56 resultados para MICROBIAL CELLULOSE

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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In this study, a series of fibrous membranes made from cellulose acetate (CA) and polyester urethane (PEU) by co-electrospining or blend-electrospining were evaluated for drug release kinetics, in vitro anti-microbial activity and in vivo would healing performance when used as wound dressings. To stop common clinical infections, an antibacterial agent, Polyhexamethylene Biguanide (PHMB) was incorporated into e-spun fibres. The presence of CA in the wound healing membrane was found to improve hydrophilicity and permeability to air and moisture. The in vivo tests indicated that the addition of PHMB and CA considerably improved the wound healing efficiency. CA fibres became slightly swollen upon contacting with the wound exudates. It can not only speed up the liquid evaporation but also create a moisture environment for wound recovery. The drug release dynamics of membranes was controlled by the structure of membranes and component rations within membranes. The lower ration of CA:PEU retained the sound mechanical properties of membranes, and also reduced the boost release effectively and slowed down diffusion of antibacterial agent during in vitro tests. The controlled-diffusion membranes exert long-term anti-infective effect.


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Reuse of treated sewage effluent for the irrigation of horticultural crops is being propounded and practiced as a means of alleviating pressure on freshwater resources. Concerns have been raised. however, as to the risk to human health, primarily disease, associated with this practice. Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) is a useful tool for estimating this risk. We describe how QMRA works and the current state of knowledge of the components of QMRA models for the horticultural reuse scenario.


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In anaerobic degradation of substrates containing mainly particulate organic matter, solids hydrolysis is rate-limiting. In these investigations, the particle size of various substrates was reduced by comminution to support hydrolysis. Two positive effects of comminution were observed. For substrates with high fibre content, which are particularly resistant to biodegradation, a significant improvement of the degradation degree was observed as a result of comminution. Secondly, for all substrates tested, and particularly for those rich in fibres, the degradation rate of comminuted samples was significantly higher. The first reason for both effects is an increase of the sample surface area. Several methods for measuring the specific surface area of organic materials, including particle size analysis, Nitrogen-adsorption and enzyme adsorption, were used and compared for the purpose of this study, where the surface area accessible to microbial enzymes is critical. The significance of the surface area in anaerobic degradation of particulate substrates was investigated through a kinetic model where the hydrolysis rate was based on the sample surface area. Good agreements were obtained between model and experiments carried out with samples of various specific surface areas. These results reinforced the significance of the sample surface area in anaerobic degradation processes. However, other effects of comminution responsible for the increased degradation degree and degradation rate were identified and discussed. These include: the increase of dissolved compounds due to cell rupture, exposition of surface areas previously inaccessible for microbial degradation, and alteration of the sample structure such as the lignin-cellulose arrangements.


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Quantitative microbial risk assessment models for estimating the annual risk of enteric virus infection associated with consuming raw vegetables that have been overhead irrigated with nondisinfected secondary treated reclaimed water were constructed. We ran models for several different scenarios of crop type, viral concentration in effluent, and time since last irrigation event. The mean annual risk of infection was always less for cucumber than for broccoli, cabbage, or lettuce. Across the various crops, effluent qualities, and viral decay rates considered, the annual risk of infection ranged from 10–3 to 10–1 when reclaimed-water irrigation ceased 1 day before harvest and from 10–9 to 10–3 when it ceased 2 weeks before harvest. Two previously published decay coefficients were used to describe the die-off of viruses in the environment. For all combinations of crop type and effluent quality, application of the more aggressive decay coefficient led to annual risks of infection that satisfied the commonly propounded benchmark of ≤10–4, i.e., one infection or less per 10,000 people per year, providing that 14 days had elapsed since irrigation with reclaimed water. Conversely, this benchmark was not attained for any combination of crop and water quality when this withholding period was 1 day. The lower decay rate conferred markedly less protection, with broccoli and cucumber being the only crops satisfying the 10–4 standard for all water qualities after a 14-day withholding period. Sensitivity analyses on the models revealed that in nearly all cases, variation in the amount of produce consumed had the most significant effect on the total uncertainty surrounding the estimate of annual infection risk. The models presented cover what would generally be considered to be worst-case scenarios: overhead irrigation and consumption of vegetables raw. Practices such as subsurface, furrow, or drip irrigation and postharvest washing/disinfection and food preparation could substantially lower risks and need to be considered in future models, particularly for developed nations where these extra risk reduction measures are more common.


