41 resultados para Ornithologists

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Australian delegates at the Australasian Ornithological Conference (2007) were surveyed by questionnaire to determine their perceived research and conservation priorities for Australian birds (n = 134). Respondents were honours or postgraduate students (37.4%), academics (26.2%), wildlife managers (6.5%), land managers (6.5%), environmental consultants (5.6%), independent wildlife researchers (5.6%) or had ‘other’ occupations not relevant to birds or their management (12.1%). Respondents rated their priorities on a predetermined set of issues, and were invited to add additional priorities. ‘Conservation of threatened species’ was considered the highest priority, followed by ‘Conservation of birds and biodiversity in general’, ‘Monitoring’, ‘Management’ and ‘Working with communities’. ‘Animal welfare/rights’ was regarded as comparatively less important. Eight of 11 conservation strategies were regarded as of high importance, these included habitat protection and rehabilitation, threat abatement, research, advocacy and education. This study documents the view of the ornithological community with respect to priority issues facing birds and could potentially feed into government and other policies aimed at conserving and understanding Australia’s birds.


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A study to assess distribution, numbers and habitat of the Rufous Bristlebird was conducted during 1997 and 1998 along the coast at Aireys Inlet, Victoria. Monthly surveys were conducted along selected pathways for 1 h at sunrise, noon and late afternoon. Birds were recorded on the basis of sightings and calls; 75% of records were from calls. The number of records of birds for April–June was significantly lower than for January–March, July–September and October–December. There was no difference in frequency of records due to weather conditions (clear, overcast or rain), presence of wind or difference in temperature. The Rufous Bristlebird inhabited remnant coastal vegetation, but also utilised nearby house gardens and road verges. Birds appeared to occupy distinct territories, with each separate territory occuring along a narrow strip of land on the coastal cliffs. The number of territories identified ranged from 14 to 33. Territories were occupied predominantly by pairs of birds. The minimum number of birds present was estimated for each survey session and ranged from 2 to 34. A conservative estimate of the bristlebird population in the area, based on the assumption that a territory was occupied by a pair, was thus between 28 and 66. A number of threats to the Rufous Bristlebird were identified in the study area including loss and fragmentation of habitat from housing developments and walking tracks. Introduced predators including foxes, cats and rats have been recorded, but their impact is unknown. The effect of people walking along the tracks and the presence of dogs is unclear.


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The White-faced Storm Petrel (Pelagodroma marina) is restricted to three breeding colonies within Victoria: Mud Islands and South Channel Fort in Port Phillip Bay, and Tullaberga Island off Mallacoota. Numbers of these storm petrels breeding on Mud Islands have declined considerably since early last century. White-faced Storm Petrels were recorded on Mud Islands from early September 2002 until mid-March 2003 when the last chicks fledged. Eggs were laid from late October to early December, with chicks hatching in the later half of December. The mean incubation period was 51.7 days (± 3.2 days (s.d.), range = 38–53, n = 13), and may have been extended by periods of egg neglect. The mean nestling period was 54.8 days (± 4.4 days (s.d.), range 50–70, n = 21). Chick growth is described. Hatching success was 54% and fledging success was 77.8%, with overall breeding success being 42%. Burrow densities were found to be influenced by plant species, vegetation height and soil moisture. The position of the burrow within the colony was shown to influence breeding success, with those nearer the edge of the storm petrel colony, closer to the marsh, and further from a colony of Australian White (Threskiornis molucca) and Straw-necked (T. spinicollis) Ibis recording higher success.


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This is the first study to present empirical data describing the social organisation and breeding biology of the White-browed Treecreeper (Climacteris affinis). The species is typical of many small Australian passerines in that it has high annual survival (~80%), small clutches (mean = 1.95 ± 0.05), long breeding seasons (eggs laid August to November) and long incubation (17–18 days) and nestling periods (25–26 days), corrected for body weight. Reproductive effort is modified in response to variation in climatic conditions by adjusting the commencement of breeding and number of clutches laid per season, which is facilitated by an extended breeding season. White-browed Treecreepers occupied relatively large (mean = 8.4 ± 0.8 ha), all-purpose territories throughout the year. However, unlike many group territorial birds, territory size was not related to the number of occupants. The role of food limitation and climatic variability in relation to territory dispersion and life-history traits is explored. Facultative cooperative breeding was confirmed. Cooperative groups were formed through male philopatry, with usually only one, but up to three, male helpers present in a moderate fraction (35%) of breeding units. Thus, all species of Climacteris are now confirmed as facultative cooperatively breeding species, which provides further evidence for the aggregation of cooperative breeders at the generic level in mixed (i.e. cooperative and pair breeders) phylogenetic clades. In C. affinis, males may attain breeding positions through inheritance of their natal territory or by filling vacancies in nearby territories. Females obtained breeding positions by ‘floating’ as non-breeding residents in established territories, waiting for a vacancy to arise.


