em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Microbial infections of the cornea frequently cause painful, blinding and debilitating disease that is often difficult to treat and may require corneal transplantation. In addition, sterile corneal infiltrates that are associated with contact lens wear cause pain, visual impairment and photophobia. In this article, we review the role of Toll-Like Receptors (TLR) in bacterial keratitis and sterile corneal infiltrates, and describe the role of MD-2 regulation in LPS responsiveness by corneal epithelial cells. We conclude that both live bacteria and bacterial products activate Toll-Like Receptors in the cornea, which leads to chemokine production and neutrophil recruitment to the corneal stroma. While neutrophils are essential for bacterial killing, they also cause tissue damage that results in loss of corneal clarity. These disparate outcomes, therefore, represent a spectrum of disease severity based on this pathway, and further indicate that targeting the TLR pathway is a feasible approach to treating inflammation caused by live bacteria and microbial products. Further, as the P. aeruginosa type III secretion system (T3SS) also plays a critical role in disease pathogenesis by inducing neutrophil apoptosis and facilitating bacterial growth in the cornea, T3SS exotoxins are additional targets for therapy for P. aeruginosa keratitis.


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Purpose. This non-dispensing cross-over study was conducted to determine if lenses presoaked in Opti-Free RepleniSH (OFR) or ReNu MultiPlus (RMP) cause solution-induced corneal staining (SICS) and subsequent cell sloughing before the typical 2 h in vivo examination point.

Methods. Study lenses (PureVision) were worn bilaterally by 13 participants for periods of 15, 30, 60, and 120 min using two different contralateral care regimen pairings. The lens worn on the test eye was soaked overnight in either OFR or RMP and the control eye in Clear Care (CC). After lens removal, corneal staining was rated on a scale of 0 (negligible) to 100 (severe) for four peripheral quadrants and the central region, and the differential global staining score was calculated by subtracting baseline staining scores. Following the staining assessment, corneal cells were collected from the ocular surface using a non-contact irrigation system to determine ocular cell shedding rates.

Results. Differential global staining score with OFR was greater than CC with the differences being statistically significant at 30 and 60 min (p < 0.01). Maximum staining with RMP was significantly greater than OFR and peaked after 60 and 120 min of lens wear (p < 0.01). On average, 710 ± 470 ocular cells were collected after lens wear, with similar shedding seen independent of solution or lens wear duration (p > 0.05).

Conclusions. SICS occurred earlier but to a significantly lower degree when PureVision lenses were presoaked in OFR compared with RMP, while lenses presoaked in CC did not cause SICS. Ocular surface cell shedding after lens removal was not impacted by lens wear durations of <=2 h.


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Purpose. To report the development of a new apparatus for non-invasive collection of human corneal epithelial cells.

Methods. Previous methods of non-invasive, irrigative corneal cell collection resulted in low cell yields limiting potential analysis. A new ocular surface cell collection apparatus (OSCCA) was designed to collect more epithelial cells from direct irrigation of the corneal surface to allow for clinical comparisons. Forty-five samples were obtained (unilateral or bilateral over seven visits) from five human participants. Cell yield, size, phenotype, and corneal staining (prior and post eye wash) were examined.

Results. On average 364 ± 230 epithelial cells were collected from the cornea per eye. Epithelial cell sizes ranged from 8.21 to 51.69 μm in diameter, and 67.30 to 2098.85 μm2 area. The proportion of corneal specific cells collected per sample was 75 ± 14% as determined by positive K3 expression with AE5. On average, 77 ± 0.2% of epithelial cells harvested were nucleated, the remainder were non-nucleated ghost cells. Corneal staining was reduced in the OSCCA-washed vs. contralateral non-washed eyes (p = 0.02).

Conclusions. The OSCCA allows collection of human corneal epithelial cells with significantly higher yields, and greater specificity than previously reported. Reduced corneal staining observed post eye-wash demonstrated the safety of the technique, and its ability to remove cells directly from the corneal surface. The OSCCA could provide an objective non-invasive method of investigating pathological changes, effects of topical therapeutics, and impact of contact lenses and care-solutions of the cells of the ocular surface.


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A pilot study was conducted to evaluate human corneal epithelial cell shedding in response to wearing a silicone hydrogel contact lens/solution combination inducing corneal staining. The nature of ex vivo collected cells staining with fluorescein was also examined. A contralateral eye study was conducted in which up to eight participants were unilaterally exposed to a multipurpose contact lens solution/silicone hydrogel lens combination previously shown to induce corneal staining (renu® fresh™ and balafilcon A; test eye), with the other eye using a combination of balafilcon A soaked in a hydrogen peroxide care system (Clear Care®; control eye). Lenses were worn for 2, 4 or 6 hours. Corneal staining was graded after lens removal. The Ocular Surface Cell Collection Apparatus was used to collect cells from the cornea and the contact lens. In the test eye, maximum solution-induced corneal staining (SICS) was observed after 2 hours of lens wear (reducing significantly by 4 hours; p < 0.001). There were significantly more cells collected from the test eye after 4 hours of lens wear when compared to the control eye and the collection from the test eye after 2 hours (for both; n = 5; p < 0.001). The total cell yield at 4 hours was 813 ± 333 and 455 ± 218 for the test and control eyes, respectively (N = 5, triplicate, p = 0.003). A number of cells were observed to have taken up the fluorescein dye from the initial fluorescein instillation. Confocal microscopy of fluorescein-stained cells revealed that fluorescein was present throughout the cell cytoplasm and was retained in the cells for many hours after recovery from the corneal surface. This pilot study indicates that increased epithelial cell shedding was associated with a lens-solution combination which induces SICS. Our data provides insight into the transient nature of the SICS reaction and the nature of fluorescein staining observed in SICS.