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The Western Treatment Plant, a major sewage treatment plant west of Melbourne, Australia, is widely regarded as a significant conservation site for waterbirds. But experiences from various parts of the world suggest that sewage can also be hazardous to waterbirds, and has probably been responsible for mass-kill events. The intent of this contribution is to raise awareness about the potential for adverse impacts of sewage treatment plants on waterbirds, and to stimulate debate on the issue, with the ultimate objective of developing appropriate management strategies to mitigate the risk of mass kills.


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Reuse of wastewater to irrigate food crops is being practiced in many parts of the world and is becoming more commonplace as the competition for, and stresses on, freshwater resources intensify. But there are risks associated with wastewater irrigation, including the possibility of transmission of pathogens causing infectious disease, to both workers in the field and to consumers buying and eating produce irrigated with wastewater. To manage these risks appropriately we need objective and quantitative estimates of them. This is typically achieved through one of two modelling approaches: deterministic or stochastic. Each parameter in a deterministic model is represented by a single value, whereas in stochastic models probability functions are used. Stochastic models are theoretically superior because they account for variability and uncertainty, but they are computationally demanding and not readily accessible to water resource and public health managers. We constructed models to estimate risk of enteric virus infection arising from the consumption of wastewater-irrigated horticultural crops (broccoli, cucumber and lettuce), and compared the resultant levels of risk between the deterministic and stochastic approaches. Several scenarios were tested for each crop, accounting for different concentrations of enteric viruses and different lengths of environmental exposure (i.e. the time between the last irrigation event and harvest, when the viruses are liable to decay or inactivation). In most situations modelled the two approaches yielded similar estimates of risk (within 1 order-of-magnitude). The two methods diverged most markedly, up to around 2 orders-of-magnitude, when there was large uncertainty associated with the estimate of virus concentration and the exposure period was short (1 day). Therefore, in some circumstances deterministic modelling may offer water resource managers a pragmatic alternative to stochastic modelling, but its usefulness as a surrogate will depend upon the level of uncertainty in the model parameters.


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Two types of pyrite framboids (PF, probably sulphate-reducing bacteria) have been found
within the Zoophycos spreiten, hosted in the Guadalupian (Middle Permian) glaciomarine greywacke
of the Westley Park Sandstone Member within the Broughton Formation from the southern Sydney
Basin of southeastern Australia. They are composed of non-sheathed (PF1) and sheathed (PF2)
sub-micron balls, respectively. Chemically, the sub-micron balls consist of iron, sulphur, carbon and
oxygen. Both PF1 and PF2 occur in rhythmic alternationwithin the thick, light-grey and thin, dark-grey
minor lamellae of Zoophycos spreiten. The framboids from the minor lamellae are highly abundant and
occur in an orderly arrangement of equal density and in a good state of preservation.Within Zoophycos
spreiten no homogeneous filling, fecal pellets, or any sign of re-exploitation of the minor lamellae have
been recognized. No similar framboids have been observed outside Zoophycos spreiten. Therefore, the
framboids are interpreted as the pyritized remains of microbial colonies within Zoophycos spreiten.
The trace Zoophycos would be a multifunctional garden thatmay have been carefully constructed by the
Zoophycos maker, where different microbial colonies were orderly and carefully planted and cultured
within different minor lamellae. Further, it is proposed that the Zoophycos maker had a symbiotic
relationship with microbial colonies on the mutual basis of food supply and redox conditions. The fact
that the overlying spreiten cut the underlying ones indicates that the Zoophycos from the study area is
of an upward construction. The rhythmic alternation of both the thick, light-grey and thin, dark-grey
minor lamellae within Zoophycos spreiten may be suggestive of a gardening manner of the Zoophycos
maker responding to the warm and cold changes, food supply in pulses and variations of sedimentation
rate for planting and culturing microbial colonies under the conditions of a glaciomarine environment
at the high latitudes.


