24 resultados para Investigator

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This paper reports on research commissioned by the Music Council of Australia (MCA) on the provision of school music education in Australian states and territories. Using guidelines developed by the principal researcher, a team of state and territory investigators collected data on eleven research questions formulated by MCA’s Research Committee. The principal investigator compiled, analysed and interpreted the state data and synthesised the findings into an overview of
the current situation nationally. One of the major findings was the limited amount of uniform data available from education authorities; indeed, the inadequacy or non-availability of data from some states is a matter of serious concern in terms of public accountability for the school music provision. Nevertheless, the project provided an overview of the current state of school music education in all states and territories. In relation to three of the key indicators (numbers of specialist music teachers, numbers of students taught music, and numbers of students studying music at Year 12), the study revealed that the provision of music has not changed significantly over the past two decades—the situation has either remained static or has improved or declined slightly. The principal recommendation from the project is the need for a more comprehensive survey to be undertaken and a Deakin University team, in collaboration with the MCA as industry partner, will be applying for an ARC Linkage Grant which will investigate effective teaching of music in schools and the preparation of teachers for implementing music programs.


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Background: The prevalence of heart failure in Australia is similar to that of Europe. In Australia, chronic heart failure management programs (CHF-MPs) have become part of standard care for patients with Chronic Heart Failure (CHF). However, heterogeneity among programs is common which can result in variable patient outcomes.

Method: A national survey was undertaken of 59 post-discharge CHF-MPs identified from within the Australian health care system. Two had ceased operating and one centre declined to participate in the study. A 33-item investigator-developed questionnaire, examining the characteristics and interventions used within each CHF-MP, was sent to the remaining 56 CHF-MPs. A response rate of 100% was achieved.

Results: Our survey revealed a disproportional distribution of CHF-MPs across the Australian continent: the State of Victoria had 3.6 CHF-MPs/million population, New South Wales had 3.7 CHF-MPs/million population, Queensland had 1 program/million population, South Australia had 0.3 CHF-MPs/million population and Western Australia had 1 program/million population.Overall, 8000 postdischarge CHF pts (median: 126; IQR: 26-260) were managed via CHF-MPs. Approximately 40,000 CHF pts are discharged from metropolitan institutions nationally, this represents only 22% of the potential caseload for these cost-effective CHF-MPs. Only 8% of these programs were located within rural regions. The majority of CHF-MPs were located within an acute metropolitan hospital (52%) and 36% were community based (all associated with a hospital). Heterogeneity of CHF-MPs in applied models of care was evident with 75% of CHF-MPs offering CHF outpatient clinics and 77% conducting home visits. Of the programs offering home visits 78% were funded by regional government (p<0.048). There were no nurse-led CHF outpatient clinics. A hybrid approach to CHF-MPs was common with many CHF-MPs comprising an outpatient clinic, home visits and inpatient visits. Various medications were titrated by nurses in 43% of CHF-MPs. In the programs that allowed nurses to titrate medications 79% were located in an acute hospital (p<0.011).

Conclusion: Variability of service availability is of concern within the context of universal coverage. In addition, heterogeneity between programs and the diversity in models of care delivery highlights the inconsistency and questions the quality of health related outcomes. We are currently analysing health outcome data from the 1015 patients managed in these CHF-MPs to describe the relationship between quality of care and health outcomes.


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Aims and objectives: To examine the impact and obstacles that individual Institutional Research Ethics Committee (IRECs) had on a large-scale national multi-centre clinical audit called the National Benchmarks and Evidence-based National Clinical guidelines for Heart failure management programmes Study.

: Multi-centre research is commonplace in the health care system. However, IRECs continue to fail to differentiate between research and quality audit projects.

