em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This paper presents a new method for blind source separation by exploiting phase and frequency redundancy of cyclostationary signals in a complementary way. It requires a weaker separation condition than those methods which only exploit the phase diversity or the frequency diversity of the source signals. The separation criterion is to diagonalize a polynomial matrix whose coefficient matrices consist of the correlation and cyclic correlation matrices, at time delay .TAU. = 0, of multiple measurements. An algorithm is proposed to perform the blind source separation. Computer simulation results illustrate the performance of the new algorithm in comparison with the existing ones.


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Background: Reliability or validity studies are important for the evaluation of measurement error in dietary assessment methods. An approach to validation known as the method of triads uses triangulation techniques to calculate the validity coefficient of a food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ).

To assess the validity of an FFQ estimates of carotenoid and vitamin E intake against serum biomarker measurements and weighed food records (WFRs), by applying the method of triads. Design: The study population was a sub-sample of adult participants in a randomised controlled trial of b-carotene and sunscreen in the prevention of skin cancer. Dietary intake was assessed by a self-administered FFQ and a WFR. Nonfasting blood samples were collected and plasma analysed for five carotenoids (a-carotene, b-carotene, b-cryptoxanthin, lutein, lycopene) and vitamin E. Correlation coefficients were calculated between each of the dietary methods and the validity coefficient was calculated using
the method of triads. The 95% confidence intervals for the validity coefficients were estimated using bootstrap sampling.

Results: The validity coefficients of the FFQ were highest for a-carotene (0.85) and lycopene (0.62), followed by b-carotene (0.55) and total carotenoids (0.55), while the lowest validity coefficient was for lutein (0.19). The method of triads could not be used for b-cryptoxanthin and vitamin E, as one of the three underlying correlations was negative.

Results were similar to other studies of validity using biomarkers and the method of triads. For many dietary factors, the upper limit of the validity coefficients was less than 0.5 and therefore only strong relationships between dietary exposure and disease will be detected.


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Thin paper presents a new algorithm for blind source separation (BSS) by exploiting phase and frequency redundancy of cyclostationary signals in a complementary way. The separation criterion is to diagonalize a polynomial matrix whose coefficient matrices consist of the correlation and cyclic correlation matrices of multiple measurements. Computer simulation results illustrate, the performance of the new algorithm in comparison with some existing algorithms.


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This paper presents the design and development of a low cost three-dimensional laser imaging system for scanning suitable surfaces. A generic, low cost, off-the-shelf laser range finder is used to obtain the primary one dimensional distance measurement. The range finder’s laser beam is reflected by a twin-axis mirror assembly driven by stepper motors providing the system with two angular degrees of freedom, allowing 3-D measurements to be determined. A camera and image processing techniques are used to determine the measured 1-D range value from the generic range-finding device. A computer program then uses the obtained data to create a 3-D point cloud. An algorithm is then used to construct a 3-D wire frame mesh representing the scanned surface. The system has an angular resolution of 1.8° and the results obtained demonstrate the system to have an accuracy of approximately ± 2cm at a scanning distance of 1.0m.


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This work studies the interactions and relationships that exist between Eastern Grey Kangaroos and Black Wallabies in their utilisation of spatial and trophic resources in a managed remnant woodland community. The thesis provides a closer understanding of the way in which these species impact upon their habitats. The Coranderrk Reserve, near Healesville in eastern Victoria, Australia was the study site. A floristic analysis of the communities of the study site was conducted. This consisted of plant biomass measurements, estimates of plant abundance and cover determination. Faecal pellets from Eastern Grey Kangaroos and Black Wallabies were collected from ten vegetation communities during three different plant productivity periods. The spatial and temporal distribution of the animals was identified by analysing the frequency of occurrence of faecal pellets in the various communities. The use of faecal pellet density as a measure of habitat utilisation was examined. Eastern Grey Kangaroos utilised communities which were characterised by the presence of a dense grassy statum. Black Wallabies were able to utilise all of the communities of the study site regardless of their floristic composition. A reference herbarium of the leaf epidermis of 233 possible forage plant species was accumulated. These epidermal specimens were prepared for Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy. The information gained was enhanced and stored digitally. Diagnostic information critical for the identification of plant epidermal fragments was assembled into a computer database. This was used to assist in the recognition of unknown epidermal fragments in macropodid faeces. These epidermal plant recognition techniques enabled a list of the contents of Eastern Grey Kangaroo and Black Wallaby faeces during the sampling periods in the individual communities, to be accumulated. Eastern Grey Kangaroos utilised forage which consisted largely of grass and their diets were similar regardless of their feeding sites or the time of the year. Black Wallaby diets were heterogenous with wide variations over space and time observed. The implications of these findings for current wildlife management practices were considered. Black Wallaby and Eastern Grey Kangaroo herbivory have significant impacts on ecosystem integrity. Management strategies should seek to establish ecologically sustainable populations of both species in remnant woodlands where conservation values are important.


