102 resultados para Local and Global Well-Posedness

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Large-degree nodes in scale-free networks are normally responsible for large cascades of epidemics. However, recent research shows small-degree nodes can also produce large-scale epidemics in the real world. In this letter, we investigate the relation between local and global influence of individuals in scale-free network in order to theoretically explain this real-world phenomenon. The local influence of an individual corresponds to the node degree, and the global influence of an individual reflects the expected number of individuals directly or indirectly influenced by this individual in epidemics. We formalize the later as the novel epidemic betweenness concept, to mathematically estimate the global influence of individuals. Our analysis shows that the global influence follows power-law distributions in scale-free networks. We also observe that the average global influence of individuals is power-law to the degree of nodes, which well explains the reason why large-degree nodes are more likely to produce large cascades of epidemics. In addition, we discover that some smalldegree nodes also possess large global influence in terms of epidemics betweenness. This well explains the counter-intuitive phenomenon in recent research.


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This paper emerges from research to define the dimensions of diversity and difference within a local Melbourne, Australian school and the requirement to understand these changes in times of increasing globalisation.


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Structural condition monitoring methods can be generally classified as local and global. While the global method needs only a small number of sensors to measure the low-frequency structural vibration properties, the acquired information is often not sufficiently sensitive to minor damages in a structure. Local methods, on the other hand, could be very sensitive to minor damages but their detection range is usually small. To overcome the drawbacks and take advantage of both methods, an integrated condition monitoring system has been recently developed for structural damage detection, which combines guided wave and structural vibration tests. This study aims at finding a viable damage identification method for steel structures by using this system. First, a spectral element modelling method is developed, which can simulate both wave propagation and structural vibration properties. Then the model is used in updating analysis to identify crack damage. Extensive numerical simulations and model updating works are conducted. The experimental and numerical results suggest that simply combining the objective functions cannot provide better structural damage identification. A two-stage damage identification scheme is more suitable for identifying damage in steel beams.


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In this paper we consider two methods for automatically determining values for thresholding edge maps. In contrast to most other related work they are based on the figural rather than statistical properties of the edges. The first approach applies a local edge evaluation measure based on edge continuity and edge thinness to determine the threshold on edge magnitude. The second approach is more global and considers complete connected edge curves. The curves are mapped onto an edge curve length/average magnitude feature space, and a robust technique is developed to partition this feature space into true and false edge regions. A quantitative assessment of the results on synthetic data shows that the global method performs better than the local method. Furthermore, a qualitative assessment of its application to a variety of real images shows that it reliably produces good results.


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In this paper we consider two methods for automatically determining values for thresholding edge maps. Rather than use statistical methods they are based on the figural properties of the edges. Two approaches are taken. We investigate applying an edge evaluation measure based on edge continuity and edge thinness to determine the threshold on edge strength. However, the technique is not valid when applied to edge detector outputs that are one-pixel wide. In this case, we use a measure based on work by Lowe for assessing edges. This measure is based on length and average strength of complete linked edge lists.


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Recently Australia has witnessed a revival of concern about the place of Australian literature within the school curriculum. This has occurred within  a policy environment where there is increasing emphasis on Australia’s place  in a world economy, and on the need to encourage young people to think of  themselves in a global context. These dimensions are reflected in the  recently published Australian Curriculum: English, which requires students to read texts of ‘enduring artistic and cultural value’ that are drawn from  'world and Australian literature’. No indication, however, is given as to how the reading and literary interpretation that students do might meaningfully be framed by such categories. This essay asks: what saliences do the categories of the ‘local’, the ‘national’ and the ‘global’ have when  young people engage with literary texts? How does this impact on teachers’  and students’ interpretative approaches to literature? What place does a  ‘literary’ education, whether conceived in ‘local’, 'national’ or ‘global’  terms, have in the twenty-first century?


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We explored the contribution to perception of orientation-modulated textures of visual processes selective either for orientation contrast or orientation grouping. To distinguish between these two processes we manipulated the axis of local grouping of texture elements independently of the direction of global orientation modulation. The general question posed was whether visibility of texture structure (measured as threshold for discriminating spatial-frequency of texture structure) is dependent on the magnitude of orientation contrast, strength and direction of local grouping, or some combination of the two. We demonstrated that the factor of primary importance is the amplitude of global orientation contrast rather than the presence of local grouping content. Using orientation-interleaved textures (containing two superimposed textures modulated around orthogonal orientations), we further showed that orientation single-opponent processes are a more likely candidate for detecting orientation contrast than double-opponent processes.