Methods: The National Benchmarks and Evidence-based National Clinical guidelines for Heart failure management programmes study used an investigator-developed questionnaire concerning a clinical audit for heart failure programmes throughout Australia. Ethical guidelines developed by the National governing body of health and medical research in Australia classified the National Benchmarks and Evidence-based National Clinical guidelines for Heart failure management programmes Study as a low risk clinical audit not requiring ethical approval by IREC.

: Fifteen of 27 IRECs stipulated that the research proposal undergo full ethical review. None of the IRECs acknowledged: national quality assurance guidelines and recommendations nor ethics approval from other IRECs. Twelve of the 15 IRECs used different ethics application forms. Variability in the type of amendments was prolific. Lack of uniformity in ethical review processes resulted in a six- to eight-month delay in commencing the national study.

: Development of a national ethics application form with full ethical review by the first IREC and compulsory expedited review by subsequent IRECs would resolve issues raised in this paper. IRECs must change their ethics approval processes to one that enhances facilitation of multi-centre research which is now normative process for health services.

Relevance to clinical practice: The findings of this study highlight inconsistent ethical requirements between different IRECs. Also highlighted are the obstacles and delays that IRECs create when undertaking multi-centre clinical audits. However, in our clinical practice it is vital that clinical audits are undertaken for evaluation purposes. The findings of this study raise awareness of inconsistent ethical processes and highlight the need for expedient ethical review for clinical audits.


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The utilization of a fuzzy aspect within data analysis attempts to move from a quantitative to a more qualitative investigative environment. As such, this may allow the more non-quantitative researchers results they can use, based on sets of linguistic terms. In this paper an inductive fuzzy decision tree approach is utilized to construct a fuzzy-rule-based system for the first time in a biological setting. The specific biological problem considered attempts to identify the antecedents (conditions in the fuzzy decision rules) which characterize the length of song flight of the male sedge warbler when attempting to attract a mate. Hence, for a non-quantitative investigator the resultant set of fuzzy rules allows an insight into the linguistic interpretation on the relationship between associated characteristics and the respective song flight duration.


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Narrating and explaining the fairly emancipated women in al-Andalus has been fraught with ambiguity for the approximately one century of scholarship on the subject. There has been much stereotyping depending upon the investigator's particular perspective. This paper clarifies the roles of Andalusian women in political relations from the Muslim Conquest in 711 through the fall of Granada in 1492. The interpretations used in historiography pit a traditionalist trend, in which continuity from the pre 1slamic past is stressed, against the anti-continuist trend, in which an Oriental culture of the Muslims added the distinctive features of Iberian character today. In order to evaluate the two historiographic approaches, the contributions of seven prominent women are presented and evaluated for their social contexts during the eight centuries of al-Andalus. Comparisons are then made to prominent women in other political contexts within the Arab world in order to evaluate the strength of the two competing historiographic perspectives.


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The aim of this study was to compare and contrast the perceptions of various stakeholders regarding a series of interviews about child abuse. Eight focus groups were conducted, each involving a police officer (child abuse investigator), a prosecutor who specializes in child abuse and a child testimony expert. The aim of the focus groups was to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the specific interviews, which were conducted by the police officer in each focus group. Thematic analysis showed that the prosecutors and child testimony experts were relatively consistent in their perceptions about the need for more free narrative from child witnesses, and to ensure that police officers demonstrate open-mindedness when interviewing children. Differences in priorities and assumptions about the value of various interview techniques, however, were found among the stakeholders. These differences and their practical implications are discussed.


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The collection includes three major data types

- Seafloor structure information: Collation of seafloor structure information (bathymetry and softness hardness) collected using multibeam sonar systems as part of the Victorian Marine Habitat Mapping Project and bathymetric light detection and ranging data (LiDAR) collected as part of the future coats program. The geographic is Victorian State waters (~1400km2 multibeam sonar & ~4000 km2 for LiDAR as of 2012

- Video information: ~800 linear kilometres of precisely georeferenced towed video data from depths of 10-100m in Victorian coastal waters. 300 baited stereo video drops in Hopkins and Discovery Bay site locations. All video has been classified to the lowest taxonomic resolution possible with the video systems employed and converted to spatial data layers in the GIS environment.

