37 resultados para Intermediate Western Boundary Current

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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We examined the status of the Little Penguin Eudyptula minor at Middle Island on the west coast of Victoria during the species' 1999/2000 breeding season. The vegetated upper surface of the island had 292 occupied burrows at a density of 0.02/m2. Peak dusk arrival occurred in January with 502 penguins coming ashore during a one-hour period. Little Penguins at Middle Island displayed important differences in breeding ecology from penguins in other Australian colonies. Early breeding combined with heavier adult and chick weights resulted in high breeding success. However, as Middle Island is a popular destination for day visitors, during the 1999/2000 Little Penguin breeding season, tourism ·was found to cause detrimental effects, including deaths of some eggs and chicks. There are also concerns for the conservation of the Little Penguin colony as faxes or dogs may readily access the island.


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Three closely allied shallow marine taxa, Neohornibrookella sorrentae (Chapman and Crespin), Neohornibrookella glyphica (Neil), and Neohornibrookella nepeani sp. nov. are recorded from latest early Miocene to late Pliocene strata in southeastern Australia. These taxa, together with Neohornibrookella quadranodosa (Holden) from the Miocene of Midway Island (Northwestern Hawaiian Islands), form a morphologically distinct group of relatively large species (the sorrentae-group) within the genus Neohornibrookella Jellinek. Latitudinal expansion of the subtropical and warm-temperate climatic belts together with the influence of warm western boundary surface currents associated with the North and South Pacific gyres, are likely to have played key roles in the Miocene dispersal of this species group. Species of the sorrentae-group first migrated south from equatorial west Pacific regions into southeastern Australia during the early Miocene, under the influence of the East Australian Current. During three time intervals (i) latest early Miocene, (ii) latest late Miocene and (iii) earliest late Pliocene, forceful pulses of the East Australian Current played a significant role in propelling the widespread distribution of thermophilic Neohornibrookella species across southeast Australian shallow marine realms. During intervening middle and late Miocene times, Neohornibrookella species are only sporadically present across the Bass Strait region of southeast Australia, indicating a weaker East Australian Current influence and the cooling influence of coastal upwelling. During the mid early Pliocene Neohornibrookella species disappeared from the western Bass Strait region, suggesting the complete exclusion of East Australian Current waters from this region. This was probably due to the counteracting influence of the eastward flowing Zeehan Current (extension of the Leeuwin Current) impinging on the western Bass Strait region. This mid early Pliocene palaeobiogeographical partition in Bass Strait, defined by the distribution of sorrentae-group species, is here termed the Bassian Gateway. The two species, N. sorrentae and N. glyphica, occur concurrently during the mid Miocene in southeast Australia, but are associated with different lithofacies. It is hypothesised that there is a heterochronic evolutionary relationship expressed in the ornament of these two species. The thaerocytherid genera Neohornibrookella Jellinek, Tenedocythere Sissingh and Bosasella Bonaduce are here included in the new ostracod subfamily Tenedocytherinae.


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The adjoining area of western Guizhou and eastern Yunnan Provinces in southwest China is an ideal place to investigate the feasibility of correlating marine and nonmarine Permian–Triassic boundary (PTB) sequences, as it contains outcrop sections of shallow marine, marginal marine (or paralic), and terrestrial PTB sections, all in close geographic proximity. This paper documents for the first time multiple stratigraphic data from several well-preserved terrestrial PTB sections in the area and attempts to use these data to define, locate, and correlate the PTB in the area. A study of the spores and pollen and vegetation types across the terrestrial PTB sections in the study area suggests three distinct evolutionary stages across the boundary: Stage 1 (Xuanwei Formation) is characterised by Late Permian or Paleozoic-type ferns and pteridosperms (85.0%), with a few gymnosperms (15.0%); stage 2 is marked by an abrupt drop of sporopollen elements of Late Permian aspects, coupled with the appearance of fungal spores and limited Early Triassic palynomorphs; stage 3 (top Xuanwei Formation and Kayitou Formation) is dominated by gymnosperm pollen (58.8%) of clearly Early Triassic aspect, although still retaining limited ferns and pteridosperms. The three biotic stages seem to well correspond with the changing trend of the δ13Corg curves from the same sections, which is characterized by a sharp drop just before the PTB, followed by a short term partial recovery across the boundary, and then succeeded by a gradual decline after the PTB in the Early Triassic. Combining evidence from eventostratigraphic (i.e., the succession of boundary clay beds), biostratigraphic (using both macroplants and palynomorphs), and chemostratigraphic (i.e., organic carbon isotope excursion signals), we propose that a high-resolution PTB succession, closely correlatable to its marine counterpart at the Meishan section in eastern China, is recognisable at the terrestrial PTB sections in the western Guizhou–eastern Yunnan area in southwest China.