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Post-colonial movements for independence are voices of autonomy and independence before the onslaught of global organizations and cultures. This paper introduces the second set of themed papers in Gender, Place and Culture (see 13.2) which contains some of these voices, emanating from intensely private as well as communal and street kitchens; where women proclaim their visibility, economic value as food producers and transformers. The essays by Christie on the fiesta kitchens of central Mexico, Schroeder on the community kitchens of Bolivia and Peru, Robson on Islamic kitchens in rural Nigeria, Wardrop on the street vendors of south Durban and Pascali on Italian migrant kitchens in North East America, all acknowledge the vital contexts of 'development', urbanization, migration and industrialization to their stories, while also highlighting powerful elements of resistance and autonomy within the kitchen. As such the Western gaze records not so much the impacts of globalization as its cooking and transformation into something new, a hybrid dish, customized for local consumption.


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This article categorizes four kinds of adverse effects to human health caused by ecosystem change: direct, mediated, modulated, and systems failure. The effects are categorized on their scale, complexity, and lag-time. Some but not all of these can be classified as resulting from reduced ecosystem services. The articles also explores the impacts that different socioeconomic–ecologic scenarios are likely to have on human health and how changes to human health may, in turn, influence the unfolding of four different plausible future scenarios. We provide examples to show that our categorization is a useful taxonomy for understanding the complex relationships between ecosystems and human well-being and for predicting how future ecosystem changes may affect human health.


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This report synthesizes the findings from the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment's (MA) global and sub-global assessments of how ecosystem changes do, or could, affect human health and well-being. Main topics covered are: Food, fresh water, timber, fibre, and fuel, nutrient and waste management, pollution, processing and detoxification, cultural, spiritual and recreational services, climate regulation, and extreme weather events.


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■ Human well-being has several key components: the basic material needs for a good life, freedom and choice, health, good social relations, and personal security. Well-being exists on a continuum with poverty, which has been defined as"pronounced deprivation in well-being."
■ How well-being and ill-being, or poverty, are expressed and experienced is context- and situation-dependent, reflecting local social and personal factors such as geography, ecology, age, gender,and culture.These concepts are complex and value-laden.
■ Ecosystems are essential for human well-being through their provisioning, regulating, cultural, and supporting services. Evidence in recent decades of escalating human impacts. on ecological systems worldwide raises concerns about the consequences of ecosystem changes for human well-being.
■ Human well-being can be enhanced through sustainable human interaction with ecosystems with the support of appropriate instruments, institutions, organizations, and technology. creation of these through participation and transparency may contribute to people's freedoms and choices and to increased economic, social,and ecological security.
■ Some believe that the problems from the depletion and degradation of ecological capital can be largely overcome by the substitution of physical and human capital. Others believe that there are more significant limits to such substitutions.The scope for substitutions varies by socioeconomic status.
■ We identify direct and indirect pathways between ecosystem change and human well-being,whether it be positive or negative.lndirect effects are characterized by more complex webs of causation, involving social, economic, and political threads. Threshold points exist beyond which rapid changes to human well-being can occur.
■ Indigent poorly resourced, and otherwise disadvantaged communities are generally the most vulnerable to adverse ecosystem change. Spirals, both positive and negative, can occur for any population, but the poor are more vulnerable.      
■ Functioning institutions are vital to enable equitable access to ecosystem services. lnstitutions sometimes fail or remain undeveloped because of powerful individuals or groups. Bodies that mediate the distribution of goods and services may also be appropriated for the benefit of powerful minorities.
■ For poor people, the greatest gains in well-being will occur through more equitable and secure access to ecosystem services. In the long run, the rich can contribute greatly to human well-being by reducing their substantial impacts on ecosystems and by facilitating greater access to ecosystem services by the poor.
■ We argue ecological security warrants recognition as a sixth freedom of equal weight with participative freedom, economic   facilities, social opportunities, transparency guarantees, and protective security.