- Habitat maps: Predicted habitat models integrating seafloor structure and video information developed using classification algorithms and remote sensing technologies.


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Purpose: To assess the compatibility of a new silicone hydrogel lens, asmofilcon A (with four multipurpose disinfecting solutions: OPTIFREE RepleniSH, ReNu MultiPlus, Solo-Care Aqua and MeniCare Soft). Ocular responses and subjective responses were monitored with each lens-care system combination.

Methods: The study was conducted as a prospective, bilateral, clinical trial with a single-masked investigator, and randomized cross-over design with four phases, (one for each care system). Each study phase comprised of two consecutive days of lens wear where the lenses were inserted on day 1 directly from the blister-packs and worn for over 8 hr, then inserted on day 2 after overnight disinfection with one of the study lens care systems. Twenty-five adapted soft contact lens wearers who were able to wear their habitual lenses comfortably for more than 12 hr were recruited.

Results: There were statistically significant differences in corneal staining found for all the lens-care systems when comparing the results of day 1 (from the blister pack) with day 2 (following care system use) (P < 0.05). ReNu MultiPlus solution had the highest grade for corneal staining at the 2-hr time point on day 2 which then decreased by 6 hr (P < 0.05). There was no difference between the lens care systems and the rating of subjective comfort over either of the two days. The rating of dryness and burning sensations were only slightly increased at 6 hr for all lens care systems except ReNu MultiPlus where burning was highest on insertion (P < 0.05).

Conclusion: Corneal staining observed in this study does not seem to have been related to the presence of polyhexamethylene biguanide (0.0001% wv) that was present in three of the four care systems. Only one care system (ReNu MultiPlus) demonstrated an associated level of corneal staining that was statistically significant; however, this was not considered to be of clinical relevance. These results suggest that using this novel surface-treated silicone hydrogel lens may result in less lens and lens care-related interactions.


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Purpose: To clinically evaluate long-term users of two different contact lens care preservative systems and to investigate whether prolonged use is associated with an increase in the prevalence of dry eye.

Methods: Eighty-nine wearers of group IV hydrogel or silicone hydrogel lenses participated in this one-visit, investigator-masked study. Subjects were required to have consistently used a polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) or polyquaternium-1 (PQT) based solution for 2 years. Consistent use was defined as 80% for the past 2 years and 100% for the past year. Clinical assessments included: average and comfortable wear time; overall and end-of-day comfort; signs of dryness, discomfort, burning or stinging, grittiness or scratchiness and visual changes; non-invasive and fluorescein break-up-time; pre-ocular tear film lipids, tear meniscus height, Schirmer and fluorescein clearance tests; limbal and bulbar hyperemia; palpebral roughness; corneal and conjunctival staining; lens front surface wetting; and lens film deposits.

Results: Significantly more grittiness or scratchiness was reported by subjects using a PHMB-containing system (67% vs. 44%; P = 0.02). Palpebral roughness and hyperemia were significantly greater in the PHMB group wearing group IV lenses (P = 0.01 and P = 0.05, respectively). Corneal staining was significantly higher in the PHMB users in all four peripheral sectors (P < 0.01). Nasal and temporal conjunctival staining was also significantly higher for users of PHMB-containing systems (P < 0.05). Front surface lens wettability was significantly better for group IV PQT users compared to PHMB users (P = 0.008), with 84% vs. 72%, respectively, with lenses graded by the investigator as having good or excellent wettability. Significantly higher levels of lens front surface film deposits were noted with PHMB users (P = 0.007), with 58% of group IV lenses treated with PHMB compared with 38% of group IV lenses treated with PQT showing some lens front surface film deposition. No significant differences between the two preservative system groups were noted for the range of dry eye evaluations nor the remaining clinical assessments.