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PURPOSE: Little is known about the prevalence of refractive error, binocular vision, and other visual conditions in Australian Indigenous children. This is important given the association of these visual conditions with reduced reading performance in the wider population, which may also contribute to the suboptimal reading performance reported in this population. The aim of this study was to develop a visual profile of Queensland Indigenous children. METHODS: Vision testing was performed on 595 primary schoolchildren in Queensland, Australia. Vision parameters measured included visual acuity, refractive error, color vision, nearpoint of convergence, horizontal heterophoria, fusional vergence range, accommodative facility, AC/A ratio, visual motor integration, and rapid automatized naming. Near heterophoria, nearpoint of convergence, and near fusional vergence range were used to classify convergence insufficiency (CI). RESULTS: Although refractive error (Indigenous, 10%; non-Indigenous, 16%; p = 0.04) and strabismus (Indigenous, 0%; non-Indigenous, 3%; p = 0.03) were significantly less common in Indigenous children, CI was twice as prevalent (Indigenous, 10%; non-Indigenous, 5%; p = 0.04). Reduced visual information processing skills were more common in Indigenous children (reduced visual motor integration [Indigenous, 28%; non-Indigenous, 16%; p < 0.01] and slower rapid automatized naming [Indigenous, 67%; non-Indigenous, 59%; p = 0.04]). The prevalence of visual impairment (reduced visual acuity) and color vision deficiency was similar between groups. CONCLUSIONS: Indigenous children have less refractive error and strabismus than their non-Indigenous peers. However, CI and reduced visual information processing skills were more common in this group. Given that vision screenings primarily target visual acuity assessment and strabismus detection, this is an important finding as many Indigenous children with CI and reduced visual information processing may be missed. Emphasis should be placed on identifying children with CI and reduced visual information processing given the potential effect of these conditions on school performance.


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Purpose: This prospective study was designed to subjectively and objectively evaluate the performance of an aspheric multifocal back surface rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact lens. The multifocal element of this lens design consisted of an aspheric optical zone that varied according to the patient's ametropia, corneal topography, and required reading addition.

Methods: We fit 28 presbyopic subjects with an aspheric multifocal back surface RGP contact lens (age range: 45 to 68 years). Reading additions ranged from +0.75 D to +2.50 D. Subjects were assessed initially and at 2, 6, and 12 weeks for ocular changes, visual performance, and subjective responses.

Results: We required 116 RGP lenses to achieve an acceptable fit and visual acuity in 28 subjects (55 eyes). At the final visit, the distance logMAR acuity with the multifocal contact lens (+0.12 +/-0.10) was not statistically different (t=-0.623, P= 0.5388) from spectacle acuity at the initial visit (+0.10 +/-0.12). The near logMAR acuity with the multifocal contact lens at the final visit (0.36 +/- 0.12) was not statistically different from that for near acuity with spectacles at the initial visit (0.33 +/- 0.13). No slit lamp signs worsened during the study. A reduction in myopia of 0.67 D was noted by the final visit. Spectacle blur was noted if the acuity at the initial refraction was compared to the acuity with the same refraction at the final visit (t= -3.287, P= 0.0028) but not when the refractive changes were incorporated (t= 1.058, P= 0.3127). All subjects rated the performance of the lenses very highly: comfort, 86%; distance acuity, 83%; near acuity, 73%; and stability of vision, 74%. Twenty-four subjects (86%) chose the multifocal contact lens as their preference.

Conclusion: We demonstrated that a multifocal design is able to provide acceptable distance and near correction for presbyopic patients. The aspheric geometry required can be optimized for a given patient by considering his/her degree of ametropia, as well as the corneal topography.


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Human health is severely hampered by a majority of the neurological disorders such as the brain tumors, degenerative Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and those involving inflammatory component. Owing to the stringent protection offered by the blood brain barrier, conventional therapeutics gain limited access and therefore, are therapeutically suboptimal. Hence, research has now focused to develop the novel drug delivery systems with a prime motto of maintaining therapeutic drug levels inside the brain, avoiding non-specific tissue distribution. The introduction of nanotechnology has addressed few of these objectives and opened up new avenues for even more improvization. To some extent, nanodelivery systems were successful in crossing the blood brain barrier and accessing the remote areas of the brain. They also have shown tremendous potential in delivering the therapeutic and diagnostic aids following systemic administration. What revolutionised the nano applications is the development of "smart" nanosystems, whose surface is tailor made for the effective theranostic delivery. However, a detailed understanding of the long term nanoformulation toxicities, along with the neuropathology, is the critical future question to be addressed. In this review, a brief introduction of the prominent neurological disorders and detailed applications of nanotechnology are discussed.