9 resultados para Lorenz, Equações de

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Uncoupling protein-3 (UCP3) is a mitochondrial inner-membrane protein abundantly expressed in rodent and human skeletal muscle which may be involved in energy dissipation. Many studies have been performed on the metabolic regulation of UCP3 mRNA level, but little is known about UCP3 expression at the protein level. Two populations of mitochondria have been described in skeletal muscle, subsarcolemmal (SS) and intermyofibrillar (IMF), which differ in their intracellular localization and possibly also their metabolic role. To examine if UCP3 is differentially expressed in these two populations and in different mouse muscle types, we developed a new protocol for isolation of SS and IMF mitochondria and carefully validated a new UCP3 antibody. The data show that the density of UCP3 is higher in the mitochondria of glycolytic muscles (tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius) than in those of oxidative muscle (soleus). They also show that SS mitochondria contain more UCP3 per mg of protein than IMF mitochondria. Taken together, these results suggest that oxidative muscle and the mitochondria most closely associated with myofibrils are most efficient at producing ATP. We then determined the effect of a 24-h fast, which greatly increases UCP3 mRNA (16.4-fold) in muscle, on UCP3 protein expression in gastrocnemius mitochondria. We found that fasting moderately increases (1.5-fold) or does not change UCP3 protein in gastrocnemius SS or IMF mitochondria, respectively. These results show that modulation of UCP3 expression at the mRNA level does not necessarily result in similar changes at the protein level and indicate that UCP3 density in SS and IMF mitochondria can be differently affected by metabolic changes.


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Catecholamines are viewed as major stimulants of diet- and cold-induced thermogenesis and of fasting-induced lipolysis, through the β-adrenoceptors (β1/β2/β3). To test this hypothesis, we generated β1/β2/β3-adrenoceptor triple knockout (TKO) mice and compared them to wild type animals. TKO mice exhibited normophagic obesity and cold-intolerance. Their brown fat had impaired morphology and lacked responses to cold of uncoupling protein-1 expression. In contrast, TKO mice had higher circulating levels of free fatty acids and glycerol at basal and fasted states, suggesting enhanced lipolysis. Hence, β-adrenergic signalling is essential for the resistance to obesity and cold, but not for the lipolytic response to fasting.


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Brown adipose tissue uncoupling protein-1 (UCP1) plays a major role in the control of energy balance in rodents. It has long been thought, however, that there is no physiologically relevant UCP1 expression in adult humans. In this study we show, using an original approach consisting of sorting cells from various tissues and differentiating them in an adipogenic medium, that a stationary population of skeletal muscle cells expressing the CD34 surface protein can differentiate in vitro into genuine brown adipocytes with a high level of UCP1 expression and uncoupled respiration. These cells can be expanded in culture, and their UCP1 mRNA expression is strongly increased by cell-permeating cAMP derivatives and a peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor-{gamma} (PPAR{gamma}) agonist. Furthermore, UCP1 mRNA was detected in the skeletal muscle of adult humans, and its expression was increased in vivo by PPAR{gamma} agonist treatment. All the studies concerning UCP1 expression in adult humans have until now been focused on the white adipose tissue. Here we show for the first time the existence in human skeletal muscle and the prospective isolation of progenitor cells with a high potential for UCP1 expression. The discovery of this reservoir generates a new hope of treating obesity by acting on energy dissipation.


