25 resultados para Nicotiana plumbaginifolia mutant

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD1 and human XPF genes encode a subunit of a nucleotide excision repair endonuclease that also is implicated in some forms of homologous recombination. An Arabidopsis thaliana gene (AtRAD1) encoding the orthologous plant protein has been identified recently. Here we report the isolation of three structurally distinct AtRAD1 cDNAs from A. thaliana leaf tissue RNA. One of the isolates (AtRAD1-1) corresponds to the cDNA previously shown to encode the full-length AtRad1 protein, whereas the other two (AtRAD1-2, AtRAD1-3) differ slightly in size due to variations at the 5′ end of exon 6 or the 3′ end of exon 7, respectively. The sequence differences argue that these cDNAs were probably templated by mRNAs generated via alternative splicing. Diagnostic polymerase chain reaction pointed to the presence of the AtRAD1-1 and AtRAD1-2 but not AtRAD1-3 transcripts in bud and root tissue, and to a fourth transcript (AtRAD1-4), having both alterations identified in AtRAD1-2 and AtRAD1-3, in root tissue. However, the low frequency of detection of AtRAD1-3 and AtRAD1-4 makes the significance of these tissue-specific patterns unclear. The predicted AtRad1-2, AtRad1-3 and AtRad1-4 proteins lack part of the region likely required for endonuclease complex formation. Expression of AtRAD1-2 and AtRAD1-3 in a yeast rad1 mutant did not complement the sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation or the recombination defect associated with the rad1 mutation. These results suggest that alternative splicing may modulate the levels of functional AtRad1 protein.


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Protein kinase C (PKC) is a key regulator of cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis and is one of the drug targets of anticancer therapy. Recently, a single point mutation (D294G) in PKCα has been found in pituitary and thyroid tumors with more invasive phenotype. Although the PKCα-D294G mutant is implicated in the progression of endocrine tumors, no apparent biochemical/cell biological abnormalities underlying tumorigenesis with this mutant have been found. We report here that the PKCα-D294G mutant is unable to bind to cellular membranes tightly despite the fact that it translocates to the membrane as efficiently as the wild-type PKCα upon treatment of phorbol ester. The impaired membrane binding is associated with this mutant's inability to transduce several antitumorigenic signals as it fails to mediate phorbol ester–stimulated translocation of myristoylated alanine–rich protein kinase C substrate (MARCKS), to activate mitogen-activated protein kinase and to augment melatonin-stimulated neurite outgrowth. Thus, the PKCα-D294G is a loss-of-function mutation. We propose that the wild-type PKCα may play important antitumorigenic roles in the progression of endocrine tumors. Therefore, developing selective activators instead of inhibitors of PKCα might provide effective pharmacological interventions for the treatment of certain endocrine tumors.


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The somatic JAK2 valine-to-phenylalanine (V617F) mutation has been detected in up to 90% of patients with polycythemia and in a sizeable proportion of patients with other myeloproliferative disorders such as essential thrombocythemia and idiopathic myelofibrosis. Suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) is known to be a strong negative regulator of erythropoietin (EPO) signaling through interaction with both the EPO receptor (EPOR) and JAK2. We report here that JAK2 V617F cannot be regulated and that its activation is actually potentiated in the presence of SOCS3. Instead of acting as a suppressor, SOCS3 enhanced the proliferation of cells expressing both JAK2 V617F and EPOR. Additionally, although SOCS1 and SOCS2 are degraded in the presence of JAK2 V617F, turnover of SOCS3 is inhibited by the JAK2 mutant kinase and this correlated with marked tyrosine phosphorylation of SOCS3 protein. We also observed constitutive tyrosine phosphorylation of SOCS3 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) derived from patients homozygous for the JAK2 V617F mutant. These findings suggest that the JAK2 V617F has overcome normal SOCS regulation by hyperphosphorylating SOCS3, rendering it unable to inhibit the mutant kinase. Thus, JAK2 V617F may even exploit SOCS3 to potentiate its myeloproliferative capacity.


