31 resultados para Morphine

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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LabVIEW®-based software for the automation of a sequential injection analysis instrument for the determination of morphine is presented. Detection was based on its chemiluminescence reaction with acidic potassium permanganate in the presence of sodium polyphosphate. The calibration function approximated linearity (range 5 × 10 -10 to 5 × 10 -6M) with a line of best fit of y = 1.05 x + 8.9164 (R2 = 0.9959), where y is the log10 signal (mV) and x is the log10 morphine concentration (M). Precision, as measured by relative standard deviation, was 0.7% for five replicate analyses of morphine standard (5 × 10-8M). The limit of detection (3 σ) was determined as 5 × 10-11 M morphine.


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Selective determination of morphine in the larvae of Calliphora stygia (Fabricius) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) using acidic potassium permanganate chemiluminescence detection coupled with flow injection analysis and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is described. Larvae of C. stygia were reared on minced meat substrates that had been spiked with varying concentrations of morphine. Morphine concentrations were chosen to reflect typical levels in human tissues from opiate overdose victims. After maturing on substrates, larvae were analyzed for the presence of morphine using chemiluminescence detection coupled to flow injection analysis and a rapid HPLC method. Analysis of the larval matrix by flow injection analysis with chemiluminescence detection indicated the presence of interferants capable of generating chemiluminescence. A rapid chromatographic separation with a monolithic column allowed selective determination of morphine in larvae using postcolumn chemiluminescence detection. Larvae of C. stygia reared on substrates containing morphine at concentrations of 500 and 1000 ng/g did not sequester morphine at detectable concentrations. Larvae reared on substrates containing morphine concentrations of 2500, 5000, and 10,000 ng/g tested positive for the drug at concentrations of 765, 2720, and 3010 ng/g, respectively.


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Insect specimens collected from decomposing bodies enable forensic entomologists to estimate the minimum post-morten interval (PMI). Drugs and toxins within a corpose may affect the development rate of insects that feed on them and it is vital to quantify these effects to accurately calculate minimum PMI.... This suggests that C. sygia is a reliable model to use to accurately age a corpse containing morphine at any of the concentrations investigated.


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Morphine withdrawal is characterized by physical symptoms and a negative affective state. The 41 amino acid polypeptide corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) is hypothesized to mediate, in part, both the negative affective state and the physical withdrawal syndrome. Here, by means of dual-immunohistochemical methodology, we examined the co-expression of the c-Fos protein and CRH following naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal. Rats were treated with slow-release morphine 50 mg/kg (subcutaneous, s.c.) or vehicle every 48 h for 5 days, then withdrawn with naloxone 5 mg/kg (s.c.) or saline 48 h after the final morphine injection. Two hours after withdrawal rats were perfused transcardially and their brains were removed and processed for immunohistochemistry. We found that naloxone-precipitated withdrawal of morphine-dependent rats increased c-Fos immunoreactivity (IR) in CRH positive neurons in the paraventricular hypothalamus. Withdrawal of morphine-dependent rats also increased c-Fos-IR in the central amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, however these were in CRH negative neurons.


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This study examined if brain pathways in morphine-dependent rats are activated by opioid withdrawal precipitated outside the central nervous system. Withdrawal precipitated with a peripherally acting quaternary opioid antagonist (naloxone methiodide) increased Fos expression but caused a more restricted pattern of neuronal activation than systemic withdrawal (precipitated with naloxone which enters the brain). There was no effect on locus coeruleus and significantly smaller increases in Fos neurons were produced in most other areas. However in the ventrolateral medulla (A1/C1 catecholamine neurons), nucleus of the solitary tract (A2/C2 catecholamine neurons), lateral parabrachial nucleus, supramamillary nucleus, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, accumbens core and medial prefrontal cortex no differences in the withdrawal treatments were detected. We have shown that peripheral opioid withdrawal can affect central nervous system pathways.