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A unique marine Permian-Triassic boundary section containing rich oil source rocks has been continuously cored in a petroleum borehole from the Perth Basin of Western Australia. Such sequences, which provide a biostratigraphic and environmental record at the time of the largest extinction event of the past 500 million years, are globally rare, and this is the first to be documented in Australia. Throughout geological history there have been periods of global marine anoxia that commonly resulted in the widespread deposition of petroleum source rocks, most notably in the mid-Cretaceous and Late Jurassic. An apparent paradox is that, previously, source rocks have not been recognised in association with the Permian-Triassic boundary, despite widespread marine anoxia at this time. The Perth Basin source rocks contain abundant and unusual biomarkers, apparently related to the highly specialised and limited biota that flourished in the aftermath of the end-Permian extinction event. Local conditions may have favoured source-rock development, either due to higher productivity resulting from coastal upwelling or through enhanced preservation under strongly anoxic conditions.


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A small brachiopod fauna is described from the carbonate rocks of the basal Shazipo Formation of the Baoshan Block, western Yunnan, south-west China, including significant new ventral and dorsal internal morphological features of Cryptospirifer omeishanensis Huang. This fauna is regarded as Wordian (Middle Guadalupian, Middle Permian) because of the presence of Cryptospirifer omeishanensis Huang and associated fusulinids (Neoschwagerina craticulifera Zone). Palaeobiogeographically, the brachiopod fauna is of considerable interest because of its admixed nature characterized by typical warm-water Cathaysian elements intermingled with temperate Peri-Gondwanan taxa. This in turn is interpreted to indicate that the Baoshan Block may have been situated in an intermediate palaeogeographical position between Gondwanaland to the south and Cathaysia to the north during the Mid Permian and, as such, it probably furnished an important 'stepping stone' for the dispersal of Mid Permian eastern Tethyan marine invertebrate taxa (e.g. Cryptospirifer) to the western Tethys.


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The identification and correlation of the Carboniferous-Permian (Gzhelian-Asselian) boundary within the sedimentary sequences of Gondwana has always been a topic of debate. Type latest Carboniferous and earliest Permian marine sequences are characterised by warm tropical faunas and come from the Uralian Region of Russia and Kazakhstan. Faunas include conodonts and fusulinid foraminiferids which are prime tools for correlation. Such faunal groups are absent from most Gondwanan sequences where reliance for correlations must be placed primarily on brachiopods, bivalve molluscs and palynology. The Western Australian marine sequences, with their contained ammonoids, provide a pivotal link for the dating and correlating of Early Permian Gondwanan sequences with those of the type regions and their palynostratigraphical record is essential for trans-Australian correlations and correlations elsewhere throughout Gondwanaland.


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Detailed studies of anomalous conductors in otherwise homogeneous media have been modelled. Vertical contacts form common geometries in galvanic studies when describing geological formations with different electrical conductivities on either side. However, previous studies of vertical discontinuities have been mainly concerned with isotropic environments. In this paper, we deal with the effect on the electric potentials, such as mise-`a-la-masse anomalies, due to a conductor near a vertical contact between two anisotropic regions. We also demonstrate the interactive effects when the conductive body is placed across the vertical contact. This problem is normally very difficult to solve by the traditional numerical methods. The integral equations for the electric potential in anisotropic half-spaces are established. Green’s function is obtained using the reflection and transmission image method in which five images are needed to fit the boundary conditions on the vertical interface and the air-earth surface. The effects of the anisotropy of the environments and the conductive body on the electric potential are illustrated with the aid of several numerical examples.


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Attracting and retaining allied health professionals in rural areas is a recognised problem in both Australia and overseas. Predicted increases in health needs will require strategic actions to enhance the rural workforce and its ability to deliver the required services. A range of factors in different domains has been associated with recruitment and retention in the allied health workforce. For example, factors can be related to the nature of the work, the personal needs, or the way an organisation is led. Some factors cannot be changed (eg geographical location of extended family) whereas others can be influenced (eg education, support, management styles). Recruitment and retention of allied health professionals is a challenging problem that deserves attention in all domains and preparedness to actively change established work practices, both individually as well as collectively, in order to cater for current and predicted health needs. Changes to enhance workforce outcomes can be implemented and evaluated using a cyclic model. The Allied Health Workforce Enhancement Project of the Greater Green Triangle University Department of Rural Health (GGT UDRH) is working towards increasing the number of allied health professionals in the south west of Victoria. Based on themes identified in the literature, an interactive model is being developed that addresses recruitment and retention factors in three domains: (1) personal or individual; (2) organisation; and (3) community.


