19 resultados para Internet. Network neutrality. Network neutrality mandates.

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This book focuses on network management and traffic engineering for Internet and distributed computing technologies, as well as present emerging technology trends and advanced platform


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Anycast is defined as a service in IPv6, which provides stateless best effort delivery of an anycast datagram to at least one, and preferably only one host. It is a topic of increasing interest. This paper is an attempt to gather and report on the work done on anycast. There are two main categories at present: network-layer anycast and application-layer anycast. Both involve anycast architectures, routing algorithms, metrics, applications, etc. We also present an efficient algorithm for application-layer anycast, and point out possible research directions based on our research.


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Currently Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have been identified as one of the most serious problems on the Internet. The aim of DDoS attacks is to prevent legitimate users from accessing desired resources, such as network bandwidth. Hence the immediate task of DDoS defense is to provide as much resources as possible to legitimate users when there is an attack. Unfortunately most current defense approaches can not efficiently detect and filter out attack traffic. Our approach is to find the network anomalies by using neural network, deploy the system at distributed routers, identify the attack packets, and then filter them. The marks in the IP header that are generated by a group of IP traceback schemes, Deterministic Packet Marking (DPM)/Flexible Deterministic Packet Marking (FDPM), assist this process of identifying attack packets. The experimental results show that this approach can be used to defend against both intensive and subtle DDoS attacks, and can catch DDoS attacks’ characteristic of starting from multiple sources to a single victim. According to results, we find the marks in IP headers can enhance the sensitivity and accuracy of detection, thus improve the legitimate traffic throughput and reduce attack traffic throughput. Therefore, it can perform well in filtering DDoS attack traffic precisely and effectively.


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With more and more multimedia applications on the Internet, such as IPTV, bandwidth becomes a vital bottleneck for the booming of large scale Internet based multimedia applications. Network coding is recently proposed to take advantage to use network bandwidth efficiently. In this paper, we focus on massive multimedia data, e.g. IPTV programs, transportation in peer-to-peer networks with network coding. By through study of networking coding, we pointed out that the prerequisites of bandwidth saving of network coding are: 1) one information source with a number of concurrent receivers, or 2) information pieces cached at intermediate nodes. We further proof that network coding can not gain bandwidth saving at immediate connections to a receiver end; As a result, we propose a novel model for IPTV data transportation in unstructured peer-to-peer networks with network coding. Our preliminary simulations show that the proposed architecture works very well.


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Equipped with recent advances in electronics and communication, wireless sensor networks gained a rapid development to provide reliable information with higher Quality of Service (QoS) at lower costs. This paper presents a realtime tracking system developed as a part of the ISSNIP BigNet Testbed project. Here a GPS receiver was used to acquire position information of mobile nodes and GSM technology was used as the data communication media. Moreover, Google map based data visualization software was developed to locate the mobile nodes via Internet. This system can be used to accommodate various sensors, such as temperature, pressure, pH etc., and monitor the status of the nodes.


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Modeling network traffic has been a critical task in the development of Internet. Attacks and defense are prevalent in the current Internet. Traditional network models such as Poisson-related models do not consider the competition behaviors between the attack and defense parties. In this paper, we present a microscopic competition model to analyze the dynamics among the nodes, benign or malicious, connected to a router, which compete for the bandwidth. The dynamics analysis demonstrates that the model can well describe the competition behavior among normal users and attackers. Based on this model, an anomaly attack detection method is presented. The method is based on the adaptive resonance theory, which is used to learn the model by normal traffic data. The evaluation shows that it can effectively detect the network attacks.


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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is becoming increasingly popular as an automated tool for object monitoring and identification in a cost-efficient manner. RFID systems are made up of heterogeneous components consisting of both hardware and software. RFID components such as the readers are prone to failures with serious consequences to the overall system. Thus, issues such as reliability and dependability of RFID systems are receiving attention recently. This mandates fault management that includes monitoring the health of RFID readers and accessing the RFID reader configurations remotely. Therefore, an approach that detects the faulty readers with the aim to minimize the impacts of the faulty readers on the system reliability and dependability is of paramount importance. In this chapter, the authors discuss an approach to detect faulty readers in networked RFID system environments. Performance evaluation of the approach against other techniques is presented and shows that it performs reasonably well in the presence of faulty readers.


