17 resultados para Items assim

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Adaptive behaviour is important in the assessment of eligibility for intellectual disability services. However, there is some question about which behaviours should be assessed. The purpose of the present study was to clarify which everyday behaviours are considered essential for independent functioning by young adults in the Australian community. Parents, disability workers, and young adults judged the importance of 130 everyday behaviours. Items that assessed safety, health, self-care, functional literacy and numeracy, respecting others' rights, and day-to-day decisionmaking were most frequently rated as essential for independent functioning. Our findings raise important questions about the assessment of adaptive behaviour in Australia, and point to the need for a more valid approach to the measurement of adaptive behaviour for the purpose of eligibility assessment. The research provides a first step towards providing such a scale for use in the Australian context.


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This note reports an incidental observation of a Black Falcon Falco subniger taking a Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata. The captured Finch voided the contents of its crop, revealing that it had been feeding on Onion Grass Romulea rosea. Zebra Finches have not been reported in the diet of Black Falcons, and Onion Grass seeds have not been reported in the diet of Zebra Finches previously.


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The aim of this study was to determine whether items on a falls risk-assessment tool, made up of brief cognitive and physical measures that nurses use in practice, differentiated fallers and nonfallers in oncology and medical settings. A measure of leg muscle strength clearly distinguished between fallers and nonfallers, with the latter having stronger leg muscles. For nursing practice, the assessment of patients' muscle strength seems to be the most useful scale for identifying potential fallers.


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Pittu and roti are two traditional food items consumed by Sri Lankan people mostly for breakfast or dinner. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) and kurakkan (Eleucine coracana L.) are two types of cereal that can be used to prepare them. The determination of blood glucose elevating effect (glycaemic response) of pittu and roti prepared from rice flour and kurakkan flour was the objective of this study. Proximate composition of Bg 403 rice flour and kurakkan flour was determined and the available carbohydrate content of the two types of cereal was calculated. Pittu and roti were prepared from each flour, following traditional methods and given to eight young healthy adult volunteers. Each subject was given a weighed portion of pittu or roti equivalent to 50 g available carbohydrate as the test food. As the standard food 50 g glucose was given orally. After a 12 hrs overnight fast on the assigned day each subject was given either the standard food or the test food and blood glucose was measured in capillary blood at fasting (0), 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 min after the consumption of food. The incremental area under the glycaemic response curve (IAUC) for each test food was expressed as a percentage of IAUC of the standard food taken by the same subject and the average value of subjects was taken as the glycemic index (GI) for the test food. Proximate analysis revealed that percentage moisture, crude fat, crude fibre, crude protein and minerals of rice flour and kurakkan flour were 13.0, 1.7, 0.42, 10.3, 0.88 and 13.2, 1.9, 4.4, 8.7 and 2.8, respectively. Accordingly the available carbohydrate percentage of rice flour and kurakkan flour were 73.7 and 69.0, respectively. The GI of pittu and roti, prepared using Bg 403 rice flour were 52 and 64 and that of kurakkan flour were 71 and 80 respectively. Based on the GI, it can be suggested that pittu is better for health than roti, while rice flour is better than kurakkan flour to prepare these. The basis of recommending kurkkan flour based products for diabetic people has to be re-examined in the light of these findings.


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In the past decade the massive growth of the Internet brought huge changes in the way humans live their daily life; however, the biggest concern with rapid growth of digital information is how to efficiently manage and filter unwanted data. In this paper, we propose a method for managing RSS feeds from various news websites. A Web service was developed to provide filtered news items extracted from RSS feeds and these were categorized based on classical text categorization algorithms. A client application consuming this Web service retrieves and displays such filtered information. A prototype was implemented using Rapidminer 4.3 as a data mining tool and SVM as a classification algorithm. Experimental results suggest that the proposed method is effective and saves a significant amount of user processing time.


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Background: The 22-item Well-being Questionnaire (W-BQ22) (Bradley, 1994) includes Anxiety, Depression, Energy and Positive Well-being subscales. However, the constructs of anxiety and depression could not be easily distinguished from each other. Consequently, the W-BQ12 was designed to include just three subscales, Negative Well-being (including only negatively-worded anxiety and depression items), Energy (2 positively- and 2 negativelyworded items) and Positive Well-being (all positively-worded items). The SF-36 (Ware & Sherbourne, 1983), a widely used health status measure, includes a 4-item vitality subscale (2 positively- and 2 negatively-worded items) and a 5-item mental health scale (2 positively worded and 3 negatively-worded items).

Method: Factor structures of W-BQ22, W-BQ12 and SF-36 were compared using data from 789 outpatients with diabetes.

