em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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A new method is proposed to quantify progress of dynamic recrystallization in polycrystalline metals during deformation. This approach utilises the stress–strain curve of the material to quantify the progress of dynamic softening. The outcome of this method showed a good agreement with experimental results for alloys of this study.


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The present work combines electron backscattering diffraction and Schmid analysis to investigate secondary twinning in the magnesium alloy Mg–3Al–1Zn. Inspection of the misorientations between the parent and {1011} - {1012} doubly twinned volumes reveals that there are four possible variants. One of these variants (the one that forms a misorientation with the matrix characterized by 38°⟨1210⟩ ) is favoured much more than the others. This variant involves the activation of secondary twinning systems quite inconsistent with Schmid-type behaviour. For the secondary twin to grow significantly it must take on a shape enforced by the primary twin. This is non-optimal for strain compatibility. It is argued that the 38°⟨1210⟩ variant occurs most because it provides the closest match between the primary and secondary twinning planes, thus minimizing the compatibility strain.


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A novel electrodeposition technique for preparing the catalyst layer in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells has been designed, which may enable an increase in the level of platinum utilisation currently achieved in these systems. This method consists of a two-step procedure involving the impregnation of platinum ions into a preformed catalyst layer (via an ion-exchange into the Nafion polymer electrolyte), followed by a potentiostatic reduction. The concentration of Nafion within the catalyst layer was found to have a significant bearing on the size of the platinum deposits. The preparation of catalyst layers containing a desired platinum loading should also be possible using this method. Surface areas of the platinum deposits were determined using cyclic voltammetry. The prepared catalyst was compared with a conventional electrode made from E-TEK Pt/C. Scanning electron microscopy was used to investigate the dispersion of the platinum particles. Platinum loadings were determined quantitatively by atomic absorption spectroscopy.


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The plausibility of the entropic repulsion of electrical double layers acting to stabilize an equilibrium thickness of intergranular glass films in polycrystalline ceramics is explored. Estimates of the screening length, surface potential, and surface charge required to provide a repulsive force sufficiently large to balance the attractive van der Waals and capillary forces for observable thicknesses of intergranular film are calculated and do not appear to be beyond possibility. However, it has yet to be established whether crystalline particles in a liquid-phase sintering medium possess an electrical double layer at high temperatures. If they do, such a surface charge layer may well have important consequences not only for liquid-phase sintering but also for high-frequency electrical properties and microwave sintering of ceramics containing a liquid phase.


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The alloy Ni-Mn-Ga aroused great interest for application as a magnetic shape memory (MSM) material. This effect is caused by reorientation of twin variants by an external magnetic field. So far, most of the experiments were concentrated on single crystals. But, the MSM effect can also be realised in polycrystals which can be prepared much more efficiently. Here, polycrystalline samples were prepared by directional solidification with a <100> fibre texture of the high temperature cubic austenitic phase parallel to the heat flow. Afterwards, a heat treatment was applied for chemical homogenisation and stress relaxation in the austenitic state. Then the samples were heated up to the austenitic state and cooled down under load. The microstructure was analysed by Electron Back Scatter Diffraction (EBSD) before and after that treatment. Mechanical training at room temperature and 40°C was tracked by recording stress-strain curves. By increasing the number of training cycles the strain also increases. The influence of different training temperatures was investigated on samples with different grain sizes.


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Scanning white beam X-ray microdiffraction has been used to study the heterogeneous grain deformation in a polycrystalline Mg alloy (MgAZ31). The high spatial resolution achieved on beamline 7.3.3 at the Advanced Light Source provides a unique method to measure the elastic strain and orientation of single grains as a function of applied load. To carry out in-situ measurements a light weight (~0.5kg) tensile stage, capable of providing uniaxial loads of up to 600kg, was designed to collect diffraction data on the loading and unloading cycle. In-situ observation of the deformation process provides insight about the crystallographic deformation mode via twinning and dislocation slip.


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X-ray diffraction line profile analysis has been used to study the microstructure of (Ill) oriented gold and platinum thin films deposited by thermal evaporation and DC magnetron sputtering. In addition to crystallite size broadening, the profiles from these films displayed broadening arising from dislocations. A parallel investigation, using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was undertaken to study the nature of dislocations formed, and to provide information on the dimensions of the crystallite columns in the films. X-ray data were collected at room temperature to determine the anisotropy of the broadening with (hkl), using a Siemens D5000 powder diffractometer (CuKa radiation) and two high-resolution synchrotron instruments (BM 16 at the ESRF [A=0.35A] and station 2.3 at the Daresbury laboratory. Two approaches to instrument deconvolution were investigated; Fourier deconvolution and fundamental parameters profile fitting, using Lab6 as a reference material to determine the instrument profile function. After removal of the crystallite size broadening contribution from the measured integral breadths, the residual microstrain broadening was modelled assuming dislocations based on a FCC a/2<110>{ Ill} slip system. The results of the X-ray analysis agreed with dark field TEM micrographs, which showed that many of the crystallites contained dislocations of mixed character (screw- edge).