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Background: Morphine is widely used in cancer care, and understanding the concerns and perceptions of patients, family and friends is vital to managing pain and distress effectively. The ‘myths of morphine’ have frequently been discussed in medical literature, yet the extent to which such views are held is not clear. This qualitative project explores the perceptions and attitudes of the wider community towards morphine use in cancer care, to understand this ‘mythology’ according to those who in the future may themselves require its use.
Methods: Semi-structured interviews were held with patients presenting to a metropolitan general practice clinic in Melbourne, Australia. A grounded theory framework underpinned the data collection and thematic analysis undertaken.
Results: Interviewees (15) were aged 24 – 81, with a variety of experiences with cancer care and previous morphine use. Interviewees were highly supportive of morphine use in cancer care, with this attitude founded on the perceived severity of cancer pain and the powerful nature of morphine. They described a number of reasons morphine may be used in cancer care: to treat pain, to enable peace and also as a treatment for cancer.
Conclusion: The public view of morphine to emerge from this study is markedly different from that discussed in the myths of morphine. It is viewed as a medication that has the ability to provide peace and control both pain and the course of cancer. The participants in this study described a wish for greater involvement in pain control decisions, perceiving morphine as a facilitator rather than a barrier to good cancer care.


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The oxidations of twenty five organic and inorganic species, with solublised manganese(IV), were found to elicit analytically useful chemiluminescence with detection limits (3 × S/N) for Mn(II), Fe(II), morphine and codeine of 5 × 10–8 M, 2.5 × 10–7 M, 7.5 × 10–8 M and 5 × 10–8 M, respectively. Additionally, the corrected spectra from four different analytes gave wavelengths of maximum emission in the range from 733 nm up to 740 nm suggesting that all these chemiluminescence reactions shared a common emitting species.


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This paper describes a dual chemiluminescence reagent for the determination of the opiate alkaloids morphine, codeine, oripavine, and thebaine in Papaver somniferum extracts. Detection was achieved using a mixture of acidic potassium permanganate and tris(2,2′-bipyridyl)ruthenium(ii), where the former acted as both the oxidant for the latter and as a chemiluminescence reagent in its own right. The analytes were separated on a C8 column using ion-pairing HPLC. The application of the mixed reagent detection compared favourably with results obtained using standard HPLC methodology. Detection limits for the alkaloids were 10-6, 5 × 10-7, 3 × 10-6, and 2 × 10-6 mol L-1 for morphine, codeine, oripavine, and thebaine, respectively.


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A simple and rapid method for the analysis of heroin seizures by micellar electrokinetic chromatography with short-end injection is described. Separations were performed using an uncoated fused silica capillary, 50 cm×50 mm I.D.×360 mm O.D. with an effective separation length of 8 cm. The system was run at 25°C with an applied negative voltage of –25 kilovolts. Injection of each sample was for 2 s at –50 mbar. UV detection was employed with the wavelength set at 210 nm. The background electrolyte consisted of 85:15 (water:acetonitrile, v/v) containing final concentrations of 25 mM SDS and 15 mM sodium borate, pH 9.5. Samples and standards were prepared in 0.1% v/v acetic acid and diluted in the run buffer containing 1 mg/ml of N,N-dimethyl-5-methoxytryptamine as an internal standard. Under these conditions a text mixture containing caffeine, paracetamol, morphine, codeine, heroin, and acetylcodeine was resolved within 1.5 min. The method was used to determine the concentration of heroin in heroin seizure samples, and the results were in good agreement with those obtained by a validated gas chromatographic method.


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A rapid method for screening drug seizure samples for 3,6-diacetylmorphine (heroin), which consists of a simple hydrolysis procedure and flow-injection analysis with two chemiluminescence reagents, is described. Before hydrolysis, 3,6-diacetylmorphine evokes an intense response with a tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(III) reagent (prepared by dissolving the perchlorate salt in acetonitrile), and a relatively weak chemiluminescence response with a second reagent: potassium permanganate in an aqueous acidic polyphosphate solution. However, the permanganate reagent is extremely sensitive toward the hydrolysis products of 3,6-diacetylmorphine (i.e., 6-monoacetylmorphine and morphine). Some compounds commonly found in drug laboratories may cause false positives with tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(III), but do not produce the markedly increased response with the permanganate reagent after the hydrolysis procedure. The combination of these two tests therefore provides an effective presumptive test for the presence of 3,6-diacetylmorphine, which we have verified with 14 samples obtained from a forensic science laboratory.