-intensity activities that environmental and policy initiatives are being designed to influence. Purpose: To examine prospective associations of changes in perceptions of local environmental attributes with changes in neighborhood walking. Methods: Baseline and 10-week follow-up telephone interviews with 512 adults (49% men). Results: Men who reported positive changes in aesthetics and convenience were twice as likely to in-crease their walking. Women who reported positive changes in convenience were more than twice as likely to have increased their walking. There were contrasting findings for men and women who reported traffic as less of a problem: Men were 61% less likely to have increased walking; however. women were 76% more likely to have done so. Conclusions: Further studies are needed to determine the possibly causal nature of such environ-ment-behavior relations and to elucidate relevant gender differences. Such evidence will provide underpinnings for public health initiatives to increase participation in physical activity.