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The impact of genotype and of frequency and timing of shearing, on mohair attributes and production of modern Angora goats was studied. Goats in the southern hemisphere grazed pastures between February 2004 and 2006. There were seven shearing treatments by three genetic strains with four or eight replicates of individual goats. Treatments were: three different 6-month shearing intervals and two of 12-month shearing intervals with different months of shearing, a 7-month winter shearing interval and a 3-month shearing interval. Genetic strain was based on sire line: 1·0 South African; 1·0 Texan; and Mixed 0·5 South African and 0·5 Texan. Annual greasy mohair production was 5·08 kg, and average clean fleece production was 4·37 kg. The Angora goats produced an annual clean fleece equivalent to 0·122 of their mean fleece-free live weight which was equal to 0·34 g/kg/day. Measurements were analysed over the period of spring 2004 shearing to spring 2005 shearing, excluding the June–December shearing treatment. Increased frequency of shearing increased fleece growth and affected 13 objective and subjective attributes of mohair that were evaluated including clean washing yield, fibre diameter and fibre diameter variation, incidence of medullated fibres, staple length, fibre curvature, crimp frequency, style, staple definition, staple fibre entanglement and staple tip shape. The direction of these effects were generally favourable and for most attributes the magnitude of the response was linear and commercially important. Each additional shearing resulted in an additional 149 g of clean mohair representing 0·034 of the annual clean mohair production. This increase was associated with a 0·6 cm increase in staple length and 0·32 μm increase in mean fibre diameter. In conclusion, Angora goats shorn less frequently grew less mohair that was more likely to be entangled in spring. Managers of Angora goats should take note of these findings.


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In this paper, a novel concept to determine the velocity and the location information of multiple mobile agents using Doppler radar has been introduced. Also, an expression for the minimum number of inline sensors needed to guarantee this estimation for n number of mobile agents has been obtained. Current methods use the time derivative of the displacement of adjacent position measurements to find the velocities of agents. This method is error prone, particularly, if the agents are accelerating. In our approach we incorporate direction-of-arrival (DOA) radar which tracks the location and the velocity of each and every agent in each measurement step.


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This paper investigates the location and velocity estimation problem involving multiple targets using the phase difference and frequency shift of the returned Doppler modulated signal. The minimal receiver configuration that addresses the data association and missing information problem is presented for the case of linear arrays. Non-linearly modeled Doppler radar measurements are used to obtain an accurate estimate of the target dynamics progressively in a linear framework utilizing a recently developed robust state estimation approach.


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Improvement of the binding of polypyrrole with PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) thin film using low pressure plasma was studied. The effects of various plasma gases i.e., Ar, O2 and Ar + O2 gases on surface roughness, surface chemistry and hydrophilicity were noted. The topographical change of the PVDF film was observed by means of scanning electron microscopy and chemical changes by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, with adhesion of polypyrrole (PPy) by abrasion tests and sheet resistance measurements. Results showed that the increase in roughness and surface functionalization by oxygen functional groups contributed to improved adhesion and Ar + O2 plasma gave better adhesion.