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The Wilson protein (WND; ATP7B) is an essential component of copper homeostasis. Mutations in the ATP7B gene result in Wilson disease, which is characterised by hepatotoxicity and neurological disturbances. In this paper, we provide the first direct biochemical evidence that the WND protein functions as a copper-translocating P-type ATPase in mammalian cells. Importantly, we have shown that the mutation of the conserved Met1386 to Val, in the Atp7B for the mouse model of Wilson disease, toxic milk (tx), caused a loss of Cu-translocating activity. These investigations provide strong evidence that the toxic milk mouse is a valid model for Wilson disease and demonstrate a link between the loss of catalytic function of WND and the Wilson disease phenotype.


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Two leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) mutants, designated MH35-BD and LIF05, have been shown to have a capacity to inhibit the biological activities of not only human LIF (hLIF) but also other interleukin-6 (IL-6) subfamily cytokines such as human oncostatin M (hOSM). These cytokines share the same receptor complex in which the glycoprotein 130 (gp130) subunit is a common constituent. However, at low concentrations and in their monomeric forms, such molecules have a relatively short plasma half-life due to rapid clearance from the kidneys. Here, to prolong their serum half-lives, we have used a multi-step polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to fuse each of the LIF05 and MH35-BD cDNA fragments to a sequence encoding the Fc portion, and the hinge region, of the human immunoglobulin G (hIgG) heavy chain. The linking was achieved through an oligomer encoding a thrombin-sensitive peptide linker thus generating MH35-BD:Fc and LIF05:Fc, respectively. Both Fc fusion constructs were expressed in insect cell Sf21 and the proteins were purified by two successive affinity chromatography steps using nickel–nitrilotriacetic acid (Ni–NTA) agarose and protein A beads. The Ba/F3 cell-based proliferation assay was used to confirm that the proteins were biologically active. In addition, preliminary pharmacokinetics indicates that the Fc fusion constructs have a longer serum half-life compared to their non-fusion counterparts.


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This research focused on the neuro-proliferation and protective effects of a survivin mutant. The results showed that this protein binds to microtubules and induces the division and proliferation of neural cells. Furthermore, it protects the neural cells against retinoic acid induced neurotoxicity, activated T-cell apoptosis and oxidative stress.


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Oxidative stress is due to an imbalance of antioxidant/pro-oxidant homeostasis and is associated with the progression of several neurological diseases, including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Furthermore, oxidative stress is responsible for the neuronal loss and dysfunction associated with disease pathogenesis. Survivin is a member of the inhibitors of the apoptosis (IAP) family of proteins, but its neuroprotective effects have not been studied. Here, we demonstrate that SurR9-C84A, a survivin mutant, has neuroprotective effects against H2O2-induced neurotoxicity. Our results show that H2O2 toxicity is associated with an increase in cell death, mitochondrial membrane depolarisation, and the expression of cyclin D1 and caspases 9 and 3. In addition, pre-treatment with SurR9-C84A reduces cell death by decreasing both the level of mitochondrial depolarisation and the expression of cyclin D1 and caspases 9 and 3. We further show that SurR9-C84A increases the antioxidant activity of GSH-peroxidase and catalase, and effectively counteracts oxidant activity following exposure to H2O2. These results suggest for the first time that SurR9-C84A is a promising treatment to protect neuronal cells against H2O2-induced neurotoxicity.