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In this paper, we investigate the potential of caching to improve QoS in the context of continuous media applications over wired best-effort networks. We propose the use of a flexible caching scheme, called GD-Multi in caching continuous media (CM) objects. An important novel feature of our scheme is the provision of user or system administrator inputs in determining the cost function. Based on the proposed flexible cost function, Multi, an improvised Greedy Dual (GD) replacement algorithm called GD-multi (GDM) has been developed for layered multi-resolution multimedia streams. The proposed Multi function takes receiver feedback into account. We investigate the influence of parameters such as loss rate, jitter, delay and area in determining a proxy’s cache contents so as to enhance QoS perceived by clients. Simulation studies show improvement in QoS perceived at the clients in accordance to supplied optimisation metrics. From an implementation perspective, signalling requirements for carrying QoS feedback are minimal and fully compatible with existing RTSP-based Internet applications.


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In today’s high speed networks it is becoming increasingly challenging for network managers to understand the nature of the traffic that is carried in their network. A major problem for traffic analysis in this context is how to extract a concise yet accurate summary of the relevant aggregate traffic flows that are present in network traces. In this paper, we present two summarization techniques to minimize the size of the traffic flow report that is generated by a hierarchical cluster analysis tool. By analyzing the accuracy and compaction gain of our approach on a standard benchmark dataset, we demonstrate that our approach achieves more accurate summaries than those of an existing tool that is based on frequent itemset mining.


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 Multicore network processors have been playing an increasingly important role in computational processes, which emphasize on scalability and parallelism of the systems, in distributed environments especially in Internet-based delay-sensitive applications. It is an important but unsolved issue, however, to efficiently schedule tasks in network processors with multicore and multithread for improving the system throughput as much as possible. Profiling can gather runtime environment information and guide the compiler to optimize programs through scheduling tasks based on the runtime context. This paper proposes a profiling-based task scheduling approach, targeting on improving the throughput of multicore network processor (Intel IXP) systems in the balanced pipeline way. In this work, we investigate a profiling-based task scheduling framework, a task scheduling algorithm, and a set of performance models. Our task allocation scheme maps tasks onto the pipeline architecture and multiple threads of network processors in parallel, which incorporates the profiling context and global thread refinement. We evaluate our task scheduling algorithm by implementing representative network applications on the Intel IXP network processor. Experimental results demonstrate that our algorithm is able to schedule tasks in a balanced pipeline fashion and achieve the high throughput and data transmission rate. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Two main problems prevent the deployment of content delivery in a wireless sensor network: the address, which is widely used in the Internet as the identifier, is meaningless in wireless network, and the routing efficiency is a big concern in wireless sensor network. This paper presents an embedded multi-level ring (MVR) structure to address those two problems. The MVR uses names rather than addresses to identify sensor nodes. The MVR routes packets on the name identifiers without being aware the location. Some sensor nodes are selected as the backbone nodes and are placed on the different levels of the virtual rings. MVR hashes nodes and contents identifiers, and stores them at the backbone nodes. MVR takes the cross-level routing to improve the routing efficiency. Further, MVR is constructed decentralized and runs on the mobile nodes themselves, requiring no central control. Experiments using ns2 simulator for up to 200 nodes show that the storage and bandwidth requirements of MVR grow slowly with the size of the network. Furthermore, MVR has demonstrated as self-administrating, fault-tolerant, and resilient under the different workloads. We also discuss alternative implementation options, and future work.


