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Human impacts through habitat destruction, introduction of invasive species and climate change are increasing the number of species threatened with extinction. Decreases in population size simultaneously lead to reductions in genetic diversity, ultimately reducing the ability of populations to adapt to a changing environment. In this way, loss of genetic polymorphism is linked with extinction risk. Recent advances in sequencing technologies mean that obtaining measures of genetic diversity at functionally important genes is within reach for conservation programs. A key region of the genome that should be targeted for population genetic studies is the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC). MHC genes, found in all jawed vertebrates, are the most polymorphic genes in vertebrate genomes. They play key roles in immune function via immune-recognition and -surveillance and host-parasite interaction. Therefore, measuring levels of polymorphism at these genes can provide indirect measures of the immunological fitness of populations. The MHC has also been linked with mate-choice and pregnancy outcomes and has application for improving mating success in captive breeding programs. The recent discovery that genetic diversity at MHC genes may protect against the spread of contagious cancers provides an added impetus for managing and protecting MHC diversity in wild populations. Here we review the field and focus on the successful applications of MHC-typing for conservation management. We emphasize the importance of using MHC markers when planning and executing wildlife rescue and conservation programs but stress that this should not be done to the detriment of genome-wide diversity.


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The mechanisms responsible for the immunosuppression associated with sepsis or some chronic blood infections remain poorly understood. Here we show that infection with a malaria parasite (Plasmodium berghei) or simple systemic exposure to bacterial or viral Toll-like receptor ligands inhibited cross-priming. Reduced cross-priming was a consequence of downregulation of cross-presentation by activated dendritic cells due to systemic activation that did not otherwise globally inhibit T cell proliferation. Although activated dendritic cells retained their capacity to present viral antigens via the endogenous major histocompatibility complex class I processing pathway, antiviral responses were greatly impaired in mice exposed to Toll-like receptor ligands. This is consistent with a key function for cross-presentation in antiviral immunity and helps explain the immunosuppressive effects of systemic infection. Moreover, inhibition of cross-presentation was overcome by injection of dendritic cells bearing antigen, which provides a new strategy for generating immunity during immunosuppressive blood infections.


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Antigen-specific T cell receptors (TCRs) recognise complexes of immunogenic peptides (p) and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) glycoproteins. Responding T cell populations show profiles of preferred usage (or bias) toward one or few TCRβ chains. Such skewing is also observed, though less commonly, in TCRα chain usage. The extent and character of clonal diversity within individual, antigen-specific T cell sets can be established by sequence analysis of the TCRVβ and/or TCRVα CDR3 loops. The present review provides examples of such TCR repertoires in prominent responses to acute and persistent viruses. The determining role of structural constraints and antigen dose is discussed, as is the way that functionally and phenotypically distinct populations can be defined at the clonal level. In addition, clonal dissection of “high” versus “low” avidity, or “central” versus “effector” memory sets provides insights into how these antigen specific T cell responses are generated and maintained. As TCR diversity potentially influences both the protective capacity of CD8+ T cells and the subversion of immune control that leads to viral escape, analysing the spectrum of TCR selection and maintenance has implications for improving the functional efficacy of T cell responsiveness and effector function.


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The current study, in parallel experiments, evaluated the impact of chronic psychological stress on physiological and behavioural measures, and on the activation status of microglia in 15 stress-responsive brain regions. Rats were subjected, for 14 days, to two 30 min sessions of restraint per day, applied at random times each day. In one experiment the effects of stress on sucrose preference, weight gain, core body temperature, and struggling behaviour during restraint, were determined. In the second experiment we used immunohistochemistry to investigate stress-induced changes in ionized calcium-binding adaptor molecule-1 (Iba1), a marker constitutively expressed by microglia, and major histocompatibility complex-II (MHC-II), a marker often expressed on activated microglia, in a total of 15 stress-responsive nuclei. We also investigated cellular proliferation in these regions using Ki67 immunolabelling, to check for the possibility of microglial proliferation. Collectively, the results we obtained showed that chronic stress induced a significant increase in anhedonia, a decrease in weight gain across the entire observation period, a significant elevation in core body temperature during restraint, and a progressive decrease in struggling behaviour within and over sessions. With regard to microglial activation, chronic stress induced a significant increase in the density of Iba1 immunolabelling (nine of 15 regions) and the number of Iba1-positive cells (eight of 15 regions). Within the regions that exhibited an increased number of Iba1-positive cells after chronic stress, we found no evidence of a between group difference in the number of MHC-II or Ki67 positive cells. In summary, these results clearly demonstrate that chronic stress selectively increases the number of microglia in certain stress-sensitive brain regions, and also causes a marked transition of microglia from a ramified-resting state to a non-resting state. These findings are consistent with the view that microglial activation could play an important role in controlling and/or adapting to stress.


