13 resultados para Low pass filters

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The aim of this paper is to provide a washout filter that can accurately produce vehicle motions in the simulator platform at high fidelity, within the simulators physical limitations. This is to present the driver with a realistic virtual driving experience to minimize the human sensation error between the real driving and simulated driving situation. To successfully achieve this goal, an adaptive washout filter based on fuzzy logic online tuning is proposed to overcome the shortcomings of fixed parameters, lack of human perception and conservative motion features in the classical washout filters. The cutoff frequencies of highpass, low-pass filters are tuned according to the displacement information of platform, workspace limitation and human sensation in real time based on fuzzy logic system. The fuzzy based scaling method is proposed to let the platform uses the workspace whenever is far from its margins. The proposed motion cueing algorithm is implemented in MATLAB/Simulink software packages and provided results show the capability of this method due to its better performance, improved human sensation and exploiting the platform more efficiently without reaching the motion limitation.


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Since contours often contain many different sized structures they need to be described at multiple scales. Rather than describe a contour at all scales it is more efficient to identify the most significant scales that best represent the structures present. These natural scales are determined by examining the Fourier descriptors of the contour and searching for significant bands. These correspond to bandwidths required to extract features at qualitatively significant resolution. Examples are given of using the determined scales in both low pass and high pass filters to eliminate fine and coarse detail.


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Government policy in Australia is increasingly encouraging training organisations in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector to adopt flexible delivery approaches, but some researchers are sounding a note of caution. Evidence is emerging that Australian VET learners are not universally ready for flexible delivery, and this is reflected in high attrition rates and low pass rates. The literature on flexible delivery identifies a number of specific factors that can impact on the success of adult learners. However, there seems to be agreement that failure or dropout is not determined by a single factor, but by the interaction of a number of factors that build up over time. To understand these factors, we need to understand the learners - what their participation in education means to them, the context in which they are studying, and the numerous inter-connected factors that contribute to their failure to achieve a successful outcome. This paper discusses four case studies from a research project that followed up a small number of adult learners who enrolled in flexible delivery VET courses but did not achieve a successful outcome.


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Government policy in Australia is increasingly encouraging training organisations in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector to adopt flexible delivery approaches. This policy shift is supported by key VET stakeholders including Industry Training Advisory Boards. A recurring theme in VET policy documents is an apparent confidence that flexible delivery can meet the diverse needs of individual learners while at the same time providing cost savings. Yet evidence is emerging that Australian VET learners are not typically ready for flexible delivery, and this lack of readiness is reflected in high attrition rates and low pass rates in many flexibly delivered courses. One research project found that over 70% of learners in the Australian VET sector do not have the learning capabilities required to be ready for flexible delivery. A recent review of the module outcomes achieved by VET students nationally found that students studying by external/correspondence and self-paced unscheduled modes had lower module completion rates than students studying by other delivery strategies.

Research on student progress in flexible delivery within the Australian VET sector has largely been quantitative. That research provides useful statistical data on completion and attrition rates for various modes of delivery, but does not explore the reasons underlying the high attrition rates found in flexible delivery. The qualitative research that is available tends to focus on students who successfully complete their courses, not on those who withdraw. As a result, the Australian literature on flexible delivery in the VET sector is lacking in-depth qualitative information about students who enrol in courses but do not complete. In comparison, the broader literature on distance education and flexible delivery in other educational sectors offers some useful insights into student attrition, and can be can be used to inform research into attrition within the Australian VET sector.

This paper reports on aspects of a research project that followed up six adult learners who enrolled in VET courses but who either failed assessment or withdrew. The research project presented the students’ stories in the form of narrative case studies, focussing on the detailed examination of the barriers that each student experienced, and analysing these barriers in relation to issues raised in the literature. This paper reports on two particular themes that emerged from that research project. The literature on distance education and flexible delivery argues that:

· student dropout is often not determined by a single factor, but by the interaction of a number of factors that build up over time;

· students who experience difficulties when studying by flexible delivery can often be reluctant to access the support that is available to them.

This paper uses these themes as a point of reference in presenting the stories of some of the students who participated in the research project.


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We examine the construction of new filters for computing local energy, and compare these filters with the Gabor filters and the three-point-filter of Venkatesh [l]. Further, we demonstrate that the effect of convolution with complex Gabor filters is to band-pass (with some differentiating effect) and compute the local energy of the result. The magnitude of the resulting local energy is then used to detect features [2], [3] (step features, texture etc.), and the phase is used to classify the detected features [l], [4] or provide disparity information for stereo [5] and motion work [6], [7]. Each of these types of information can be obtained at multiple resolutions, enabling the use of course to fine strategies for computing disparity, and allowing the discrimination of image textures on the basis of which parts of the Fourier domain they dominate [8], [9].


