21 resultados para Linear response

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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 Urbanization has profound influence on the hydrologic response of landscapes. Urban transformation affects the storages and processes that determine the generation of hydrologic fluxes. It also changes the time-scales associated with hydrologic processes. Shifts in hydrologic response of the watershed unit due to urban transformation may be more complex than the simple linear mixing (weighted sum) of responses from the urbanized and non-urbanized fractions of the landscape. This may especially be the case for tropical watersheds where the precipitation forcing of the watershed is frequent and intense - interacting with the shifting time-scales and changing storages with increasing urbanization. In this study, a fully distributed hydrological model (MOBIDIC) that captures hydrologic dynamics during storms and interstorms is applied in order to characterize the potentially nonlinear response of a tropical watershed to urban transformation. Indices that quantify the departures from linear response are introduced and used to test the effects of urbanization on different hydrologic processes and fluxes in a mixed (urban and non-urban) watershed. The tropical Kranji watershed in Singapore is used in this study. Fortunately two sub-watersheds within Kranji that have streamflow gaging stations are well-suited for the calibration of the model. One sub-watershed is nearly fully urbanized and another is pristine (non-urban). As a result the contrasting components (urban and non-urban) can be calibrated in the model. The simulation system is then used to assess the hydrologic response due to changing levels of urbanization. For some fluxes and storages, the hydrologic response due to changing urban fraction cannot be simply predicted from a linear mixing model.


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The present study examined the validity and reliability of measuring the expression of various genes in human skeletal muscle using quantitative real-time RT-PCR on a GeneAmp 5700 sequence detection system with SYBR Green 1 chemistry. In addition, the validity of using some of these genes as endogenous controls (i.e., housekeeping genes) when human skeletal muscle was exposed to elevated total creatine levels and exercise was also examined. For all except 28S, linear relationships between the logarithm of the starting RNA concentrations and the cycle threshold (CT) values were established for ß-actin, ß2-microglobulin (ß2M), cyclophilin (CYC), and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). We found a linear response between CT values and the logarithm of a given amount of starting cDNA for all the genes tested. The overall intra-assay coefficient of variance for these genes was 1.3% and 21% for raw CT values and the linear value of 2-CT, respectively. Interassay variability was 2.3% for raw CT values and 34% for the linear value of 2-CT. We also examined the expression of various housekeeping genes in human skeletal muscle at days 0, 1, and 5 following oral supplementation with either creatine or a placebo employing a double-blind crossover study design. Treatments were separated by a 5-wk washout period. Immediately following each muscle sampling, subjects performed two 30-s all-out bouts on a cycle ergometer. Creatine supplementation increased (P < 0.05) muscle total creatine content above placebo levels; however, there were no changes (P > 0.05) in CT values across the supplementation periods for any of the genes. Nevertheless, 95% confidence intervals showed that GAPDH was variable, whereas ß-actin, ß2M, and CYC were the least varying genes. Normalization of the data to these housekeeping genes revealed variable behavior for ß2M with more stable expressions for both ß-actin and CYC. We conclude that, using real-time RT-PCR, ß-actin or CYC may be used as housekeeping genes to study gene expression in human muscle in experiments employing short-term creatine supplementation combined with high-intensity exercise.