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Social network worms, such as email worms and facebook worms, pose a critical security threat to the Internet. Modeling their propagation dynamics is essential to predict their potential damages and develop countermeasures. Although several analytical models have been proposed for modeling propagation dynamics of social network worms, there are two critical problems unsolved: temporal dynamics and spatial dependence. First, previous models have not taken into account the different time periods of Internet users checking emails or social messages, namely, temporal dynamics. Second, the problem of spatial dependence results from the improper assumption that the states of neighboring nodes are independent. These two problems seriously affect the accuracy of the previous analytical models. To address these two problems, we propose a novel analytical model. This model implements a spatial-temporal synchronization process, which is able to capture the temporal dynamics. Additionally, we find the essence of spatial dependence is the spreading cycles. By eliminating the effect of these cycles, our model overcomes the computational challenge of spatial dependence and provides a stronger approximation to the propagation dynamics. To evaluate our susceptible-infectious-immunized (SII) model, we conduct both theoretical analysis and extensive simulations. Compared with previous epidemic models and the spatial-temporal model, the experimental results show our SII model achieves a greater accuracy. We also compare our model with the susceptible-infectious-susceptible and susceptible-infectious- recovered models. The results show that our model is more suitable for modeling the propagation of social network worms.


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The recent years have seen extensive work on statistics-based network traffic classification using machine learning (ML) techniques. In the particular scenario of learning from unlabeled traffic data, some classic unsupervised clustering algorithms (e.g. K-Means and EM) have been applied but the reported results are unsatisfactory in terms of low accuracy. This paper presents a novel approach for the task, which performs clustering based on Random Forest (RF) proximities instead of Euclidean distances. The approach consists of two steps. In the first step, we derive a proximity measure for each pair of data points by performing a RF classification on the original data and a set of synthetic data. In the next step, we perform a K-Medoids clustering to partition the data points into K groups based on the proximity matrix. Evaluations have been conducted on real-world Internet traffic traces and the experimental results indicate that the proposed approach is more accurate than the previous methods.


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With the arrival of Big Data Era, properly utilizing the power of big data is becoming increasingly essential for the strength and competitiveness of businesses and organizations. We are facing grand challenges from big data from different perspectives, such as processing, communication, security, and privacy. In this talk, we discuss the big data challenges in network traffic classification and our solutions to the challenges. The significance of the research lies in the fact that each year the network traffic increase exponentially on the current Internet. Traffic classification has wide applications in network management, from security monitoring to quality of service measurements. Recent research tends to apply machine-learning techniques to flow statistical feature based classification methods. In this talk, we propose a series of novel approaches for traffic classification, which can improve the classification performance effectively by incorporating correlated information into the classification process. We analyze the new classification approaches and their performance benefit from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. A large number of experiments are carried out on two real-world traffic datasets to validate the proposed approach. The results show the traffic classification performance can be improved significantly even under the extreme difficult circumstance of very few training samples. Our work has significant impact on security applications.


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Travellers in vehicles often have strong willingness to share their travel experience and exchange information to each other through social networks2, such as Facebook and Twitter. This, however, can be costly due to the limited connections to Internet on the road. In this paper we develop Verse to facilitate the social communications among vehicle travellers on highways. Verse enables passengers on-board vehicles to share the content information, such as travel blogs with pictures, among each other using the impromptu wireless inter-vehicle communications. Unlike traditional online social networks, which are built upon the reliable IP networks, vehicular social networks face fundamental challenges in that: 1) users are anonymous and strangers to each other and hard to identify potential friends of shared interests, and 2) users communicate through intermittent and unreliable inter-vehicle connections. On addressing the two challenges, Verse implements a friend recommendation function, which helps passengers efficiently identify potential social friends with both shared interests and relatively reliable wireless connections. In addition, Verse is equipped with a social-aware rate control scheme towards efficient utilization of network bandwidth. Using extensive simulations, we show that the friend recommendation function of Verse can effectively predict the mobility of vehicles to assist the social communication, and the social-aware rate control scheme quickly and efficiently adapts the vehicle’s transmission rate according to their social impacts.