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Spatial and temporal variations in biological diversity are critical in understanding the role of biogeographical regulation (if any) on mass extinctions. An analysis based on a latest database of the stratigraphic ranges of 89 Permian brachiopod families, 422 genera, and 2059 species within the Boreal, Paleoequatorial, and Gondwanan Realms in the Asian–western Pacific region suggests two discrete mass extinctions, each possibly with different causes. Using species/family rarefaction analysis, we constructed diversity curves for late Artinskian–Kungurian, Roadian–Wordian, Capitanian, and Wuchiapingian intervals for filtering out uneven sampling intensities. The end-Changhsingian (latest Permian) extinction eliminated 87–90% of genera and 94–96% of species of Brachiopoda. The timing of the end-Changhsingian extinction of brachiopods in the carbonate settings of South China and southern Tibet indicates that brachiopods suffered a rapid extinction within a short interval just below the Permian/Triassic boundary.

In comparison, the end-Guadalupian/late Guadalupian extinction is less profound and varies temporally in different realms. Brachiopods in the western Pacific sector of the Boreal Realm nearly disappeared by the end-Guadalupian but experienced a relatively long-term press extinction spanning the entire Guadalupian in the Gondwanan Realm. The end-Guadalupian brachiopod diversity fall is not well reflected at the timescale used here in the Paleoequatorial Realm because the life-depleted early Wuchiapingian was overlapped by a rapid radiation phase in the late Wuchiapingian. The Guadalupian fall appears to be related to the dramatic reduction of habitat area for the brachiopods, which itself is associated with the withdrawal of seawater from continental Pangea and the closure of the Sino-Mongolian seaway by the and-Guadalupian.


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Life-cycle assessment (LCA) is a method for evaluating the environmental impacts of products holistically, including direct and supply chain impacts. The current LCA methodologies and the standards by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) impose practical difficulties for drawing system boundaries; decisions on inclusion or exclusion of processes in an analysis (the cutoff criteria) are typically not made on a scientific basis. In particular, the requirement of deciding which processes could be excluded from the inventory can be rather difficult to meet because many excluded processes have often never been assessed by the practitioner, and therefore, their negligibility cannot be guaranteed. LCA studies utilizing economic input−output analysis have shown that, in practice, excluded processes can contribute as much to the product system under study as included processes; thus, the subjective determination of the system boundary may lead to invalid results. System boundaries in LCA are discussed herein with particular attention to outlining hybrid approaches as methods for resolving the boundary selection problem in LCA. An input−output model can be used to describe at least a part of a product system, and an ISO-compatible system boundary selection procedure can be designed by applying hybrid input−output-assisted approaches. There are several hybrid input−output analysis-based LCA methods that can be implemented in practice for broadening system boundary and also for ISO compliance.


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In sexually dimorphic ungulates, sexual segregation is hypothesized to have evolved because of sex-specific differences in body size and/or reproductive strategies. We tested these alternative hypotheses in kangaroos, which are ecological analogues of ungulates. Kangaroos exhibit a wide range of body sizes, particularly among mature males, and so the effects of body size and sex can be distinguished. We tested predictions derived from these hypotheses by comparing the distribution of three sex–sex size classes of western grey kangaroos Macropus fuliginosus, in different habitats, and the composition of groups of kangaroos, across seasons. In accordance with the predation risk-reproductive strategy hypothesis, during the non-breeding season, females, which were more susceptible to predation than larger males, and were accompanied by vulnerable young-at-foot, were over-represented in secure habitats. Large males, which were essentially immune to predation, occurred more often than expected in nutrient-rich habitat, and small males, which faced competing demands of predator avoidance and feeding, were intermediate between females and large males in their distribution across habitats. During the breeding season, females continued to be over-represented in secure habitats when their newly emerged pouch young were most vulnerable to predation. All males occupied these same habitats to maximize their chances of securing mates. Consistent with the social hypotheses, groups composed of individuals of the same sex, irrespective of body size, were over-represented in the population during the non-breeding season, while during the breeding season all males sought females so that mixed-sex groups predominated. These results indicate that body size and reproductive strategies are both important, yet independent, factors influencing segregation in western grey kangaroos.