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Irinotecan (CPT-11) and its main metabolite SN-38 are potent anticancer derivatives of camptothecin (CPT), with active lactone and inactive carboxylate forms coexisting. A simple and sensitive HPLC method using the ion-pairing reagent tetrabutylammonium hydrogen sulfate (TBAHS) was developed to simultaneously determine all four analytes in rat plasma samples. Camptothecin (CPT) was used as internal standard. The mobile phase was 0.1 M potassium dihydrogen phosphate containing 0.01 M TBAHS (pH 6.4)–acetonitrile (75:25, v/v). Separation of the compounds was carried out on a Hypersil C18 column, monitored at 540 nm (excitation wavelength at 380 nm). All four compounds gave linear response as a function of concentration over 0.01–10 μM. The limit of quantitation in rat plasma was 0.01, 0.008, 0.005 and 0.005 μM for CPT-11 lactone, CPT-11 carboxylate, SN-38 lactone and SN-38 carboxylate, respectively. The method was successfully used in the study on the effect of coadministered thalidomide on the plasma pharmacokinetics of CPT-11 and SN-38 in rats. Coadministered thalidomide (100 mg/kg body weight by intraperitoneal injection) significantly increased the AUC0–10h values of CPT-11 lactone and CPT-11 carboxylate by 32.6% and 30.3 %, respectively, (P < 0.01), but decreased the values by 19.2% and 32.4% for SN-38 lactone and carboxylate, respectively, (P < 0.05). Accordingly, the value of total body clearance (CL) of CPT-11 lactone was significantly lower in combination group compared to the control (1.329 versus 1.837 L/h/kg, P = 0.0002). Plasma t1/2β values for SN-38 lactone and carboxylate were significantly (P < 0.01) smaller in rats with coadministered thalidomide, as compared to rats receiving CPT-11 alone. Further studies are needed to explore the underlying mechanisms for the observed kinetic interaction between CPT-11 and thalidomide.


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A sensitive and simple high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was developed and validated for the determination of thalidomide in rat plasma. Chromatography was accomplished with a reversed-phase Hypersil C18 column. Mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile-10 mM ammonium acetate buffer (pH 5.50) (28:72, v/v), at a flow rate of 0.8 ml/min. Thalidomide was monitored by ultraviolet detector at 220 nm and it gave a linear response as a function of concentration over 0.02–50 μM. The limit of quantitation in rat plasma was 0.50 ng (0.02 μM plasma concentration) with an aliquot of 20 μl. Results from a 3-day validation study indicated that this method allows for simple and rapid quantitation of thalidomide with excellent accuracy and reliability. Using this validated assay, the effect of coadministered irinotecan (CPT-11) on the plasma pharmacokinetics of thalidomide in rats was determined. Coadministration of CPT-11 (intravenously, 60 mg/kg) increased the maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) and area under the plasma concentration–time curve (AUC0–10 h) of thalidomide by 32.29 and 11.66%, respectively, as compared to the control, but none of the effect of CPT-11 was of statistical significance (P > 0.05). Concomitant CPT-11 also caused a 10.04% decrease in plasma clearance (CL) and 14.51% decrease in volume of distribution (Vd) (P > 0.05). These results suggest that coadministered CPT-11 did not significantly alter the plasma pharmacokinetics of thalidomide in rats. Further studies are warranted to explore the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions between CPT-11 and thalidomide.


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We have introduced an in-situ Raman monitoring technique to investigate the crystallization process inside protein drops. In addition to a conventional vapour-diffusion process, a novel procedure which actively stimulates the evaporation from a protein drop during crystallization was also evaluated, with lysozyme as a model protein. In contrast to the conventional vapour-diffusion condition, the evaporation-stimulated growth of crystals was initiated in a simple dehydration scheme and completed within a significantly shorter time. To gain an understanding of crystallization behaviours under the conditions with and without such evaporation stimulation, confocal Raman spectroscopy combined with linear regression analysis was used to monitor both lysozyme and HEPES buffer concentrations in real time. The confocal measurements having a high spatial resolution and good linear response revealed areas of local inhomogeneity in protein concentration when the crystallization started. The acquired concentration profiles indicated that (1)ÿthe evaporation-stimulated crystallization proceeded with protein concentrations lower than those under conventional vapour diffusion, and (2)ÿcrystals under the evaporation-stimulated condition were noticeable within an early stage of crystallization before the protein concentration approached its maximum value. The HEPES concentration profiles, on the other hand, increased steadily towards the end of the process regardless of the conditions used for crystallization. In particular, the observed local inhomogeneities specific to protein distribution suggested an accumulation mechanism of protein molecules that initiates the nucleation of crystals.


