45 resultados para Infection disease

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Hepatitis B is a serious global infection disease and a major cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. However, data on Occult Hepatitis B in Iran are scare. The current study assessed the frequency of Anti-HBc and HBV DNA in serum sample of healthy blood donors negative for HBsAg stratified by sex and age; and also investigated the relationship between detection of HBV-DNA and anti-HBc positivity. Since anti-HBc screening is not performed in Iranian Blood Bank, we assessed whether anti-HBc could be adopted as a screening assay for the donated blood. The study included a total of 1525 blood samples of blood donors negative for hepatitis B virus surface antigen ( 87% male with a mean age ± SD: of 31±8yr; and 13% female with a mean age ± SD of 30±6yr). Eight percent (121 out of 1525) of the blood samples with negative HBs-Ag were positive for Anti-HBc and were all from males. HBV-DNA was detected in 36 out of 121 anti-HBc+ specimens (29.7%). The study found a positive relation between anti-HBc positivity and detection of HBV-DNA in serum samples of HBs-Ag negative blood donors. Findings from this study suggest that, introducing anti HBc screening in Iran maybe very practical in order to limit the transmission risk of Occult Hepatitis B virus through blood transfusion.


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The presence or growth of microbes on textiles may result in a series of problems such as unpleasant odors, cross infection, disease transmission, or discoloration and deterioration of textiles. Imparting textiles with antimicrobial property can effectively eliminate these adversities and thus has been attracting great attention. This chapter summarizes the commonly used antimicrobial agents such as silver, metal oxides, photoactive dyes, quaternary ammonium compounds, N-halamines, triclosan, polybiguanides, chitosan, and plant-derived bioactive agents, their characteristics, toxicity, antimicrobial ability, ecological acceptability, and related textile finishing techniques and evaluation methods. Since durability to repeated washing is the major challenge for the practical use of antimicrobial textiles, the chapter provides details on the technique to immobilize antimicrobial agents onto fibers. In addition, impacts of using antimicrobial textiles on the environment and health are discussed in the last section.


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Summary: The aim of this study was to evaluate a number of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) test methods for use in red deer. Ten animals were intranasally inoculated with the FMD virus (FMDV) O UKG 11/2001, monitored for clinical signs, and samples taken regularly (blood, serum, oral swabs, nasal swabs, probang samples and lesion swabs, if present) over a 4-week period. Only one animal, deer 1103, developed clinical signs (lesions under the tongue and at the coronary band of the right hind hoof). It tested positive by 3D and IRES real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) in various swabs, lesion materials and serum. In a non-structural protein (NSP) in-house ELISA (NSP-ELISA-IH), one commercial ELISA (NSP-ELISA-PR) and a commercial antibody NSP pen side test, only deer 1103 showed positive results from day post-inoculation (dpi) 14 onwards. Two other NSP-ELISAs detected anti-NSP serum antibodies with lower sensitivity. It also showed rising antibody levels in the virus neutralization test (VNT), the in-house SPO-ELISA-IH and the commercial SPO-ELISA-PR at dpi 9, and in another two commercial SPO-ELISAs at dpi 12 (SPO-ELISA-IV) and dpi 19 (SPO-ELISA-IZ), respectively. Six of the red deer that had been rRT-PCR and antibody negative were re-inoculated intramuscularly with the same O-serotype FMDV at dpi 14. None of these animals became rRT-PCR or NSP-ELISA positive, but all six animals became positive in the VNT, the in-house SPO-ELISA-IH and the commercial SPO-ELISA-PR. Two other commercial SPO-ELISAs were less sensitive or failed to detect animals as positive. The rRT-PCRs and the four most sensitive commercial ELISAs that had been used for the experimentally inoculated deer were further evaluated for diagnostic specificity (DSP) using 950 serum samples and 200 nasal swabs from non-infected animals. DSPs were 100% for the rRT-PCRs and between 99.8 and 100% for the ELISAs.