Conclusions: Differences in both ocular and lens characteristic were observed between long-term users of two preservative systems used in many contact lens multi-purpose solutions. The findings from this study did not support the hypothesis that prolonged use of PHMB-containing solutions leads to dry eye. Additional studies including a larger sample size and perhaps longer use of the systems could help to further elucidate differences in clinical performance between systems.


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Purpose. To investigate whether the inclusion of a rub and rinse step before contact lens disinfection has an impact on solution-induced corneal staining.

Methods. This was a prospective, double-masked, single investigator study. Twenty participants were recruited for two visits, where balafilcon-A lenses were worn bilaterally for 2 h. Each pair of lenses was prepared using two different methodologies. The “control” lens was transferred from the blister pack directly into a storage case containing polyhexamethylene biguanide-based lens care solution. The contralateral “test” lens was rubbed and simultaneously rinsed using the same polyhexamethylene biguanide-based care solution, for either 60 s (visit 1) or 20 s (visit 2). Both lenses were then soaked in the solution overnight. After baseline corneal staining assessments, the lenses were inserted following a randomized contralateral model. After 2 h, lenses were removed, corneal staining was regraded, and comfort scores were obtained.

Results. Rubbed and rinsed test lenses induced significantly less corneal staining than control lenses for all participants during visit 1 (mean ± SD: 516 ± 843 vs. 2170 ± 902; p < 0.001) and visit 2 (522 ± 417 vs. 2091 ± 965; p < 0.001). There was no significant difference between the test lenses during visits 1 and 2 (p = 0.72) or controls (p = 0.50). Comfort scores did not differ between eyes (p > 0.05).

Conclusions. Corneal staining induced after 2 h of lens wear with the combination of balafilcon-A and polyhexamethylene biguanide-based lens care solution can be significantly reduced by including a rub and rinse step before overnight soaking. Further work is required to establish the longevity of this effect during the monthly wearing cycle.


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The need for an automated approach to forensic digital investigation has been recognized for some years, and several authors have developed frameworks in this direction. The aim of this paper is to assist the forensic investigator with the generation and testing of hypotheses in the analysis phase. In doing so, the authors present a new architecture which facilitates the move to automation of the investigative process; this new architecture draws together several important components of the literature on question and answer methodologies including the concept of ‘pivot’ word and sentence ranking. Their architecture is supported by a detailed case study demonstrating its practicality.


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This dataset is a list of all Papua New Guinean legislation (Acts and Regulations) during Australia's colonial administration of the country. It includes data on legislation from 1925 through to 1974 and identifies the act/regulation title, the act number, the act commencement date and chapter number.


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The purpose of this paper is to explore police officers’ perceptions of the challenges and work stressors of working in Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) investigation.

Participants were a heterogeneous sample of 32 ICE investigators across nine Australian jurisdictions. Officers’ perceptions of ICE work were elicited via individual, open-ended, anonymous, telephone interviews, which focused on both the nature and impact of work-related stressors and challenges.

Thematic analysis revealed that viewing ICE material was not perceived to be a major stressor or particularly traumatic facet of ICE investigation. Rather, the challenges related to three areas; work relationships, workload and resources and the physical environment. Participants also suggested some improvements to their work environment which could reduce the impact of these challenges.

Practical implications
The stressors identified by ICE investigators in this study place physical, psychological and social restrictions on investigative capacity. Modifications to the workplace environment that facilitate more effective professional collaboration, reduce workload and enhance investigator efficiency and functionality of the physical work environment would likely reduce the potential for harm associated with ICE investigation and improve ICE investigators’ capacity to perform their role.


This is the first study to use a broad research framework to examine the full range of stressors that ICE investigators face (both organisational and operational). The findings are important for developing comprehensive theories regarding workplace traumatisation as well as holistic intervention models to assist the prevention and management of stress related to ICE investigation.