14 resultados para Magnetism in materials

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Ab initio calculations were conducted to investigate the electronic structures and magnetic properties of fluorinated boron nitride nanotube (F-BNNT). It was found that the chemisorption of F atoms on the B atoms of BNNT can induce spontaneous magnetization, whereas no magnetism can be produced when the B and N atoms are equally fluorinated. This provides a different approach to tune the magnetic properties of BNNTs as well as a synthetic route toward metal-free magnetic materials.


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A study of possibilities given by the developed Cellular Automata–Finite Element (CAFE) multi-scale model for prediction of the initiation and propagation of micro-shear bands and shear bands in metallic materials subjected to plastic deformation is described in the paper. Particular emphasis in defining the criterion for initiation of micro-shear and shear bands, as well as in defining the transition rules for the cellular automata, is put on accounting for the physical aspects of those phenomena occurring in two different scales in the material. The proposed approach led to the creation of the real multi-scale model of strain localization. This model predicts material behavior in various thermo-mechanical processes. Selected examples of applications of the developed model to simulations of metal forming processes, which involve strain localization, are presented in the paper. An approach based on the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic, which allows to overcome difficulties with remeshing in the traditional CAFE method, is presented in the paper as well. In this approach remeshing becomes possible and mesh distortion, which limits application of the CAFE method to simple deformation processes, is eliminated.


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The shift towards strong and lightweight fibre reinforced polymer-matrix composites for many high performance applications has resulted in an increasing need to expose students to composite design and manufacture courses in the undergraduate curriculum. In contrast, student exposure to composite materials is often still limited to a topic within a materials or manufacturing related course (unit). This paper presents the initial offering of a composite materials elective at Griffith University in Australia. The course also addresses environmental concerns through the inclusion of natural fibre composites. An evaluation of student perceptions is considered from Griffith’s Student Experience of Course (SEC) and separate Student Experience of Teaching (SET) surveys. These evaluations demonstrate the high level of student engagement with the course, but also highlighted areas for improvement, including the need to incorporate even more hands-on practical work. Interestingly, the inclusion of natural fibre composites and the related discussion surrounding environmental and societal issues are not focused on in student feedback.


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A key criterion by which any building will be judged when its environmental impact is assessed is its thermal performance. This paper describes the simulation of an office module in a three-storey university building in south eastern Australia. The module, located at the north-west corner of the top floor of the building, was chosen because it is likely to have the highest cooling load - a primary concern of energy conscious designers of commercial buildings for most parts of Australia.

In the paper, the initial key assumptions are stated, together with a description of a "reference" or base case, against which improvements in thermal performance were measured. The simulation process identified the major influences on thermal performance. This enabled changes in materials and construction, as well as basic design concepts to be evaluated. Features incorporated into the base case such as a metal roof and glazed walkway were found to have adverse influence on energy consumption, and were consequently rejected in preference for an improved design which included a hypocaust slab system on the roof of the office module. The final design was predicted to reduce the annual energy consumption for heating and cooling by 72% and 76% respectively.

La performance thermique est l'un des critegraveres cleacutes de l'eacutevaluation environnementale de tout bacirctiment. Cet article deacutecrit la simulation d'un module de bureau appartenant agrave un immeuble de trois eacutetages d'une universiteacute du sud-est de l'Australie. Ce module, situeacute agrave l'angle nord-ouest de l'eacutetage supeacuterieur du bacirctiment a eacuteteacute choisi car c'eacutetait lui qui, vraisemblablement, avait la charge de refroidissement la plus eacuteleveacutee, ce qui est une preacuteoccupation majeure des concepteurs conscients des problegravemes d'eacutenergie des bacirctiments commerciaux dans la plus grande partie du pays. Le processus de simulation a fait apparaicirctre trois influences principales sur la performance thermique par rapport agrave un cas de base. Cela a permis d'eacutevaluer les modifications apporteacutees aux mateacuteriaux et agrave la construction ainsi qu'aux avant-projets. Les caracteacuteristiques inteacutegreacutees dans le cas de base comme le toit meacutetallique et la passerelle vitreacutee avaient une influence neacutefaste sur la consommation d'eacutenergie et ont donc eacuteteacute rejeteacutees au beacuteneacutefice d'un concept ameacutelioreacute qui comprenait une dalle de type hypocauste sur le toit du module de bureau. Le concept final devrait reacuteduire la consommation annuelle d'eacutenergie pour le chauffage et le refroidissement de 72 % et 76 % respectivement, ce qui donne une ideacutee de la valeur ajouteacutee au processus de production agrave partir de proceacutedures avanceacutees de modeacutelisation et de simulation.


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Simulation of materials processing has to face new difficulties regarding proper description of various discontinuous and stochastic phenomena occurring in materials. Commonly used rheological models based on differential equations treat material as continuum and are unable to describe properly several important phenomena. That is the reason for ongoing search for alternative models, which can account for non-continuous structure of the materials and for the fact, that various phenomena in the materials occur in different scales from nano to mezo. Accounting for the stochastic character of some phenomena is an additional challenge. One of the solutions may be the coupled Cellular Automata (CA) – Finite Element (FE) multi scale model. A detailed discussion about the advantages given by the developed multi scale CAFE model for strain localization phenomena in contrast to capabilities provided by the conventional FE approaches is a subject of this work. Results obtained from the CAFE model are supported by the experimental observations showing influence of many discontinuities existing in the real material on macroscopic response. An immense capabilities of the CAFE approach in comparison to limitations of the FE method for modeling of real material behavior is are shown this work as well.