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White tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) were inoculated with foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) O UKG 11/2001 and monitored for the development of clinical signs, histopathological changes and levels of virus replication. All FMDV-infected deer developed clinical signs starting at 2 days post inoculation and characterized by an increase in body temperature, increased salivation and lesions in the mouth and on the feet. Virus spread to various tissues was determined by quantifying the amount of FMDV RNA using quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Virus or viral antigen was also detected in tissues using traditional isolation techniques, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay and immunohistochemistry. Deer-to-cattle transmission of the virus was observed in this experimental setting; however, inoculated deer were not found to become carriers of FMDV.


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The nucleotide sequence of the Brachyspira hyodysenteriae ftnA gene, encoding a putative ferritin protein (FtnA), was determined. Analysis of the sequence predicted that this gene encoded a protein of 180 amino acids. RT-PCR and Western blot showed that the ftnA gene was expressed in B. hyodysenteriae, and evidence suggests that FtnA stores iron rather than haem. ftnA was delivered as DNA and recombinant protein vaccines in a mouse model of B. hyodysenteriae infection. Vaccine efficacy was monitored by caecal pathology and quantification of B. hyodysenteriae numbers in the caeca of infected mice by real-time PCR.


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Clubroot, caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae, is the most devastating soil-borne disease of vegetable brassicas. It occurs all over the world and is responsible for crop losses of up to 10% every year. In Australia, the disease is being managed effectively with chemicals and cultural practices, but ideally control can be improved in the long term by the introduction of resistant cultivars. The life cycle ofP. brassicae and mode of action of plant resistance has not been fully elucidated because of the technical difficulties of working with an obligate, soil-borne plant pathogen. However, Arabidopsis thaliana, which is a host ofP. brassicae, has great potential as a model system for studying the life cycle, the infection process and development of resistance. We have developed a sand-liquid-culture system for growing Arabidopsis that allows easy observation of all life stages and, most importantly, the primary plasmodial stages within the root hair. The method was first optimised for observations of the lifecycle of the pathogen in a susceptible Arabidopsis ecotype (Col-3) where all stages of the lifecycle have now been observed and characterised. Further screening of Arabidopsis ecotypes for disease resistance has utilised one of the most virulent Australian pathotypes of brassica (ECD number 16/19/31). To date, Arabidopsis ecotype Ta-0 has shown a level of tolerance to the disease even though the roots get infected. It has been reported earlier that resistance toP. brassicae in Arabidopsis is due to one or a small number of genes. To examine changes in gene expression during the early, critical stages of infection, RNA was extracted from the susceptible and resistant ecotypes at two time points, 4 days and 17 days after inoculation. Microarray analysis will be used to investigate genome wide changes in gene expression during infection but also to identify candidate genes that may confer resistance to Australian isolates of the pathogen.


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Amoebic gill disease (AGD) is a problem in the farming of Atlantic salmon, and may compromise osmoregulatory, cardiovascular and respiratory functions. We examined the effects of AGD on atrial and C-type natriuretic peptide (ANP and CNP) stimulated branchial cyclic GMP formation, since natriuretic peptides (NPs) are involved in cardiovascular function and osmoregulation. NPs act via guanylyl cyclase receptors (NPR), which stimulate cGMP formation. NPR activity was measured by ANP and CNP stimulation of branchial cGMP formation, and compared between diseased and healthy salmon over an 11 day AGD infection. We also measured plasma osmolality. Osmolality increased in AGD infected salmon from an initial 355 mmol.kg-1 to 411 mmol.kg-1 at 11 days. There was no evidence that branchial cGMP formation changed in response to AGD. In all groups, CNP stimulation of guanylyl cyclase was 190% of basal rate, whereas ANP was 150% of basal. After 11 days, all groups were given a 4 h freshwater bath, the usual treatment for AGD. Another group was given a seawater to seawater transfer, to control for handling. In this group, plasma osmolality at 11 days was the same as in AGD fish. This elevation may be due to these fish experiencing disturbance for the first time in 11 days. ANP and CNP branchial NPR activity at the conclusion of the 4 h transfers was elevated in all groups compared to that at 11 days. The increased cGMP formation in the handling control suggests a NPR response to the transfer/handling stress. AGD fish demonstrated the greatest elevation in ANP and CNP guanylyl cyclase activity immediately following the bath; these values were greater than in the control groups. The AGD infected salmon, therefore, responded more emphatically to the freshwater treatment, suggesting that the NP system is involved in some aspects of AGD.