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Lactoferrin (Lf) is present in milk and gland secretions and serve as an antimicrobial function. Insufficient amounts of Lf in some secretions also appear to correlate with certain health problems. Protection against gastroenteritis is the most likely biologically relevant activity of lactoferrin. Multiple in vitro and animal studies have shown a protective effect of lactoferrin on infections with enteric microorganisms, including rotavirus, Giardia, Shigella, Salmonella and the diarrheagenic Escherichia coli. Lactoferrin has two major effects on enteric pathogens: it inhibits growth and it impairs function of surface expressed virulence factors thereby decreasing their ability to adhere or to invade mammalian cells. Lf also inhibits several species of fungi and certain parasites. This review covers the role of Lf in clearing the parasitic infections. The mechanism by which lactoferrin inhibits some parasites may be via stimulation of the process of phagocytosis, whereby immune cells engulf and digest foreign organisms. Trichomonas vaginalis is a protozoan responsible for the number one, non-viral sexually transmitted disease. In this review, we also discussed the role of Lf in cervical infections.


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The use of bacteria in the regression of tumors has long been known. Various approaches for using bacteria in cancer therapy include the use of bacteria as sensitizing agents for chemotherapy, as delivery agents for cancer drugs and as agents for gene therapy. The tumor regression stimulated by infecting microorganisms has been attributed to activation of the immune system of the host. However, recent studies indicate that when tumor-harboring mice with defective immune systems are infected with certain microorganisms, the regression of the tumor is still observed, suggesting that there are other host factors contributing to the microbial associated regression of tumors. Since the use of live or attenuated bacteria for tumor regression has associated toxic effects, studies are in progress to identify a pure microbial metabolite or any component of the microbial cell that might have anti-cancer activity. It has now been demonstrated that a redox protein from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a cupredoxin, can enter into human cancer cells and trigger the apoptotic cell death. In vivo, this cupredoxin can lead to the regression of tumor growth in immunodeficient mice harboring xenografted melanomas and breast cancer tumors without inducing significant toxic effects, suggesting that it has potential anti-cancer activity. This bacterial protein interacts with p53 and modulates mammalian cellular activity. Hence, it could potentially be used as an anti-cancer agent for solid tumors and has translational value in tumor-targeted or in combinational-biochemotherapy strategies for cancer treatments. Here, we focus on diverse approaches to cancer biotherapy, including bacteriolytic and bacterially-derived anti-cancer agents with an emphasis on their mechanism of action and therapeutic potential.


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In this study, cellulose nanofibers were obtained from wood pulp using a chemo-mechanical method and thin films were made of these cellulose nanofibers. The morphology of the films was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). SEM image analysis revealed that the films were composed of cellulose nanofibers with an average diameter of around 32 nm. Other properties were also characterized, including the degree of crystallinity by X-ray diffraction, chemical bonding by infrared attenuated total reflectance analysis, and thermal properties by differential scanning calorimetry. The foldable, strong, and optically translucent cellulose nanofiber films thus obtained have many potential applications as micro/nano electronic devices, biosensors and filtration media, etc.


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Natural wool/cellulose blends were prepared in an ionic liquid green solvent, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (BMIMCl) and the films were formed subsequently from the coagulated solutions. The wool/cellulose blend films show significant improvement in thermal stability compared to the coagulated wool and cellulose. Moreover, the blend films exhibited an increasing trend of tensile strength with increase in cellulose content in the blends which could be used for the development of wool-based materials with improved mechanical properties, and the elongations of the blends were considerably improved with respect to the coagulated films of wool and cellulose. It was found that there was hydrogen bonding interaction between hydroxyl groups of wool and cellulose in the coagulated wool/cellulose blends as determined by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The ionic liquid was completely recycled with high yield and purity after the blend film was prepared. This work presents a green processing route for development of novel renewable blended materials from natural resource with improved properties.


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Cellulose, the main component of plant cell walls, is insoluble and difficult to digest enzymatically. This research discovered that herbivorous land crabs have an efficient gastric mill in the stomach which disrupts this insoluble material, and a range of highly specialised enzymes that can then break down the cellulose.