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Membrane nanotubes (MNTs) are newly discovered cellular extensions that are either blind-ended or can connect widely separated cells. They have predominantly been investigated in cultured isolated cells, however, previously we were the first group to demonstrate the existence of these structures in vivo in intact mammalian tissues. We previously demonstrated the frequency of both cell–cell or bridging MNTs and blind-ended MNTs was greatest between major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II+ cells during corneal injury or TLR ligand-mediated inflammation. The present study aimed to further explore the dynamics of MNT formation and their size, presence in another tissue, the dura mater, and response to stress factors and an active local viral infection of the murine cornea. Confocal live cell imaging of myeloid-derived cells in inflamed corneal explants from Cx3cr1GFP and CD11ceYFP transgenic mice revealed that MNTs form de novo at a rate of 15.5 μm/min. This observation contrasts with previous studies that demonstrated that in vitro these structures originate from cell–cell contacts. Conditions that promote formation of MNTs include inflammation in vivo and cell stress due to serum starvation ex vivo. Herpes simplex virus-1 infection did not cause a significant increase in MNT numbers in myeloid cells in the cornea above that observed in injury controls, confirming that corneal epithelium injury alone elicits MNT formation in vivo. These novel observations extend the currently limited understanding of MNTs in live mammalian tissues.


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The mouse dura mater, pia mater, and choroid plexus contain resident macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs). These cells participate in immune surveillance, phagocytosis of cellular debris, uptake of antigens from the surrounding cerebrospinal fluid and immune regulation in many pathologic processes. We used Cx3cr1 knock-in, CD11c-eYFP transgenic and bone marrow chimeric mice to characterize the phenotype, density and replenishment rate of monocyte-derived cells in the meninges and choroid plexus and to assess the role of the chemokine receptor CX3CR1 on their number and tissue distribution. Iba-1 major histocompatibility complex (MHC) Class II CD169 CD68 macrophages and CD11c putative DCs were identified in meningeal and choroid plexus whole mounts. Comparison of homozygous and heterozygous Cx3cr1 mice did not reveal CX3CR1-dependancy on density, distribution or phenotype of monocyte-derived cells. In turnover studies, wild type lethally irradiated mice were reconstituted with Cx3cr1/-positive bone marrow and were analyzed at 3 days, 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks after transplantation. There was a rapid replenishment of CX3CR1-positive cells in the dura mater (at 4 weeks) and the choroid plexus was fully reconstituted by 8 weeks. These data provide the foundation for future studies on the role of resident macrophages and DCs in conditions such as meningitis, autoimmune inflammatory disease and in therapies involving irradiation and hematopoietic or stem cell transplantation.


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In light of an increasing awareness of the presence of bone marrow (BM)-derived macrophages in the normal cornea and their uncertain role in corneal diseases, it is important that the turnover rate of these resident immune cells be established. The baseline density and distribution of macrophages in the corneal stroma was investigated in Cx3cr1gfp transgenic mice in which all monocyte-derived cells express enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP). To quantify turnover, BM-derived cells from transgenic eGFP mice were transplanted into whole-body irradiated wild-type recipients. Additionally, wild-type BM-derived cells were injected into irradiated Cx3cr1+/gfp recipients, creating reverse chimeras. At 2, 4 and 8 weeks post-reconstitution, the number of eGFP+ cells in each corneal whole mount was calculated using epifluorescence microscopy, immunofluorescence staining and confocal microscopy. The total density of myeloid-derived cells in the normal Cx3cr1+/gfp cornea was 366 cells/mm2. In BM chimeras 2 weeks post-reconstitution, 24% of the myeloid-derived cells had been replenished and were predominantly located in the anterior stroma. By 8 weeks post-reconstitution 75% of the myeloid-derived cells had been replaced and these cells were distributed uniformly throughout the stroma. All donor eGFP+ cells expressed low to moderate levels of CD45 and CD11b, with approximately 25% coexpressing major histocompatibility complex class II, a phenotype characteristic of previous descriptions of corneal stromal macrophages. In conclusion, 75% of the myeloid-derived cells in the mouse corneal stroma are replenished after 8 weeks. These data provide a strong basis for functional investigations of the role of resident stromal macrophages versus non-haematopoietic cells using BM chimeric mice in models of corneal inflammation.