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A novel strategy for selective and sensitive electrochemical lead ion (Pb2+) biosensor was developed based on the single-stranded DNAzyme catalytic beacon. A DNAzyme that requires Pb2+ for activation was selected and labeled with redox-active ferrocene (Fc) for signal transducer. The Fc-labeled single-stranded DNAzyme (Fc-ssDNAzyme) was self-assembled through SAu bonding on a gold electrode surface. In the presence of Pb2+, the ssDNAzyme was activated and catalyzed the hydrolytic cleavage of the substrate strand, resulting in the removal of the substrate strand along with the Fc from the Au electrode surface. The dissociation of Fc caused a decrease of electrochemical signal ("signal-off"). Under the optimal conditions, the electrochemical signal of Fc decreased directly with the increasing Pb2+ concentration, exhibiting a linear response in the range of 0.5nM to 5μM with a detection limit of 0.25nM. This strategy is simple, sensitive and selective with the minimal reagents and working steps, thereby holds great potential for Pb2+ detection in real environmental sample analysis.


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Introduction. The lack of an adequate empirical base for models of female sexual response is a critical issue within the female sexual dysfunction (FSD) literature.

Aim. The current research compared the extent to which a linear model of sexual response and Basson's circular model of female sexual response represent the sexual function of women with and without FSD.

Main Outcome Measures. Women's levels of sexual function/dysfunction were assessed with the Female Sexual Function Index and additional items measured women's endorsement of models of female sexual function as representing their own sexual experience.

Methods. An anonymous online survey assessing female sexual response and associated aetiological factors was completed by a random sample of 404 women.

Although the linear model of sexual response was a good fit for women with and without sexual dysfunction, the relationship between sexual arousal and orgasm was mediated by sexual desire for women with FSD. The fit of the initial circular model of women's sexual response was poor for both groups. Following pathway modification, the modified circular model adequately represented the responses of both groups and revealed that a number of the relationships between sexual response variables were stronger for women with FSD.

Conclusions. The linear model was a more accurate representation of sexual response for women with normal sexual function than women with FSD and sexual arousal and orgasm was mediated by sexual desire for women with FSD. The modified circular model was a more accurate representation of the sexual response of women with FSD than women with normal sexual function.


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In this paper we use the modified and integrated version of the balloon model in the analysis of fMRI data. We propose a new state space model realization for this balloon model and represent it with the standard A,B,C and D matrices widely used in system theory. A second order Padé approximation with equal numerator and denominator degree is used for the time delay approximation in the modeling of the cerebral blood flow. The results obtained through numerical solutions showed that the new state space model realization is in close agreement to the actual modified and integrated version of the balloon model. This new system theoretic formulation is likely to open doors to a novel way of analyzing fMRI data with real time robust estimators. With further development and validation, the new model has the potential to devise a generalized measure to make a significant contribution to improve the diagnosis and treatment of clinical scenarios where the brain functioning get altered. Concepts from system theory can readily be used in the analysis of fMRI data and the subsequent synthesis of filters and estimators.


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Linear strips of natural or semi-natural vegetation are a characteristic feature of rural landscapes throughout the world. Their value for the conservation of fauna in heavily modified landscapes depends on the response of species to the linear shape of the habitat, and the pressures this imposes on population processes and spatial organization. In south-eastern Australia, woodland habitats occupied by the squirrel glider Petaurus norfolcensis, a threatened species of arboreal marsupial, have been preferentially cleared for agriculture leaving only remnants within cleared farmland. In this study, the home range of P. norfolcensis was investigated by radio-tracking 40 gliders within a highly modified landscape where the majority (83%) of remaining wooded habitat occurs as a network of linear strips along roadsides and streams. Individuals were tracked for one to four seasons, resulting in the collection of 4213 independent locational 'fixes'. All fixes of animals were from remnant woodland. Home ranges were elongated and linear, primarily determined by the shape and arrangement of woodland habitat. Seasonal home ranges were small (mean of 1.4–2.8 ha) and ranged between 320 and 840 m long. Small patches of trees in farmland adjacent to the linear habitats were also extensively used. Despite the highly modified landscape structure, home ranges of P. norfolcensis in the linear network were smaller than those estimated from other studies of this species in continuous habitat. The apparent high quality of the linear habitats is attributed to the density of large old trees, which provide foraging and breeding resources, and the productivity of the environment. Linear landscape elements may have a valuable conservation function where they provide resident habitat or enhance landscape connectivity, but their long-term viability is vulnerable to disturbance.