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A modified sand–liquid culture method facilitated easy visualisation of the primary life cycle stages of Plasmodiophora brassicae within clean root hairs of the Arabidopsis host. Pathogen penetration occurred from day 4 onwards and then primary plasmodia developed within the host root. Several Arabidopsis ecotypes tested in varying growth conditions showed differences in disease expression. Defined growth cabinet conditions were found most suitable for studying disease progression in the ecotypes and for achieving uniform infection and disease development. Arabidopsis ecotypes Ta-0 and Tsu-0 known to be partially resistant to a German single-spore isolate of P. brassicae were susceptible to an Australian (Victorian) field population of P. brassicae. The European clubroot differential test was used to confirm virulence and describe the pathotype of the Victorian field population. Knowledge of the interaction of an Australian population of P. brassicae with its host will provide valuable information on a disease which is very difficult to control.


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A group specific ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) was developed to detect virus infection associated antibodies in the serum of animals infected with any serotype of foot and mouth disease virus. The assay was developed from non-infectious sources, and is therefore suitable for use in countries where FMDV is exotic.


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The outbreak of the Influenza A (H1N1) virus has led to numerous precautionary school closures in several countries. No research is available on the school teachers’ perceptions as a health protective resource in controlling communicable disease outbreaks. The purposes of this study were to examine the risk perception, the perceived understanding of preventive measures and contingency plans, and the needs of school teachers before the imminent outbreak of H1N1. This survey was conducted with 1,169 Hong Kong school teachers before school closures due to the H1N1 outbreak. The results showed that the teachers were well aware of H1N1 but were still worried about the spread of H1N1 infection. The teachers’ worries depended on their psychological reaction, the adequacy of the control measures, government support in providing infectious disease knowledge, perceived understanding of preventive measures and contingency plans, students and parents’ awareness, and the need for support from health professionals.


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Novel members of the bacterial genus Brucella have recently emerged as pathogens of various marine mammal species and as potential zoonotic agents. We investigated the epizootiology of Brucella infection in Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) by establishing demographic and temporal variations in antibody prevalence, attempting isolation of the causative agent, and determining whether this potential pathogen is involved in frequent abortions observed in this pinniped species. Two competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (cELISAs), an indirect ELISA, and a fluorescence polarization assay (FPA) were used to test sera for Brucella antibodies. The FPA and cELISA proved suitable for use in this species. Significant differences in antibody prevalence were found between age classes of seals sampled between 2007 and 2009 at one colony. Pups sampled at this site (n5134) were negative for Brucella antibodies by all serologic tests but 17 of 45 (38%) of juveniles were antibody-positive. Antibody prevalence in adult females was significantly higher than in juveniles (P50.044). Antibody prevalence for adult females between 2003 and 2009 varied significantly over time (P50.011), and for individuals sampled between 2003 and 2005, the likelihood of pregnancy was greater in individuals positive for Brucella antibodies (P50.034). Inflammatory lesions suggestive of infectious agents were found in 14 of 39 aborted Australian fur seal pups, but pathologic changes were not uniformly consistent for Brucella infection. Culture and PCR investigations on fetal tissues were negative for Brucella. Culture and PCR on selected fresh or frozen tissues from 36 juvenile and adult animals were also negative. We suspect that the prevalence of active infection with Brucella in Australian fur seals is low relative to antibody prevalence. © Wildlife Disease Association 2011.