191 resultados para Lenses.

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Migration from third-world and low-income countries to high-income Western countries presents significant challenges for individuals and families, and for health service providers in the receiving societies. Cultural conflicts related to preferred body size/shape and parenting practices, together with differential inter generational rates and styles of acculturation, can affect nutritional and lifestyle choices and be associated with high rates of childhood obesity. Using African cultures as an example, this paper examines these issues. It concludes that, in designing and implementating obesity prevention programmes, health service providers need to understand these factors and how they play out.


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the life expectancy of various rigid gas permeable (RGP) lens materials used on a daily wear basis and to compare these results with the life expectancy of a matched group of soft lens wearers.

Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the records of 600 contact lens wearing patients (300 soft contact lens users and 300 RGP lens users) fit between September 1987 and September 1994. None of the subjects wore lenses on a planned replacement system. For the purposes of the study, RGP lenses were divided into three groups: <40 Dk were considered low-Dk; 41-89 Dk were considered mid-Dk; and >90 Dk were considered high-Dk. All soft lenses were high water content lenses (>60% water content). Lenses were included if they were replaced due to loss, breakage, deposition, or poor wettability but not if replaced because of changes in fit or prescription.

Results; The mean (+SD) life-spans of each lens type in months were 19.9 +/- 17 for low-Dk RGP lenses, 15.9 +/-13.3 for mid-Dk RGP lenses, 9.0+8.2 for high-Dk RGP lenses, and 6.4 +/-5.2 for high water content soft lenses. Statistical analysis using a one-way ANOVA on ranks indicated that these results were statistically significant (P< 0.0001).

Conclusions: Patients should be informed that high-Dk lenses (RGP and soft) provide substantial clinical benefits and that they should expect to replace high-Dk RGP lenses after approximately 6 months. This lends further credence to the use of high-Dk lenses on a planned replacement basis.


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Background: Prior to the launch of silcone hydrogel (Si-H) materials in Australia in 1999, only 1.6 per cent of lenses were prescribed on a continuous wear basis.

Methods: One thousand surveys were distributed randomly to practitioners in Australia during January 2000, 2001 and 2002 (total surveys 3,000). Each anonymous survey requested data about the next 10 patients fitted with contact lenses, including date, age, gender, new fitting or refitting, lens material type, lens design, frequency of replacement, modality of wear, uses per week and care regimen.

Results: Twenty per cent (599) were returned, reporting data on 5,976 fittings. A total of 710 fittings used Si-H contact lenses (11.9 per cent), which represented 18.6 per cent of all soft lens fittings. During the three years, the proportion of practitioners prescribing Si-H lenses increased from 42.2 to 52.5 per cent. In 2000, 43.8 per cent were daily wear, which decreased to 32.2 per cent by 2002. The solution system of choice for daily wear lenses was multipurpose solutions (98.4 per cent); the only alternative was hydrogen peroxide systems. Continuous wear represented 11.7 per cent of all fittings, ofwhich 85.7 per cent were Si-H, 3.0 per cent RGP lenses and 11.3 per cent conventional hydrogels. For continuous wear, 79.0 per cent of fittings were to existing wearers, whereas for daily wear, 59.4 per cent were existing wearers. More males were prescribed Si-H continuous wear contact lenses, while females were more likely to be prescribed Si-H on a daily wear basis.

Discussion: Si-H contact lenses were introduced to the Australian market as a continuous wear contact lens, yet many practitioners use this product for daily wear with multipurpose solutions. By 2002, more practitioners were prescribing Si-H contact lenses for continuous wear than in 2000, suggesting a growing confidence in that product for that mode of wear. A comparison with an earlier survey shows there is an increase in continuous wear from 1.6 per cent to 11.7 per cent over a five-year period.


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Background:This study was conducted to ascertain current modes of contact lens prescribing in Australia.

Methods:One thousand questionnaires were randomly distributed to proportionate samples of optometrists in each state of Australia. The profession fits the majority of contact lenses in Australia and the sample represents 55 per cent of all optometrists. We requested details of the first 10 patients fitted with contact lenses after receipt of the questionnaire.