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The combined effect of scan speed, hydrogen and air flow rates on the flame ionization detection (FID) peak response of phospholipid classes has been studied to determine the optimum levels of these parameters. The phospholipid composition of different types of commercial lecithins, as well as lecithins combined with fish oils, has been analyzed by Iatroscan TLC‐FID Mark‐6s under optimized conditions. An air flow rate of 2 L/min, a hydrogen flow rate of 150–160 mL/min, and a scan speed of 30 s/rod seem to be the ideal conditions for scanning phospholipids with complete pyrolysis in the flame in the Mark‐6 model. Increasing the scan speed rapidly decreased the FID response. A hydrogen flow rate as high as 170 mL/min could be used at relatively low air flow rates (&#x003C2 L/min) and the response declined when both air flow rate and hydrogen flow rate increased simultaneously. Both linear and curvilinear relationships had highly significant correlations (p&#x003C0.01) with the sample load. Time course reactions, including the hydrolysis of phosphatidylserine using enzymes, can be successfully monitored by the Iatroscan TLC‐FID Chromarod system.


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INTRODUCTION: Studies that address sensitive topics, such as female sexual difficulty and dysfunction, often achieve poor response rates that can bias  results. Factors that affect response rates to studies in this area are not well characterized.
AIM: To model the response rate in studies investigating the prevalence of female sexual difficulty and dysfunction.
METHODS: Databases were searched for English-language, prevalence studies using the search terms: sexual difficulties/dysfunction, woman/women/female, prevalence, and cross-sectional. Studies that did not report response rates or were clinic-based were excluded. A multiple linear regression model was constructed.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Published response rates.
RESULTS: A total of 1,380 publications were identified, and 54 of these met our inclusion criteria. Our model explained 58% of the variance in response rates of studies investigating the prevalence of difficulty with desire, arousal, orgasm, or sexual pain (R(2) = 0.581, P = 0.027). This model was based on study design variables, study year, location, and the reported prevalence of each type of sexual difficulty. More recent studies (beta = -1.05, P = 0.037) and studies that only included women over 50 years of age (beta = -31.11, P = 0.007) had lower response rates. The use of face-to-face interviews was associated with a higher response rate (beta = 20.51, P = 0.036). Studies that did not include questions regarding desire difficulties achieved higher response rates than those that did include questions on desire difficulty (beta = 23.70, P = 0.034).
CONCLUSION: Response rates in prevalence studies addressing female sexual difficulty and dysfunction are frequently low and have decreased by an average of just over 1% per anum since the late 60s. Participation may improve by conducting interviews in person. Studies that investigate a broad range of ages may be less representative of older women, due to a poorer response in older age groups. Lower response rates in studies that investigate desire difficulty suggest that sexual desire is a particularly sensitive topic.


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Within the semiarid regions of New South Wales, Australia, the endangered southern bell frog (Litoria raniformis) occupies a landscape that is characterised by unpredictable rainfall and periodic flooding. Limited knowledge of the movement and habitat-occupancy patterns of this species in response to flood events has hampered conservation efforts. We used radio-tracking to assess changes in movement patterns and habitat occupancy of L. raniformis (n = 40) over three different periods (November, January and April/May) that coincided with the flooding, full capacity and subsequent drying of waterbodies within an irrigation landscape. We assessed (1) the use of permanent and ephemeral habitats in response to flooding and drying and (2) distances moved, turning angles and dispersion of frogs during wetland flooding, full capacity and drying. Individuals remained in permanent waterbodies in November but had abandoned these areas in favour of flooded ephemeral waterbodies by January. As the ephemeral waterbodies dried, radio-tracked individuals moved back into permanent waterbodies. The movement patterns of radio-tracked individuals were significantly different in the three radio-tracking periods, but did not differ significantly between sexes. Individuals moved significantly greater distances over 24 h, in straighter lines and movements were more dispersed while they occupied ephemeral waterbodies during January than when they occupied permanent waterbodies during November and April/May. Local weather conditions did not influence movement patterns when all three tracking periods were modelled together using a single linear stepwise regression. The dynamic distribution of habitat patches over space and time, combined with changing patterns of resource utilisation and movement of L. raniformis, highlights the importance of incorporating both permanent and ephemeral habitat patches into conservation plans. Reductions in flood frequency and extent of ephemeral wetlands due to modified flooding regimes have the capacity to limit dispersal of this species, even when permanent waterbodies remain unchanged.