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In avian species with no obvious differences in plumage or body size between the sexes, such as penguins, discriminant function analysis (DFA) of morphometric measurements that display sexual dimorphism can provide a simple and rapid means of determining sex in the field. Like most other penguin species, the Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor) displays sexual dimorphism in bill shape and size. In the present study, discriminant functions (DFs) were developed for sexing adult Little Penguins at two colonies in northern Bass Strait, Victoria, Australia, and their accuracies were compared with those obtained previously in other parts of the species' range. Backwards stepwise DFA indicated that birds at Phillip Island can be sexed with an accuracy of 91% using a single measurement of bill depth (>13.33 mm classed as males). Similar analyses at Gibson Steps produced a DF incorporating bill length, bill depth and head length [although the model with the greatest accuracy when applied to birds from Phillip Island (91%) also contained only bill depth]. Published DFs derived in New Zealand had accuracies of 50–85% when applied to birds from Phillip Island and Gibson Steps, supporting earlier suggestions that DFs are not applicable across subspecies of the Little Penguin. In contrast, there was little difference between the accuracy of the DFs in the present study and that previously derived for the same subspecies in Tasmania when applied to birds from Phillip Island (89%) and Gibson Steps (92%). However, as the degree of variation in bill size within a subspecies is unknown it may still be prudent to derive colony-specific DFs.


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The Beautiful Firetail (Stagonopleura bella) is an uncommon, granivorous finch from coastal south-eastern Australia, with a distribution extending from mid-coastal New South Wales to south-eastern South Australia, including Tasmania. This paper presents a quantitative assessment of habitat use by the Beautiful Firetail based on data collected from 30 paired riparian and non-riparian sites in the foothill forests of the Victorian Highlands, Australia. The Beautiful Firetail occurred in two of the three forest blocks surveyed and was found almost exclusively at riparian sites. The Beautiful Firetail was most likely to occur at riparian sites on the coastal fall of the ranges at sites with high sedge cover and low cover of shrubs and bare ground. The species occurred at low densities (0.10–0.19 individuals ha–1) throughout the year. Records from the Atlas of Victorian Wildlife were used to describe the distribution of Beautiful Firetails in Victoria. Notable observations inland of the Great Dividing Range were recorded during the present study. Further study is required to understand the ecological requirements of the Beautiful Firetail throughout its range.


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Morphometric data on 99 adult and 13 juvenile Yellow-faced Honeyeaters Lichenostomus chrysops that were independently sexed using molecular techniques were analysed to investigate size dimorphism between the sexes. Our results support previous studies that have demonstrated Yellow-faced Honeyeaters are sexually dimorphic in size, with males being the larger sex. Discriminant analyses of morphometric data were used to develop a simple method for sexing adult Yellow-faced Honeyeaters in the hand. As five observers collected the measurements our sexing criteria are conservative and should have wide application for field ornithologists working on the species.


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Morphometric data on 92 Black-eared Miners and 47 Yellow-throated Miners that had been independently sexed using molecular techniques were analysed to investigate size dimorphism between the sexes. We found that both species are sexually dimorphic in size, with males being the larger sex. Discriminant analyses of morphometric data were used to develop a simple method for sexing both species in the hand. Additionally, alula shape was consistent with other methods that we applied for ageing individuals. Sex-specific size differences between Black-eared and Yellow-throated Miners detected here add further support to the contention that they represent different taxa. The application of these sexing and ageing techniques for both species of mallee miner will improve ongoing field management of the endangered Black-eared Miner.