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Design of a rectangular spiral planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) at 915 MHz for wireless power transmission applications is proposed. The antenna and rectifying circuitry form a rectenna, which can produce dc power from a distant radio frequency energy transmitter. The generated dc power is used to operate a low-power deep brain stimulation pulse generator. The proposed antenna has the dimensions of 10 mm × 12.5 mm × 1.5 mm and resonance frequency of 915 MHz with a measured bandwidth of 15 MHz at return loss of -10 dB. A dielectric substrate of FR-4 of εr = 4.8 and δ = 0.015 with thickness of 1.5 mm is used for both antenna and rectifier circuit simulation and fabrication because of its availability and low cost. An L-section impedance matching circuit is used between the PIFA and voltage doubler rectifier. The impedance matching circuit also works as a low-pass filter for elimination of higher order harmonics. Maximum dc voltage at the rectenna output is 7.5 V in free space and this rectenna can drive a deep brain stimulation pulse generator at a distance of 30 cm from a radio frequency energy transmitter, which transmits power of 26.77 dBm.


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Cropping and random bending are two common attacks in image watermarking. In this paper we propose a novel image-watermarking method to deal with these attacks, as well as other common attacks. In the embedding process, we first preprocess the host image by a Gaussian low-pass filter. Then, a secret key is used to randomly select a number of gray levels and the histogram of the filtered image with respect to these selected gray levels is constructed. After that, a histogram-shape-related index is introduced to choose the pixel groups with the highest number of pixels and a safe band is built between the chosen and nonchosen pixel groups. A watermark-embedding scheme is proposed to insert watermarks into the chosen pixel groups. The usage of the histogram-shape-related index and safe band results in good robustness. Moreover, a novel high-frequency component modification mechanism is also utilized in the embedding scheme to further improve robustness. At the decoding end, based on the available secret key, the watermarked pixel groups are identified and watermarks are extracted from them. The effectiveness of the proposed image-watermarking method is demonstrated by simulation examples.


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This paper presents design, implementation, and evaluation of a miniature rectenna for energy harvesting applications. The rectenna produces DC power from a distant microwave energy transmitter. The generated DC power is then utilized to operate a head-mountable deep brain stimulation device. The rectenna consists of a miniature three-layer planar inverted-F antenna and a Schottky-diode-based bridge rectifier. The antenna has a volume of π × 6 × 1.584 mm3, a resonance frequency of 915 MHz with a simulated bandwidth of 18 MHz (907-925 MHz), and a measured bandwidth of 18 MHz (910-928 MHz) at the return loss of -10 dB. A dielectric substrate of FR-4 of εr = 4.5 and δ = 0.02 is used for simulation and fabrication of the antenna and the rectifier due to its low cost. An L-section impedance matching circuit is employed between the antenna and the rectifier to reduce the mismatch loss. The impedance matching circuit operates as a low-pass filter eliminating higher order harmonics. A deep brain stimulation device is successfully operated by the rectenna at a distance of 20 cm away from a microwave energy transmitter of power 26.77 dBm. The motivation of this paper includes creation of a deep brain stimulation device that operates indefinitely without a battery. From the application standpoint, the developed energy harvesting rectenna facilitates long-term deep brain stimulation of laboratory animals for preclinical research investigating neurological disorders.


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An austenitic Ni-30 wt pct Fe alloy, with a stacking-fault energy and deformation characteristics similar to those of austenitic low-carbon steel at elevated temperatures, has been used to examine the defect substructure within austenite deformed by single-pass strip rolling and to identify those features most likely to provide sites for intragranular nucleation of ultrafine ferrite in steels. Samples of this alloy and a 0.095 wt pct C-1.58Mn-0.22Si-0.27Mo steel have been hot rolled and cooled under similar conditions, and the resulting microstructures were compared using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron diffraction, and X-ray diffraction. Following a single rolling pass of ∼40 pct reduction of a 2mm strip at 800 °C, three microstructural zones were identified throughout its thickness. The surface zone (of 0.1 to 0.4 mm in depth) within the steel comprised a uniform microstructure of ultrafine ferrite, while the equivalent zone of a Ni-30Fe alloy contained a network of dislocation cells, with an average diameter of 0.5 to 1.0 µm. The scale and distribution and, thus, nucleation density of the ferrite grains formed in the steel were consistent with the formation of individual ferrite nuclei on cell boundaries within the austenite. In the transition zone, 0.3 to 0.5 mm below the surface of the steel strip, discrete polygonal ferrite grains were observed to form in parallel, and closely spaced “rafts” traversing individual grains of austenite. Based on observations of the equivalent zone of the rolled Ni-30Fe alloy, the ferrite distribution could be correlated with planar defects in the form of intragranular microshear bands formed within the deformed austenite during rolling. Within the central zone of the steel strip, a bainitic microstructure, typical of that observed after conventional hot rolling of this steel, was observed following air cooling. In this region of the rolled Ni-30Fe alloy, a network of microbands was observed, typical of material deformed under plane-strain conditions.