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The prickle evoked by 48 knitted fabrics was assessed by wearers under a defined evaluation protocol. The relationship between the average wearer prickle score and known properties of constituent fibre, yarns and fabrics and fabric evaluation using the Wool ComfortMeter (WCM) was determined using linear modelling. After log transformation, the best model accounted for 87.7% of the variance. The major share of variation could be attributed to differences between mean fibre diameter (MFD) and WCM values. Low prickle scores were linearly associated with lower MFD, lower WCM and lower yarn linear density. There was an indication that yarn twist affected prickle scores and that fabrics composed of cotton evoked less prickle. Measures of fibre diameter distribution or coarse fibre incidence and other fabric properties were not significant. The analysis indicates that wool garments can be constructed to keep wearer assessed prickle to barely detectable levels and textile designers can manipulate a range of parameters to achieve similar wearer comfort responses.


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Developing an efficient and accurate hydrologic forecasting model is crucial to managing water resources and flooding issues. In this study, response surface (RS) models including multiple linear regression (MLR), quadratic response surface (QRS), and nonlinear response surface (NRS) were applied to daily runoff (e.g., discharge and water level) prediction. Two catchments, one in southeast China and the other in western Canada, were used to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed models. Their performances were compared with artificial neural network (ANN) models, trained with the learning algorithms of the gradient descent with adaptive learning rate (ANN-GDA) and Levenberg-Marquardt (ANN-LM). The performances of both RS and ANN in relation to the lags used in the input data, the length of the training samples, long-term (monthly and yearly) predictions, and peak value predictions were also analyzed. The results indicate that the QRS and NRS were able to obtain equally good performance in runoff prediction, as compared with ANN-GDA and ANN-LM, but require lower computational efforts. The RS models bring practical benefits in their application to hydrologic forecasting, particularly in the cases of short-term flood forecasting (e.g., hourly) due to fast training capability, and could be considered as an alternative to ANN


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Previous efforts in the prospective evaluation of individuals who experience attenuated psychotic symptoms have attempted to isolate mechanisms underlying the onset of full-threshold psychotic illness. In contrast, there has been little research investigating specific predictors of positive outcomes. In this study, we sought to determine biological and clinical factors associated with treatment response, here indexed by functional improvement in a pre-post examination of a 12-week randomized controlled intervention in individuals at ultra-high risk (UHR) for psychosis. Participants received either long-chain omega-3 (ω-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) or placebo. To allow the determination of factors specifically relevant to each intervention, and to be able to contrast them, both treatment groups were investigated in parallel. Univariate linear regression analysis indicated that higher levels of erythrocyte membrane α-linolenic acid (ALA; the parent fatty acid of the ω-3 family) and more severe negative symptoms at baseline predicted subsequent functional improvement in the treatment group, whereas less severe positive symptoms and lower functioning at baseline were predictive in the placebo group. A multivariate machine learning analysis, known as Gaussian Process Classification (GPC), confirmed that baseline fatty acids predicted response to treatment in the ω-3 PUFA group with high levels of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. In addition, GPC revealed that baseline fatty acids were predictive in the placebo group. In conclusion, our investigation indicates that UHR patients with higher levels of ALA may specifically benefit from ω-3 PUFA supplementation. In addition, multivariate machine learning analysis suggests that fatty acids could potentially be used to inform prognostic evaluations and treatment decisions at the level of the individual. Notably, multiple statistical analyses were conducted in a relatively small sample, limiting the conclusions that can be drawn from what we believe to be a first-of-its-kind study. Additional studies with larger samples are therefore needed to evaluate the generalizability of these findings.