Results: W-BQ22 factor analysis showed negatively-worded anxiety and depression items loading together, while positively-worded depression items loaded with positive well-being items and separately from positively-worded anxiety items. W-BQ12 loaded as intended on 3 factors, with negatively-worded anxiety and depression items loading together on one factor: negative well-being. The four energy items (2 positively- and 2 negatively-worded) loaded together (factor 3) and the four positive well-being items loaded together (factor 1). Unforced factor analysis of the SF-36 produced 5 factors and split the mental health and vitality items into two components, which could only be defined in terms of positive and negative wording. A forced 8-factor solution produced similar results, with the mental health and vitality items being split into two components according to their positive or negative wording. A forced 2-factor solution brought mental health/vitality items together, separate from physical health items.

Conclusion: The previously unrecognised influence of positive and negative wording on factor structure is clearly shown here to be of importance in conceptualising and designing measures of psychological well-being to be used with people with diabetes and may be of relevance for other populations.


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In the past decade there has been massive growth of data on the internet. Many people rely on XML based RSS feeds to receive updates from websites. In this paper, we propose a method for managing the RSS feeds from various news websites. A web service is developed to deliver filtered news items from RSS feeds to a mobile client. Each news item is indexed, subsequently, the indexes are used for filtering news items. Indexing is done in two steps. First, classical text categorization algorithms are used to assign a category to each news item, second, geoparsing is used to assign geolocation data to each news item. An android application is developed to access filtered news items by consuming the proposed web service. A prototype is implemented using Rapid miner 5.0 as the data mining tool and SVM as the classification algorithm. Geoparsing and geocoding web services, and Android API are used to implement location-based access to news items. Experimental results prove that the proposed approach is effective and saves a significant amount of information overload processing time.


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A recent international study of pre-service teachers identified that proportional reasoning was problematic for pre-service teachers. Proportional reasoning is an important topic in the middle years of schooling and therefore it is critical that teachers understand this topic and can rely on their Mathematical Content Knowledge (MCK) when teaching. The focus of this paper is second-year Australian primary pre-service teachers’ MCK of real number items related to ratio, rate, proportion and proportional reasoning. This paper reports on strengths and weakness of pre-service teachers’ MCK when responding to test items; including a method suitable for analysing responses to five items and ranked by three levels of difficulty. The results revealed insights into their correct methods of solutions and common incorrect responses, identifying difficulty, where multiplication and division were required. The method of coding test items by difficulty ranking may assist with developing an appropriate learning trajectory, which will assist pre-service teachers develop their MCK of this and other difficult topics.


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Problem Based Learning (PBL) as a teaching method has been around for many years. It is one of the most effective ways of learning and teaching. It uses real world problems as a learning method and encourages learners to learn independently while a mentoring support is provided by the academic. However, various academic institutions develop the assessments items in many ways; the implementation and delivery become a challenge in ensuring the right assessment and implementation. This paper discusses some of the practical experiences of the development and delivery of the appropriate assessment items for power systems related PBL subjects.


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An Association Rule (AR) is a common knowledge model in data mining that describes an implicative cooccurring relationship between two disjoint sets of binary-valued transaction database attributes (items), expressed in the form of an "antecedent⇒ consequent" rule. A variant of the AR is the Weighted Association Rule (WAR). With regard to a marketing context, this paper introduces a new knowledge model in data mining -ALlocating Pattern (ALP). An ALP is a special form of WAR, where each rule item is associated with a weighting score between 0 and 1, and the sum of all rule item scores is 1. It can not only indicate the implicative co-occurring relationship between two (disjoint) sets of items in a weighted setting, but also inform the "allocating" relationship among rule items. ALPs can be demonstrated to be applicable in marketing and possibly a surprising variety of other areas. We further propose an Apriori based algorithm to extract hidden and interesting ALPs from a "one-sum" weighted transaction database. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. © 2008 IEEE.


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Red blood cells (RBCs) and platelets are examples of perishable items with a fixed shelf life. Recent studies show that transfusing fresh RBCs may lead to an improvement of patient outcomes. In addition, to better manage their inventory, hospitals prefer to receive fresh RBCs and platelets. Therefore, as well as minimizing outdates and shortages, reducing the average age of issue is a key performance criterion for blood banks. The issuing policy in a perishable inventory system has a substantial impact on the age of issue and outdate and shortage rates. Although several studies have compared the last in first out (LIFO) and the first in first out (FIFO) policies for perishable products, only a few studies have considered the situation of blood banks where replenishment is not controllable. In this study, we examine various issuing policies for a perishable inventory system with uncontrollable replenishment, and outline a modified FIFO policy. Our proposed modified FIFO policy partitions the inventory into two parts such that the first part holds the items with age less than a threshold. It then applies the FIFO policy in each part and the LIFO policy between the parts. We present two approximation techniques to estimate the average age of issue, the average time between successive outdates and the average time between successive shortages of the modified FIFO policy. Our analysis shows in several cases that where the objective function is a single economic function, or it is formulated as a multiobjective model, the modified FIFO policy outperforms the FIFO and LIFO policies.