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The rheological properties of a hierarchically structured supramolecular soft material are mainly determined by the structure of its network. Controlling the thermodynamic driving force of physical gels (one type of such materials) during the formation has proven effective in manipulating the network structure due to the nature of nucleation and growth of the fiber network formation in such a supramolecular soft material. Nevertheless, it is shown in this study that such a property can be dramatically influenced when the volume of the system is reduced to below a threshold value. Unlike un-confined systems, the network structure of such a soft material formed under volume confinement contains a constant network size, independent of the experimental conditions, i.e. temperature and solute concentration. This implies that the size of the fiber networks in such a material is invariable and free from the influence of external factors, once the volume is reduced to a threshold. The observations of this work are significant in the control of the formation of fibrous networks in materials of this type.


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Surface engineering in solids has become an important field in materials science. Glow-discharge optical emission spectrometry (GD-OES) has proven to be a powerful tool for the rapid analysis of elements in the surface of solids. One may employ GD-OES to determine quantitatively the bulk concentration of elements in a sample, and elemental concentrations as a function of depth. Presented here is an overview of GD-OES analysis and an application to aluminium.


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Development of civil aerospace composites is key to future “greener” aircraft. Aircraft manufacturers must improve efficiency of their product and manufacturing processes to remain viable. The aerospace industry is undergoing a materials revolution in the design and manufacture of composite airframes. The Airbus A350 and Boeing 787 (both due to enter service in the latter part of this decade) will push utilisation levels of  composite materials beyond 50% of the total airframe by weight. This  change requires massive investment in materials technology, manufacturing capability and skills development. The Quickstep process provides the ability to rapidly cure aerospace standard composite materials whilst providing enhanced mechanical properties. Utilising fluid to transfer heat to the   composite component during the curing process allows far higher heat rates than with conventional cure techniques. The rapid heat-up rates reduce the viscosity of the resin system greatly to provide a longer processing window introducing greater flexibility and removing the need for high pressure during cure. Interlaminar fracture toughness (Mode I) and Interfacial Shear Strength of aerospace standard materials cured using Quickstep have been    compared to autoclave cured laminates. Results suggest an improvement in fibre-matrix adhesion.


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Personal passenger transport faces several challenges in the coming decades: depletion of cheap oil reserves, increasing congestion, localised pollution, the need for reduced carbon emissions and the long term goal of sustainability. One way of solving some of these problems could be to introduce comfortable, energy efficient, battery electric vehicles.

Currently, hybrid vehicles have been presented as a means to reducing the transportation related oil demand. New developments in materials and technologies have made them, cleaner and safer as well as more fuel efficient. However, hybrids will only prolong the use of oil until alternatively fuelled vehicles are developed.

One long term alternative is the battery electric vehicle (BEV). A BEV designed to be light, aerodynamic with high efficiency drive train and latest battery technology would have a performance comparable to a typical internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV). Recent developments in virtual engineering, rapid prototyping and advanced manufacturing might enable low-cost development of niche market BEV’s designed and built in New Zealand for export markets.

This work examines the collaborative development of a twin seat BEV using new materials and latest technologies by the University of Waikato’s Engineering Department and a group of NZ and foreign companies. The car will be used to research the potential of BEVs and will also compete in the Commuter Class of the World Solar Challenge in 2007.


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Buildings have a significant impact on the environment due to the energy required for the manufacture of construction materials. The method of assessing the energy embodied in a product is known as energy analysis. Detailed office building embodied energy case studies are very rare. However, there is evidence to suggest that the energy requirements for the construction phase of commercial buildings, including the energy embodied in materials, is a significant component of the life cycle energy requirements. This thesis sets out to examine the current state of energy analysis, determine the national average energy intensities < i.e. embodied energy rates < for building materials and assess the significance of using national average energy intensities for the energy analysis of a case study office building. Likely ranges of variation in the building material embodied energy rates from the national averages are estimated and the resulting distribution for total embodied energy in the case study building simulated. Strategies for improving the energy analysis methods and data are suggested. Detailed energy analysis is shown to be a useful indicative method of quantifying the energy required for the construction of buildings.


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Ultrafine grained materials produced by severe plastic deformation methods possess attractive mechanical properties such as high strength compared with traditional coarse grained counterparts and reasonable ductility. Between existing severe plastic deformation methods the Equal Channel Angular Pressing is the most promising for future industrial applications and can produce a variety of ultrafine grained microstructures in materials depending on route, temperature and number of passes during processing. Driven by a rising trend of miniaturisation of parts these materials are promising candidates for microforming processes. Considering that bi-axial deformation of sheet (foil) is the major operation in microforming, the investigation of the influence of the number of ECAP passes on the bi-axial ductility in micro deep drawing test has been examined by experiments and FE simulation in this study. The experiments have showed that high force was required for drawing of the samples processed by ECAP compare to coarse grained materials. The limit drawing ratio of ultrafine grained samples was in the range of 1.9–2.0 with ECAP pass number changing from 1 to 16, while a higher value of 2.2 was obtained for coarse grained copper. However, the notable decrease in tensile ductility with increase in strength was not as pronounced for bi-axial ductility. The FE simulation using standard isotropic hardening model and von Mises yielding criterion confirmed these findings.


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Whilst atom probe tomography (APT) is a powerful technique with the capacity to gather information containing hundreds of millions of atoms from a single specimen, the ability to effectively use this information creates significant challenges. The main technological bottleneck lies in handling the extremely large amounts of data on spatial-chemical correlations, as well as developing new quantitative computational foundations for image reconstruction that target critical and transformative problems in materials science. The power to explore materials at the atomic scale with the extraordinary level of sensitivity of detection offered by atom probe tomography has not been not fully harnessed due to the challenges of dealing with missing, sparse and often noisy data. Hence there is a profound need to couple the analytical tools to deal with the data challenges with the experimental issues associated with this instrument. In this paper we provide a summary of some key issues associated with the challenges, and solutions to extract or "mine" fundamental materials science information from that data.