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We have identified the tRNAs which are incorporated into both wild-type human immunodeficiency virus type 1 strain IIIB (HIV-1IIIB) produced in COS-7 cells transfected with HIV-1 proviral DNA and mutant, noninfectious HIV-1Lai particles produced in a genetically engineered Vero cell line. The mutant proviral DNA contains nucleotides 678 to 8944; i.e., both long terminal repeats and the primer binding site are absent. As analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, both mutant and wild-type HIV-1 contain four major-abundance tRNA species, which include tRNA(1,2Lys), tRNA(3Lys) (the putative primer for HIV-1 reverse transcriptase) and tRNA(Ile). Identification was accomplished by comparing the electrophoretic mobilities and RNase T1 digests with those of tRNA(3Lys) and tRNA(1,2Lys) purified from human placenta and comparing the partial nucleotide sequence at the 3' end of each viral tRNA species with published tRNA sequences. Thus, the absence of the primer binding site in the mutant virus does not affect tRNA(Lys) incorporation into HIV-1. However, only the wild-type virus contains tRNA(3Lys) tightly associated with the viral RNA genome. The identification of the tightly associated tRNA as tRNA(3Lys) is based upon an electrophoretic mobility identical to that of tRNA(3Lys) and the ability of this RNA to hybridize with a tRNA(3Lys)-specific DNA probe. In addition to the four wild-type tRNA species, the mutant HIV-1-like particle contains two tRNA(His) species and three tRNA-sized species that we have been unable to identify. Their absence in wild-type virus makes it unlikely that they are required for viral infectivity.


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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) particles produced in COS-7 cells transfected with HIV type 1 (HIV-1) proviral DNA contain 8 molecules of tRNA(3Lys) per 2 molecules of genomic RNA and 12 molecules of tRNA1,2Lys per 2 molecules of genomic RNA. When COS-7 cells are transfected with a plasmid containing both HIV-1 proviral DNA and a human tRNA3Lys gene, there is a large increase in the amount of cytoplasmic tRNA3Lys per microgram of total cellular RNA, and the tRNA3Lys content in the virus increases from 8 to 17 molecules per 2 molecules of genomic RNA. However, the total number of tRNALys molecules per 2 molecules of genomic RNA remains constant at 20; i.e., the viral tRNA1,2Lys content decreases from 12 to 3 molecules per 2 molecules of genomic RNA. All detectable tRNA3Lys is aminoacylated in the cytoplasm of infected cells and deacylated in the virus. When COS-7 cells are transfected with a plasmid containing both HIV-1 proviral DNA and a mutant amber suppressor tRNA3Lys gene (in which the anticodon is changed from TTT to CTA), there is also a large increase in the relative concentration of cytoplasmic tRNA3Lys, and the tRNA3Lys content in the virus increases from 8 to 15 molecules per 2 molecules of genomic RNA, with a decrease in viral tRNA1,2Lys from 12 to 5 molecules per 2 molecules of genomic RNA. Thus, the total number of molecules of tRNALys in the virion remains at 20. The alteration of the anticodon has little effect on the viral packaging of this mutant tRNA in spite of the fact that it no longer contains the modified base mcm 5s2U at position 34, and its ability to be aminoacylated is significantly impaired compared with that of wild-type tRNA3Lys. Viral particles which have incorporated either excess wild-type tRNA3Lys or mutant suppressor tRNA3Lys show no differences in viral infectivity compared with wild-type HIV-1.


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Nicotiana glauca (Argentinean tree tobacco) is atypical within the genus Nicotiana, accumulating predominantly anabasine rather than nicotine and/or nornicotine as the main component of its leaf pyridine alkaloid fraction. The current study examines the role of the A622 gene from N. glauca (NgA622) in alkaloid production and utilises an RNAi approach to down-regulate gene expression and diminish levels of A622 protein in transgenic tissues. Results indicate that RNAi-mediated reduction in A622 transcript levels markedly reduces the capacity of N. glauca to produce anabasine resulting in plants with scarcely any pyridine alkaloids in leaf tissues, even after damage to apical tissues. In addition, analysis of hairy roots containing the NgA622-RNAi construct shows a substantial reduction in both anabasine and nicotine levels within these tissues, even if stimulated with methyl jasmonate, indicating a role for the A622 enzyme in the synthesis of both alkaloids in roots of N. glauca. Feeding of Nicotinic Acid (NA) to hairy roots of N. glauca containing the NgA622-RNAi construct did not restore capacity for synthesis of anabasine or nicotine. Moreover, treatment of these hairy root lines with NA did not lead to an increase in anatabine levels, unlike controls. Together, these results strongly suggest that A622 is an integral component of the final enzyme complex responsible for biosynthesis of all three pyridine alkaloids in Nicotiana.