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The Rufous Bristlebird (Dasyornis broadbenti) is a sedentary, ground-dwelling passerine of southern Australia, which is listed as nationally vulnerable, and as near-threatened (lower risk) in Victoria. The species inhabits a variety of vegetation, including shrub thickets in coastal gullies to heathlands on limestone cliffs. This study aimed to assess the size, distribution and habitat use of a population of the subspecies D. b.  broadbenti at Portland in south-western Victoria. Monthly surveys (2002–03) were conducted on foot for 1 h after official sunrise and 1 h before official sunset, and presence of Bristlebirds recorded using vocalisations and sightings. Observations outside of the survey times were also recorded to estimate the size of territories and core area of occupancy. To quantify habitat preferences, vegetation composition and structure were measured in areas where Bristlebirds were present, as well as surrounding areas where they were not detected. The population in the survey areas was estimated at between 70 and 86 individuals in the 170-ha survey area. The estimated size of territories of eight selected pairs of Bristlebirds ranged from 0.5 to 3 ha, with core areas of occupancy ranging from 0.2 to 0.6 ha. During the nesting season (August November) Bristlebirds were detected at greater frequencies in the core area of occupancy within each territory. Significant associations were found between the presence of Bristlebirds and floristic associations dominated by the native environmental weeds Acacia sophorae and Leptospermum laevigatum. Bristlebird presence was significantly positively correlated with increasing vegetation density in the mid-canopy level (80–120 cm) indicating that vegetation structure is a key factor in habitat use.


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To anticipate the effects of climate change on Australia’s avifauna, it is first necessary to understand the current effects of climate (including climate variability) on life histories, and to examine the scope and nature of existing data that may provide the necessary historical context to anticipate the effects of climate change. This study examines naturally occurring geographical gradients (altitude, latitude) and the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) as integrated measures of climate. These are then compared with the timing and ‘amount’ of breeding recorded for the Australian Magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen) using data from Birds Australia’s Nest Record Scheme and Atlas of Australian Birds, the NSW Bird Atlassers Inc.’s NSW Bird Atlas, and the Canberra Ornitholgists Group’s Garden Bird Survey. For this common, easily identified species, these data suggest links between Australian Magpie breeding and all three environmental variables. Breeding became later as altitude increased, the proportion of breeding records increased from north to south, and years of high SOI corresponded to more (and earlier) breeding in this species. That annual climatic fluctuations have a direct, immediate and substantial effect on breeding in the Australian Magpie, particularly on the amount of breeding that occurs, implies that longer term changes in climate will have substantial impacts on populations. Results were not solely temperature-driven, which makes predicting climate change impacts difficult. For rainfall, predictions are far less precise and regional variation is higher. The results also highlight the potential and limitations of current survey techniques for documenting the impacts of climate change on birds; in particular, the Nest Record Scheme does not measure the amount of breeding that occurs, but a useful index of this can be derived from bird atlassing data


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To optimise lifetime reproductive success, individuals must balance current reproductive effort against future reproductive prospects. In birds, incubation and chick-rearing must involve costs, and manipulation of the length of incubation offers an insight into some costs affecting adults. An experiment was conducted at a colony of Australasian Gannets in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, in which length of incubation was manipulated so that some adults experienced short (10–20 days duration), long (70–80 days) or normal (~45 days) incubation periods. Adults with a manipulated incubation period did not show significant differences in weight change (taken here to reflect cost) during incubation or chick-rearing compared with controls. Manipulation of length of incubation did not significantly affect the hatching success or the growth rate of chicks involved and is not, therefore considered to impose an increased reproductive cost. This suggests that the Australasian Gannet has the capacity to maintain body condition and successfully rear young despite modified duration of incubation.


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The distribution, abundance and biomass of seabirds in Western Port, Victoria, were surveyed between April 1991 and August 1994. Individuals were counted along an 81-km series of transects from a boat at approximately monthly intervals. A total of 25 seabird taxa were recorded, of which 18 and 15 were common to those recorded by an earlier study in Port Phillip Bay and waters south of Phillip Island, respectively. The most numerous species by far was the Short-tailed Shearwater (Puffinus tenuirostris) followed by the Silver Gull (Larus novaehollandiae), Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor) and Crested Tern (Sterna bergii). Distribution within Western Port was not uniform, with pursuit divers such as cormorant and grebe species being recorded mostly in the shallow Eastern Arm. In contrast, surface-seizing (e.g. albatrosses), surface-plunging (e.g. Crested Terns), shallow-plunging (Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator) and pursuit-plunging (e.g. shearwaters) species predominated in the deeper Western Arm of Western Port. These species were also seasonally abundant, with peak numbers for most occurring in late summer–early autumn, which coincides with the reported influx of juvenile clupeoid fish into Western Port. Average biomass (686 ± 395 kg) comprised mostly Short-tailed Shearwaters, Little Penguins and Pied Cormorants (Phalacrocorax varius). Biomass density (8.5 kg km–2) was similar to that reported for Port Phillip Bay (8.1 kg km–2) but lower than off the southern coast of Phillip Island (9.9 kg km–2).