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Defective efferocytosis may perpetuate inflammation in smokers with or without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Macrophages may phenotypically polarize to classically activated M1 (proinflammatory; regulation of antigen presentation) or alternatively activated M2 (poor antigen presentation; improved efferocytosis) markers. In bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)–derived macrophages from control subjects and smoker/ex-smoker COPD subjects, we investigated M1 markers (antigen-presenting major histocompatibility complex [MHC] Classes I and II), complement receptors (CRs), the high-affinity Fc receptor involved with immunoglobulin binding for phagocytosis (Fc-gamma receptor, FcγR1), M2 markers (dendritic cell–specific intercellular adhesion molecule-grabbing nonintegrin [DC-SIGN] and arginase), and macrophage function (efferocytosis and proinflammatory cytokine production in response to LPS). The availability of glutathione (GSH) in BAL was assessed, because GSH is essential for both M1 function and efferocytosis. We used a murine model to investigate macrophage phenotype/function further in response to cigarette smoke. In lung tissue (disaggregated) and BAL, we investigated CRs, the available GSH, arginase, and efferocytosis. We further investigated the therapeutic effects of an oral administration of a GSH precursor, cysteine l-2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid (procysteine). Significantly decreased efferocytosis, available GSH, and M1 antigen–presenting molecules were evident in both COPD groups, with increased DC-SIGN and production of proinflammatory cytokines. Increased CR-3 was evident in the current-smoker COPD group. In smoke-exposed mice, we found decreased efferocytosis (BAL and tissue) and available GSH, and increased arginase, CR-3, and CR-4. Treatment with procysteine significantly increased GSH, efferocytosis (BAL: control group, 26.2%; smoke-exposed group, 17.66%; procysteine + smoke-exposed group, 27.8%; tissue: control group, 35.9%; smoke-exposed group, 21.6%; procysteine + smoke-exposed group, 34.5%), and decreased CR-4 in lung tissue. Macrophages in COPD are of a mixed phenotype and function. The increased efferocytosis and availability of GSH in response to procysteine indicates that this treatment may be useful as adjunct therapy for improving macrophage function in COPD and in susceptible smokers.


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Without genetic variation, species cannot cope with changing environments, and evolution does not proceed. In endangered species, adaptive potential may be eroded by decreased population sizes and processes that further reduce gene flow such as philopatry and local adaptations. Here, we focused on the philopatric and endangered loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nesting in Cape Verde as a model system to investigate the link between adaptive potential and philopatry. We produced a dataset of three complementary genomic regions to investigate female philopatric behaviour (mitochondrial DNA), male-mediated gene flow (microsatellites) and adaptive potential (major histocompatibility complex, MHC). Results revealed genetically distinct nesting colonies, indicating remarkably small-scale philopatric behaviour of females. Furthermore, these colonies also harboured local pools of MHC alleles, especially at the margins of the population's distribution, which are therefore important reserves of additional diversity for the population. Meanwhile, directional male-mediated gene flow from the margins of distribution sustains the adaptive potential for the entire rookery. We therefore present the first evidence for a positive association between philopatry and locally adapted genomic regions. Contrary to expectation, we propose that philopatry conserves a high adaptive potential at the margins of a distribution, while asymmetric gene flow maintains genetic connectivity with the rest of the population.


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Devil facial tumour disease (DFTD) is a fatal contagious cancer that has decimated Tasmanian devil populations. The tumour has spread without invoking immune responses, possibly due to low levels of Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) diversity in Tasmanian devils. Animals from a region in north-western Tasmania have lower infection rates than those in the east of the state. This area is a genetic transition zone between sub-populations, with individuals from north-western Tasmania displaying greater diversity than eastern devils at MHC genes, primarily through MHC class I gene copy number variation. Here we test the hypothesis that animals that remain healthy and tumour free show predictable differences at MHC loci compared to animals that develop the disease.