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The present work investigates the optimal level of residual hydrogen in partially de-hydrogenated powder to produce CP-Ti plate compacts using ECAP with back pressure which are subsequently rolled at low temperature. A comparative study of the compaction of two TiH2 powders and a CP-Ti powder, with particle sizes 150 um, 50um and 45 um respectively, has been carried out. The hydride powders have also been compacted in a partially de-hydrogenated state. The optimal level of residual hydrogen with respect to the density of the resulting compact and the associated mechanical properties has been defined. ECAP at 300°C produced compacts from these partially de-hydrogenated powders of 99.5% theoretical density, while CP-Ti was compacted to almost full theoretical density under the same ECAP conditions. Therefore, the compaction of powder by ECAP does not benefit from temporary hydrogen alloying.

These compacts then were rolled at temperatures ranging from room temperature to 500°C with an 80% reduction in a single pass. Heat treatment after the rolling can modify the microstructure to improve the resulting mechanical properties and in this regard the temporary alloying with hydrogen has been observed to offer some significant benefits. It is shown the ECAP followed by low temperature rolling is a promising route to the batch production of fully dense CP-Ti wrought product from powder feedstock that avoids the need to subject the material to temperatures greater than 500°C. This low temperature route is expected to be efficient from an energy point of view and it also avoids the danger of interstitial contamination that accompanies most high temperature powder processing.


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An important problem in designing RFIC in CMOS technology is the parasitic elements of passive and active devices that complicate design calculations. This article presents three LNA topologies including cascode, folded cascade, and differential cascode and then introduces image rejection filters for low-side and high-side injection. Then, a new method for design and optimization of the circuits based on a Pareto-based multiobjective genetic algorithm is proposed. A set of optimum device values and dimensions that best match design specifications are obtained. The optimization method is layout aware, parasitic aware, and simulation based. Circuit simulations are carried out based on TSMC 0.18 um CMOS technology by using Hspice.


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Filtration is an effective process in removing particles of various nature and sizes that are present in water and wastewater. It has been used as a final clarifying step in water treatment since the19th century. It is becoming increasingly important in the tertiary treatment step of wastewater to produce effluent of superior quality for the purpose of reuse. Filtration is particularly applied when high flow rates of water with relatively low contents of suspended solids have to be treated. In a conventional water or wastewater treatment system, the filters are usually placed after sedimentation units to remove suspended particles, which escape without settling in the sedimentation units. When chemically pretreated and flocculated water is applied to a filter without a prior-solid liquid separation it is called direct filtration.


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A reliable hydrograph separation method is necessary for surface runoff modeling and hydrological studies. This paper investigates and compares the separation characteristics of two single-parameter digital filters, which are herein referred to as the one-parameter algorithm and the conceptual method. The application of the one-parameter algorithm was found to be restricted to low and medium baseflow separations, with a maximum separation limit of 50% of the total runoff hydrograph. The one-parameter algorithm was also observed to produce unrealistic sharp peaks under the peaks of the measured hydrograph when recession constant is smaller than 0.96. On the other hand, the conceptual method is applicable even for catchments fed largely by groundwater discharge. However, a reliable estimation of recession constant is a prerequisite for applying the conceptual method for large baseflow separations. Based on the hydrograph separation results, useful empirical relationships were developed for a partially urbanized watershed to estimate total runoff and direct runoff from the measured rainfall depth. The relationships between rainfall depth and total runoff depth and rainfall depth and direct runoff depth were found to be well represented by linear equations. The empirical relationships were then applied to estimate the long-term contribution of baseflow and surface runoff to total runoff at the study site. Baseflow was found to contribute about 58–61% of the annual total runoff.