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The major polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) in the western diet is linoleic acid (LA), which is considered to be the major source of tissue arachidonic acid (AA), the principal precursor for the vaso-active eicosanoids via the cyclooxygenase enzymatic pathway. However, dietary AA may contribute significantly to tissue levels of AA in humans, leading to an increase in the production of eicosanoids, particularly the platelet aggregating, vasoconstricting, thromboxane (TXA2), hence increasing thrombosis risk. The aims of this study were to determine the extent to which dietary AA contributed to prostacyclin (PGI2) and TXA2 production in vivo and whether dietary long chain (LC) n-3 PUFA have a modulating influence on the metabolism of AA to these vaso-active eicosanoids. A gas chromatography -mass spectrometry (GCMS) method for urinary PGI2-M determination and a tandem GCMS/MS method for urinary TXA2-M determination were perfected for use within our laboratory (with the assistance of Dr Howard Knapp, University of Iowa and Professor Reinhard Lorenz, Ludwig Maximilian's University, Munich, respectively). An initial animal study compared the in vitro production of PGI2 by aorta segments with the whole body in vivo production of PGI2 in rats fed ethyl arachidonate or the ethyl ester of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), at levels many times higher than encountered in human diets. During AA feeding both measures of PGI2 increased, although in vitro TXA2 production was not affected. EPA feeding lowered in vitro TXA2 and in vivo PGI2. Prior to determining the effects of AA and LC n-3 PUFA in humans, a study was carried out to determine the AA and LC n-3 PUFA content of foods and from these, an estimate of the mean daily intake of AA and other LC PUFA. Eggs, organ meats and paté were found to be the richest sources of AA. Of the meat and fish analysed, white meat was found to be relatively rich in AA but poor in LC n-3 PUFA. Lean red meat, particularly kangaroo had similar LC n-3 PUFA and AA content. Fish, although rich in AA, had extremely high levels of LC n-3 PUFA. The calculated mean daily intakes of AA in Australian adults was 130mg (males) and 96mg (females). For total LC n-3 PUFA intake, the mean daily values were 247mg (males) and 197mg (females). Two human pilot studies involving dietary intervention trials examined the effects of dietary AA and AA plus long chain n-3 PUFA on thrombosis risk, gauged by the change in the ratio of PGI2 / TXA2 as well as alterations to other recognised risk factors, such as lipoprotein lipids and platelet aggregation. The desired dietary amounts of AA and LC n-3 PUFA were achieved in the first study by combining food items with known levels of each fatty acid. In the second study, where a diet with approximately equal quantities of AA and LC n-3 PUFA was being examined, kangaroo meat was consumed, following a low-fat vegetarian diet used as a baseline. Diets rich in AA alone (~500mg/day) increased plasma phospholipid (PL) AA levels, PGIi and TXA2 production. When foods containing equal quantities of AA and EPA (∼500mg/day of each) were fed to subjects PGI2 increased, with no change in TXAs production. Low fat vegetarian diets lowered PGI2 production, the level of which was reestablished by an AA rich diet (∼300mg AA/day + ∼260mg/day LC n-3 PUFA) of kangaroo meat. However, TXA2 production was not altered. A final, larger human dietary intervention trial then examined the effects of diets relatively rich in AA alone, AA plus LC n-3 PUFA and LC n-3 PUFA, on the ratio of PGI2/TXA2- The dietary sources of these fatty acids were white meat, red meat and fish, respectively. Each contained a mean level of AA of ∼140mg/day, with varying LC n-3 PUFA levels (59, 161 and 3380mg/day, respectively). Neither meat diet altered PGI2 or TXA2 production significantly, despite increasing serum PL AA levels. The fish diet resulted in a decrease in the serum and platelet PL AA/EPA ratio and TXA2 production, thus increasing the PGI2 / TXA2 ratio. These results would indicate that stores of AA in the body are sufficiently high to have effectively saturated the cyclooxygenase pathway for production of both PGI2 and TXA2, thus making any small change in the plasma level of AA due to 'normal' dietary levels, inconsequential. However, as seen in the rat study and the two pilot studies higher dietary levels of AA can increase both PGI2 and TXA2 production. Increases in platelet levels of EPA and DHA were associated with a decrease in TXA2 production, or the maintenance of a constant TXA2 level, while AA tissue levels and PGI2 production increased. This suggests a possible inhibitory effect of LC n-3 PUFA on the metabolism of AA to TXA2, particularly in platelets. From these short term studies, conducted over 2-3 week periods, it can be concluded that diets rich in lean meats can raise plasma AA levels but do not affect TXA2 or PGI2 production, hence are not pro-thrombotic. Diets rich in long chain n-3 PUFA from fish, raise plasma EPA and DHA levels, lower TXA2 production and are anti-thrombotic. Diets which combine equal quantities of AA and LC n-3 PUFA appear to increase PGI2 production while keeping TXA2 production constant. In order for these LC PUFA to have a significant effect on eicosanoid production the dietary intake of these fatty acids through foods such as red meat or white meat would have to be higher than average current Australian consumption levels.


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The crime of virtual property theft has become a serious problem in virtual worlds in recent years. Players of these games are repeatedly falling victim to this crime, with little or no repercussion for the offender. Virtual property often has a substantial real world monetary value and the theft of such items impacts greatly on victims. The problem of virtual property theft is complex, involving many legal, regulatory and technological factors. As such, trying to address this problem in a single dimension is not sufficient, each factor need to be addressed with a multidisciplinary approach. In addressing this problem, this paper provides a model for describing the issue of virtual property trading and the issues associated with virtual property theft. The paper also proposes an approach for handling virtual property theft based on improvements to laws related to virtual property and theft, improvements to the virtual world software components and better regulation from governments.


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The lack of sufficient financial drivers are preventing significant investment in sustainability because stakeholders have only very limited ability to measure the sustainability of the building or understand the impact upon the value. Valuers are unable to indicate or clarify whether sustainability is affecting market value as there is an absence of detailed market evidence, sales data and lease transactions of sustainable building. Leaving both Valuers and other stakeholders uncertain of the value implication as there is no reliable evidence as to whether sustainable buildings are feasible (Lutzkendorf and Lorenz, 2005). One of the key barriers is the confusion evident in the industry particularly the measurement of sustainability in commercial property. Although a range of environmental rating tools exist for buildings globally in commercial property, the synergy between these tools and identification of the relationship between the measurement and market value is inherently blurred due to the unique nature of the compilation of points attributed in the rating tools for sustainability or energy certificates in commercial property. The paper examines the challenges that face the Valuation profession in assessing the impact of sustainability on market value.


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Refractive indices have been measured throughout the nematic phase of 4-n-pentyl-4'cyanobiphenyl (5CB) and the smectic A and nematic phases of 4-n-octyl-4'-cyanobiphenyl (8CB). The Vuks and Neugebauer methods of calculating the order parameter are compared. Without knowledge of the molecular polarisabilities it is only possible to calculate a quantity proportional to the order parameter, and within this limitation it is found that the two methods give identical results. The order parameter is scaled using the extrapolation method suggested by Haller [14]. Using a suitable average of the refractive indices and the density data of Gannon and Faber [9], it is shown that the Lorentz-Lorenz relation is obeyed over a 2 % density range in 5CB.


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In many animals, response to predators occurs at greater distances the further an individual is from a refuge, but this has rarely been investigated in birds. Here, we test the hypothesis that the further from refuge (i.e. water) a foraging black swan Cygnus atratus is situated, the longer its flight initiation distance (FID) in response to a pedestrian approach on land. As predicted, swans situated farther from water exhibited longer FIDs compared with those closer to the shore. In addition, there was the possibility of an interesting interaction effect (p < 0.061) of sex and direction of approach on FID. Whilst males tended to not alter their response in relation to the angle of approach relative to the water, females tended to respond at longer distances, when approached from the shore than when approached from the land or parallel to the shore. This is one of the first reports of sex differences in FIDs for birds, with sex differences only manifesting themselves under certain approach types. Group size, the order of repeated approaches, and time of day did not influence responses, although starting distance of approach was positively related to FID.