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Aims & rationale/Objectives : The objectives of this workforce and service enhancement project include: (i) establishing the magnitude of podiatry needs; and (ii) developing a model that can be used to enhance podiatry workforce and podiatry services.
Methods : Surveys to podiatrists and health agencies to determine vacancies, waiting lists, work practices and recruitment methods. Desktop analysis of predictive data for burden of disease and population changes per local government area (LGA). Meetings with podiatrists and their professional association, health care agencies, universities, and Local and State Governments.
Principal findings : Results showed
Long podiatry waiting lists (up to 12 months)
Podiatry vacancies and service gaps
Absence of qualified foot assistants
A high chronic disease burden
A population age mix that is predicted to change dramatically over the next 25 years in favour of those who are 60 years of age or older
Ineffective recruitment methods
The workforce enhancement model that emanated from the meetings with the steering group includes podiatrists as well as auxiliaries such as foot-care assistants who work together in an interprofessional model of care that expands across the region. In addition to training foot-care assistants and the development of a podiatry teaching clinic to enhance student placement, the model builds onto a current continuous professional development program for allied health professionals.
Discussion : Although the allied health workforce (including podiatry) is playing an increasingly important role in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, rural areas in particular are disadvantaged by recruitment and retention problems. The podiatry workforce shortage is compounded by ageing populations. Age is associated with increased podiatry usage due to chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and osteoarthritis.
Implications : A strategic plan developed in consultation with stakeholders aims to improve rural podiatry services in a sustainable manner. The project will be implemented when adequate funding is allocated this year and will be evaluated on its impact on services.
Presentation type : Paper


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Background: The introduction of the Australia Council's 'Arts in a Multicultural Australia Policy' (AIMAP) (2000) represented a shift in how the arts in multicultural communities were viewed. It has long been recognised that the arts play a significant role in promoting social cohesion, social policy goals, economic growth, and shaping a nation’s sense of identity. However, prior to the introduction of this policy, multicultural arts was typically seen as involving cultural retentive activities which had their roots in expressions of migrant cultural traditions. The introduction of the policy heralded the beginning of an era in which culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) Australians were seen as integral to the fabric of the Australian arts sector. Evaluation of the policy in 2005 however, revealed that culturally and linguistically diverse Australians were under-represented in most artistic categories. Western Australia is the most culturally diverse state in Australia. It is therefore of great interest to the State Government to have a comprehensive picture of the situation in that state. Hence, the Office of Multicultural Interests (OMI) commissioned Deakin University to undertake an investigation into the participation rates of CaLD artists in the arts sector in Western Australia.

Scope: The project examined the participation in the arts of CaLD artists in Western Australia. The arts sector comprises many more individuals and organisations than artists. For example, there are arts agency administrators, venue operators, policy officers, curators, and countless others who work together to make up the arts sector. This project focused on the artists, the individuals such as those who make music, visual art, dance and theatre performances. In the past it has been shown that CaLD populations are not well represented in the broader arts sector. This research aimed to discover the current position for CaLD artists in terms of participation in the broader arts sector and what factors influence their situation.


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Government environment protection policies for waterways have traditionally relied on water quality indicators and their objectives. In this paper we describe the development of biological objectives based on invertebrate indicators for inclusion in a government policy for the catchment of Western Port Bay, Victoria. The first step of defining segments (areas with streams in which the same objectives are applied) was problematic, requiring two different approaches, as follows. Site groups initially based on invertebrate community composition derived using multivariate techniques (ordination and classification) proved to be unsuitable for policy segments. Segment boundaries were subsequently defined using topographical (e.g. boundary of foothills and lowland plains), climate (e.g. rainfall) and land-use (e.g. urban) features. We used information and data from reference sites inside as well outside the catchment to derive specific biological objectives based on aquatic invertebrates for these segments. Objectives were specified for the following four indicators – number of invertebrate families, the SIGNAL index, the AUSRIVAS predictive model and the number of key families.


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Studies of materialism have increased in recent years, and most of these studies examine various aspects of materialism including its individual or social consequences. However, understanding, and possibly shaping, a society’s materialistic tendencies requires a more complete study of the relationship between a society’s institutional patterns and the acceptance of materialism by its members. Consequently, the current study examines five of the institutional antecedents of materialism to understand better how and why it develops as a mode of consumption within a society. More specifically, a model relating materialism and a set of institutionalized patterns of social behavior referred to as the dominant social paradigm was developed and tested in a study of seven industrial, market-based countries. The results suggest that the economic, technological, political, anthropocentric, and competition institutions making up the dominant social paradigm are all positively related to materialism. The implications of the relationship are then discussed.