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The term “post-traumatic stress disorder” (PTSD) is a relatively new diagnostic label, being formally recognized in 1980 in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual for Psychiatric Illness – Third Edition (DSM-III) of the American Psychiatric Association (APA, 1980). Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CP) is a more recently discussed, and newly-classified, phenomenon, initially discussed in the early 1990s (Herman, 1992a). Thus, as research into effective treatments for CP is sparse, the treatment of CP is the topic of this study, in which a guideline-based treatment program developed by the researcher for the treatment of CP is implemented and evaluated. Ten individuals participated in this study, undertaking individualized, guideline-based treatment programs spanning a period of six months. In providing background information relevant to this study, an explanation is provided regarding the nature of CP, and the reasons for its consideration as a separate phenomenon to PTSD. The adequacy of the PTSD formulation in enabling effective assessment and treatment of CP is also explored, with endorsement of previous researchers’ conclusions that the CP construct is more useful than the PTSD construct for assessing and treating survivors of long-term and multiple forms of abuse. The PTSD classification is restrictive, and not necessarily appropriate for certain forms of trauma (such as prolonged trauma, or multiple forms of trauma), as such trauma experiences may lead to specific effects that lay outside those formerly associated with PTSD. Such effects include alterations in affect regulation, consciousness, self-perception, interpersonal relationships, and in systems of meaning. Following discussion regarding the PTSD/CP classification, an examination of treatment methods currently used in the treatment of PTSD, and a review of treatment outcome studies, takes place. The adequacy of primary treatment methods in treating CP symptoms is then examined, with the conclusion that a range of treatment methods could potentially be useful in the treatment of CP symptoms. Individuals with a diagnosis of CP may benefit from the adoption of an eclectic approach, drawing on different treatment options for different symptoms, and constantly evaluating client progress and re-evaluating interventions. This review of treatment approaches is followed by details of an initial study undertaken to obtain feedback from individuals who had suffered long-term/multiple trauma and who had received treatment. Participants in this initial study were asked open-ended questions regarding the treatment approach they had experienced, the most useful aspect of the treatment, the least useful aspect, and other strategies/treatment approaches that may have been useful – but which were not used. The feedback obtained from these individuals was used to inform the development of treatment guidelines for use in the main study, as were recommendations made by Chu (1998). The predominant focus of the treatment guidelines was “ego strengthening”, a term coined by Chu (1998) to describe the “initial (sometimes lengthy) period of developing fundamental skills in maintaining supportive relationships, developing self-care strategies, coping with symptomatology, improving functioning, and establishing a positive self identity” (p.75). Using a case study approach, data are then presented relating to each of the ten individuals involved in the treatment program: details of his/her trauma experience(s)and the impact of the trauma (as perceived by each individual); details of each individual’s treatment program (as planned, and as implemented); post-treatment evaluation of the positive and negative aspects of the treatment program (from the therapist’s perspective); and details of the symptoms reported by the individual post-treatment, via psychometric assessment and also during interview. Analysis and discussion of the data relating to the ten participants in the study are the focal point of this study. The evaluation of the effectiveness of each individual’s treatment has been based predominantly on qualitative data, obtained from an analysis of language (discourse analysis) used by participants to describe their symptoms pre- and post-treatment. Both blatant and subtle changes in the language used by participants to describe themselves, their behaviour, and their relationships pre- and post-treatment have provided an insight into the possible changes that occurred as a result of the treatment program. The language used by participants has been a rich source of data, one that has enabled the researcher to obtain information that could not be obtained using psychometric assessment methods. Most of the participants in this study portrayed notable changes in many of the CP symptoms, including being more stable and having improved capacity to explore their early abuse. Although no direct cause-effect relationship between the participants’ treatment program and the improvements described can be established from this study, the participants’ perception that the program assisted them with their symptoms, and reported many aspects of “ego strengthening”, is of major importance. Such self-perception of strength and empowerment is important if an individual is going to be able to deal with past trauma experiences. In fact, abreactive work may have a greater chance of succeeding if those who have experienced long-term or multiple trauma are feeling more empowered, and more stable, as were the participants in this study (post-intervention). In concluding this study, recommendations have been made in regard to the use of guideline-based treatment programs in the responsible treatment of CP. Strengths and limitations of this study have also been highlighted, and recommendations have been made regarding possibilities for future research related to CP treatment. On the whole, this study has supported strongly other research that highlights the importance of focusing on “ego strengthening” in assisting those who have suffered long-term/multiple trauma experiences. Thus, a guideline-based program focusing on assisting sufferers of long-term trauma with some, or all, of the symptoms of CP, is recommended as an important first stage of any treatment of individuals who have experienced long-term/multiple trauma, allowing them to develop the emotional and psychological strength required to deal with past traumatic events. Clinicians who are treating patients whose history depicts long-term or multiple trauma experiences (either from their childhood, or at some stage in their adult life) need, therefore, to be mindful of assessing individuals for symptoms of CP – so that they can treat these symptoms prior to engaging in any work associated directly with the past traumatic experiences.