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Mean oxygen consumption and simultaneous ventilation frequency of nine non-reproductive brown long-eared bats (body mass 8.53–13.33 g) were measured on 159 occasions. Ambient (chamber) temperature at which the measurements were made ranged from 10.8 to 41.1°C. Apneic ventilation occurred in 22 of the 59 measurements made when mean oxygen consumption was less than 0.5 ml·min-1. No records of apneic ventilation were obtained when it was over 0.5 ml·min-1. The relationship between ventilation frequency and mean oxygen consumption depended on whether ventilation was apneic or non-apneic. When ventilation was non-apneic the relationship was positive and log-linear. When ventilation was apneic the relationship was log-log. Within the thermoneutral zone ventilation frequency was not significantly different from that predicted from allometric equations for a terrestrial mammal of equivalent body mass, but was significantly greater than that predicted for a bird. A reduction in the amount of oxygen consumed per breath occurred at ambient temperatures above the upper critical temperature (39°C).


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Tariq worked in the area of electronic textiles. He coated polyester fabric and PVDF films with polypyrrole. Plasma treatment was used to improve binding of coatings over the surface. He investigated in detail, the factors responsible for adhesion improvement using XPS, AFM, SEM, contact angle, abrasion tests and conductivity measurements. Different plasma gases, plasma power and plasma modes were investigated to get optimum bonding data. His investigations pointed towards improved surface oxygen functionalization and suitable surface morphology for improved bonding.


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This article describes the manufacturing and characterisation of plano-convex miniaturised lenses using a CO2 laser engraving process in PMMA substrates. The technique allows for lenses to be fabricated rapidly and in a reproducible manner at depths of over 200 µm and for lens diameters of more than 3 mm. Experimental characterisation of the lens focal lengths shows good correlation with theory. The plano-convex lenses have been successfully embedded into capillary microfluidic systems alongside planar microlenses, allowing for a significant reduction of ancillary optics without a loss of detection sensitivity when performing fluorescence measurements. Such technology provides a significant step forward towards the portability of fluorescence- or luminescence-based systems for biological/chemical analysis.


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A teal (Anas crecca) and a thrush nightingale (Luscinia luscinia) were trained to fly in the Lund wind tunnel for periods of up to 3 and 16 h respectively. Both birds flew in steady flapping flight, with such regularity that their wingbeat frequencies could be determined by viewing them through a shutter stroboscope. When flying at a constant air speed, the teal's wingbeat frequency varied with the 0.364 power of the body mass and the thrush nightingale's varied with the 0.430 power. Both exponents differed from zero, but neither differed from the predicted value (0.5) at the 1 % level of significance. The teal continued to flap steadily as the tunnel tilt angle was varied from -1° (climb) to +6° (descent), while the wingbeat frequency declined progressively by about 11%. In both birds, the plot of wingbeat frequency against air speed in level flight was U-shaped, with small but statistically significant curvature. We identified the minima of these curves with the minimum power speed (Vmp) and found that the values predicted for Vmp, using previously published default values for the required variables, were only about two-thirds of the observed minimum-frequency speeds. The discrepancy could be resolved if the body drag coefficients (CDb) of both birds were near 0.08, rather than near 0.40 as previously assumed. The previously published high values for body drag coefficients were derived from wind-tunnel measurements on frozen bird bodies, from which the wings had been removed, and had long been regarded as anomalous, as values below 0.01 are given in the engineering literature for streamlined bodies. We suggest that birds of any size that have well-streamlined bodies can achieve minimum body drag coefficients of around 0.05 if the feet can be fully retracted under the flank feathers. In such birds, field observations of flight speeds may need to be reinterpreted in the light of higher estimates of Vmp. Estimates of the effective lift:drag ratio and range can also be revised upwards. Birds that have large feet or trailing legs may have higher body drag coefficients. The original estimates of around CDb=0.4 could be correct for species, such as pelicans and large herons, that also have prominent heads. We see no evidence for any progressive reduction of body drag coefficient in the Reynolds number range covered by our experiments, that is 21600-215 000 on the basis of body cross-sectional diameter.