Results:We received 224 completed questionnaires, detailing contact lens fits to 2,230 patients. The mean age of the patient group was 32.3 ± 12.9 years and 65 per cent of these were female. Sixty per cent of patients were existing wearers, the remainder being new fits. The data indicated that 94 per cent of new fits were with soft lenses, of which six per cent were for extended wear. For refits 83 per cent were soft lenses and 24 per cent were extended wear. It was clear that the lens of first choice was mid-water-content (52 per cent of all soft lens fits). Only nine per cent of all soft fits were for lenses which were not replaced on a planned basis. The majority of rigid lenses were prescribed using mid-Dk materials (71 per cent). Analysis of solution prescribing indicates that multipurpose products were the most common regimens for planned replacement soft lenses. The percentage of hydrogen peroxide prescribed increased as lens replacement became less frequent.

Conclusions:Non-planned replacement lenses are now rarely prescribed to patients. Extended wear lenses and rigid lenses are prescribed more to existing contact lens wearers. The impact of multifocal lens designs on contact lens prescribing is very small, namely, five per cent of soft contact lenses and eight per cent of rigid lenses, despite 20 per cent of patients being over 45 years of age.


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Purpose: To determine whether the refractive index (RI) of a soft contact lens can be evaluated using refractometry while the lens remains on the eye and to compare this with more traditional ex vivo RI measurements.

Methods: A slitlamp apparatus was modified to incorporate a customized Atago hand refractometer. With a double-masked study design, nine adapted symptomatic soft contact lens wearers wore a contact lens in each eye (lotrafilcon B and etafilcon A) in a randomized order. In vivo RI was determined from the relative Brix scale measurements immediately after lens insertion and after 1 and 10 hr of lens wear. Ex vivo refractometry was performed after 10 hr of lens wear for comparison. Means ± standard errors of the means are reported.

Results: In vivo RI values at baseline were 1.422 ± 0.0004 (lotrafilcon B) and 1.405 ± 0.0021 (etafilcon A); after 1 hr of lens wear, values were 1.423 ± 0.0006 and 1.408 ± 0.0007, respectively; and after 10 hr of lens wear, values were 1.424 ± 0.0004 and 1.411 ± 0.0010, respectively. Ex vivo RI values at the end of the 10 hr wearing period were 1.424 ± 0.0003 (lotrafilcon B) and 1.412 ± 0.0017 (etafilcon A). The change in in vivo RI across the day was statistically significant for the etafilcon A lens (repeated-measures analysis of variance, P<0.01) but not for the lotrafilcon B lens (P>0.05).

Conclusions: This novel adaptation of refractometry was able to measure the RI of soft contact lenses during wear (without lens removal). End of day RI measurements using in vivo and ex vivo refractometry were comparable with each other. Future work is required to determine whether this in vivo method can improve our understanding of the relationships between soft contact lens RI, hydration, on-eye lens performance, and symptomology.


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Objectives. To investigate initial comfort and adaptation of currently successful low oxygen transmissibility soft lens wearers refitted with silicone hydrogel (SH) lenses for daily wear.

Methods. Fifty-five subjects were enrolled in a subject-masked 5-month clinical trial in which they wore 5 SH lenses in a randomized, crossover design. Comfort, burning, and dryness were rated on scales of 0 to 100 immediately on insertion and the time for lens settling was recorded. Symptoms were then rated at various times, using BlackBerry wireless communication devices (Research in Motion, Waterloo, Canada), during the day for 2 cycles of 2 weeks wear for each lens type.

Results. Comfort immediately on insertion varied between lens types (P=0.002). All lens types were reported by the subjects to have settled within 30 to 45 sec of insertion (P=0.14) and settled comfort was greater than comfort immediately on insertion (P<0.001). Comfort within the first hour of wear also varied between lens types (P=0.02). Comfort during the day decreased significantly for all lenses (P=0.001), but there was no difference between lenses (P=0.19) and no effect of lens age (P=0.15). The wearing times were greater with the SH lenses than the habitual lenses worn before study commencement (P=0.001). Overall performance of the lenses after 4 weeks was high, with no difference between lenses (P=0.45).

Conclusions. Initial comfort and adaptation to all SH lenses were good and no differences in the overall ratings were found between the 5 SH lenses investigated. Decreased comfort was noted later in the day with all lens types, but longer wearing times were reported with the SH lenses than previous hydroxyethyl methacrylate-based lenses.